Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, July 4, 2016

Dingy Wade Cox and Tim Kitchen Believe McDonalds Is Using Baby Meat

The Church of God has always been fertile ground for the lunatic fringe to promote their pet conspiracy theories.  People naively believe all of the conspiracies because everything is a Jesuit, Masonic, Bilderberger or Illuminati conspiracy to take over the world.  This is Satan's plan after all, isn't it? So its no wonder that the space cadet's in the church invent scary scenarios or outlandish claims and promote them as truth  There is always a COG true believer out there that will fall for their baloney.

Both of these theologically bankrupt men are apparently not smart enough to know that the original story that started this entire chain of lies was a story posted on Huzlers, a site that allows users to "create your own news prank and trick your friends by sharing it."

But I guess its too much trouble to do a three minute search of the Internet and discover the back story.  Much like these men can't use the Internet to discover the back story of Armstrongism. Instead they both choose to perpetuate lies and unfortunately there are still dumb people out there that believe them.


  1. Answer: http://www.snopes.com/politics/medical/pepsi.asp

  2. Yep, its all there, though dingy Wade can't even research that far. Its all a conspiracy remember. Satan is using false information on Snopes and elsewhere to cover up the truth that only convereted COG members can understand.

  3. They usually use stuff like this to manipulate members' behavior. I remember, growing up, being taught that the organic chemical "urea" was used as one of the softening agents in chewing gum. And you couldn't tell which brands, because it was masked by the blanket term "softeners". By the time this reached our ears, the fact that urea was a chemical that had been purified and processed into basic formulaic elements had been totally lost. The WCG ignoramusses had painted a verbal picture of Wrigley employees urinating in the chicle.

    Human ego being what it is, there is always going to be one (or more) reporter that wants the scoop, and will defy industry, government, or even the media to get it. Look at Wiki-leaks. The pro life movement would be all over this McDonalds story in a hot milisecond if there were any credibility to it whatsoever. It would finish McDonalds within hours as the news got out.

    Armstrongian logic has always dictated that you believe anything which tends to support their agenda.


  4. The new "Mark of Cain" chocolate shakes are flavored with aborted 'you-know-what's!

  5. Frankly, I think this a perfect exhibit of what happens when people are taught that accepting claims without a good reason is virtuous.

    In fact, this story seems a good deal more plausible than any one of a number of stories that involve someone being the offspring of a god and a virgin and later rising from the dead.

    But hey, fool me once, shame on, shame on, the point is you can probably get fooled again, and there are systematic reasons as to why...


    Yeah, a Big Mac a large fry, and a small Dr. Pepper, but hold the liver and kidney on the Mac, please, thanks!

  7. Aborted babies, yum, yum.

  8. Wade Cox is a madman I believe, but I need to remain anonymous otherwise he will sue me.

  9. This is worse than the additive "sodium erythorbate" being used in hot dogs as being worms

  10. Stephen King published a novel entitled Insomnia and in the opening chapter it features a scene in which one man makes hysterical accusations that aborted fetuses were being turned into manure. That was written twenty-two years ago.

    Bizarre ideas about what is done to aborted fetuses clearly have been circulating around for quite awhile.

    This rumor currently being spread among some in the COGs is even more unhinged than the hysterical rumor alluded to in Stephen King's novel. In this instance real life is even more intense than a Stephen King novel.

  11. I'm waiting for Mark Armstrong to start a chain of "Garner King" restaurants, where the plethora of burger toppings and entrees include "Daddy's Special Abortion Sauce", "Grandpa's Special Squirt Sauce", and "Gamaliel's Gaytard Gobbler"!

  12. "Hold the fetus,
    Hold the lettuce,
    Special orders
    Don't upset us!
    All we ask is that
    You leet us have it your way!"

    Oh, wait... That's Burger King!

    And did anyone know that Wendy's hair is dyed red with the blood of Christian martyrs?
    (And according to "Wendy's 'above top secret' ingredients dot com", some of their baked potatoes are made from penises of Armstrongist devotees who have died.)

    Hidden in the Affordable Health Care Act is a clause which mandates that the tastiest body parts of deceased Armstrongites be sent to Wendy's HQ for "reallocation purposes"!

  13. I see that old Wade Cox has deleted these posts from his Facebook page. The liar got caught red handed and was made the fool.
