Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, May 21, 2016

PCG Suspends Convicted Felon Mark Nash

Things are not too rosy on The Compound lately.  The PCG recently suspended PCG minister Mark Nash.  Nash has a rather dubious background in the PCG. He went to prison for defrauding the IRS and through it all the PCG kept him on salary.  We now have two felon's in the Church of God sent to prison for the same thing, Ron Weinland and Mark Nash.

Exit and Support has this:
Another person of interest is Mark Nash. He is a former Navy Seal or Green Beret, with all the "talents" taught to them. He went to prison for defrauding the IRS, and yet was not even suspended while in prison. In fact, he was allowed to give sermons while on leave for "good behavior." If any member on the bottom level was similarly put away, he would be put out for putting the "church" in a bad light. After all, even deacons are supposed to be "blameless" in the world and of "good reputation." What gives? What do these men know that keeps them in the "good old boy network"? These two men, at least, have knowledge that keeps them on the "inside." Otherwise, Flurry would have disposed of them long ago. Mark Nash now teaches Physical Ed and who knows what else.
It doesn't take much to realize that Gerald Flurry is over a barrel with at least these two men. --Former member WCG/PCG 
Update: We were told the following by a PCG exiter: "Mark Nash received full pay as a minister and office manager while he served his time in prison." See: "Transfer All Your Assets to Gerald Flurry After You Die" about an article Mark Nash wrote in the Royal Vision, January/February 2004. Update: In 2012 Mark Nash was a PCG HQs preaching elder and Festival Dept. Manager. In 2016 he was suspended.
On May 19, Exit and Support received this letter:
Mark Nash Suspended:
May 19, 2016
I wanted to let you know that I heard about a month ago that Mark Nash, a minister at HQ, has been suspended. It was announced at services by Wayne Turgeon. It did not say his wife, just him. Wondered if you knew this or had heard anything? --Anonymous
All of the articles Nash has written over the years are still posted on PCG's web site.  Since one of them deals with PCG members making the church beneficiary in their wills, Flurry cant have it disappear until he has one of his boys rewrite it.

This is an earlier article I had on Mark Nash:  Philadelphia Church of God's Mark Nash 


  1. From topic header:-

    "We now have two felon's in the Church of God...."

    To which "God" do you refer?


  2. Ralph, it should be easy to identify gods from their fruits, just like anybody else. The following lesson makes the principle clear.

    The facts: The first man and woman lived in a pleasant garden. Because the garden was filled with resources that met all their needs, they had free time to devote to hobbies. Their favorite was naming things, and they invented the game of taxonomy.

    The garden was infested with supernatural beings. Chief among these were two gods, a good one and an evil one. For times when they were busy or wished to remain anonymous, each god kept a retinue of lesser beings to run errands and deliver messages. But in the early days the gods often dealt with the man and woman face to face.

    The evil god disguised himself as a snake and offered the man and woman a piece of fruit. He said it would bestow on them knowledge about the difference between good and evil. They accepted. They liked the taste. Knowing good from evil entailed inconveniences, but they learned to cope.

    When he found out what had happened, the good god kicked the man and woman out of the garden. He armed two members of his retinue and ordered them to guard the gates to keep the man and woman from ever coming back. He condemned them to a hard life and inevitable death. He sentenced the man to the misery of field labor, enhanced with the curse of weeds and thorns. He cursed the woman with painful childbirth, subjection to the man’s will, and fear of snakes.

    The lesson: If the first man and first woman had not acquired the ability to tell good from evil and passed it down to us, we would not know which god was which.

  3. Rumor---

    Flurry to change organizational name to "FELONDELPHIA CHURCH OF GOD".

  4. Prof, you are missing the significance of the garden of Eden. Satan didn't offer Adam and Even anything new. God had made the same offer. The difference was that Gods way involved earning what God had to offer by trading with nature, trading with God and trading with others. It would have taken a very long time to earn what they desired. Satan offered a quick, shortcut method represented by eating the apple. This represents sin and the plundering of others. We still have this today with the 'pass the wealth around' nanny state, and the neo commie 'give way' in the churches. It's worth noting that God worked long and hard for billions of years defining and creating reality. That's our example. Work long and hard folks.

    Cheers TradingGuy

  5. "God worked long and hard for billions of years..."

    Was that before or after he created time, TradingGuy? Sheesh....

  6. The only thing PCG and its members need to suspend is disbelief.

  7. TradingGuy, you say he "worked long and hard for billions of years defining and creating reality" What reality are you talking about? The reality that I know and experience through my 5 senses (i.e the universe around me) is alleged to have been created in 6 freaking days! And each aspect of this universe was created at a command. And after each command, the end result was deemed to be "good and perfect" by the end of that same day.
    Where did you get your "billions of years" theory? Unless you are telling us the account in Genesis is a fabrication ...?

  8. Call me crazy, but...

    Is it possible that TradingGuy is in need of psychiatric help?
    (I've been wondering about that, beginning months ago when he started posting here.)

  9. 10.32 AM. The six day creation in Genesis is the unveiling of tens of millions of years of effort. This is based on carbon 14 dating of dinosaur era bones. God has existed forever. He existed billions of years before angels and the universe. What do you think He spent eternity doing if not defining reality. Have you studied physics and chemistry?? Look at all the titles (Google the names of God) of God. Do you think He waved a magic wand to acquire those traits or did He earn them through hard labour. Do you think God demands people work hard in the bible, and rewards them for doing so in eg, the parable of the talents, only to have lived a lazy life of leisure Himself?? look at David Attenborough ongoing nature programs. If the 'new post dinosaur' era creatures took 50-100 million years to design, how long did the original designs take. Keep in mind that the original designs like eyes, ears, reproduction were already there. So I'm saying the original designs might have taken billions of years.

    Cheers TradingGuy

  10. 11:29 AM According to you, God has spent billions of years playing video games or watching DVDs. Which one of us needs psychiatric help?

    Cheers TradingGuy

  11. Mark Nash has taught his own thing for years at AC. I had some students at my house once and the demanded I get rid of my best mouser because felon Nash said that all cats were demon possessed! No joke!
    I've also had students try and correct me in my own home because things weren't up to the Nash's standard! They are a very proud self righteous couple.
    The men admire Mark because of all the men he's killed while being a Seal, it's really disgusting why and how they have him on a pedestal. If he starts his own church he'll have every young man follow him!

  12. "And after each command, the end result was deemed to be "good and perfect" by the end of that same day. "

    is this a case of not even wrong?


  13. You lollygaggers!

    What,you ask,was the beginning of it all?
    And it is this..........
    Existence that multiplied itself
    For sheer delight of being
    And plunged into numberless trillions of forms
    So that it might

    Shi Aurobindo now leaves on his magic carpet like a bat out of hell!

  14. I read stuff from that guru before, but I thought his name was 'Sri Aurobindo'.
    Anyhow, I wasn't too impressed, and found it much like other 'guru material' I'd read previously, and caught on to the fact that gurus do their best to paint common sense notions with a 'golden' paintbrush- trying to portray common sense notions as some spiritual extra-ordinary revelations.

  15. 5.17 AM I don't get your point. Can you restate it more clearly.

  16. "And after each command, the end result was deemed to be "good and perfect" by the end of that same day. "

    To whose day were you referring? What actually is a day? How do we determine the time of a day?

  17. You're all fuckin' crazy. I don't get why the lot of you care so much about what such a small church does out in BFE oklahoma when real problems exist that affect millions or billions of people.

    Get over your cult years and start living your lives and ignore the people who try to drag you back into the drama.

  18. From the bottom of the crab bucket, "let go of the ones who can't let go!" It's getting too lonely down here!
