Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, January 2, 2015

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year from Pasadena!

Our New Year's wish for you is that even more of you leave 
the legalistic and abusive Churches of God.  

That Dave Pack opens his mouth again and makes a bigger idiot of himself than he already is.

That the Living Church of God and Philadelphia Church of God 
continue their downward spiral and implosion.

That Armstrongism truly DIE!

That peace and grace truly free you!


  1. Historically highest Tomorrow's World circulation, historically highest income, increasing membership, hundreds of baptisms, increasing attendance. If those are indicative of LCG's downward spiral let's have more of it.

  2. Remember a few years ago when some UCG ministers actually said that phrase - in services, and even in church videos online?

    Most of the leaders who did that moved to COGWA in the 2010 split - so I was surprised tonight to see "Life Hope and Truth" has a post AGAINST marking New Year's.

    Did Clyde Kilough and Ralph Levy repent, or what?

    Anyway: thankfully loyal COG members now have an alternative thing to say on January 1. Happy "NHL Winter Classic" Day. :-)

  3. "How to Lie With Statistics"?

    The Armstrong movement has been bombed back into the Stone Age by the incessant splintering, which shows no sign of abating. You can have temporary statistical upticks in the middle of an overall declining trend, but until LCG's numbers surpass 140,000, and until the broadcast is as well known as the Garner Ted Armstrong program in its hey day, we could not really say that there has been any sort of recovery.

    I would also remind the members of splinter groups with aging leaders that the tsunami struck the old WCG when HWA's personal hourglass ran out of sand.

    Psst. Gamaliel!


  4. Priam, disenchanted people crossing over from UCG, COGWA and other groups hardly counts as increase. Nice try.

  5. Dave is becoming more and more secretive and he is doing all he can to isolate his group from friends, family, and the world so that they cannot see how insane he really is. But he sure dresses well doing it; nice suits and jewelry Dave, Jesus would be proud of you. ������

  6. That Armstrongism truly DIE!

    A sentiment shared by Christians, atheists, agnostics and even Buddhists knowledgeable of the evil Empire.

    May you be granted your lofty desires, for if God is against them, who can be for them.

  7. Anonymous 7:30 am wrote:

    "Priam, disenchanted people crossing over from UCG, COGWA and other groups hardly counts as increase. Nice try."

    Sorry to disappoint you but I also mentioned hundreds of baptisms and there are LCG congregations which are composed of a majority who never knew WCG nor came from other CoG groups. I know that's not what you want to hear but it's the truth.

  8. armstrongism's claims about germany coming true?



  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...

    armstrongism's claims about germany coming true?


    January 4, 2015 at 9:14 PM

    Well do you blame them. Didn't the US do the same to them first. I'm sure they're tired of the U.S.'s double standard and watching all the crap that goes on over here. Guess the US brought in on themselves by not living up to that holier than thou (rest of the world) attitude not seeing that they are the evil ones really. It's ironic the church that claims it is the true church has this same holier than thou attitude, at the same time torturing their members and full of hate crimes. Meanwhile, back at the funny farm.

  10. PS...and you could say Christ/HWA prophecy about the Laodicean church and false prophets is pretty much come true also.

    ...and I believe the prophecy about Germany was Christ's before it was claimed by HWA...remember?

  11. old EXPCG hag believes "the prophecy about Germany was Christ's before it was claimed by HWA."

    Wait, wait. You mean Christ was a false prophet too?

  12. Anonymous Retired Prof said...

    old EXPCG hag believes "the prophecy about Germany was Christ's before it was claimed by HWA."

    Wait, wait. You mean Christ was a false prophet too?

    January 6, 2015 at 7:19 AM

    Retired Prof of what?
