Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

David Passover Pack: My Home Town of Lima, Ohio Is A Greek Name For "Remnant" Ummm... NO Dave... It's NOT!

 Lima Ohio: 
The hometown of the world's most superfantabulous human to EVER exist!

David Passover is so desperate to validate his Elijahhood status that he seeks far and wide to find things that his members are too dumb to question.  His latest is his birth town where he grew up.  He has attached spiritual significance to the town of Lima Ohio.

54: Coincidence or divine purpose? Have a little fun with this one – (will) be more important to me than you – but coincidence or divine purpose? The Greek word for remnant is leimma (audience laughter), pronounced "lima," spelled l-e-i-m-m-a, my home town; what are the odds? The modern Elijah comes from a small town called Remnant in the Greek; sometimes names are important. We'll see that Elijah the Tishbite – that's kind of interesting – will come up later.  
Can David Passover truly be that stupid?  Are none of his members intelligent enough to know that he is full of shit?  Lima Ohio was NOT named after a Greek word for "remnant."  Instead it is named after a city in Peru!  P-E-R-U!!! 

1831 the Shawnee relinquished all their land in the area to the United States and relocated to Kansas, opening all of Allen County to American settlement. The Ohio legislature mandated that a county seat be established. “Lima” was the result. Its name originated with Judge Patrick G. Goode, who insisted on the Spanish pronunciation “Lee-mah” after the capital of Peru, but the local vernacular -- "Lye-mah" -- prevailed. He honored Lima, Peru, in the naming because an inoculate for malaria, which was prevalent in the area during its establishment, was manufactured there. Touring Ohio


  1. I would just caution that any who think they're going to "eventually" get some kind of prize for following Dave Pack (or any other man) stop and think about what sort of bathwater the man you follow is dispensing. Then ask yourself what the chances are that sending him your money is going to increase or decrease the chance that you will indeed get this prize when all is said and done.

    It's not fun to be disappointed. However, simply deciding that your desire not to be disappointed is so strong that you can't possibly not get what you want is not a good strategy for ensuring that whatever you want you will get.

    Next, consider once again the sort of bathwater the man you follow is asking you to drink. What kind of assurance or guarantee can it support? Sticking your head in the sand is not going to ensure anything.

  2. My hometown is Cowpatty, Wyoming and it has deep meaning to those in the C of G.

  3. Lima spelled backwards is "Amil" and in Hindu and Sanskrit means "unreachable". I find that interesting. Just something to think about. Maybe more important to me than you...

  4. See even Pack's home town is special. So is his family, his relationship to HWA, and his ability to understand prophecy. There's so much more, just ask him.
