Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Involuntarily Institutionalized Because of Armstrongism

 (Permission has been granted to post this story)

I have a story I'd like to get out there.

In '97, I had an epiphany...it hit me like a ton of bricks that I grew up in a cult, I was abused in the name of god, I didn't have nice things when I was a kid because of tithes.

Basically, I realized my whole life had been a lie. I grew bitter and angry. I stopped talking to my parents, and when I did talk, it was angry talk. Not violent...just very angry.

Behind my back, my mom went and got a petition to involuntarily institutionalize me, on the basis that I was a danger to myself (another lie). So, one morning, a white van showed up and two guys got out to take me. I was scared. But one of the guys was none other than Mark Johnson, who grew up in WWCG. He was very comforting and let me smoke a cigarette before we went in the building. He also happens to be black. He asked me what was going on in my life. I explained to him that I was not suicidal, just bitter about my whole upbringing.

I found out that day what damage that "church" did to him as well. At church dances, when he'd dance with a white girl, he was made to stop. I've heard many of these stories in the groups. He also blamed that "church" for the overdose death of another friend. Mark told me I shouldn't be there, but my parents should. That seemed to be the consensus. While I was there in the psych ward for 3 days, the doctor and nurses told me there was nothing wrong with me and I had every right to be angry. Of course, when this was relayed to my parents, my mom decided "the doctor didn't know what he was talking about." So, what it all boiled down to, my mom was punishing me for being angry with her, realizing they couldn't control me anymore.

My parents have apologized for a lot of the abuse, but they still revere "Mr. Armstrong." So, it's kind of hard to forgive them. But I do love them and I am trying to forgive. It's just easier said than done.



  1. Behind my back, my mom went and got a petition to involuntarily institutionalize me, on the basis that I was a danger to myself (another lie). So, one morning, a white van showed up and two guys got out to take me. I was scared. But one of the guys was none other than Mark Johnson, who grew up in WWCG. He was very comforting and let me smoke a cigarette before we went in the building. He also happens to be black. He asked me what was going on in my life. I explained to him that I was not suicidal, just bitter about my whole upbringing.

    What is this about?? Another guy in the church picking him up to take to psyche ward??
    The >church< probably told his mother to do this. I can see this happening. What assholes!!

  2. David Pack, Roderick Meredith, Gerald Flurry... you might not be able to get them committed, but if they were in a mental institution they might have a terrible time getting out.

    Ronald Weinland isn't included in this list because he's already in prison.

  3. My parents would probably have tried the same thing if they thought it was an option. They just didn't follow how their youngest child could reject "God's truth restored by HWA" (the constant amending of "God" with "Herbert Armstrong" has never stopped striking me as being a self-evident issue!).

    As for interracial relations in the WCG, I can tell you now that this black man, growing up in the Southern US, got all kinds of dirty looks and exhalations from dancing with the white girls. :)
