Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Where In The World Is Dale Schurter? Can You Find Him?

It wasn't long ago that God's most magnificent creation since Adam, Dave Pack, was mocking United Church of God because he conned Dale Schurter into jumping ship and joining the most superfantabulous Church of God ever.

Dave bragged over and over how Dale had his eyes washed so he could let the true light of Dave in. Dale bragged how wonderful it was to be part of the only true church again.

Dale's only accomplishment in life was running a farm on the Ambassador College campus in Big Sandy, TX, that had the "digester" that recycled bullshit into fertilizer. Dave conned Dale by offering him the opportunity to run Dave's new superfantabulous farm located between a freeway belching out pollution and a big lot store. Much ado was made about this new experimental farm to be under Dale's awesome care. Dale and crew were going to feed the world with mind boggling farming techniques.

Fast forward to 2015 and Dave's superfantabulous Feast of Tabernacles video. Dave's new superfantabulous farm has a new manager. Dale is nowhere to be found, as are several other Wadsworth HQ employees. Did the rapture happen? Are they in Petra preparing the way? Are they buying more land to house the tens of thousands of COG members soon to join them? Are they undergoing reeducation for the second time around?

Please help us find Waldo Dale!


  1. Mr Dave already has an up and running digester. He speaks his thoughts into one end and, well you know, comes out the other ready for spreading
    However, someone must know Dale's fate

  2. Dale was replaced by one of his A.C. students named Mike Gammel. Mike sold his little ranch and made his obligatory "free will offering."
    He is then moved to HQ made a minister. The rest is history. Dale is not heard from again. This happens all the time in RCG. They have to make room on the 4th.floor for the next big donor. The sad thing is none of them think it will happen to them. The list is long. If you don't move on gracefully like Dale or Bill Behrer they will destroy your reputation.

  3. Well, from my vantage point in the parking lot of the Wadsworth Giant Eagle, it all
    looks like paradise to me across the way of Ambassador Drive... Nothing but LUV!!!


  4. "Dale was replaced by one of his A.C. students named Mike Gammel. Mike sold his little ranch and made his obligatory 'free will offering.' He is then moved to HQ made a minister. The rest is history. Dale is not heard from again. This happens all the time in RCG. They have to make room on the 4th.floor for the next big donor. The sad thing is none of them think it will happen to them. The list is long. If you don't move on gracefully like Dale or Bill Behrer they will destroy your reputation."

    The first sad thing is, what appears to be going on here is that upon receiving the obligatory "free will offering" Dave can "afford" to "hire" you by doling your own money back to you (less taxes), money which was yours to begin with, that you could have had free and clear with no strings attached. When your money runs out however, you're summarily fired.

    The other sad thing is, Dave's Hall of Administration only has 3 floors in which room must constantly be made, and is therefore substandard compared to Herbie's...

  5. Anonymous November 1, 2015 at 8:23 PM said: The first sad thing is, what appears to be going on here is that upon receiving the obligatory "free will offering" Dave can "afford" to "hire" you by doling your own money back to you (less taxes), money which was yours to begin with, that you could have had free and clear with no strings attached. When your money runs out however, you're summarily fired.

    MY COMMENT - What a scam the Pack man is running! Essentially, Pack is receiving free labor. To be employed by Pack, you pay a free will offering that covers your salary. When the offering money is gone, your gone!

    I do have to give credit where credit is due - Herbert Armstrong would never have thought of doing something like this scam that Pack is pulling off.

    Look for other Armstrong splinter churches to now copy this successful ACOG scheme.



  6. One nasty problem with David Pack and his Restored Cash Grab (RCG) is that, rather than having supported the truth of God like they wanted to, those who supported DCP and his RCG will have supported a very cruel, satanic scam. They will be left deceived, emasculated, robbed, and destitute. They will be totally blindsided by it all, confused, perplexed, and left wondering what happened to them and what went wrong. In the end, they will be too embarrassed to say anything about their horrible experience and what DCP and his RCG did to them in the name of religion. Normal people will find it difficult to believe that anyone could behave the way that DCP does. The unfortunate result will be that potential new victims of DCP will have to learn everything for themselves the long, hard, expensive way.

  7. Dale is now a priest in the local Eastern Orthodox Church.
    He finally saw the light of the ancient apostolic church.

  8. Rumor is that Dale is living in GREEN ACRES. Dale's farm is right next to Mr. Douglas' place, and he is doing Bible Studies with Mr. Ziffle, and Mr. Haney when they are riding on the Cannonball Express to Hooterville.

  9. Connie Schmidt said, "Rumor is that Dale is living in GREEN ACRES. Dale's farm is right next to Mr. Douglas' place, and he is doing Bible Studies with Mr. Ziffle, and Mr. Haney when they are riding on the Cannonball Express to Hooterville".

    MY COMMENT - And further rumor has it that Dale excludes Arnold Ziffle from Bible Study because he's "an unclean meat".


  10. When the news first broke and was "scooped" here at Banned, there were comments of concern. Although he is a staunch Armstrongite, some posters were worried about an aged Dale, and the bleak, mindless future that he would have as a result of getting on board with Dave Pack. As it turns out, we need not have worried, because at some point, common sense appears to have overwhelmed the superstitious elements of the Armstrongism.

    This was the first instance we know of of Dave Pack actually attracting one of the old tried and true stalwarts from classic old school WCG, and it appears that if there were any door opening opportunities, they have been squandered.

    One would hope this experience becomes a blueprint for the future. It certainly serves as a cautionary example of what might transpire if Dave's fantasy about everyone beating a path to RCG and becoming subservient to him were ever to begin to happen. That fantasy is simply psychological warfare against the remaining persistent Armstrongites, an attempt at church-building by intimidation.


  11. Heck, even Arnold Ziffle the pig wouldn't eat Lisa Douglas' hotcakes, which are less digestible than the crap Dale Schurter spews!

  12. Anon 8:23--- RCG HQ does have four floors. The bottom floor is exposed on one side only. I've actually
    been in the building. Davey would have none less than HWA.

  13. Pack's number two guy, after early defections, was James Turck------a very loyal lackey to Dave. He actually penned a sermonette which had the theme of showing appreciation to all things Dave. He even traveled overseas for the church. But after the arrival of Behrer and Schurter, and the promotions of the younger guys who grew up in the church, he was dispatched to field ministry----and has since disappeared from sight.
