Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Rod Meredith's Latest Co-worker Letter: "Your family, your children and your job will be blessed" if you support Meredith's enterprise.

From an LCG source:

Here's Rod Meredith's latest nauseating co-worker letter. On a positive note, it's not as money grubbing as usual. Maybe all the flack he received on Banned for being such a greedy beggar hypocrite who lives in a huge house and has a fat bank account made an impact?! One can only hope.

I especially liked the line about how British Israelism is thoroughly explained with "Biblical and historical proof" in their U.S and Britain booklet. Dr Winnail, Dr. Fall,  and Dr. Germano among MANY  other COG ministers and members are smart enough to know that B.I. has been totally disproven but ol' Spanky decides to double down in this latest letter. Do you think Rod Meredith has even heard of DNA? His ignorance is astounding.

Then Meredith goes on in his delusions to say that the Living Church of God is the "only one Work, one group of dedicated human beings - who are preaching the true message of Christ's coming Government".  Well I guess that can lay to rest the rumors that LCG is attempting to form a merger with COGWA  or UCG. 

RCM used to say the other splinters were also COG's but that LCG was "the spear head". Now, apparently, LCG is the ONLY COG. Funny how things change when you are hemorrhaging members and trying to scare those who remain out of defecting to those other Laodicean churches. 

Perhaps the scariest line in the letter is, "will He not render to each man according to his deeds". If I were RCM that would definitely keep me up at night. I wonder what compulsive lying, meanness, vanity, greed and corruption renders?

Fear, lies and manipulation are the chief operandi at LCG. Will they ever understand the message of love that Christ left for us?


June 16, 2016
Dear Brethren and Co-Workers with Christ,
We should never forget the recent headlines: “MASSACRE—Orlando Mass Shooting Deadliest in U.S. History.” “Shooter pledged allegiance to ISIL.” “ORLANDO—The heavily armed assailant who killed 50 people in a packed nightclub early Sunday in the deadliest shooting spree in U.S. history pledged allegiance to the Islamic State before he was killed in a hail of gunfire, authorities said” (USA Today, June 13, 2016).
Dear friends we understand the details of what happened, but the big question which very few are able to understand is why these attacks are taking place with increasing frequency in America, Canada, Britain, France, etc. The Wall Street Journal reported: “As we learned again after December’s murders in San Bernardino, ISIS propaganda over the internet can all too easily reach Muslims alienated from American society. Young men who are second generation immigrants seem to be especially vulnerable to calls for jihad…. President Obama could also help if he weren’t so reluctant to acknowledge the domestic danger from ISIS. Mr. Obama did say in his Sunday remarks that this was ‘an act of terror,’ though he still can’t muster the words Islam or jihad or Islamic State. The truest words he uttered were that Orlando ‘could have been any one of our communities’” (June 13, 2016).
It is important to understand that both our national and religious leaders seem to have no real understanding of how to deal with radical Islam. They do not understand who we are and what is definitely prophesied to occur in the near future.
While Meredith did not go into one or his nauseating homophobic rants he has to get his dig in anyway claiming the innocents slaughtered were "godless and Christ denying."  I have seen more Christ denying men in LCG and the COG than than there were in that club that night.
My friends, this “Orlando massacre” was not just some occasional incident. It was undoubtedly part of the beginning of an entire series of such terrorist acts and other tragedies that are going to overwhelm our society in the next few years in a way we have never seen before! Why? The answer is that our leaders fail to acknowledge the fact that there is a real God. They refuse to even consider that He may be intervening and guiding world events—including at least allowing these kinds of tragedies to occur and to come down on a godless and Christ-denying people who virtually spit in His face!

Then he brings in the discredited belief that British Israelism is a valid belief just because John Ogwyn wrote LCG's booklet on the topic.
I hope that all of you will carefully read and study one of the most meaningful and powerful booklets we have ever published. It was written by one of the most dedicated men I have ever known, John H. Ogwyn. It is entitled, The United States and Great Britain in Prophecy. It thoroughly explains—with biblical and historical proof—the fact that the American and British-descended peoples were, originally, primarily the descendants of Jacob—whose name was changed to Israel. It shows that we—through our ancestry—were promised awesome national blessings and power. “Also God said to him: ‘I am God Almighty. Be fruitful and multiply; a nation and a company of nations shall proceed from you, and kings shall come from your body. The land which I gave Abraham and Isaac I give to you; and to your descendants after you I give this land’” (Genesis 35:11-12).
So our ancestor, Jacob—whose name was changed to “Israel”—was to be the father of an entire “company” of nations—this certainly was fulfilled in the “commonwealth of nations” which Britain had and in the great single nation, the United States, which was also indicated in verse 11. 
Meredith shouldn't be lecturing alone about "spitting" in god's face.  He does that daily when he denies Jesus. 
Great national blessings were promised to come upon us because of the example of heartfelt obedience of our father, Abraham. Yet Almighty God does not continue to bless those who deny His existence—who virtually “spit in His face”—and completely turn away from obedience to His laws and His statutes!
In His inspired Word, God tells us in Deuteronomy 28 that He would bless and bless our peoples if we would continue to obey His commandments—He would set us “high above all nations of the earth” (Deuteronomy 28:1). God said to our people, “The Lord will open to you His good treasure, the heavens, to give the rain to your land in its season, and to bless all the work of your hand. You shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow. And the Lord will make you the head and not the tail; you shall be above only, and not be beneath, if you heed the commandments of the Lord your God, which I command you today, and are careful to observe them” (vv. 12-13).
Dear brethren and friends, it is obvious—according to the inspired Word of God—our people will continue to receive horrifying punishments from God of almost every description. If we do not turn to the true God of the Bible in heartfelt repentance we will have worsening drought, fires, flooding, famine, massive earthquakes and some of the most horrifying disease epidemics ever to hit mankind—all of these unless we repent and begin to turn to God as a nation and as a people. Some of you will object and say, “But I think….”
Meredith's god is on the warpath and spanking out divine punishment 
Please understand. It does not make any difference what “I think” or what you think. If you have the intelligence and the courage to dig into the facts and prove to yourself that there is a real God, that the Bible is His inspired revelation to mankind, and if you can muster up the humility to obey your Creator, you will then truly understand what God says and what is already beginning to happen, right now, even as I write! For this recent tragedy in Orlando is not just an isolated incident. It is no doubt the beginning of an entire series of national tragedies as part of the divine punishment meted out by Almighty God the Creator. If we are willing to understand it in this context, it should drive all of us to our knees! It should make us realize that the specific promises God gave to our ancestors have come about. And now the national punishments prophesied in His Word are also beginning to occur—more and more with each passing year. The end of this society is not going to be tomorrow or this year. We are not saying that. Rather, we are saying that we are truly living in the “time of the end” and that God is going to continue to intervene with increasing power to show that He is God! We need to prove that to ourselves and begin to act accordingly.
Meredith makes it known that there is no "truth" outside the LCG.  No other COG is doing the work. Flurry is not, Pack is not. Kubik is not, Frank's is not...
At this point in modern history, there is only one Work, one group of dedicated human beings—who are preaching the true message of Christ’s coming Government to this earth with increasing power, who truly do understand the details of Bible prophecy, and who are willing to do what God says in every area of our lives. The Living Church of God is sponsoring that very Work!
Then Meredith claims that the work of LCG has never been bolder nor bigger.  The entire world is hearing the message of the LCG.
Each month, this Work increases with power in our impact on the entire world. Right now, we are having a tremendous increase in our impact through many aspects of the Internet. We are very grateful for this—and grateful for so many of you who are helping us out as members and co-workers in the Body of Christ. I am grateful that so many people are responding to our powerful new Internet initiatives, such as the telecast on Roku. But I also appreciate that for many long-time supporters of this Work, plain old postal “snail mail” still has its place. Most of you brethren and co-workers already have your own copy of our powerful and inspiring DVD, Feed My Sheep, which we sent out several years ago, featuring insightful comments by many Living Church of God ministers revealing their hearts about the Work being done around the world. A couple of months ago, we sent a special offer to more than 46,000 U.S. subscribers who did not already have that DVD, and more than one-in-six responded to request the free DVD! As any of you who work with “direct mail” will know, a response rate approaching 17 percent can be considered outstanding—especially for a DVD like this that focuses more on the spiritual impetus of the Work rather than the “flashy” details of end-time prophecy that some “religious hobbyists” like to hear. This response shows powerfully that so many of those being reached by this Work really do have their “hearts” in what Jesus Christ is doing through this Work!
Also, I hope and pray that thousands of you who have not yet read Mr. Ogwyn’s powerful booklet, The United States and Great Britain in Prophecy, will now want to write in, call in or order over the Internet to request this free booklet. As most of you know there will be no charge, and no follow-up for donations as a result of your requesting this booklet. It is very interesting. It is filled with information that will really help you understand what is beginning to occur all around you right now. So call or write today and request your free copy of this powerful and insightful booklet that every one of us ought to read and study to understand the events that are now beginning to occur in a massive way effecting the British-descended and American peoples. 
Meredith's god is a god who dishes out blessings only to LCG members who have their "heart" in the work.   Anyone who is not 100% behind Meredith will NOT be blessed.
Please remember—for your own good—Almighty God’s instruction in Proverbs 24:11-12: “Deliver those who are drawn toward death, and hold back those stumbling to the slaughter. If you say, ‘Surely we did not know this,’ does not He who weighs the hearts consider it? He who keeps your soul, does He not know it? And will He not render to each man according to his deeds?” God certainly rewards those who have their hearts in His Work and in proclaiming the warning which we are trying to give about the events that are now beginning to come upon our peoples. We certainly need your help to “grow” this Work in power and effectiveness.
Almighty God also tells us: “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:21).
Apparently if you fully support Meredith and the LCG you will then be blessed beyond measure.  You, your children, and even your job!  Of course that means if you are blessed at your job then you will be getting more money which means you will be giving more to the church.
If you will join with us in “going all out,” in doing your part to help get this Work going and growing more than ever, God will certainly bless you—bless your family, your children, your job and everything you have. For He is God. God is “real.” As you learn to obey Him and serve Him, this reality will become more and more fixed in your mind and you will understand and you will have faith as you see God intervening. So put your “treasure” in the very Work that is preparing the way for Christ’s Second Coming as King of kings.
“Boy!” How we need His coming Government on this earth right now. Let us do everything we can to help prepare the way and have God’s blessing on our lives and our families as we walk with God and join with Him as “co-workers” and members in His Body in preparing the way for Christ’s Second Coming.
With Christian love,
Roderick C. Meredith


  1. I know why America is under attack and it has nothing to do with some guy in the sky they call "God". Its because we wage constant war in America's bid for worldwide hegemony.

    Kill enough people worldwide and you make enemies. Expect blow back.

  2. I don't believe in Santa Claus. Why should I? Is there any good reason to think he ever even existed? As I go about my life, minding my own business, am I "virtually spitting in the face" of Santa Claus?

    Oh, you might say, no, because Santa Claus doesn't demand to be worshiped, because he doesn't claim to be a god. How do we know whether Santa claims to be a god or demands to be worshiped or not? Does merely supposing Santa isn't a god and doesn't ask to be worshiped have sufficient force to make it so? How do we know Santa isn't going to come down from the North Pole and visit apocalyptic devastation upon all those who haven't been worshiping him in the manner he desires? What if everyone is wrong?

    Does the god of Armstrong exist, claim to be a god, or demand to be worshiped? If so, how would anyone know? Is merely referring to this supposed being as a "god" enough to make him exist and have supernatural powers? If there aren't any better reasons to suppose even the mere existence of the god of Armstrongism than there are for Santa, how can there be any good reasons to draw any more detailed conclusions about this supposed being? There simply are no grounds for Meredith to suppose such certainty.

    But let's just humor ol' Golden Gloves. Allah is a direct competitor to the god of Armstrongism. Over a billion people think he exists, think he's not just a god, but that he's the creator the universe instead, and suppose that he demands to be worshiped as the one true god instead. As I go about my life, minding my own business, am I "virtually spitting in the face" of Allah? What about Zeus, Odin, Ra, Lord Brahma, or Ahura Mazda? Am I simultaneously "spitting" in their faces too?

    Why is the onus on me to sort out which, if any, of the 10,000 or so equally hidden gods that mankind has ever thought to have existed are real? Who, I ask you, even has the raw data required to perform this Herculean task? Isn't hiddenness alone sufficient grounds for dismissal, pending evidence?

    How is minding your own business, going about your life "spitting in the face" of anyone who has given neither me, nor anyone that I know, any reasons to believe he even exists?


  3. Roderick C. Meredith has his followers sort of trapped. They have to stay and put up with Rod's so-called “doctrinal upgrades” (such as the hybrid gospel, the marriage supper in heaven, and the great falling away being in the world). They have to stay and wait for Rod to die and see what happens next to the LCG. Where else can they go?

    They do not want to go back to Joseph Tkach, Jr.'s shrivelled up little GCI and become ham-eating, Sunday-keeping apostates.

    Norman S. Edwards left the GCG to do his own thing with the GCG's mailing list, but his Serpent's News newsletter soon fizzled out anyway and came to nothing at all. NSE thought that church people should be unherdable cats rather than sheep. All his unherdable cats did not help him. Each one went off in his own different direction for his own reasons to do his own thing and amount to nothing.

    The GCG is officially bankrupt, dead, and gone now that RCM left it to start the LCG.

    Some left the GCG/LCG to go with David C. Pack's RCG. Ouch!!! It cost them literally everything!!! Ka-Ching!!! And that is the Real Truth!!!

    Some very few might have even gone with Robert J. Thiel's CCG. Groan! No common sense at all?

    One unlucky, cursed, and doomed fellow even jumped out of the LCG frying pan and into Gerald R. Flurry's PCG fire. Yikes! He seems to have done it for a lousy paycheck. Most LCG members do not want some demon-inspired runt like That False Prophet breaking up their families and friendships.

    They could try the Council of Evil's UCG but they might not want to become that godless and disunited. They might also still be distrustful of the current UCG leaders for having helped the apostate Tkaches to destroy the WCG in the past.

    Ronald E. Weinland is too much of a clown and his COG-PKG is too much of a circus for the older, more serious LCG people.

    James D. Malm is not an option since he has dung for brains and wants to think for everyone else even though he cannot even think for himself properly.

    The Laodicea era of the church certainly has a lot of very bad options.

    1. You left out Cogwa. Aren't they supposed to be verging on a arranged marriage ?

  4. Rod Meredith concludes saying: "..“Boy!” How we need His coming Government on this earth right now. Let us do everything we can to help prepare the way and have God’s blessing on our lives and our families as we walk with God and join with Him as “co-workers” and members in His Body in preparing the way for Christ’s Second Coming..."

    When will Rod stop lying to us. He left his credentials, like so many of his "little helper" ministers, behind in Pasadena. In God'said Sight Rod and "roddites" aren't even ministers anymore. They fled and showed their lack of care for God's sheep long ago.

    They preach another gospel from what Jesus Christ taught and are driven by another spirit that is NOT "of God."

    ROD says we need God's government on earth right now. Well, that is a lie, and not a need, or God's government would be here. Duh!

    Second Coming? The Bible does not even use that phrase. Rod, like his little helpers, all turn a blind eye to that 40 Day period AFTER Jesus Christ returned to earth (a real SECOND COMING)AFTER He was resurrected! Junk food, Rod preache.

    The entire "living" group is as stagnant as COGWA and other groups since the day HWA ceased living.

    When will they learn that we have had more than enough "fear religion" of Rod! When will Rod stop winning and his begging?

    Incidentally, Jesus departed earth to prepare something for His future Bride, so why expect Him to soon return to earth? The Bride will follow Him to what was prepared...and not the other way around to satisfy your false theories...junk food, which you try to look at nourishing, and it is no such thing.

    Rod, wake up! Be aware! Be alert! Be awake, b/c it appears you and your man-made group are ALL having a nice snooze.

    And time keeps proving that...

    Oh, and Rod said: "... It is no doubt the beginning of an entire series of national tragedies as part of the divine punishment meted out by Almighty God the Creator.."

    There you go again...blaming God for what happened in Orlando on Pentecost day. You sound like Adam blaming God.

    Besides, God gave the gift of His law to ancient physical Israel...and spiritual Israel only, so why do you strive to impose your law on others like you do?

    If you and your littke helpers just had faith, which comes only via God's Spirit, then you would believe God's words in 2 Corinrhians 5:19......

    HE WILL DO THAT...AND you have NO PART in that at all. Fear religion, which your letter proves you preach, is of the God of this present evil world.

    You blame flesh? You wrestle flesh and blood? The real enemies are the principalities, according to your Bible, but you still can't see thst...so your blame game AND Fear Religion towards God and human beings continues...


  5. His last paragraph appears to be in search of a greater concept. What about members striving to impact their surrounding culture and communities with goodness, right here, and right now, rather than simply hiding out, sending in their tithes, and waiting for the apocalypse?


  6. Rod Meredith concludes saying: "..“Boy!” How we need His coming Government on this earth right now. Let us do everything we can to help prepare the way and have God’s blessing on our lives and our families as we walk with God and join with Him as “co-workers” and members in His Body in preparing the way for Christ’s Second Coming..."

    When will Rod stop lying to us. He left his credentials, like so many of his "little helper" ministers, behind in Pasadena. In God'said Sight Rod and "roddites" aren't even ministers anymore. They fled and showed their lack of care for God's sheep long ago.

    They preach another gospel from what Jesus Christ taught and are driven by another spirit that is NOT "of God."

    ROD says we need God's government on earth right now. Well, that is a lie, and not a need, or God's government would be here. Duh!

    Second Coming? The Bible does not even use that phrase. Rod, like his little helpers, all turn a blind eye to that 40 Day period AFTER Jesus Christ returned to earth (a real SECOND COMING)AFTER He was resurrected! Junk food, Rod preache.

    The entire "living" group is as stagnant as COGWA and other groups since the day HWA ceased living.

    When will they learn that we have had more than enough "fear religion" of Rod! When will Rod stop winning and his begging?

    Incidentally, Jesus departed earth to prepare something for His future Bride, so why expect Him to soon return to earth? The Bride will follow Him to what was prepared...and not the other way around to satisfy your false theories...junk food, which you try to look at nourishing, and it is no such thing.

    Rod, wake up! Be aware! Be alert! Be awake, b/c it appears you and your man-made group are ALL having a nice snooze.

    And time keeps proving that...

    Oh, and Rod said: "... It is no doubt the beginning of an entire series of national tragedies as part of the divine punishment meted out by Almighty God the Creator.."

    There you go again...blaming God for what happened in Orlando on Pentecost day. You sound like Adam blaming God.

    Besides, God gave the gift of His law to ancient physical Israel...and spiritual Israel only, so why do you strive to impose your law on others like you do?

    If you and your littke helpers just had faith, which comes only via God's Spirit, then you would believe God's words in 2 Corinrhians 5:19......

    HE WILL DO THAT...AND you have NO PART in that at all. Fear religion, which your letter proves you preach, is of the God of this present evil world.

    You blame flesh? You wrestle flesh and blood? The real enemies are the principalities, according to your Bible, but you still can't see thst...so your blame game AND Fear Religion towards God and human beings continues...


  7. Brethren,
    Never forget that Islam is now the new world wide pariah, replacing Jews as the red suited devil of all evils in the world! Let it be your mantra. Let it guide your thinking and instill fear and wild violence into your soul! It is always someone else's sin or fault. Remember that brethren! Live it... love it.. do it. It is the core of our belief.
    Send money.
    Recent headlines highlight False Flags that will, as our Brother George Orwell teaches, keep us in eternal terror and war mode. It will supply the churches with something to frighten you into parting with your money.
    Send Money.
    Yes, the US and Britain are the empire building tribes of Israel, that holy nation God never found any sin or fault with at all (cough, gag). We can't prove it from the bible at all but, who cares. We say it is so and so it is so! History, always written by the victors, tells you it is so!
    Send Money.
    We are in the gun lap.
    Send Money.
    Only we can put you on the bus to Petra!
    Send money.
    The US and Britain in Prophecy explains why we had the right to empire building, stealing wealth and resources from the Africans and Indians. Yes, it is our God given RIGHT as the sacred holy sin-free Israel!
    Send Money.
    With Love and Kisses and a healthy dose of spankings,
    Rowdy Roddy

  8. Let's see how Meredith's letter reads if we replace "God" or "Christ" with "Santa":

    "Please understand. It does not make any difference what 'I think' or what you think. If you have the intelligence and the courage to dig into the facts and prove to yourself that there is a real Santa, that the Bible is His inspired revelation to mankind, and if you can muster up the humility to obey your Creator, you will then truly understand what Santa says and what is already beginning to happen, right now, even as I write! For this recent tragedy in Orlando is not just an isolated incident. It is no doubt the beginning of an entire series of national tragedies as part of the divine punishment meted out by Almighty Santa the Creator. If we are willing to understand it in this context, it should drive all of us to our knees! It should make us realize that the specific promises Santa gave to our ancestors have come about. And now the national punishments prophesied in His Word are also beginning to occur—more and more with each passing year. The end of this society is not going to be tomorrow or this year. We are not saying that. Rather, we are saying that we are truly living in the 'time of the end' and that Santa is going to continue to intervene with increasing power to show that He is Santa! We need to prove that to ourselves and begin to act accordingly.

    At this point in modern history, there is only one Work, one group of dedicated human beings—who are preaching the true message of Santa’s coming Government to this earth with increasing power, who truly do understand the details of Bible prophecy, and who are willing to do what Santa says in every area of our lives. The Living Church of God is sponsoring that very Work!
    If you will join with us in 'going all out,' in doing your part to help get this Work going and growing more than ever, Santa will certainly bless you—bless your family, your children, your job and everything you have. For He is Santa. Santa is 'real.' As you learn to obey Him and serve Him, this reality will become more and more fixed in your mind and you will understand and you will have faith as you see Santa intervening. So put your 'treasure' in the very Work that is preparing the way for Santa’s Second Coming as King of kings.

    'Boy!' How we need His coming Government on this earth right now. Let us do everything we can to help prepare the way and have Santa’s blessing on our lives and our families as we walk with Santa and join with Him as “co-workers” and members in His Body in preparing the way for Santa’s Second Coming.

    With Christmas love,

    Roderick C. Meredith

    Hmm. It didn't really change anything...

    Stuff like "If we are willing to understand it in this context..." and "As you learn to obey Him and serve Him, this reality will become more and more fixed in your mind and you will understand and you will have faith..." shows how this "faith" and "understanding" is really just the result of a commitment to fool yourself. What other "understanding" requires such exercises in self-convincing? What other conclusions rely on such a heap of dubious and baseless assertions stacked atop one another like cordwood? Yep. Whatever. Praise Santa! But send the money to me!

  9. Little Jimmy isn't helping his Daddy very much. For Father's Day he told the Charlotte church that it's hard shopping for a father whose favorite things are The Wall Street Journal, Barrons, and wine. What kind of minister of Jesus Christ is interested in those three things more than any others? Little Jimmy threw a punch at his own Golden Gloves father, and scored a direct hit at Rod's glass jaw. Jimmy whines about people on the Internet who spread lies about his father, but by telling the truth Jimmy did more harm than a dozen liars.

  10. For the record, there are no Laodiceans living today. The doctrine of church eras is simply an extrabiblical theory adapted from the Adventist movement by HWA, and used to create a label of shame for those who either did not embrace his doctrines (Sardis), or failed to follow him on a fanatical level (Laodicean).

    Having said all of that, there are certain attitudes described in the letters to the churches, some of which seem to be typical for mankind in general and less than optimum for a Christian, and therefore to be guarded against, through occasional introspection. But, you are not Sardis because HWA calls you that, or Laodicean because Rod Meredith or Gerald Flurry label you as such. Those people use the labels self-servingly, and not as a function of God, but only as it relates to their own "work" and then, to secure their so-called authority. It's funny, you just never hear a COGlodyte minister rightly calling the original WCG "Pergamum" for failing to get rid of HWA for his false prophecies, or false quasi-doctrines like British Israelism. Brethren who suffered persecution were never complimented as Smyrnaites. And, they didn't call the SDAs from whom many of the doctrines came Thyatirans for not banishing Mrs. Eggwhite. Certainly some could have been called Ephesian for losing their first love. But, they only isolated and used the last three, picking the best for themselves, which is highly debateable.



  11. Anonymous at 2:47 PM said...

    “You left out Cogwa. Aren't they supposed to be verging on a arranged marriage ?”

    Marriage? Of the COGs? More likely, they'll just sneak around and fornicate a bit in secret.


  12. Roderick C. Meredith wanted to minimize the great work that Herbert W. Armstrong had done in the past with the Worldwide Church of God. RCM wanted to go on to “shake the nations” with his own little GCG/LCG groups.

    RCM's little GCG/LCG groups never had even one tenth of the people that the WCG had at its peak. And even the people that RCM's little groups did have had come from the WCG. RCM needs to forget about shaking the nations and give his head a shake.


  13. I was in LCG for years and found it shocking how so many LCG members have been brainwashed into believing that if you aren't in LCG you aren't part of the bride of Christ. A lot of people in LCG are completely oblivious that there are other people, outside of LCG that could possibly be "God's people" (to use ACOG speak).

    A large majority of the people I encountered in LCG were clueless about Rod Meredith's history as was I initially. The difference being, I sought out information and was unable to make excuses for his behavior. Thank God I snapped out of my LCG daze. I couldn't remain in a group lead by someone as innately evil as Rod Meredith.

    I don't care if LCG members shout "we don't follow a man" from the top of the hills in every direction. I could never support (and by being a tithe-paying member you are supporting RCM) a man with a heart like Rod Meredith. I wish all LCG members would spend a few hours researching Rod Meredith on the internet. Read the words of his many victims. Read HWA's words to RCM. Read about Meredith's divorce and re-marriage fiasco. Read Meredith's own words about the races. Read Meredith's failed prophecies in his own words. Rod Meredith is poison. Rod Meredith does not now nor has he ever displayed the fruits of the Spirit. He is a greedy, vain, racist bully. I pray more and more people take a stand and walk away from his abusive, controlling, merciless church.

    It was hard to walk away from people I really liked but within a few weeks I felt so much better.

    LCG ministry would like you to believe that you need them to make it to the kingdom of God but you don't. There is only One Intercessor and He has absolutely NOTHING to do with LCG.

  14. I think it's obvious that Meredith has no interest in joining forces with COGWA since he thinks LCG is the one and only true church.

  15. Many in COGWA will be relived to hear that. Meredith has shown his true colours it's LCG or nothing. Time will tell how this plays out for LCG. Will the missing 4000 suddenly spring into registering for the fot now or not.

  16. Their is every indication that Rod is a literal psychopath. So I am no fan of Rods. However you don't want to throw out the baby with the bathwater. The reality is that billions are about to die in the soon coming WW 3, duspite BB incessant denials to the contrary. To not help out with a warning to mankind, will result in a eternal stain on ones
    name. There is a distinction between exposing and complaining about injustice in these churches, and mocking the work.

  17. RM implicitly appeals to the profit motive, and trade in his letter, such as:

    "And will He not render to each man according to his deeds?” God certainly rewards those who have their hearts in His Work.."

    "Almighty God also tells us: “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”

    "If you will join with us in “going all out,”... God will certainly bless you—bless your family, your children, your job and everything you have"

    Yet Rod never explicitly teaches trade. Rather he attacks it with sniping remarks such as 'love is giving without expecting anything in return.' Yes, school teachers give without expecting anything in return, BUT they also get paid every week.
    This amounts to compartmentalization of trade. Compartmentalization, ie using a concept when it suits you, and ignoring it otherwise, is simply lawlessness with moral window dressing. Trade is a moral principle, not something to be turned on and off like some tap.
    By the way Retired Prof, employees try to get as much as they can, just like management and investors. How much each gets paid is determined by market forces ie supply and demand, not by management itself. Delapitated Detroit is the result of 'overpaid' (thanks to political bullying) workers ignoring market forces. Come out of retirement, and read up about economics.

    Cheers TradingGuy

  18. I guess we'll see about that, 12:30. Also, I'm flattered that you would single me out as if I were the lone voice in the wilderness. Many have been pointing out the same things as I over the last 15 years on these Armstrongism recovery sites. It's just that it's only been a very short time that ACOG members have risen up against their leaders to read and comment upon "dissident" materials on the internet. Actually, in Armstrongism, there never was any baby in the bathwater. Besides, during the forty + years since 1975, the baby would have grown up, and gotten out of the bathwater himself.


  19. Anon at 12:30, you repeat an idea that I have found troublesome for almost 60 years. You say, "The reality is that billions are about to die in the soon coming WW 3, duspite BB incessant denials to the contrary. To not help out with a warning to mankind, will result in a eternal stain on ones name."

    Armstrongist doctrine has always held that such a warning will do absolutely no good. The cataclysm is about to befall pretty soon, no matter what. But the ACOG god wants the church to sound the warning anyway. Apparently he is a great fan of futile gestures. Probably I should not let it trouble me, since all gods are great fans of futile gestures: prayer wheels, mantras, davening, crossing oneself, rain dances, and on and on.

    But then maybe this particular gesture is not entirely futile. It could be part of a plan to forestall lawsuits. In case a contingent of maimed and radiation-sick survivors hire a satanic lawyer to bring a class action suit against the deity for pain, suffering, and loss of companionship, he can point to the broadcasts and booklets and counter "Don't look at me. Buyer beware. YOU WERE WARNED!"

    Most likely, it is just a scam. The threat of worldwide catastrophe convinces people the gesture is so overwhelmingly important that they will send in money to fund it, forgetting or not caring that it will do absolutely nothing to avert the catastrophe. The fear of "a eternal stain on ones name" is enough. Advertisers know they can persuade people to buy stuff by pointing to scary things and promising with weasel words that their products will "help fight" them. You know how well it works with halitosis and the heartbreak of psoriasis. Think how much more frightening the Apocalypse can be, even if it is completely fictional and nobody has ever smelled it or seen it on their skin.

  20. The entire premiss that you can sue God with a class action suit presupposes that the deity is an American.

    I just read on the LCG thread that he just might be a Rastafarian black person with dreadlocks. Jah man.

    By the way. You cannot scare people into acquiring things. One of the biggest fears of man is not to miss, but to miss out. It is the law of scarcity.
    The fear of dying in the apocalypse is far less than the fear of missing the plane to Petra because of double bookings.


  21. BB I mentioned you, since your voice is the loudest, like some choir member whose voice stands out from the choir. Prof, warning is not a futile gesture as you claim. A minority do repent. God makes plain in Ezekiel that people need to be warned, and will hold those responsible who were given this responsibility. Warning people of the consequences of great error, is a responsibility that humans have towards one another. This is hard wired in reality, not something exclusive to Armstrongism. This is why the existence and popularity of current affair programs. This is the thrust of many of their stories. There are many atheistic secular internet sites, with the same warming of national destruction. They point out that unless America turns from its immorality (expressed as condemnation of the expanding big government, nanny state), national ruin will result. Warning people, and giving them a choice between two alternatives is not futile.
    And not forgetting, there are many financial sites warning their readers of a coming economic earthquake, instructing them to take protective measures. Are their warnings futile as well??
    Warning, including warning with threats, is rampant in all societies, for all of human history. How can everyone be wrong, and prof be right?

  22. The work? What work? A magazine with a readership rate equivalent to email spam? A TV show no one watches? A man who is even less of a household name than your next-door neighbor? A grab bag of funny theories based on wildly outdated, century-old sources? C'mon.

  23. NCK, a defendant in an American trial does not have to be an American. There is a problem, though, with delivering the subpoena. The deity has no fixed address.

  24. Byker Bob
    Some few posts ago you referenced a publication refuting British/Israelism. I'm sure part of the title was "shifting sand" or "shifting sands" but I can't remember the rest of it. Would you care to repeat the full title. Thanks &


  25. Anon 12:30 AM

    Along with Retired Prof, I too will venture:

    Claim #1: "The reality is that billions are about to die in the soon coming WW 3, duspite BB incessant denials to the contrary."

    Claim #2: "To not help out with a warning to mankind, will result in a eternal stain on ones name."

    It's easy to say stuff like these two claims. I've been around people my entire life who have been wont to say such things. Often times they have been very sincere too. And yet, the harder I look for reasons to believe these things for myself, the less convincing I find such statements to be.

    Can you cite any reasons or evidence that might give any rational person reasonable justification to think either of these statements are even in the same ballpark as reality?

  26. 5.12 PM look at the history of Europe alone,(ie, non stop, frequent wars) and tell me that WW3 will never happen. Do you think that nuclear weapons would not have been used in WW1 and WW2 had they been as available to the many participants?
    History tells us that there is more than "reasonable justification" for WW3. The only real debate should be on its timing.

  27. 2.21 PM I agree, the work is weak today. But still, there is a big difference between people having an alternative, or no alternative. I experienced this in the 1970s, when the left had a stranglehold on the mainstream media. Their were no conservative voices. God says 'choose life or choose death.' The choice wasn't there back then. I was robbed of this choice in a significant manner. I remember walking around with a sense of unreality, since the left rejects reality. What the left did to me and others was morally repugnant. Choice is very precious.

  28. Always a pleasure to help the inquisitive, Ralph. Google: A Foundation of Sand, Silenced. When I did that just now, the list came up, with Part 1 at the top. It is, I believe, an 8 part series.

    Happy reading,

  29. There could indeed be a World War III. Just about all nations in the face of the earth have war in their past history, not just the Europeans. The big question would be, will it be a worst case scenario war, or something lesser? Will it have anything to do with the Armstrong interpretation of prophecy, or British Israelism? What power blocks will be involved? Will it be the one that leads to Revelation's "Armageddon", or will it just look similar to that just long enough to make people ask questions, and then fizzle out?

    Look at all the people HWA worried needlessly during World War II. He was in his prime, preaching the message he saw as his commission, but as it unfolded, history caused him to miss his destiny. When it became obvious that he was wrong, he kept insisting that Hitler was still alive in South America, and would rise up to finish the job. When this passed from the realm of even remote possibility, Strauss became the new "Beast". But, alas, world conditions never gave HWA the rematch he worked so tirelessly towards. He was a man totally out of sync, the first in his line to cry "Wolf", only to have the wolf make him a false prophet.

    Someone around here once asked why I even care. Well, I got to live my life, a life that should have ended at age 27. The only tribulation or holocaust was "childrearing, God's way". Others were not quite so fortunate. It is for those people that I continue to ask the right questions, and to allude to perhaps a better way, a way that is free of coercion, free of false prophecy, and free of financial exploitation. Maybe some of them can yet find that elusive state of mind which involves peace, love, and occasionally even happiness.


  30. Retired Prof

    The last time I looked there were several denominations claiming his House on their compound.
    Perhaps it is a Safe House since US law seems to extend beyond its borders as an infringement on International Law and the Law of Immunity of Nations.

    I am referring to 17th of May ratified JASTA. Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act. An apalling act set to estrange the USA even further from its financial sponsors, that is the rest of the world.

    Now if the Armstrongist God is two, if he is referred to as a Family, If this Family is the Kingdom of God than Jasta is applicable to the Armstrongist deity. I expect the Philistines, Amorites etc etc to file suit.

    War always looms so you could be right.
    However the theory is that since the invention of nuclear weapons and the doctrine of Mutual Assured Destruction it would not be Logical for power hungry men to wage war against a nuclear power. So even keeping in mind the nature of man I am not confident that WWI or WWII would have seen the use of nuclear weapons if all parties had posessed these weapons.

    On the other hand nowadays there are non state actors, groups and people who we know are APOCALYPTIC in their political doctrine and for sure would use nuclear weapons.

    In Iran there was Ahmahdinijad who was member of an Apocalyptic sect, and in the USA of course we had Ronald Reagan who the KGB was sure would use nuclear weapons since his world outlook was Apocalyptic. Only his wife needed to time this during her astrological sessions. HWA was a great admirer of Ronald Reagan since Ronald Reagan was a firm believer in the Apocalypse. Now that is a dangerous combination. Luckily the KGB realised his sincerety in this belief and brought the Soviet Union down since the nuclear arms race was unsustainable for them.

    You cite websites that define America's immorality as expressed in condemnation of the expanding big government, nanny state. While in reality it was the state under Bill Clinton and George Bush jr that removed all protection of the people from the rampant greed and lying that lies within the nature in man as expressed by a Wall Street that is not bound by law set and controlled by the government of the people for the people.

    This is what broke the power of America. The Unbridled unleashing of the dark side of the human spirit. Only the people through the instruments of the state are able to restore that in a orderly fashion.


  31. Many thanks BB, for your help. I don't know where I got "SHIFTING" from, perhaps a mistranslation of "Silenced" LOL.
    In any case, heaps of what looks like interesting reading.


  32. Will someone in LCG please answer this question?

    Do you really believe the line that LCG is the ONLY COG doing the Work?

    That was quite incredible to read. I'm curious if that is just RCM or if LCG members believe that too.

  33. Anonymous 8:06, you say "I was robbed of this choice in a significant manner. I remember walking around with a sense of unreality, since the left rejects reality. What the left did to me and others was morally repugnant. Choice is very precious."

    Sounds fascinating, but we can't get your point clearly without details. Please, tell us who you see as "the left." Not everyone identifies the same range of persons and organizations as leftist. What circumstances limit your choice? Are you in prison? That situation is certainly limiting. Or do you walk around on the streets, but just feel constrained in what you can freely do? Tell us what the constraints are.

    Did they imprison you because you chose to entertain yourself with psychoactive chemicals? Did they oppress you by allowing children whose skin was darker brown than yours attend your school? Did they take away your family's food stamps? Did they make your family pay taxes to fund food stamps for others? Did they make it harder for you to vote by curtailing voter hours and requiring photo ID? Did they take away your choice to use effective birth control? Did they thwart your girlfriend's (or your, if you're a woman) choice to decide with a doctor whether to get an abortion or not? Did they deny you the choice of your favorite life partner because of their presuppositions about gender? Did they limit your choice to buy a firearm by requiring a waiting period and/or a background check? Did they make you fearful by liberalizing gun-buying restrictions? Did they shorten the length of time when you could draw unemployment? Did they refuse to rent you a place to live because your skin is darker brown than that of the neighbors?

    Inquiring minds want to know.

  34. I thought Ronald Reagan kept the principle of M.A.D. alive through defense spending, unlike that liberal lefty peanut guy.
    The KGB brought down the U.S.S.R.? What,how?...but why did they keep the nukes?
    What was America's power? The dark side of man destroyed it? And your answer is a utopian totalitarian state?
    So many inconsistencies and so little time, nevermind.


  35. DPB
    RR: Yes kept principal alive in a crazy way by outspending. Only 5% of the arsenal was needed to destroy the entire world.
    I pointed at non state actors. RR was a mad man (believing in the apocalypse) who came to power through a thorough democratic process, therefore he was a screened mad man.

    KGB reported on the unsustainability of the situation, this report also reached the cia. The political leaders dissolved the USSR. Of course they kept the nukes.

    America's power is not military but moral and economic. And the economic is sustained by the TRUST of the rest of the world. Hillary just spoke about that an hour ago regarding Trump and the trust that might just go away. It is the world that sustains the USA economically because it is a trustworthy giant.

    Today that trust has waned because of the 20 year long lies, deceit and untrustworthyness since Ronald Reagan releashed the market forces and Bill Clinton and George Bush UNLEASHED the Wall Street Monster by abolishing the laws that kept it in gear.
    The dark side in man is GET (greed).

    You do realise that most of the Western Nations in the past 6 years have withdrawn most of their gold reserves from New York. I ask you why?

    Not Utopian, totalitarian, but responsible. I ask responsible politicians to restore the laws that uphold a true and honest free market.

    The totalitarian aspect is just a function of the increase in technological knowledge like big data.

    There are no inconsistencies just to little time, true.


  36. How was RR a mad man?
    I think that alot of people already knew, including the USSR, that they could not keep up, of course barring the USSR seizing someonelse's wealth. Which would have come at a prohibitive price and at great risk because of our military and navy.

    "America's power is not military but moral and economic."

    Please explain our moral and economical ways of power.

    I believe our weak economy is maintained through exploitation abroad and at home(USA middleclass) by the multinational corporations, banks, and the powers that be or that try to be. Isn't this very similar to the Queen's Navy and the Dutch East Indies Trading Company from a few centuries ago? and yes, the very one that we fought against in our own revolutionay war.

    Is your solution A Brave New World and 1984?

    It still doesn't make sense to me.


  37. Thanks, BB! I hadnt read that particular one, though I dismissed BI some time ago due to the lack of historical grounds.

  38. To my Brave New World Friend,

    In the past we used to dream on holydays.
    What would you like to be in the World Tomorrow?
    Some would like to be in charge of the agricultural program to root out hunger, Impoverished sailors in my church area dreamt of shipping goods around the world (of course time off on the sabbath. Others would just be in the planning department in Jerusalem thinking of new ways to educate the uneducated in a way to peace.

    Today I have transferred those dreams in the reality I observe. That is reduced to the question, should I apply at Cargill or Monsanto, do I invest in bulk trade shipping or containershipping. And last but not least just yesterday I got myself a stack of shares of a Satelite Company bringing the Olympic Games in Rio to YOUR doorstep and EDUCATION to the other 3 bilion people who will soon be connected to modern education and principles that will lead them and therefore us into peace.

    My push to bring about the World Tomorrow on this earth. And hugely satisfying to implement and work constructively toward a brave new world.

    I'm not a socialist. But my efforts need to be checked by a government for the people by the people since my/our humanity can quickly turn something that started out for all the good reasons into the worst of greed. And as you pointed out our companies in the past were bigger than most countries, but today in a globalised world they become even bigger than our own governments. Therefore we need to move to a global legal framework. Only people who still write letters or use a faxmachine see that as a conspiracy. If you have your hands on the buttons it becomes a problem to solve.

    But for now we need to work overtime since those sturdy Anglo's are not convinced yet.
    But they will too. Tomorrow or on a later date when Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland will all break away from backward thinkers. My guess is tomorrow they will yield to the new reality.


  39. Dear 6:27am

    I WAS an LCG member for 20 years. One of my peeves was that the congregation was taught and believed that the ONLY REAL CHURCH that GOD recognized was LCOG.

    My EX husband continuously informed me that NO ONE outside LCOG was able to enter the Kingdom of God and that it was impossible that anyone who was not part of LCOG to have, or be given, the Holy Spirit by God. This never sat well with me as I met and know many wonderful humans who behaved more Christian-like than many I attended services with each week.
    My husband was an abuser, my minister was a controller......I was accused of things I never thought of. As a woman, defense of yourself is not heard, not believed.

    Divorce was NOT ALLOWED by church doctrine and I suffered for years. Hypocrisy reigns.

    I was tired of constantly defending my every thought, word, action, belief. I was labeled Liar, Thief, Slut and Satanic and was asked to leave the church so that husband could acquire divorce with the minister's help and blessing.

    The minister married ONE man 5 times and allowed him divorce 5 times.

    Suicide was NOT OK. Hypocrisy reigns.

    This minister recently committed suicide. The church youth claim "he wasn't in his right mind - so it's OK"

    So, the answer to your question is: LCOG members are taught and BELIEVE with all their hearts that theirs is the ONLY church God recognizes and is doing the work.
    They, in their twisted way, believe their belief is the answer to all the world's ailments if the world will only listen!.

    However..... Hypocrisy reigns.
