Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, June 19, 2016

BREAKING: Living Church of God Depositions To Start This Week In Scarborough Lawsuit

Just in from LCG source:

Depositions were the hottest rumor on LCG streets this Sabbath. It seems that quite a few members and ministers have received subpoenas to be deposed  by the Scarborough's attorney in the next two weeks. I can't confirm exactly how many LCG members have received the call so far but based on the chatter this Sabbath, it's a lot. I was also told that it's not just people in the Charlotte congregation. I spoke to several women in the Charlotte LCG congregation who were either called themselves or who's husband's had been called for depositions later this week.

There are a range of emotions amongst LCG members. Some are angry that the Scarborough's are "dragging them into this mess". Some are angry that LCG won't "do the right thing". People talk in hushed voices so they don't get in trouble from the ever-present LCG spies. One person I spoke to bluntly stated that they were "glad to be given the opportunity to finally tell the truth" and seemed resigned to the fact that telling the truth might get them kicked out of church.

Mr. Ames likes to ask congregants for a show of hands during sermons so that he can come up with an estimated percentage. From my surveying since learning of this lawsuit, I would say that the majority in LCG sympathize with the Scarborough's and think they were treated unfairly/ slandered but those same people don't agree with filing a lawsuit to resolve the situation. I have thought about this myself many times. It's a difficult situation because I think I would want to defend myself against false accusations too but I'm not sure suing a brother is the right thing to do either. The best thing would have been for all parties involved to act like Christians and talk out their problems.

Knowing that such a large majority of brethren privately sympathize with the Scarborough's, it will be curious to see if they choose to tell the truth in the depositions (which will surely hang LCG) or if they will choose to lie to protect LCG. LCG feels like it's on the brink of destruction regardless of the outcome of this case but the case isn't helping. Among the LCG people that I have spoken to about this lawsuit almost ALL have a hard time understanding how Mr. Meredith could let the situation go this far; costing the church so much money and bad publicity. It seems the Scarborough's made repeated attempts to make peace prior to filing this suit but LCG has refused them (at least according to facebook posts I've seen - so take that for what it's worth). Everyone knows that Mr. Meredith and Mr. McNair are prideful men but it's hard for us to understand how they can allow their pride to cause so much damage to the church that so many people love.

There are more important things LCG could be doing with their time and our money. What a total disappointment.


  1. I question whether we have all the facts from both parties on this lawsuit. So being definitive is dicey. One point, when one person sues, that party stands up for many other people, who for a variety of reasons can't stand up for themselves. Big people having to account of their behavior in a court of law, betters society as a whole. Should be interesting to see old bones Rod on the witness stand.

  2. These people will tell the truth in their depositions if they have half a brain. If they lie and it is discovered, they will have committed the crime of perjury which is a criminal offense.

    Lying to protect Meredith and McNair isn't worth it.

  3. Matthew 5:25 - Agree with your adversary quickly, while you are on the way with him, lest your adversary deliver you to the judge, the judge hand you over to the officer, and you be thrown into prison.

    I thought LCG claimed to follow every word of God???

  4. To the LCG source:

    Matthew 18 says ...and if he refuses to hear them, tell it to the church. But if he refuses even to hear the church, let him be to you like a heathen and a tax collector.

    The Scarborough's took it to the church in the letter they sent all of us. But our leaders wouldn't yield and make peace. So the Bible now gives them permission to treat Mr. Meredith and Mr. McNair as heathens.

    It's that simple. LCG leadership had a year to behave as the Christians they claim to be but instead of "manning-up" they continued in their lie. Instead of showing the love and mercy of Christ, they decided remain stubborn and prideful carnal, ungodly men.

    I have never been so disappointed.

  5. It would have been 100% free for LCG to sit down with the Scarborough's and work things out.

    Instead, LCG has chosen to go to court by refusing to talk to these people???

    Someone please explain.

  6. If Rod Meredith and Rod McNair are reading this:

    James 2:13 because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful

    One day you will stand before God in judgement. Doesn't this scripture scare you a little?

  7. I was at church the day the Scarborough's were marked. It was the most vicious attack I have ever been witness to. The entire day was focused on defaming these people.

    I'm sure that is why they are deposing so many people.

    250 people won't lie for LCG even if a few decide to.

    Witness testimony plus an un-edited copy of services that day will be pretty damning to LCG's defense.

    Add to that witnesses that testify to how the Scarborough's helped them over the years or showed generosity toward them to show that they were good people and it seems like a no-brainer (and I'm not a lawyer).

  8. I can't wait for the transcripts of these depositions in addition to all the information gathered in discovery to be made public. It will be more titillating than a Spanish soap opera!

  9. There is a tendency (to say the least) among COG Gurus to believe that every ill conceived, ill advised, rude, foolish or ego infested idea or result they come up with and blows up in their faces is never their own doing and fault. It gets off loaded onto Satan which usually means the membership for not listening, understanding or lacking faith. One of the most stupid concepts I ever heard from HWA, Flurry, Pack and probably all those that agreed with such foolishness is that "God corrects the leaders." This is lie. No God is doing any such thing. The members correct their leaders but the only way it seems to work on them is when they do it with their tithes or their feet. And even then, self awareness of foolish practice, behavior, ideas and belief mostly eludes them.

  10. Disposition of LCG lawsuit: Grouchy.

  11. It's mayhem at LCG HQ's this morning

  12. Although banned in most states, in North Carolina, it is still possible to file various types of "Alienation of Affection" lawsuits. I wonder if this will be the legal grounds that the suit will use as its protestation.

  13. I truly hope that the Scarboroughs win this case and win a substantial judgement as well. They are "Jackie Robinson" pioneers for all members of any COG . A victory will send ripples of fear in the ORGS and will have ministers learning their proper roles and place in life.

  14. Dennis, you are exactly right. Rod Meredith teaches that Jesus Christ is the Head of the church, and since Jesus hasn't removed Meredith, He must approve of what Meredith is doing. Therefore, to go against Meredith is rebellion against Jesus Himself. This makes the leader infallible! Any man could say this, could he not? Meredith is very good at manipulating people into following him. Without that manipulation, propaganda, and brainwashing, I wonder just how small his following would be.

  15. ACOG doctrine on authority prevents introspection amongst the ministry. They are always right, and anything that would force them to be accountable is an attack from Satan.


  16. What a time of testing for those that are called in. If LCG tries to get them to lie, then it is obvious that Yahweh has nothing to do with that church. If they tell the truth and are kicked out for doing so, then it is a feather in their cap.

    Justice is coming down on the churches.

  17. I've spent some time reading up on cases like this. LCG isn't only at risk for having to pay "pain and suffering", etc.

    If a jury is offended at the viciousness with which LCG tried to destroy these people, they can also award them "punitive damages".

    Punitive damages are meant to be a punishment to the offenders harsh enough to prevent them from ever committing the offense again.

    Juries have awarded Plaintiffs millions of dollars in punitive damages over and above the actual damages victims have suffered (like lost wages, medical bills,etc).

    I don't know the facts in this case but if the Scarborough's are likeable in front of a jury and if their lawyer can provide evidence that LCG lied out of spite to injure them, there could be a huge award from the jury.

    I must say that I'm surprises LCG isn't trying a little harder to make this go away.

  18. LCG ministry absolutely believe they are above being corrected. I know this first hand. I was once smugly asked by a minister in LCG if it was my job to correct the ministry. In their minds they are too right to ever be wrong.

  19. Depositions aren't like being a witness at the actual trial. Lawyers are allowed to ask ANYTHING without objection from opposing counsel.

  20. When RCM did this in WCG it wasn't his money he was risking. Now it is. I can't believe RCM is so stubborn and prideful that he's willing to risk his empire over this.

    Is there any chance that the men around Meredith are letting him make this foolish mistake to make him look like he's lost his mind so that they can step in and take everything?

  21. How much is it costing to do all of this???

    I keep thinking about how LCG could sponsor more kids to go to camp, hire more ministers, get on more TV stations etc with all that money.

  22. Harold Camping certainly knew how to attract attention to his now failed apocalyptic message. I find it ironic that LCG's message supposedly warning the world about WWIII is microscopic, and all but invisible, but that people would comment that moneys paid out to the Scarboroughs would somehow damage or diminish this. You could have made the case that moneys paid out to Leona McNair (Rod's other example of shooting himself in the foot) would have diminished The World Tomorrow, which was highly visible back in the day, but the cookie cutter ACOG splinter messages are so darned invisible, and no amount of money seems to be capable of making them go viral. I wouldn't even know there were splinter groups if it weren't for dissident internet sites and the disgusting Philadelphia Trumpet somebody leaves at Supercuts. Zero street buzz.


  23. Anon 9:05 a.m. - During a deposition, a lawyer representing one side or the other does have the opportunity to object to a question for his or her witness. These objections are not handled in the same way as they would be in a court of law, and there is a such thing as proper vs improper objections in a deposition, but they can be made.

    And...Anon 9:15 - Why, oh why would we want this organization to spend more money on television programs, kids to camp, hiring more ministers, etc,? Nearly every minister in this organization has proven that they are willing to compromise the truth for a paycheck, or at the very least, go along to get along. Why, oh why would we want more people to be drawn into this sick, cultish, rampantly political organization? LCG should disband, and all of the ministers should go find real jobs in the real world for a change (which I predict none of them would be able to keep for very long). There are other Sabbath keeping groups that the members can join, if that's what they wish to do. As it exists today, LCG is completely dysfunctional and committing serious harm to members by holding such a hard, non-biblical line with its church government policies.

  24. Living never cared about its people.
    In the very beginning when we joined Global they cared because they needed us(for our money and support I now see). Members were few and far between and we all wore many hats to fill in.
    Once they got things off the ground we were tossed into oblivion once again and given flotsam and jetsam as ministers.
    One minister in the NJ area believed Christ wore dreadlocks and was probably a black as he felt the real Hebrews were black.
    Complaints to the hierarchy went no where. We were stuck with that weirdo wackjob minister anyway.
    Just pay, pray and shut up.
    Another elder began privately teaching that Christ was a created being and not God really.
    He is now a full minister.
    With this kind of wacko doctrine in their heads it was hard to remain there.
    There is no real doctrine in that church. They adjust their beliefs to the times and to the occasion.
    Meredith is frantic for faith which he feels he just can't work up in himself. He was frantic that there were no healings and tried to slap faith into himself and the members with his sermons.
    Sad state of affairs but when the entire foundation is wrong the house falls down around itself.

  25. In a deposition the opposing counsel can object to the form of a question but not the subject matter. The Plaintiff's lawyer can question on any topic he or she wishes. Meredith and McNair certainly have closets full of skeletons. There's no telling what could come out.

  26. I hope the Scarborough''s point out how dastardly Meredith's own kids are and ask why THEY aren't marked

  27. Anon said that the ministers should find real jobs in the real world. How many of us would want them working with us? Who would want any of them as our colleagues or a manager? Yikes. Perhaps, like a virus, these "ministers" should be contained, like Typhoid Mary. Keep them where they are, where they can do less damage especially as the number of members under their "care" diminishes.

  28. I hope the Scarborough''s point out how dastardly Meredith's own kids are and ask why THEY aren't marked

  29. As a outsider this situation seems very iffy to me. Who gains? What's it really all about ? What's driving it all ? I witnessed a very similar situation in ucg. I see the same hallmarks all over this. Who are and what is the ultimate goal of the Scarboroughs ?

  30. LCG has millions of dollars in insurance for just this kind of lawsuit. Meredith has his own personal insurance on top of that.

    Meredith will pay nothing. LCG will pay nothing. If there's any award, the insurance company will pay their shares. If McNair doesn't have his own insurance, he may be the only one who is personally bankrupted by all of this.

  31. One minister in the NJ area believed Christ wore dreadlocks and was probably a black as he felt the real Hebrews were black.
    Complaints to the hierarchy went no where. We were stuck with that weirdo wackjob minister anyway.
    Just pay, pray and shut up.
    Another elder began privately teaching that Christ was a created being and not God really.
    He is now a full minister.

    Wesley Webster is the minister who believed in Black Israelites.

    Are you saying that there is a current LCG elder who believes Christ was a created being? Name/evidence, please! If Meredith is allowing that to go on, he really is doctrinally bankrupt.

  32. Byker Bob said: ACOG doctrine on authority prevents introspection amongst the ministry. They are always right, and anything that would force them to be accountable is an attack from Satan.

    That's it in a nutshell. Authority supposedly granted to them by God, placing themselves infinitely above the non-ordained, creating a wall of separation. The ministers see themselves as an upper class - deputies and substitutes of Christ, superior and unaccountable to the lay members.

    The Matthew 18 reference is for member-to-member disputes, never minister-to-member disputes. When there's a dispute between minister and member, the minister is immune (hopefully this court case will burst that conception). "Tell it to the church" means tell it to the final authority - the ministry - never to the broader membership. Suing the ministry is the same as suing Jesus.

    When people remove the blinders they should be able to discern how many of these men are not led by the Holy Spirit, and then they stop being afraid of them. You realize they are parasites, but someone else said something that applies here:

    To call these ministers parasites would be injurious and defamatory to the thousands of honest parasitic species. Even the lowest, dirtiest, most parasitic member of the animal kingdom fills an ecological niche. Cultic COG ministers fill no niche. They are worse than vermin, for vermin do not pretend to be what it is not. Even the scummiest used car salesman will send you home with at least a chunk of steel that you can salvage. These ministers are truly human garbage. They are a fraudulent, lying, predatory charlatans.

    They are hypocritical, greedy, violent, malevolent, vengeful, cowardly, deadly, mendacious, loathsome, despicable, belligerent, opportunistic, contemptible, criminal, fascistic, bigoted, racist, sexist, avaricious, tasteless, idiotic, imbecilic, arrogant, deceitful, lame, self-righteous, fraudulent, libellous, ignorant, clueless, illegitimate, harmful, destructive, dumb, evasive, double-talking, devious, narrow, manipulative, paternalistic, dogmatic, idolatrous, unethical, cultic, suppressive, oppressive, deceptive, controlling, restrictive, malignant, stifling, uncaring, unsympathetic, jargon-spouting, censorious, secretive, aggressive, mind-numbing, abrasive, poisonous, flagrant, self-destructive, abusive, socially-inept, tedious, boring, and even occasionally earth shatteringly hilarious in their idiocy, routinely childish, moronic, pathetic, wretched, disgusting and pitiful.

    1. In a nutshell many show carnal behaviour and not converted behaviour.

  33. "Meredith will pay nothing. LCG will pay nothing. If there's any award, the insurance company will pay their shares. If McNair doesn't have his own insurance, he may be the only one who is personally bankrupted by all of this"

    This is probably true but even insurance companies have limits. RCM might be covered up to a point but it's entirely possible that he will have to cover expenses that exceed those limits.

    Further, most of these types of policies require up to $100,000 deductibles per offense. I'm not sure if they will look at this entire lawsuit as "one offense" or if the insurance company will look at each charge against LCG individually. One lawyer I spoke to about this said it could cost up to $300,000 in deductibles (Meredith, McNair & LCG @ $100K each) PLUS LCG would be on the hook if the jury awards a large sum in punitive damages.

    Regardless of how much money LCG/Meredith will or will not lose because of this lawsuit, what about the bad PR that is undoubtedly going to result when the facts are laid out. I've never met the Scarborough's in my life but I do know Rod Meredith and I do know Rod McNair and I'm guessing that they are in the wrong because of what I know of their character.

    One would think that they would want to avoid bad PR and be willing to do something, anything to avoid the truth about their behavior from coming out because it will sure cause more LCG sheeple to wake from their Meredith zombie brainwashing and take their tithe money and run in the opposite direction!

    I would think Meredith and McNair wouldn't want their members sitting through depositions because each time a LCG member talks, the LCG glass house is at risk.

    The fact that they aren't trying to stop this shows just how egotistical and blinded they truly are. They think the rules don't apply to them; for the most part they don't within the small reality they have created for themselves. But this is the real world and when a jury sees how they abuse power and trust to bully trusting members, I don't guess it will go well for them.

  34. I would be soooo much easier for LCG to make peace!

    How do LCG members resign this in their heads???

    LCG members surely know that Jesus was the way of peace, love, grace and mercy.

    Rod Meredith's favorite scripture is Galatians 2:20. I ask, "is THIS how you demonstrate Christ living in you?!

    I don't care IF his excuse is that insurance is footing the bill so who cares. The principle still remains. Rod Meredith is incumbent as a Christian to be humble, show mercy, love his brother and BE A PEACEMAKER.

    He looks like a bag of skin and bones. His death is surely imminent. I would think he would want to show spiritual GROWTH with his impending judgment from the Almighty. How could he possible answer for this type of behavior???

    No "MAJOR SIN" since baptism my ass.

  35. I think the men around Meredith are encouraging his heinous behavior so they can discredit him later when the split happens and they make a move to steal his empire.

    I can think of no other reason why the 12 men on LCG's Counsel of Elders wouldn't do everything possible to discourage this destructive behavior.

  36. Can't they all just meet at a Burger King or McDonald's during the "senior citizen" breakfast special, hug each other, and all be friends again?

    I've heard that Mickey D's coffee ain't too bad.
    (Of course it's "of Satan" if it seems to spill itself onto church pamphlets.)

  37. In their ego, they probably imagine that God is on their side, and they might even expect to be totally vindicated. Bad historic precedent there, unfortunately. If God was involved at all the last time, clearly He was on Leona McNair's side.


  38. To real Christians in Living COG:

    Final Exams are here:
    1. When brought before the court, will you keep all of God's Commandments,
    especially number 9, no matter who hates you for it?
    2. Can you judge by the fruits?
    3. Do you seek the Praise of Men or the Praise of God?
    4. What's the real Authority, the Bible or the latest co-worker letter?
    unfortunately, you may have that choice to make
    5. Are TV programs and magazines a substitute for Godly Behavior?
    6. Real "philio" love of the Brethren, do you know it when you see it?

    This Exam is Open Book. Please use it!

  39. Anon June 21, 2016 at 5:28 AM wrote, in part, about Rod's favorite scripture:

    "...Rod Meredith's favorite scripture is Galatians 2:20. I ask, "is THIS how you demonstrate Christ living in you?!
    I don't care IF his excuse is that insurance is footing the bill so who cares. The principle still remains. Rod Meredith is incumbent as a Christian to be humble, show mercy, love his brother and BE A PEACEMAKER.

    He looks like a bag of skin and bones. His death is surely imminent. I would think he would want to show spiritual GROWTH with his impending judgment from the Almighty. How could he possible answer for this type of behavior???

    No "MAJOR SIN" since baptism my ass..."

    Anon 5:28, I found it interesting you cited Galatians 2:20, which says:

    "I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me."

    In 2002, 14 years ago, I asked Bob Thiel: "...would you please name for me some examples of knowledge that the Living cog has grown in since its existence?"

    On 12 Nov 2002, Bob Thiel responded with:

    "...That one is easy. Dr. M's emphasis of Galatians 2:20 and its ramifications would be one..."

    Our communications continued and on 27 April 2003 Bob Thiel sent me this following message regarding Rod's favorite verse:

    "...I have repeatedly explained to you areas where I feel that LCG has I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me., so I will not repeat them again.

    Regarding the above quote, we in LCG believe that the split was necessary to clear LCG of most of the Laodicean influence that it had..."

    And my reply, that same day, to Bob Thiel regarding Gal 2:20 was:

    "...Bob, once upon a time I asked you to "...please name for me some examples of knowledge that the Living cog has grown in since its existence?..."

    And guess what? You could not do it. Instead you came back not with "some examples" but with one comment. You said: "That one is easy. Dr. M's emphasis of Galatians 2:20 and its ramifications would be one...."

    And that was all you wrote about "some examples," and citing Galatians 2:20 doesn't say much. Oh, the verse is true, but where does that "faith" of Gal 2:20 come from? It does not come inherently from "self." One has no faith unless God gives it in the first place, but God is working a perfect plan of salvation and that He does give out that faith by measure. That is God's choice. And He intends to give out that faith by measure to all mankind, but it'll be each man in his own order as God so determines. And that's in Rom 12:3...and :6 if you want another verse.

    But anyway, you are probably not interested in that. You have still, to my knowledge, only given one example. If I missed something, then write me to explain what I missed. I see your mentioning of Gal 2:20; that's it!..."

    So, here we are in June 2016 and Galatians 2:20 is still on the "Living" group's front burner......BUT Bob Thiel no longer supports Rod, who Bob Thiel once supposedly thought had "Christ in him."

    So much for "Living's" group's growth in knowledge...and Gal 2:20.

    Has time told us anything "new?"

