Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

De Nada


  1. I don't get it. What's the point of these two photos? What am I to conclude?

    1. the mexican migrant worker is named jesus...jesus is a common name in the mexican culture, and mexican migrant workers are responsible for picking much of the food that ends up in the fast food and dinner table food that we eat...

    2. Well, maybe poster #1 is one of our international people and doesn't grasp the wonderful multicultural nature of the United States. Perhaps as a child, in his country, he never watched reruns of "The Real McCoys" and therefore never got to enjoy the friendly exchanges berween Pepino and Senor Granpa. Of course, poster #1 could also be an ACOG "grumpy-dump" who lost his sense of humor because he's carrying the burden of the end times and the Germans on his shoulders 24-7. I guess either is possible.

      Humor such as this is part of the American culture. There used to be something called "bumper stickers" once upon a time. One popular one said "Honk if you Love Jesus". So, being an agnostic at the time, I got one that said "Honk if you ARE Jesus". And then a friend visiting from out of state wondered why guys in lowered '63 Impalas would honk, laughingly shake their heads, and wave. Only in So Cal!


  2. Is someone having issues with Donald Trump?

    1. No, it's an old humor meme thats been around a decade or so.

  3. Ummm,no.
    Now go to your room.

  4. Anon 434

    I think the thought here is the US has cheap and plentiful food thanks to the sweat of underpaid undocumented foreign workers.

    A few years ago I saw a notice published by some midwest farmers showing what the price of vegetables will be if the government deported all their migrant workers. The price increases they estimated would be worse than having hyperinflation.

  5. Hoss, thank you for your reply. The Mexican workers are not being underpaid or exploited. Their wages are determined by market forces of supply and demand. This same law applies to every person in America. So it seems that we were expected to view these two photos through a left wing paradigm. Social justice warrior Ian Boyne would be pleased.

  6. BB I fail to see how the Real McCoys or Leave it to Beaver, or Father knows best, has anything to do with the subject matter. This is what happens when people post excessively.

    1. 11:13, take a laxative or give yourself an enema! Who cares what some anonymous pot shotter thinks? The rest of us are having fun! Your post is the only litter here.


  7. Ashley, this post is about Mexicans. Why bring up Donald Trump?
    Are you drunk again?

  8. Why bring up Donald Trump?

    Perhaps because he's prepared to start deporting Mexicans...

  9. Deport the ones who have no respect for the rule of law and are here illegally.

    The ones here legally will work in the system and contribute to the collective. They are the ones that allow for our American lifestyle.

  10. Hey Zues! Elige a mi ganador!

  11. What do we have so far:

    -A daughter paying hommage to rabbi preaching imminent return of christ
    -A millerite (sda) as housing secretary
    -A rabiate calvinist as education secretary

    I see a role for DCP in government.


  12. November 22, 2016 at 11:21 PM
    See the comment by Hoss. Trump also wants to enforce the border. The photos seem to imply that we in the U.S.A. are unworthy of life or culture, and are indebted to the Mexicans. So anon 11:21 break open a cold one.

  13. The wall that Trump wants to put up, will keep the Mexicans out rather than the Mexicans in, as with the former commies Iron Curtain. How can America be exploiting these workers, if America is trying to keep them out.
    That the price of food would go through the roof if these workers weren't there, ignores the tens of millions of Americas who have given up looking for a job, and all the millions on government handouts who would hence refuse the opportunity.
    This is a separate issue. At any rate, there will be similar workers during the millennium. There is no shame in working with ones hands. Christ was a carpenter.
    And no forgetting, by Mexican standards, these workers are well paid. What's called poor in America, is upper middle class in Mexico.

  14. This wall is a good opportunity to test a theory of mine. People have spoken out about our southern border for decades, yet nobody ever seems to be able to do anything about it. The status quo persists, and there are several other similar major issues which somehow never get resolved. I believe that this is because these things are already the way that the presidents' "bosses", whom we don't see and cannot know, want them to be. Trump may be allowed to tweak things a little bit, but I hope that nobody is under the illusion that he will bring sweeping immigration reform. What he said in his campaign will end up having largely been street theater, put on for the voters' benefit.


  15. November 22, 2016 at 11:06 PM
    "The Mexican workers are not being underpaid or exploited. Their wages are determined by market forces of supply and demand. This same law applies to every person in America."

    So, unemployed Americans on government aid can afford their production, whereas these laborers can not. That seems so fair,...NOT! Mexicans are not stealing our jobs or resources. It is just that Americans can no longer afford our own production. Henceforth, we then exploit their illegal labor with poor wages that they will gladly send back home.

    James said:"The ones here legally will work in the system and contribute to the collective. They are the ones that allow for our American lifestyle."

    If and only if our government chooses to protect the "price of food" that will support an American laborer in an American economy. But we have globalists in our government, so not likely.


  16. Sadly, BB you are probably right. My hope is that Trump can get out or even expose the corruption and weakening of our own government which is supposed to be for the people and not the International banks and corporations.

