Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, June 2, 2016

LCG Memorializes One Dead Elder and Ignores Another

The blatant hypocrisy of the Living Church of God is on display on the front page of their web site.  LCG has lost two of it ministers in the lasts several weeks.  You will only see a memorial to one of them.

LCG's main page has the following memorial link to a letter by Rod Meredith glorifying Bruce Tyler:

Yet, nowhere on their site will you find any memorial to Karl Beyersdorfer who was loved by LCG members just as much as Bruce Tyler was.


  1. How would Rod know if Mr Tyler or anyone else 'has it made.' God does not give out that information, and Rod or anyone else cannot see into peoples minds. How can anyone tell the difference between a church 'seat warmer,' and a growing Christian?
    Again a church leader speaking as if he is God or Gods mouthpiece.

    And John F Kennedy being an 'outstanding' president.' Left wing presidents are no fans of 'you reap what you sow,' and many believe he would have been impeached for his affair with a Russian spite. And not forgetting, that this 'can't keep it in the pants (like GTA) president started Americas military involvement in Vietnam.

  2. When the mass shooting occurred in 2005 it was never mentioned in their Tomorrow's World recruitment magazine. If I had not been reading Bob Thiel's website at the time I would have had no idea that LCG was going through its darkest hour.

    They did discuss it in Living Church News and with the media. But it was never mentioned in their Tomorrow's World magazine.

  3. I just read LCG's memorial to Bruce Tyler and of course the blatant silence concerning Karl Beyersdorfer. I knew Karl and liked him a lot I can only feel sadness for what happened. The least Rod Meredith could do is recognize his service to the church and ask the members to pray for his wife and family.

  4. Rod is extremely upset that the Beyersdorfer family asked for memorial donations to be made to the local Joplin church fund instead of to HQ in Charlotte. It's all about the money. Follow the money.

    1. The love of money is the root of all evil.

  5. Yes, it's all about the money, Bruce was all about the money

  6. Why would Rod be upset about a memorial fund in Joplin he doesn't even know Karl is no longer there

  7. It's so easy to read many things into this, for lack of a better term, dichotomy.

    Personally, I wonder how people who teach that their ministers have a double portion of the Holy Spirit could explain the suicide of one of them. It would be ludicrous for them to suggest after approximately 50 years in the ACOG ministry that the man was never converted. So they are pretty much trapped. This is an easy to understand example of their theology being totally dysfunctional, so from a P.R. perspective, they have no choice but to remain silent and ignore Mr. Beyersdorfer's death. It is a horrible indictment against their entire system of beliefs.


  8. Personally, I wonder how people who teach that their ministers have a double portion of the Holy Spirit could explain the suicide of one of them.

    Their explanation is that he took medicine for his depression. According to LCG theology, only a powerful servant of God like Rod Meredith is spiritually mature enough to take medicine and not become open to demonic influences. Karl took the antidepressants instead of trusting in God, so a demon entered him and made him kill himself.


  9. Always "manage the PR". Like one of Rod's ministers years ago blatantly covering up serious family bad behavior so Rod could "leave town on a good note" ..

    Congregation Knew. But Cover it up, always.

  10. So, a damned cult causes depression, and then when even one of its ministers can't cope, they "kind of" frown upon or defacto forbid the medications which are known to make depression less serious. And then when the laws of cause and effect kicks in, they turn their backs, and as Josef Stalin once did, they disavow and blot out all memories of a man whose problems they largely created. Nice, compassionate and nurturing church! Where can we all sign up?


  11. Most LCG members don't have any idea how the late Mr. BRUCE Tyler treated the Filipino brethren. Ask them especially those in Manila and you'd be surprised. And Mr. PENMAN is no different.

  12. Not only in Manila, but also Aust, and this will continue under the current regime, with little Robbie following in daddy's footsteps, not for the church's good but for the sake of nepotism. Maybe this will pave the way for little Jimmy to rise next ?

  13. Anon 6:08am, you're right, it's nepotism. Seems like this org is a family business, and little big Jimmy is touring around the world checking for "probable" feast sites at church expense. This year I bet he will again get assigned to the best site just like before: Hawaii, Israel, etc.
