Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Lil'Jimmy Meredith Speaks Out Against NCIS and Gays

Following in his homophobic daddy's footsteps....

Watching Lil' Jimmy I can see why so many in the Living Church of God dislike him.  Pompous little ass!

As a side note. NCIS airs on Friday nights in Lil'Jimmy's area.  If he is part of God's holy righteous family why is he watching tv on Friday nights? Also, why is the Meredith clan sooooooooooo fascinated with gay sex?


  1. Everything that the Meredith family touches is perverted into meaningless drivel.

  2. When the Apostle Paul urged the church in Corinth to discipline an immoral brother he goes on to say, "What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church?" My understanding of this is the church shouldn't expect non Christians to adhere to Christian teachings and the church should focus on the morality of those in the church. What is your understanding of this?

  3. Jesus H. Christ. Why is everything about gays with the Merediths? That has to be the #1 area of attention. Hmm. I wonder why? *cough(closet)cough*

    As if butsecks was the worst atrocity happening on planet earth...

    Even if, EVEN IF they were 100% right (and I am NOT saying they are) their priorities would STILL be so far out of whack as to be pointing a huge, blinking, rainbow, neon sign that something is a little queer in the state of LCG.

  4. Before delving into the supposed sins portrayed on NCIS, how about repenting of being a false prophet and liar?

    Do you suppose those who have been gay in this life will be standing there safely at the edge of the Lake of Fire watching the Meredith family thrown in and burn?

  5. I almost hate to say this, but there are probably scads of RCG members visiting Banned (the map is virtually exploding like a light show!) to find out just what the heck is happening to their church, and suddenly, along comes Jim Meredith's commercial for LCG, appearing to be almost normal Armstrongism!



  6. The NCIS episode was about a homosexual soldier who sacrificed his life during combat, in order to save the life of a heterosexual soldier.

    What is condemnable about that? Doesn't Jimmy's God teach that it is praiseworthy to lay down one's life for others? Or is it that this episode pricked Little Jimmy's conscience, as he has never in his life made a real sacrifice in order to serve another human being. Yes, in his mind he has made sacrifices, but most of his "sacrifices" would be counted as "blessings" by the average LCG member.

    Or is Little Jimmy saying that if you are a commandment-breaker, like this homosexual NCIS character, nothing you do can be praised as good? If so, what does it mean if there's someone who lies to the City of Charlotte about building permits? Surely such a person would be just as condemnable as this homosexual who saved his fellow soldier's life.

    Or is it that some commandment violations are "OK" but others are beyond the pale? Is LCG well on the road to Roman Catholicism, with "big" and "little" sins that are forgiven by the "indulgence" of big offerings?

    It's actually a bit surprising to me that LCG would post this. It's not that much better than a Bob Thiel diatribe.

  7. If being gay is so right, why is it they still have to play the roll of one is the man, and the other the woman?

    I've always wondered. Makes zero sense to me. If anyone can come up with a logical excuse then you've solved a great mystery!

  8. I've always thought Jimmy was gay. Maybe he needs to come out of the closet.

  9. I've heard the gay rumors too and that was over 10 years ago! Did Daddy force him to go "straight" in order to inherit the keys to LCG?

  10. Jim looks to be pretty chunky for begin a Meredith. That is not a look that Rod finds masculine in men. Only lazy sloven men get fat in Rod Meridith's little world

  11. He who is without sin can cast the first stone....

  12. Doesn't the Bible teach that one sin is the same as the next? I would think that one so full of vanity, pride, arrogance and lies would tremble in fear at openly condemning ANY other human being.

    This is NOT the way to bring people into your church. This does NOT demonstrate Christ living in you or the fruits of the spirit. It is hate-based and unnecessary. I mean, what is the point of this video? People in the church would likely agree with him already and don't need this message and people in the world (as they like to say) will be repulsed and offended by its hateful qualities. It's useless.

    Preaching the message of the Kingdom of God in its glory and teaching AND EXEMPLIFYING the Christian character that it takes to get there would be far more useful.

    LCG continues in its downward spiral...

  13. Why is he watching NCIS in the first place? It's a show about murder, rape and other atrocities. Would Jesus watch NCIS?

    LCG preaches that it's okay to watch the news every now and again but that worldly movies and TV shows are best avoided.

    Practice what you preach Lil Meredith.




  15. If Lil' Jim wants to talk about sex why doesn't he address the rampant adultery and perversion that is bubbling over in LCG?

  16. What is this sick obsession that the Meredith clan have with gays? Is there a skeleton in other their closets that needs some airing out? They need to shut up because they are doing nothing but making fools of themselves.

  17. The basic problem here is that in the ACOG culture, members are supposed to sole source their information from the ministers and the church, and to use the information provided as all-purpose criteria in forming their opinions. This is why, when I was a WCG member, I honestly didn't believe that homosexuals even deserved to be alive. The church had brainwashed all of us to believe that gay people were just bad, through and through, and deliberately chose a lifestyle that God forbad, and that eventually, before "the end", they would seduce all but the elect into their lifesyle.

    This is another one of those topics where, at the very least, reading non-ACOG literature might engender some Christian compassion, or at least just a little more understanding. Many gay people insist that they were born that way. The fact that there are also humans born as hermaphrodites would seem to indicate that being born gay would be equally possible. I wonder if Rod or Jimbo would even baptize a hermaphrodite into their LCG. Imagine what would be said if they later disfellowshipped and marked such an individual!

    Armstrongism never was a compassionate, nurturing church to start with. If someone came into HWA's church looking to salve one of the traumatic experiences of life, they would soon see how harsh, and cold the ministry really was!


  18. This moron is just a homophobe.

  19. The same thing is going on in the PCG! Wayne Turgeon and other ministers obsess about homosexuality. A lot of us sit there and giggle, it's as the saying goes, "me thinks though protests too much!"

  20. This is typical COG bait and switch. Jimmy, as part of his training to rule, needed to show Spanky that he had mastered the art. The bait is that topic is red meat for most of the LCG members and members from other splinters who eagerly agree and get emotionally worked up by Jimmy’s blatherings. Jimmy and LCG then get praise for preaching “the Gospel” and the switch is that it distracts the minds of the people away from the lying, looting, and raping sins of the LCG leaders.

  21. Interesting background. Are those moons & planets, or bubbles? Black & orange -- just in time for Halloween.

  22. He says that he doesn't hate homosexuals but don't these COG ministers believe that the gays will be killed in the world tomorrow.

  23. Come on Jim!...

    Where is your righteous outcry and indignation against masturbation?

    Your silence on the topic is telling, and after all, it was indeed a great issue of importance to HWA, the anointer and mentor of your father, and in turn yourself. You have no provenance nor inherited title unless you stay true to the truth "once delivered".

    Jimbo- Im expecting a 7 minute short video to be broadcast very soon about masturbation and its horrific evils. (including , but not limited to... blindness, arthritis, strange hair growth on palms, and diminished athletic performance).

  24. And what of the alcoholism in the LCG?

    Is anyone going to address that?

  25. For years the rumor circulated in Pasadena about how GTA was actually bisexual and had got caught by someone in the act. Daddy Herb laid down the law that Ted was to change his ways if he expected to take over the church eventually. To prove to his dad that he was masculine went on a whoremonger streak.

    The same was said about Jim many years ago. We heard in Pasadena that Meredith had a gay son. People thought this was the ultimate irony. Then like HWA, daddy laid down the law to Jimmy. Now jimmy over compensates like his dad does. Both have to go out of their way to "prove" to everyone how masculine they are.

    If they were truly secure in their sexuality there would be no need for this endless tirade on gays. Gays are horrible and going to the lake of fire while LCG minister are committing adultery, stealing tithes for their own use, spiritually abusing their flocks, covering up child molestations and creatng a toxic environment that produces killers.

  26. A) Wow, that script really didnt fit his speaking style.
    B) Intimating a conspiracy less than 60 secs in. Cheap and probably caused 75% of viewers to click to something else.
    C) Armstrongist ministers of all ranks have always yanked bits and pieces of pop culture out of context, making wildly misrepresented straw men for them to jab at and look moral in the process. Most people dont fall for such a falsified argument, which is one reason the COGs have trouble trying to get someone to persecute them.

  27. Whats funny is that hes trying to speak like Richard Ames... but while Ames could employ a convincing, doleful "oh no you didnt" inflection at certain points in the script, Jimmy just sounds bored.

  28. Forget about how gays are portrayed in the popular media, what's so bad about gays in real life is the shockingly high proportion of them that are financially secure and generally seem to have their shit together. Because that only seems to indicate that the gods approve and are blessing them. Frustrating as all hell for fundy types.

    And let's face it, HWA and Rod Meredith, just like all good apostles, prophets, pharisees, and self-appointed high priests and kings, espouse the doctrine of health and wealth which has been the dominant underlying principle of religion since one warlord conquered another warlord and decreed this was because the god's favored him and made him everyone's king, and the "divine right of kings" was established. It's also summed up in the ancient dictum of Hermeticism, "As above, so below; as below so above." Herbert Armstrong, just as much as any other religious leader, equated physical health and prosperity in the here and now with spiritual health and prosperity. That's one reason why he was so obsessed with living high on the hog. Rod Meredith and Lil' Jimmy are no different.

    I would say it was inconvenient for them how reality fails to correspond with what they preach, except that it's not inconvenient at all, since reality is something the religious never grapple with.

  29. "The fact that there are also humans born as hermaphrodites would seem to indicate that being born gay would be equally possible would seem to indicate that being born gay would be equally possible"
    Biker Bob, I nod my head in agreement with you on so many of your postings except this crap. Human hermaphrodites are sterile. Hence, no offspring. If homosexuality was genetic it would have also worked its way out of the gene pool a very long time ago and for similar reasons. People can be gay all they want, but evolution will deal with all of us accordingly.

    1. Umm, true hermaphrodites aren't necessarily sterile. They can't self-impregnate, but there have been multiple documented cases of fertility. And thats leaving out all the cases of physical ambiguity, which are not sterile by any rule.

  30. Thanks for the partial compliment, 8:31. However, I wonder if you actually understood my post. The fact that you doubled one of my phrases within the sentence you quoted is kind of a tip off.

    First, I was not suggesting that hermaphrodites reproduce and that that is where homosexuals come from. Hermaphrodites are considered to be an anomaly within the usual process of human reproduction. Sort of a genetic coding error. However, hermaphrodites do exist. That is a scientific fact.

    I have heard some Christians over the years claim that God would simply not allow a person to be born gay. If people could be born as hermaphrodites, with all the problems that go along with that, and God allowed it, then it is also possible that God would allow people to be born gay.

    I have to condemn your logic with your logic. Since hermaphrodites are sterile (they are not; only one set of gonadal tissue or the other functions for reproductive purposes) hermaphroditism should have worked its way out of the gene pool a very long time ago. It has not. They are still being born today, although this has always been a fairly rare condition.

    Human sexuality is very complex. Humans are capable of fantasizing to produce orgasm. Throughout my life, I've met several women who had been married long term to gay men, even having had children, and never knew until after the divorce that their sex life was fueled not by his feelings for her, but by his same sex fantasies. So, no. If gayness were genetic, it would not have bred itself out of the gene pool. That said, I also don't believe that genetics is the only path. There are probably as many reasons that people are gay as there are gay people.

    Why would some hetero dude bother posting this? It's because even though people make fun of Uncle Roddy, they somehow still spout the same basic information he dishes out on this topic. Much more has become known since he wrote his 1960s PT article, but some church members still act as if that is the latest word. It tends to make them hate.


  31. NCIS had been airing in Charlotte on Tuesday nights.

  32. Growing up in WCG I for years held the position that being gay was not good. Because my rational told me that if all were gay, mankind would die out. So for me gayness had no place in nature and I defended this position as such in school discussion. (and refused to go to school outings where known gays would perform. Later on in life I came to realize that a lot so not most of the people/performers I found funny or admired actually were gay. Like a lot of the performers in the auditorium and respected by HWA. More and more people I respected turned out to be gay as were performers in my sacred temple in pasadena. But still what place did such an anolamy have in nature. Would not all get extinct as all were gay? As bb pointed out since the 60's a lot of research has been done and I will not quote it, but I have now completely changed my opinion. For one yes people can be born as gays. Or at least be gay from a very very early age. But the most important biological darwinist reason for gays is probably a social one according to modern science. It is for the homosexual abbaration that groups tend to survive through their creativity. So the occasional gay character is there for group survival although as an individual it might not reproduce.

  33. Byker Bob, my mkistake was just that. A sipmle copy pasta error.
    Allow me to make my statement a little more clear. Evolution is very complex. We did NOT have a choice about starting the conception of our own individual lives. We also never had a vote, say, sway, or the ability to participate in the cumalative events that brought each of us into our own existence. We ONLY have the choice on how we all individually choose to live our own lives out.(ignoring sociopaths and dictators of course)
    The way I see it is that Mother Nature doesn't have morals, just laws. EVERY heterosexual, EVERY bisexual, EVERY homosexual, meterosexual, etc., any human being that may have been born sterile or deformed, came into existence in only one way. Heterosexuality. So, it seams to me that Mother Nature is the MOST intollerant. She is more bigoted than all human bigots combined.

    With that being said, please understand my comments in two complementary contexts. Whatever we may choose to name something or, anything for that matter, is NOT the ACTUAL thing, it is only the name we assigned it. A name is only the name. The thing is STILL the thing. The confusion of these contexts is causing our society to lose the most basic common sense. So, if I say homosexuality is wrong, I don't say it is wrong because I speak for God. I say it because it simply doesn't work. We are the evidence. Period.

    (bravely)my pet peeve

  34. 3:21
    your statement that natures law prescribes everyone is born straight has in my opinion as much value as saying that natures law prescribes that every single person is born healthy, equal iq, no down syndrome exists and of course originally all were white before the flood. I don't say you are wrong, I say you 're argument just doesn't work. There are so many abberations in nature. And yes even evolution. 90% percent of today's dog's species didn't even exist 200 years ago if it wasnt for the british hunter enthousiasts.

    I found the sociological "reason" most interesting that our species would not have survived for the occasional gay person in our groups for the past 100.000 years even if they weren't good in hunting very much they sure came in very handy in designing our bear clothing and, some entertainment around the campfire and being intermediary between the female camp and our habitation. I apologize for having kicked them for entertainment to impress my fellow hunters and should have appreciated their entertainment skills better so far away from home killing the mammoth and save us by their social skills.

  35. 3:05 Just for the record in my 3:05 comment it looks I am saying that I am gay but I m not,

  36. "the uncle helping the nest thesis"


  37. Well, from a reproductive standpoint, of course it does not work. Neither does sterility, abstinence, masturbation, contraception, abortion, or injury to the genitals which would render them useless. And, there are other factors. There are people who reproduce, and people who cannot, or do not. I think the problem with your premise is that you view this issue as an all or nothing proposition. You seem to be asking yourself, "What if everyone were homosexual instead of being heterosexual?" Studies indicate that perhaps 2 to 3% of the general public is gay. That statistic varies slightly upwards or downwards from time to time, and from country to country, but really has remained fairly stable over the decades. Abortion and contraception have exerted a much greater influence on reproductive rates.


  38. Having read anon's posting at November 4, 2015 at 3:05 AM.
    I'm the one with the previous pet peeve. I should point out that I have discovered the same. Some of my favorite artists are gay. Bob Mould, Doug Pinnick, and many older ones. Gay people have always been and always will be a member of the human race. Every human being ever born is an automatic member of the human race. The point I would like to be clear on is that we ALL got here through heterosexuality. All of us. Christians, athiests, and etc. Homosexuality is NOT a moral issue to me except when some people ignorantly or deliberirately cloud, obscure, or misunderstand my original point. My attitude is not really directed to you BB, or others but at the spin machines on either side.
    Having read my original post, it does kinda come off ass a knee-jerk response. Sorry about that. I just believe and know that homosexuality is not how we got here.

    "...since the 60's a lot of research has been done..."

  39. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "...your statement that natures law prescribes everyone is born straight..."

    What?! I never said that! You should ask questions before you put words in other people's mouths. I think I explained it better just previously.
    Your sociological reasons remind me of that Jane Fonda movie "Barbarella" or something like that. LOL!

  40. 7:38
    I apologize if I have misread your argument.
    To me it seems your argument concerning gays is still limited. I read that you believe human survival depends on a man and a woman, or many man and woman joining. That is very American and individualistic. Arguing from a group perspective. Man as a social being only being able to survive in groups in a hostile pre industrial world would perhaps make room for people with functions within the group essential for its survival but not so much a reproductive role. (although gays can of course easily reproduce, they just don't like it the way nature built it.).

  41. 1:22
    I understand. The honorable (and rightfull) monitor on this site allows for time lapses in publication, not unlike the means of communications in the sixties and seventies, thus the many wars in the past. (as compared to modern times)

  42. This topic is a powderkeg. Because this is a comment section on a blog that deals with the fundemental flaws of Armstrongism, I will do my best to clarify and explain my view in as few words as possible. So, please re-read my comments above with the following statement:
    "If I was gay or decided to go gay, I would still have the exact same viewpoint that seems so chafing to some."

    Not only does all of humanity depend on our continued evolution[including Darwinism and Creation] but that it is apparent that heterosexuality is how we ALL got here. At least with our current evidence so far. Evolution is very complex. The details are scattered in the wind and mixed in with the dust of the earth. It may even be encrypted in our DNA.
    But believing that homosexuality must be genetic or even likely so is like saying that all those who disagree with me are genetically inferior. That would be an epic fail! Mother Nature is not a serial killer. She has laws, not morals. There is a difference. Find it.

    forever(i wish it were so) seekingtruth

  43. 4:52 I am sure we would agree faster sipping a cup of coffee, instead of writing. (I especially apologize for my atrocious spelling and language mastery on the masonry thread)

    Now that this thread has evolved into an exchange of overlapping opinions I try and be more civilized.

    Your use of the word laws to me implies a systematic rationale for nature. I try to inject a little more chaos theory or random selection. Indeed for now it seems a man and woman should interact in order to reproduce mankind. No one will argue that. My point injects a wider idea not so much focused on procreation, which is essentially a 5 minute act, but the survival of the group the years ahead. Nature in all its creative chaotic complexity may have devised a scheme by randomly interjecting the occasional gay in the group for human survival. I am not referring to modern pop culture and hedonism but groups in a violent and difficult time before airconditioning and the eight o clock news.

    I will not even go into the sexual abbarant behavior of certain animal species. This may also play a role into their survival as a species.

    Staying on topic by dealing with the flaws of Armstrongism. I never got it that two guys lived together in all eternity and suddenly one of the guys decided he should marry other guys and girls. (the church) All through a plan in which one of the guys interjects the other into a female of womankind. Don't get me started on that theory.

  44. Look, nobody has stated that homosexuality is 100% genetic in all cases. Just that genetic predispositions exist in that area, just as they often do for alcoholism and addiction, certain diseases, length of life etc. But, also, every human has a mouth, sex organs, hands and orifices, and even without predisposition, is also capable of using these things alone or in tandem with other humans and even animals in a variety of ways, either as a matter of choice, or as a result of force, seduction, or in an altered state where consent is not possible.

    Fundamentalists generally accept all of the gateways except the genetic one, in which some people are just born that way. Human propagation is completely beside the point, other than that the path to propagation appears to conform to optimization of the product consistent with the manufacturer's design.


  45. I'm sorry 4:52 I forgot something
    To disagree does not automatically mean that all others are genetically inferior.
    Again you rationalise and make rankings like a mathematician.
    My opinion is that things occur now and then. Only after the event will be decided if the occurence is an effective strategy for survival. Since gays have been around for ever, some success must be attributed to the strategy of their dna even if their procreation is somewhat hampered although they of course easily could. The dna has a purpose for them.

    Just like blonde swedish girls are a succesfull strategy in iceland but might get burned in the sahara. And black peoples skinn does'nt effectively produce some vitamins on the North Pole. Nature provided for all mutations to pursue a succesfull strategy for survival of the species as a whole,since indeed Mother Nature is the Mother of all Serial Killers...........

  46. As I said earlier Armstrongisms central tenet, the core of all is that two equal beings only different in rank had lived together for all eternity and decided to procreate or populate the entire universe. First they failed by creating sexless creatures. Then they succefully manufactured the sweaty hairy misfits that we are. Then those creatures started hating those that were actually the funniest, most artistic, mindful of design and artistic progress and cleanliness and called them gays and started producing videos in order to reach get the point accross. Then they could all populate the universe as sexless beings in perfect bliss.

  47. "I'm sorry 4:52 I forgot something...To disagree does not automatically mean that all others are genetically inferior."

    Sigh..., I never said that! I guess i failed to be clear. I was paraphrasing(tongue-in-cheek) some presuppositions of other posts. My original intention was that our freewill is not governed by our DNA. This includes the things we fail to learn or learn(whatever they may be) or even unlearn. For example, say I believe in something and you don't. I could look at that as, well...i guess that character has some random genetic fluctuations so I shouldn't hold that against him. I was polarizing the other point of view when I did that. As another example, the words I just typed were NOT programmed or predisposed by my dna. I'm NOT an autonom typing away waiting for the next resequencing of my mitochrondial RNA,...blah blah blah.
    To me the mystery of the beginning of sentient life is deep and reverant. I believe the ideas are worth sharing. That's all.
