Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Adrian Gray Left Ministry In Elijah Pack's Church Because Of Elijah's Obsession With Money

It's nice to see that at least one man had a pair of balls in Elijah's personalty cult.  When will the rest of the men grow a pair and help stop the membership from being abused?  Every single minister in the Restored Church of God is complicit in the spiritual abuse and crimes being committed against the members.  They see first hand the abuse and do nothing, and many times will take Elijah's brain farts and force them even harder on the membership.
Ex-minister Adrian Gray left RCG in 2013, because: “Mr Pack’s focus on members is to get as much cash from them as possible. He uses not going to the place of safety and hellfire for those who do not give all, and laying up your reward in heaven for those who do give all.”

With Elijah Dave's latest demands for the members to sell personal belongings and holdings in order to send it all in to Elijah is sure to add more money to Elijah's dwindling coffer's. If theses people suffer hardship because of Elijah Dave then they actually deserve it.  How many more years are going to pass before they stop sticking their heads in the ground ignoring the abuse coming down the pipeline from Elijah?


  1. Is it time again to mention "Life Code: The New Rules for Winning in the Real World" by Dr. Phil McGraw and "Take Back Your Life: Recovering from Cults and Abusive Relationships" by Janja Lalich and Madeleine Tobias?

    If not, let me know when....

  2. Wow, what a shocker! If there actually are ever any new members coming into RCG, they probably pick up on this preoccupation with money within the first five minutes of their first church visit.

    But, better a delayed sense of conscience than never.


  3. Dave is cutting his theological n financial throat before our eyes. The now brain dead and prophetically foolish and ill l informed will go down with him and by now deserve to I suppose

  4. Does anyone know how get Pack's tax returns. I think once his charitable contributions are exposed that may help the sheeple.

  5. I have a copy of HWA's tax return for 1981. Adjusted gross income was $421,052. Contributions were $46,589. Do the math. . . .

  6. Adjusted for inflation, HWA income equals $1.1 million.

  7. Anonymous said...

    Does anyone know how get Pack's tax returns. I think once his charitable contributions are exposed that may help the sheeple.

    February 7, 2015 at 3:40 PM

    Sic the IRS on them all!!
    Sic the APS and CPS on them all!!

  8. Most the time the ministers turn in to ah's is because of pressure from the top AH. Also if the men were raised in the church such as Brian Davis and Andrew Hessong (Uncle Andy), they don't have a life outside the compound. They wouldn't make as much money any where else, that is, even if they could find a job. The so called >CHURCH (whoever they are) is their life. You threaten their pay, such as losing your job or needing money for YOUR family, they go berserk and turn into the ah's they really are, because this means less money for them "the special ones".
    Gerald Flurry didn't need to prove he and his were being blessed by God by pressuring the congregation into giving and giving to his projects. Gerald Flurry just set up the kingdom of god in Edmond for he and his. It IS all about ego and money, that's a fact. Jesus is no where in the equation!

  9. Me Thinks that this applies to many of the COG Gurus...

    The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias wherein unskilled individuals suffer from illusory superiority, mistakenly assessing their ability much higher than is accurate.

    This bias is attributed to a metacognitive inability of the unskilled to recognize their ineptitude. Conversely, highly skilled individuals tend to underestimate their relative competence, erroneously assuming that tasks which are easy for them are also easy for others.

    Dunning and Kruger proposed that, for a given skill, incompetent people will

    -fail to recognize their own lack of skill;
    -fail to recognize genuine skill in others;
    -fail to recognize the extremity of their inadequacy;
    -recognize and acknowledge their own previous lack of skill, if they are exposed to training for that skill.

    Source - WIKIPEDIA

  10. Do you find yourself falling into one or more of these codependent relationship patterns with PACK?

    • PACK pleasing: You go above and beyond to make PACK happy. You might avoid confronting PACK about important issues because you fear rejection or worry more about PACK'S feelings than your own.
    • Define your self-worth by PACK: Do you care too much about what PACK thinks of you?
    • Ignore red flags: Do you ignore PACK'S dishonesty, possessiveness, or jealous tendencies?
    • Give too much in a relationship: You might even ignore your own self-care or feel that you're being selfish if you take care of yourself.
    • Have poor boundaries: This can mean you have trouble saying "no" to PACK"S requests of others or allowing PACK to take advantage of you.
    • Stay in a relationship with PACK who is distant, unavailable, or abusive -

    THE SOLUTION TO THIS IS OBVIOUS , READ MORE...http://www.huffingtonpost.com/terry-gaspard-msw-licsw/overcoming-codependency_b_4179666.html

  11. Wikipedia is a prime victim of the Dunning–Kruger effect.
