Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Elijah Dave Pack Claims To Have Channeled Elijah's Personality and May Soon Be The Most Attacked Human On Earth in 6000 Years!

From another visitor here who listened to some of Elijah Dave's third sermon.  The appalling narcissistic arrogance of Elijah Dave knows no boundaries.

After claiming to be Joshua for the last couple of years Dave has now advanced up to Elijah status, so much so that he claims to have taken upon himself the actual personality of the "original " Elijah!  As if some asswipe in the 21st century knows what the Elijah from a 2,000 year old manuscript actually thought and felt.  How stupid can this man get?  Oh, but it gets WORSE!

Elijah Dave now claims that he will soon be the most attacked human in 6,000 years of history.  Anything that Jesus went through pales in comparison to want Elijah Dave may soon be facing!

Elijah Dave's god has been looking after him since his immaculate birth, all through college in Pasadena while wearing his Speedo's, and through three different Church of God's where his arrogance got the better of him and he was kicked out.  His god had a part in all of that leading him to Wadsworth were it told him to build his empire and produce the worlds largest religious web site to ever exist in human history.  It's all so superfantabulous that it boggles the mind!

Speaking of Jesus, have any of you noticed how he says NOTHING about the guy in 6 hours of sermons and 130 points?  It's all about Elijah Dave.  130 "I" statements "proving" he is "Elijah."

"Without [me] God said he would strike the earth with utter destruction" "I may turn out to be the most attacked human being in the last 6000 years" "Now i understand more than ever that God had to look after me in a unique way. I guess he'd have to do that if I were just an apostle, but ..." If I were just an apostle :-) "In so many ways I have Elijah's own personality". "I'm cut from a different cloth from the rest".

Yes, we can all affirm that Elijah Dave is CERTAINLY cut from another cloth than the rest of us!

ht: Michael


  1. It's called 'paranoia'.

    It is treated by mental health professionals.

    Of course, the paranoid entering treatment think they are being attacked....

  2. He's also clearly a rank-o-holic.
    Not content with being "just an apostle", he had to promote himself to Haggai, Joshua and now Elijah (skipping Elisha since that rank is already taken by Flurry). :-)

    Of course, since his minions are also HWA accolytes, he's forced to boot HWA up to Moses to make room for himself being Elijah.

    Not much more room left before he maxxes out, though.
    Now if he can only promote HWA to being Jesus, then he can slip into the Moses rank!

  3. Stress factor, devolution. Pretty conclusive evidence of that in the sermon there. Elijah, indeed.


  4. Sing along to "You're So Vain" by Carly Simon

    Pack's so vain, he probably think this song is about him...

    Pack's so vain, I'll bet he think this post is about you..
    Don't you? Don't You?

    You had me several years ago when I was still quite naive...
    Well you said that his church and I were a pretty pair...
    And that I could never leave..
    But you have wrecked the things I loved ...
    and one of them was me...
    I had some dreams, they were clouds in my coffee
    Clouds in my coffee, and...

    Clouds in my coffee, and...

    Well I hear you went up to Wadsworth to perpetrate your CON...
    Then your post was written on all of the blogs...
    You have eclipsed the glory of the Son...
    Well you're where you should be all the time
    And when you're not you're with
    Some RCG spy or stealing money from the widowed wife of a close friend
    Wife of a close friend, and...

    Pack's so vain, he probably think this song is about him...


  5. Elijah Dave now claims that he will soon be the most attacked human in 6,000 years of history. Anything that Jesus went through pales in comparison to want Elijah Dave may soon be facing!

    Isn't he giving this prophecy AFTER THE FACT? lol

  6. Wow.

    This man is saying that all of humanity would be destroyed and there will be no possibility for any eternal life if it were not for his ministry.

    I do believe that Dave is completely delusional, but there is a part of me that is considering this is desperation on his part to keep his church afloat. This could very well be a last ditch effort to extract as much money as possible from his followers to keep the creditors at bay.

    He jumped the shark with the clarion call after his wife died and, it seems, everything that he has done since has been a calculated effort to grasp for as much money, with as little oversight as possible.

    I actually think being an Elijah is the greatest job in the world.

  7. wasn't Meredith the 4th most important person in the universe, or was it 5th? Now where is Pack in relation to the universe hierarchy?

  8. Gobless these folks who are willing to sit through these tirades to figure out what the narcissist-in-chief has to say. They're doing the lord's work.

    Elijah Dave is right that I won't be able to stop listening to them, but only because I can't bring myself to even start.

  9. Behold the transformation (or perhaps the gradual revelation):

    1998 Dave Pack:

    "I'm not going to claim to behold some high office, or I am some kind of 'secret apostle' in waiting. Baloney. I don't think that way."

    ...7 years later..

    2005 Dave Pack:

    "Mr. Armstrong was a Apostle. Yes brethren I hold that office. I do... If the highest office in Restored Church of God is not an apostle, then I was not sent by Christ."

    ...10 years after that...

    2015 Dave Pack:

    "Now I understand more than ever that God had to look after me in a unique way. I guess he'd have to do that if I were JUST an apostle..."

    I think now it can be documented what kind of creep Dave Pack has always been, at least since groups of people were organizing in WCG to draft open letters of complaint about him.

  10. Some ANAGRAMS for "Elijah Dave Pack"...

    >A Jacked Hap Evil

    >A Hack..Pedal Jive

    >Leave Hijack Pad

    >Hived Ape Jackal

  11. Now if he can only promote HWA to being Jesus, then he can slip into the Moses rank!

    Better yet, HWA is God the Father. That makes him J̶e̶s̶u̶s̶ David Christ!

  12. He has begun the death spiral into the ground

  13. Dave would fall out if he could grasp there was no Moses in real history and is a priestly literary construct by captive priests in Babylon . Thus hwa was a fake Moses making Dave a fake Elijah

  14. Just imagine being an RCG member. Suddenly, you are being called upon to discern whether your fearless leader has experienced a psychotic break, or is now Elijah, and has the right to all of your physical belongings!

    I'm thinking Shirley most certainly drew the short end of that deal!


  15. I know, listening to that mess is quite difficult. I need an autotranscribe program :)

  16. Most attacked? Someone please finish the job, so we don't hear anymore of his BS.

  17. If he is the most attacked man in 6,000 years, isn't he saying he is J̶e̶s̶u̶s̶ Christ?

  18. Dave Pack (just like his brother in Satan) Gerald Flurry, has made his church all about him. There is no time for members to read there Bibles.

    They are forced to listen to his sermons over and over, read his books again and again...all to try and figure out all the roles and titles he fills. They are spending all time following a man. What time is left for God?

  19. "In so many ways I have Elijah's own personality."


    What is the most reasonable estimate of what's going on here?
    a) Psychotic: A man steadily losing touch with reality but doesn't know it
    b) Neurotic: A man whose ego and personal insecurities know no bounds
    c) Criminal: A man becoming increasingly desperate in his attempts to keep conning the same people out of the same assets
    d) All of the above

    I'm sorry, I couldn't think of another reasonable option. So, what option are the people in his cult forking over their cash managing to select and think falls within the bounds of what's plausible and reasonable?

  20. Http://www.recoveringgrace.org/2013/03/toxic-people-narcissists-in-ministry/

    No mystery here


  21. “Elijah Dave Pack Claims To Have Channeled Elijah's Personalty and May Soon Be The Most Attacked Human On Earth in 6000 Years!”

    David Pack might have learned this old trick of saying he will be attacked from Gerald Flurry. When Gerald Flurry wanted to shove Jesus out of the way and make himself out to be the prophet referred to in Deuteronomy 18:17-19, Gerald started off his five-part sermon series about it by warning that he had some wonderful “new truth” that had been revealed to him that was so wonderful that he was going to be attacked terribly for teaching it. Well, maybe Gerald should have been attacked for telling such outrageous fibs. Maybe everyone should have thrown their Bibles (and shoes and chairs) at Gerald for trying to play such a dirty, satanic trick on them. If this seemed like too strong a reaction, and they preferred to act calm and play it cool in the face of such pure evil, they could have at least just said, “The Lord rebuke thee, Gerald.”

    David Pack made it sound like some church member had put this latest idea in his head that he is the Elijah. Even though David is the one who came up with all this stuff and is the one who is trying to force it on everyone else, he made it sound like others came up with the idea. This, too, is exactly what Gerald Flurry had done. Gerald had claimed that some church member had been reading the Bible, noticed Deuteronomy 18:17-19, and suggested to Gerald that he was the prophet mentioned there. Of course, humble Gerald then supposedly honestly, sincerely, prayerfully looked into the matter and realised that the PCG member was absolutely right and Gerald could now make the transition from being “The Unknown Drunk” to being “That Prophet.”

    To become the Elijah, David Pack had to delete his own book that he had written called I will Send Elijah to Restore All Things!, which had supposedly proved that HWA was the Elijah. David Pack has now actually begun to accuse people of being “idolaters” if they still believe that HWA was the Elijah. When Gerald Flurry wanted to be a prophet, he bought the copyright to HWA's last book called Mystery Of The Ages and just deleted a couple lines that contradicted Gerald's “new revelation.”

    What real proof does David Pack offer that he is the Elijah? Actually, none at all! His so-called “130 PROOFS” are not really proofs at all, but rather just points, thoughts, ideas, suggestions, similarities, coincidences, stories, etc. Not one of them is a real “proof” in the sense that a normal person would think of the word. But three two-hour harangues can tire people out and wear them down until they can think that surely something must have been said amidst all that noise. One of David Pack's “proofs” that HWA was not the Elijah was that HWA had not really restored all things. What David Pack meant by that was that HWA had not known about or restored any of the many new ideas and teachings that David has come up with over the years. So, David reasons, HWA could not have been the Elijah who restored all things. Some people might recall that David Pack used to teach that he was not changing anything that HWA had taught at the time of his death in 1986. David was supposedly just building on it with his new understanding. Gerald Flurry had already done the same thing in the past in his PCG. Gerald had started off by pretending to be holding fast to everything that HWA had taught, and was supposedly just building on it with all the “new revelation” that had “flooded” the PCG.


  22. David Pack carelessly assumes that he is right about everything. David Pack tries to say that if you reject him, then you will just have to find someone else to follow who is as crazy as he is and coming up with all the same nonsense and evil that he is. It does not seem to occur to David that you might want to find a normal, decent, sensible, sane person to listen to, rather than a psycho or a clone of a psycho. This, too, is sort of like Gerald Flurry, who seems to think that if you don't listen to him you will be missing out on all the wonderful “new revelation” that has “flooded” his PCG. The problem is that what flooded the PCG was not new truth at all but rather old vomit from a drunken runt who had been puking on everyone and in the toilet when the sewer backed up and flooded the place. Drunken runts make such a mess of everything.


  23. It is very interesting that guys like David Pack and Gerald Flurry, who both claimed to be HWA's true successor and who both claimed to be more faithful than anyone else in holding on to what HWA had taught, have now both come up with so much nonsense and evil in the end and have both strayed so far away from what HWA had taught. After attracting former WCG members by claiming to be faithfully following HWA, David Pack and Gerald Flurry both now point out all sorts of cases where they say that HWA did not know something, or was wrong about something, or was not who he said he was. These two guys just can't stop coming up with all sorts of new and perverse teachings. And neither of these two characters has any luck at all with his prophetic guesses. The only time that either of them is ever “right” is when their claim is some invisible thing that you cannot see, such as that they are some great biblical personage. Any time either of them makes a prediction that can be verified, it proves to be totally false.

  24. "David Pack tries to say that if you reject him, then you will just have to find someone else to follow who is as crazy as he is and coming up with all the same nonsense and evil that he is. It does not seem to occur to David that you might want to find a normal, decent, sensible, sane person to listen to, rather than a psycho or a clone of a psycho."

    It does not seem to occur to a lot of Armstrongites that I might not want to follow anybody anymore!

  25. One of the oldest tricks in Christianity to get you to send your tithe and offering money.. Get people to believe you are a modern day person from the Bible. Gerald Flurry claims to be Elisha, and most of the prophets and Apostles including Jesus Christ rolled into one.
