Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, May 21, 2016

How Not To Be Discouraged...According to the Philadelphia Church of God

Leave it to a fun loving privileged little white boy at the Edmond compound to tell the struggling Philadelphia Church of God members how not to be discouraged.  Discouragement can be eliminated if PCG members support the church.  Their spiritual lives will improve too.

Michael Cocomise writes:

Hearts in the Work 
If we lack vision, we lack hope. If we lack hope, we cannot do God’s Work. If we fail to do the Work, we fade spiritually. Hold on to the vision God gives us in the Bible by doing the Work. In the process, we will increase our depth of vision, and that will give us greater hope. 
Sometimes “put your heart into the Work” can become cliché and we shrug it off. You might be thinking right now, We hear that all the time! Just put your heart more into God’s Work. I am not at headquarters; I am not a staff member. How can I put my heart more into God’s Work? 
No matter where you are, you are involved in the most crucial aspect of God’s Work. The Work does not thrive at headquarters or in the field because of new machines or clever thinking. It thrives because of God’s people pouring their hearts into it through prayers! It advances because of God’s people deeply studying their Bibles, fasting on occasion, raising strong families, sharing godly conversation, raising funds together, spending time together. 
Cocomise then continues with this little list of vital things that you can do to stop discouragement.  As usual, Jesus is nowhere to be found.
Do not believe that you are not a vital part of God’s Work! That belief does not come from God. If you would like some specific ways to pour your heart into God’s Work more, here are three:
  • You can listen to KPCG.fm 
  • Read The Philadelphian (members only) 
  • Listen to Stephen Flurry on the Trumpet Daily 
Doing these three things will eliminate most discouragement, however deep discouragement requires something harder.  You must FAST!
None of these tips replaces or comes before our most important tools in battling discouragement: prayer and study. Fasting may even be necessary from time to time depending on how discouraged we may get. Nevertheless, these additional tools can serve as a great method to boost our resistance to discouragement when it arises.
Cocomise can't bring in any scriptures by Jesus on how he makes burdens light and carries the weight, instead he has to resort to an Old Testament hero that PCG places more significance upon.
Baruch was right there serving as secretary to God’s prophet, Jeremiah. He was right at the center of God’s Work. They had the vision, yet Baruch still found a way to fall into discouragement. No matter who we are, we can get discouraged. Baruch became selfish, and God had to remind him that even though life might have been easier if he were in a different situation, the only thing that would save his life for all eternity was holding on to the vision and delivering God’s message. Our situation is no different. If we deliver this message, hold on to the vision, and faithfully support God’s Work, we will defeat Satan and his effort to crush us through discouragement. God is ready and waiting to encourage you through His Work!
Big bad meanie Satan is out to discourage PCG members.  Apparently that discouragement never comes from the perverse teachings of Flurry, the abuse of Wayne Turgeon, the arrogance of the ministry, and much more.  Great would be the day any of this "men" ever took responsibility for anything.


  1. It doesn't say and I wonder what these people are discouraged about!


  2. Perhaps getting the courage not to live your life under the sway and coersion of and through the eyes and opinions of others might help fight discouragement?

  3. you are so right Mr. Diehl because trying to keep not all but cherry picked parts of the Mosaic law and failing by there standards is very discouraging when they tell you are sinning if you choose not to pay your tithes over your bills etc.

  4. I can tell you what' they are discouraged about. It is trying to keep a cherry picked version of the mosaic law and failing and feeling like your such a bad sinner all the time If you can't give up 10% and more of your income every month and your just not Good enough for God and the church, and they speak for God so if they tell you to pay if if you don't have the money then if you don't your disobeying/sinning and headed for the tribulation or Lake of Fire!!!!!! Hello !!! Unless you are rich or well off you will not make it in The Restored Church of God or the Kingdom of God in their eyes.

  5. 30 % every third year or no Kingdom for you!!! yeah that's a little discouraging especially for the dual income struggling families.

  6. How not to be discouraged: The APOSTLE Paul said give as you are able period. The Bible\ Apostle Paul does not say Give as you are able of your Offerings tithing is non negotiable like the ACOG say.


  7. How not to be discouraged by the PCG:

    Do not listen to the PCG. Do not believe the PCG. Do not join the PCG. Do not go along with the evil teachings in the PCG. Do not submit to the satanic abuse in the PCG. Do not financially support the PCG.

    Remember that the Devil invented the PCG cult for the very purpose of trying to discourage and destroy former WCG people.


  8. SarahS said...

    “I can tell you what' they are discouraged about. It is trying to keep a cherry picked version of the mosaic law and failing and feeling like your such a bad sinner all the time If you can't give up 10% and more of your income every month and your just not Good enough for God and the church, and they speak for God so if they tell you to pay if if you don't have the money then if you don't your disobeying/sinning and headed for the tribulation or Lake of Fire!!!!!! Hello !!! Unless you are rich or well off you will not make it in The Restored Church of God or the Kingdom of God in their eyes.”

    Your understanding and information about David Pack and his Restored Cash Grab cult appears to be old and very out of date.

    David Pack went on to call himself an apostle, Joshua the High Priest, Elijah the Prophet, and now That Prophet. What helped David to realise that he (rather than HWA) was Elijah the Prophet was that David had already “restored” the doctrine of “common,” which meant that he could get much more than a measly 10% out of his followers. On top of first tithe, tithe of the second tithe, excess second tithe, third tithe, offerings, building fund donations, and continual fundraising, he could now demand just about everything. It is amazing what David has been able to GET just by yelling and spitting a little bit--or maybe a lot.

    Apparently, the old understanding about tithing had things exactly backwards. Now, you get to keep approximately a tithe (10%) to live on, and send in approximately 90%. Many people who were poor at math and did not like the idea of sending in 10% might be happy to hear that they can now keep the measly 10% that they always wanted, and just send in the 90%. They probably do not realise how good they had it in the past when they sent in the measly 10%, and kept the 90%. Oh, well. It is just money. Hard come, easy go. Some might also be happy to hear that it will be used to preach David's new prophetic theories from 2016 rather than HWA's old prophetic theories from 1986. Others might just regret that they ever heard of klepto-Dave.

  9. Sarah, one cannot buy one's way into the Kingdom, no matter what THEY say! Read again:-

    "Act 8:18 And when Simon saw that through laying on of the apostles' hands the Holy Ghost was given, he offered them money,
    Act 8:19 Saying, Give me also this power, that on whomsoever I lay hands, he may receive the Holy Ghost.
    Act 8:20 But Peter said unto him, Thy money perish with thee, because thou hast thought that the gift of God may be purchased with money.
    Act 8:21 Thou hast neither part nor lot in this matter: for thy heart is not right in the sight of God.
    Act 8:22 Repent therefore of this thy wickedness, and pray God, if perhaps the thought of thine heart may be forgiven thee.
    Act 8:23 For I perceive that thou art in the gall of bitterness, and in the bond of iniquity."

    and open your eyes as to how these verses can be expanded. Eternal life is a GIFT and cannot be bought nor paid for. The price has already been paid.


  10. In addition to that, heed the words of Jesus who said:-

    "Mat 11:28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, (with 1st tithe, 2nd tithe and 3rd tithe on INCOME, that I NEVER commanded) and I will give you rest.
    Mat 11:29 Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.
    Mat 11:30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

    (Insert & bolding-mine)

  11. It is true what Sarah said is happening in RCG. Not only has Pack changed understanding that used to be taught (ie. there is now a first dominion coming before the tribulation), but all things are common. He even sent a letter out stating that if someone had a million dollars or even close (ie. retirement account), that it should all be sent in. He did state that one could keep 10 to 15 thousand for an emergency. Since he teaches retirement is sin, you won't need the money anyways, you will work until you die. How could you be happy in a place like this, I thought Christians were supposed to be full of joy and live an abundant life.

    Pack will, he is going to be building new homes on campus for him and the most faithful ministers. Money does buy privilege in RCG. I know many people there who gave "all" and now have nothing, and no support from the church either.

  12. Funny how one of the extremely wealthy and privileged Cocmise brood is telling us how to stay encouraged!
    Listen to KPCG???? What? Talk about being depressed! Gareth Fraser talks everyday about how great HWA was. Sarah Evans gives lectures on how important it is for us to brush our teeth regularly (no joke!). The two dorks at 10:00 talk smugly about things they know nothing about!
    Dennis Leap had a program on Ben Franklins Autobiography but instead he ended up talking about HWA's biography the whole 30 minutes!!!!
    Jeremiah Jacques talks about having a hobby, what he doesn't tell you is that you have to counsel with Turgeon regarding hobbies and if they benefit the brethren and congregation as a whole.

  13. News Flash! You can be gay at HQs as long as you're unattractive and you don't act on your lusts- per Mr. Turgeon. There are several very overweight lesbians in the Edmond congregation. Mr. Turgeon said there is no harm since they're unattractive and won't act on it. I find it hypocritical that if you're young and gay you'd be instantly suspended, but not if you're fat and ugly.
    Just recently one of the "ladies" has broken her foot and Mr. Turgeon wants the young ladies in the congregation to assist her! I will not go nor will I allow my daughter to!

  14. 4.53AM I feel so sorry for those who gave "all." What they did was foolish, but they didn't deserve to be ripped off that way. My condolences to the victims. I'Il pray that Pack gets what he deserves.

  15. Yesterday during the 10:00 program with Dwight Falk and Abe Blondeau, Abe admitted he cheated on his SAT test in order to be accepted into Herbert W Armstrong college. Wow! I remember Mr. Flurry sending almost all the students home the first year because there was so much cheating at college.
    Oh how the times have changed!
