Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Dave Pack: My Brain Operates In 'Quick Mode" Which Allows My Words To Flow Forth Rapidly

It seems that Dave's members are getting tired of Dave's rapid fire sermons where he chatters like a chipmunk on and one for hours on end, talking fast because he has so much to say that he has to get in as much as possible...even if it takes 4 hours!

Number one, I can talk real fast like a chipmunk and try to cover all these questions faster than a normal person would talk…It’s funny. I have a television. Now, you can hit what is called “Quick Mode.” Raise your hand…Any of you heard of that? I didn’t know what that was. In an impatient age, it has the person who is speaking (the commentator, certain programs) talk faster……
Well, I could talk in “Quick Mode,” but that’s not good, that’s not natural. Number two, I could just delete elements of material and move too fast while talking at a normal rate, and then people do not understand.
The third option is to go four hours every Sabbath. I’ve already done that twice and that has problems…people with long drives, and it is also giving too much too fast, but it would move me through the kinds of questions that are coming in.  Greatest Story 10


  1. I would say that Dave has diarrhea of the mouth.

  2. I still wonder if Dave will ever stumble upon the New Testament

  3. Dave always explains so much about himself, as if that is somehow of special interest or important. I'm thinking that if Merriam Webster's had pictures for all the words, there would be pictures of Dave next to the definitions for words and phrases such as "conceited" or "self-centered". Maybe he feels as if he's got to blow his own horn because nobody else is writing about kind and magnanimous acts that Dave performs.


  4. If you have a copy of Dave's old booklet about "Is 'That Prophet' Alive Today?" you will find a section where he uses Gerald Flurry's own "quick mode" as evidence of demonic possession. It is remarkable how much of Dave's old literature can be used as solid proof that the 1998 Dave would have condemned the 2016 Dave as a demon-possessed deceiver.

  5. "The third option is to go four hours every Sabbath. I’ve already done that twice and that has problems…people with long drives, and it is also giving too much too fast, but it would move me through the kinds of questions that are coming in. "

    Not the only problem with that Dave. You are about as effective a speaker as Gerald Waterhouse who never understood that more was not better. Most sat out of obligation not interest. You ramble, use ten sentences to explain the last nine, talk down to folk, try to sound intelligent and deep failing miserably and say much about nothing about how you think everything will be like as if you really know, which you don't.

    I used to say that you aren't as intelligent as people make you out to be and that was mightily proven when you were taken apart for your series on Creationism, lie by lie. I felt you were more clever but now I don't even think you are clever. Your clever goes to weird and strange ideas with no basis in anything but the obcessive/compulsive theology that plagues your mind.

    People tolerate you until they don't anymore and your "truths" will go the way of Gerald Waterhouse as well.

  6. Or rather said..you use 10 more sentences to explain each preceeding sentence. Your poor audience must be awesomely brain dead by quitting time.

  7. Actually Dave is telling "The Longest Fairytale Ever Sold"

  8. Clearly, Dave Pack thinks of himself as acting on a level about a million miles above his audience, and needing to come down a bit just so that all might understand. The misunderstood genius aura isn't drawing hundreds of new members to RCG. He needs a new script.


  9. Dear Dave, There are meds that can help. No, after you take the meds you won't still be the most superfantabulous person on earth but you will qualify to wear the T-shirt that says "I had superpowers but my therapist took them away."

  10. He should team up with Bullwinkle.

  11. I think Dave is mistaken. You see, the human brain also has a "quack mode," which, as it just so happens, also allows words to flow forth rapidly.

    It's an easy mistake to make.

  12. Was that a typo? Shouldn't it have read, "My mind operates in "Quack Mode""?


  13. All that David C. Pack (DCP) is really proving with his hundreds of hours of noise is that his mind is a complete mess.

    All that DCP really proved with his “automatic writing” that produced so much literature (which is now being changed and/or deleted by him) is that he is a demoniac.

    All that really needs to be “restored” (to its rightful owners) is the money that DCP stole from his followers.

    All that really happens in a satanic imposter cult like DCP's Restored Cash Grab (RCG) is that the naive suckers who fall for the scam get totally destroyed in every way.

  14. I wonder what his members privately think of Daves mental slide?

  15. Listening/reading David Pack's sermons/comments is like feeling the life of you draining out of you.

    The man is simply coming unglued. He is speaking/writing like a crazy person. The type one locks up for their own protection. I do not know how his flock can sit through his rambling without becoming numb.

    I would suggest that they not just walk out, but run for your lives. He is that crazy. I would ask all of his flock to consider seriously what happened to the Jones people that swallowed the koolaid. None of this will end up good.

  16. Either his congregation must consider him to be someone through whom God is providing the next layer of end times information, or sees him as a charismatic and endearing eccentric professorial type. Who knows? All I can say is that at the old Synanon Center in Santa Monica, California, when Chuck Dederich said that all the men and women at Synanon would get crewcuts, or give up white sugars, the residents happily complied. And, after it was finally shut down, Synanon was retroactively viewed as one of the most dangerous and violent cults that America had ever seen.

    There will always be people who need someone to give meaning to their lives, and to lead them and do their thinking for them. The problem becomes that the leaders of organizations claiming to minister to such people often have an unacknowledged need for overseers who could provide guidance and a sense of structure for themselves. These guys who run the splinters really need a cranky, angry old Herbert W. Armstrong to reign them in. And, Herbie doesn't get a free pass himself, either! He really needed Dugger and Dodd, and the board of elders to add a degree of balance and reason to his approach. The entire Armstrong movement exemplifies the Peter Principle. We realize this most effectively through the behaviors of the movement's extremists. But, it applies in degrees to all. The extremists are simply the ones who naturally draw attention.


  17. You just hate him because he is the most successful of all armstrongite leaders. He started with a local congregation of 30 people, and just a few years later he's got thousands, millions of dollars, building, publications, projects, employees, audience, young wife... You write and comment on him, he doesn't even notice you;you are like grasshoppers to him. Most of you, to use a Michael Savage expression, have never ever ran even a shoeshine stand. Love him or hate him, but he's the man, a wolf not of the Wall Street but of Armstrongism.

  18. Anon @ 10:33, you are absolutely right! I hate him because he is one of the most successful of the Armstrongism fraudsters! He has managed and continues to manage to con and trick many people of their financial, emotional, spiritual and now, physical well being.
    Conmen and liars have no place in my heart.

  19. Anon 1033: ...a wolf not of the Wall Street but of Armstrongism

    The Wolf of Wadsworth - sounds nice.
