Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Dave Pack: "Love him or hate him, but he's the man, a wolf not of the Wall Street but of Armstrongism" The Wolf of Wadsworth

Dave is hated by readers here because he is The Wolf of Armstrongism, so says one of his delusional followers:
You just hate him because he is the most successful of all armstrongite leaders. He started with a local congregation of 30 people, and just a few years later he's got thousands, millions of dollars, building, publications, projects, employees, audience, young wife... You write and comment on him, he doesn't even notice you;you are like grasshoppers to him. Most of you, to use a Michael Savage expression, have never ever ran even a shoeshine stand. Love him or hate him, but he's the man, a wolf not of the Wall Street but of Armstrongism.


  1. “Love him or hate him, but he's the man....”

    So true. Dave Pack is probably the only man in the RCG. All the other guys who went with the RCG have become emasculated non-men.

  2. Claims we hate him and then lists a number of non-admirable accomplishments and not so endearing traits, most of which are exaggerated or untrue anyway.

    The most revealing quote is "he doesn't even notice you; you are like grasshoppers to him" That's not an indictment of us. It indicates the level of respect or regard that Dave has for all people other than himself. People are only of value as an extension of himself.

    If somebody's intention had been to defend or throw a little bit of support Dave's way, they didn't do him any favors.


  3. Or they are part of the closeted gay entourage that surrounds Pack.


  4. “You just hate him because he is the most successful of all armstrongite leaders.”

    No, I dislike false prophets like David Pack for the same reason that I dislike false prophets like Gerald Flurry. Both of these raging false prophets used Herbert W. Armstrong's name to attract HWA's followers and their wallets, and both of them claimed to be HWA's true successor. Then both of these false prophets totally changed and perverted in the most satanic way everything that HWA had taught. David Pack excels at stealing everything that the people have, and Gerald Flurry excels at destroying their families. Neither of these two false prophets is a true Armstrongite. Both of them are real demoniacs.


  5. “Most of you, to use a Michael Savage expression, have never ever ran even a shoeshine stand.”

    That is true. I never even thought of running a shoeshine stand. I also never even thought of running a satanic imposter cult like the Restored Cash Grab (RCG) either.

  6. I suspect that Davey has a very little "Package" and that this is what has driven him in his mania to compensate.


  7. “You write and comment on him, he doesn't even notice you; you are like grasshoppers to him.”

    To RCG members it is David Pack who is like a swarm of locusts that eats everything in its path and leaves nothing behind except a bunch of poop.


  8. “He started with a local congregation of 30 people, and just a few years later he's got thousands, millions of dollars, building, publications, projects, employees, audience, young wife...”

    Yes, that is precisely the problem.

    David Pack led astray a GCG congregation to start his RCG cult, deceived thousands of people over the next seventeen years, stole millions of dollars from his followers, got his followers to remortgage or sell their houses so he could construct his own buildings, wrote many publications but later deleted them because his teachings kept on changing, assigned continual fund-raising projects to his RCG members, churned through and burned through and fired many employees, vomited lengthy demonic noise on his audience, worked his first wife to death, etc.

    I am all for great things, but why can't they ever be great GOOD things instead of always just great EVIL things?

  9. Yep, Dave is the 'Scarface' of Armstrongism. Did this admirer notice how the movie ended.

  10. Savage hates cults. He talks about them and calls them oppressive. Perhaps he needs a say on this!

  11. While part of WCG Dave was sent to countless church areas, each one a place he left decimated. People despised him with a passion. After he abused people for so long, WCG HQ moved him to a new area to try and redeem him. He then destroyed more lives. They all found him oppressive and abusive. There is noting admirable about that. He started nothing with a 30 member congregations. These were devotes that jumped ship with him when he started his delusions. These were not new people to the faith.

  12. This deluded individual needs to top the "s" off "thousands". Pack has less than 1,000 left now.

  13. 5.41 PM the WCG moving abusive ministers around, is the same 'solution' that the Catholic church used with its paedophile priests.

  14. Why has no one quoted Matthew 7:15 thus far?

    Let's get this straight -- someone is admitting that David Pack is a false prophet and actually is calling him a wolf? Just like Jesus is calling all of his kind wolves?

    Does David Pack really want to be in this position of declaring himself a wolf in sheep's clothing? That he is the corrupt tree that brings forth evil fruit? That his end is to be 'hewn down, and cast into the fire' just as Jesus said?

    Well, folks, I don't know about you, but it sure works for me.

  15. Let me point out the obvious. A supporter (highly likely to be a employee) has set the record straight and declared David Pack to be a WOLF of Armstrongisim. Wowzers heard here first folks. And people are likened to grass hoppers to him wowzers again. I've heard it somewhere that Satan himself allegedly thinks of human's as ants.

  16. LOL, LOL! Believe it or not, not only that I am not a follower of David C. Pack, I am not, nor have ever been, a follower of HWA and his heresies. Everything I wrote, however, is true. You hate him, because you are a bunch of losers, frustrated and envious. Word!

  17. Above this person wrote: You hate him, because you are a bunch of losers, .....


    No one in their right mind follows the acog circus without having been part of it. Your a goddamn liar.

  18. No, we're probably dealing with one of those "players with words" again! Remember? They all claim that they do not follow a man, but God himself. They also say that they "obey God", even as they attempt to obey what a man has taught them is obeying God. And, last but not least, they claim that their beliefs are based on "the Bible" as opposed to how a man has strung scriptures together eisegetically for his proof texts, rather than producing a thorough, complete, and more honest exegesis.

    It's Dave's fruits that make people hate him, and the fact that he has manipulated and walked all over people to produce the wealth that built what he's got.

    To be fair, there may be a poster or two who are chronically unemployed, and sitting in a dingy basement apartment drinking Ripple or Thunderbird, in their underwear. Statistics come into play any time you have a collection of people. But, there are also successful entrepreneurs, and executives who post here. There were people who were put off by Dave Pack's vibes from the day he first hit the AC Pasadena campus, and it had nothing to do with jealousy over talent.


  19. Connie; What's with the small "pkg" comment, is there a problem about size, what's the differance what size a persons so called "pkg" is, does it really matter unless it matters to you, why that would even come into your head is beyond me, maybe you have a problem with small breasts and think somehow that bigger is better, size is irrelevant, they are all the same no matter what the size.

  20. Anon at 24 Nov., 9:34, just relax.

    Connie is merely using the standard ploy of insulting a man by belittling his genitals. For some reason, people consider penis size a way of ranking men on the ladder of dominance. Calling a man's package small is an insulting way of saying he is inconsequential. Mostly a trick of English idiom, it gives very little insight into the psychology of the person who says it. Or, for that matter, her breast size.

    From what I read on Banned, Dave Pack merits whatever insults we can throw at him. Maybe you could suggest a couple, staying away from primary and secondary sexual characteristics or other features that might reveal your own fears of inadequacy.

  21. Black Ops Mikey said.."Let's get this straight -- someone is admitting that David Pack is a false prophet and actually is calling him a wolf? Just like Jesus is calling all of his kind wolves?"

    Cognitive dissonance at it's finest!

  22. "...it's not the size of the boat that matters, it is the motion of the ocean that rocks you..."

