Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Dave Pack: Jesus Will Return the First of Many Times Hiding His Kingdom in the Little RCG Flock

When Dave's "jesus" returns for one of "its" many comings, "it" is coming to start "its" first kingdom in Wadsworth in a manner that is so secretive that it will be hidden from view.  No one will know except for the few shoppers that might happen to be shopping in the big lot store across from Dave's compound who happen to see Dave's "jesus" shining in glory while walking around the most amazing campus in human history.

A basic summary. Christ first comes to His people—His Temple—in good times, bringing His Kingdom “without observation.” It begins in microscopicfashion and is hidden! It is also initially led by a little flock under Christ. He will at first hide His presence by being sprout-like. During this first phase of the Kingdom will come terrible punishment on the nations descended from Jacob, making them finally ready to receive God’s Kingdom. The Kingdom will be growing in number of subjects before Christ transfers a ready-to-be greatly expanded world government to Jerusalem. From there He will rule all nations with a larger group of saints coming from His by then much larger flock. It is at this point He will build the glorious Third Temple on Mount Zion (Ezek. 40-48).


  1. None of this, of course, will actually happen....ever.

  2. Yeah, tell us another one! The first time around, a dude named Armstrong was supposed to be the center of it all, and it was supposed to go down in 1972-75. God and Jesus' non-participation made it pretty obvious that somebody had been making stuff up, but a lot of people hung in there because they believed the excuses and accepted the back-pedaling. Now Dave is trying to be the heir to all the marketing, and capture the people who remain susceptible to the lies.


  3. It's merely a fig-ment of his greedy power hungry imagination.

  4. "Jesus Will Return the First of Many Times Hiding His Kingdom in the Little RCG Flock""

    Then why tell anybody?! Sheesh, if God had a secret, the last person he would tell would be Dave Pack!

  5. Sorry Dave, the JW's already had this down back in 1914. Jesus discreetly and spiritually appeared to a group of diligent Bible students back in 1914 and by 1919 he declared them to be his 'faithful and discreet slave' as the parable accounts, having all authority over all the Master's belongings, and to provide the faithful with food at the proper time... Get with the program!!!



    I've often said that the JW's should sue the pants off of Armstrongists for shamelessly stealing their material.


  6. HWA stole stuff from many religions. The JWs, the RCs, the Mormons, etc., etc.

    HWA was used by Yahweh, but he certainly wasn't a man of Yahweh.

    (Zec 11:15) And YAHWEH said to me, Again take to yourself the tools of a foolish shepherd.

    (Zec 11:16) For, lo, I will raise up a shepherd in the land; he shall not visit those who are cut off, nor will he seek the young, nor will he heal that which is broken, nor will he sustain that which stands. But he shall eat the flesh of the fat, and tear off their hoofs.

    (Zec 11:17) Woe to the worthless shepherd who abandons the flock! The sword shall be against his arm and against his right eye. His arm shall be completely withered, and his right eye shall be totally darkened.


  7. With David C. Pack claiming to be an apostle, Joshua the High Priest, Elijah the Prophet, and That Prophet, and claiming that there are miracles occurring in his Restored Church, and claiming that Jesus will return secretly to the Restored Church, it is time for a review of what the Worldwide Church of God under Herbert W. Armstrong had taught:

    “At that time if anyone says to you, 'Look, here is the Christ!' or, 'There he is!' do not believe it. For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect--if that were possible. See, I have told you ahead of time.”

    “So if anyone tells you, 'There he is, out in the desert,' do not go out; or, 'Here he is, in the inner rooms,' do not believe it. For as the lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.

    (Matthew 24:23-27, NIV)

  8. Good call Sweetblood777 !!! December 5, 2016 at 6:10 AM
    I would say you get three "attaboys" with that call.
    Ya done good.

  9. Sweetblood, this prophecy clearly applies to someone other than Herbert W Armstrong. He had both his eyes and neither arm was withered.

    Clearly, it points to Rooster Cogburn, of the 2010 Coen brothers' version of *True Grit*. Cogburn not only did not seek the young, he actively tried at first to avoid the young Mattie Ross, and instead of visiting those who are cut off (the outlaws), he attacked them. I don't recall any incident in which he ate the flesh of the fat, and tore off their hoofs, but maybe in the original prophecy that is just a figure of speech. Or maybe it will be dealt with in a sequel. We will know within the next three to five years.

    Cogburn had abandoned his flock (the U.S. Marshals Service) to go off following a private case. His right eye was totally darkened with a patch, making it hard for him to fight because he couldn't easily get his face into position to fire his rifle.

    There is one apparent discrepancy: it was not his arm that was withered, but Mattie's after a rattlesnake bit her. The discrepancy is easy to resolve. By this point in the story, Mattie and Rooster had become such close allies that an injury to one was a wound to the other.

  10. Say, is David Pack a member of the Green Party?

    Maybe when Christ returns and doesn't select David Pack, he'll demand a recount!

  11. For the record, let me tell you how I know my interpretation of Zechariah 11:15-17 is true. I followed the formula recommended repeatedly by an anonymous poster for getting prayers answered. First I kept the Ten Commandments and then I prayed to have any true thoughts that crossed my mind validated by a special feeling.

    I mean, I didn’t have time to run through the whole list of Commandments or anything, but I did at least honor my father and my mother. I said, “Dad, I honor you. You too, Mom.” They couldn’t hear me (as far as I know) because they have been dead for many years, but still. The Commandment doesn’t specify that you have to do it while they’re alive. Fearing that one Commandment might be too few, I then laid out my wood carving tools while for at least two hours I did not make unto myself any graven image. Instead I read the Sunday paper and did the crossword puzzle. As a bonus compliance, when I came to difficult clues in the puzzle, I refrained from expressing my frustration by taking the Lord’s name in vain. Not exactly a Herculean effort, but I thought it ought to at least count for something.

    And it did. As soon as I read Sweetblood777’s post about those three verses, what should pop into my mind but Rooster Cogburn. And lo and behold! that thought was accompanied by a special feeling. I recognized it immediately as a sign that the thought was a true revelation.

    I am quite pleased with my new spiritual gift, especially since I was not required to be doubly blessed by Gaylon Bonjour in order to receive it.

  12. Retired prof, if you want to retire from life, that is your right. Buy why mock those who haven't.

  13. Anon Dec. 5 at 4:14 PM, satire is one time-honored way of calling attention to foolishness, and the idea that Zechariah 11:15-17 prophesies HWA is foolishness. It is just as silly to think Zechariah was referring to HWA as to think he had in mind any other character from more than 2500 years in the future, including a fictional one such as Rooster Cogburn.

    Your query "Why?" has two answers: "Because" and "Why not?" A puritan and an existential response. Take your pick.

    By the way, my posts should not dismay you. They should gratify you or anyone looking for confirmation that these are the end times. Both 2 Peter 3:3 and Jude 1:18 prophesy that scoffers shall come in the last days. I am scoffing. Therefore these are the last days. What other conclusion could anybody reach?

  14. Nobody here is scoffing in the end times. As we surely must all know by now, according to Jewish sources and scholars (keepers of the oracles) absolute 6,000 doesn't hit until 2239 CE. And, 6,000 years for mankind is an extrabiblical theory, with absolutely no proof (people's dreams and warm fuzzy feelings during prayer are not proof). So, the end might not even come in 2239.

    I'd be more concerned about global climate change than the apocalypse. 75% of the coral in the Great Barrier Reef died this year due to increased temperature of the ocean. How big is YOUR carbon footprint? Or do all the ACOG members regard that in the same way as the ministers teach you to treat your credit card debt, or retirement?


  15. HWA was used by Yahweh, but he certainly wasn't a man of Yahweh.

    When I was in the later stages of weaning myself from Armstrongism, I used one of HWA's Autobiography stories to state my position. That story was the woman who prayed for bread, and some kids tossed a loaf in her window. She said, God sent it, but the Devil delivered it.

  16. Many of Gods picks proved failures. This includes Lucifer, king Saul, and the king that replaced king Solomon's son, who immediately set up false idols for Israel.
    People who claim that God could not have used Herbie because of his lawlessness, don't know their bibles.

  17. BB. Devout Christians in all major denominations have their prayers answered. And no, it is not 'warm fuzzy feelings during prayer.' Why must you shoot whatever you don't understand.

  18. I regularly do experience answered prayer, 3:07, in fact almost every day. What I'm saying is that God doesn't confirm the Armstrong prophecy mold via feelings felt while in prayer. First of all, it's just as false as William Miller's prophecy mold was. So, why would God validate a falsehood? Secondly, God answers prayers with action. I've known people who have asked God such things as to be released from vows. They've experienced the feeling that God did release them, and then bad things happened to them while they were indulging in activities that broke the vows. Just as a lawyer defending himself has a fool for a client, you can't discern whether your feelings are God's feelings, His answer, or simply your own wishful feelings. Confirmation bias comes into play as well, making what you think to be an answer very unreliable. I've known people who felt that they had had visions, and the "visions" never did come to pass. Same way with callings. I feel quite sure that Pseudodoc Thiel "knows" that he's got a calling, and look at what is happening with that! Actions are a little more difficult to deny, although if you were praying for a job and got one, you've still got it whether or not anyone else believes it was answered prayer. So, it would be altogether fitting to give God the credit and to thank Him


  19. Prayers are convincingly answered for those who believe they will be answered.
    It doesn't matter which religion you consider to be true, or which deity you pray to.
    The proof of one is as powerful and real as the proof of another.

  20. Anon 6:30 you are right. Dave pack is potencially fulfilling prophecy that none in their right mind would want to fulfill. Is the no one in dave packs life to tell him the truth of this crazy new belief ?
    I hope nothing turns up on RCG land. I mean a sparkling demond could show up and face packs ready to roll.
    Scary times.

  21. Love how Dave's god only knows beating the hell out of humanity as the way to win hearts n minds. "Love daddy or I'll kill you."

  22. Dennis, don't you just love the way these tyrants role play, projecting their own desired personality traits on to their anthropomorphic god?

  23. Dennis, is your 7.53 AM comment a swipe at God? Just a reminder that many times God states that He treats people as their deeds deserve. And this, after many warnings. All that works with thugs and bullies is shock therapy. Gods purpose of punishment is to help people qualify for eternal life. This is the ultimate expression of love.

  24. "@12:11 All that works with thugs and bullies is shock therapy" hahaha Don't judge Mr. Diehl, who knows He will repent from turning the Mystery of the Ages upside down. That would brighten my day. Seriously! we still love you Mr. Diehl! ain't judgin noobody :)

  25. Dec. 7, 12:11 PM reminds us: "Gods purpose of punishment is to help people qualify for eternal life. This is the ultimate expression of love."

    Right. The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah was one of your god's most loving acts. Also the Genocide against Canaanites. Then there's the ultimate expression of ancient affection, Noah's Flood. Can't you just feel the love with which he watched boys and women, men and girls--and also little babies--get washed down valleys by the roaring waters and sucked helplessly underwater by giant whirlpools?

    Don't forget the loving punishment of six million Jews in the 20th century. The god of Israel relentlessly showers his unappeasable love on his chosen people.

  26. Retired prof, why mention the 6 million Jews killed by the Nazis? That was not of Gods doing. Some historians think Russia lost 30 million in the same war. Neither was that of Gods doing. Nations sin, then you blame God for the natural consequences such as destructive wars.

    Dead boys and babies killed in the flood, will be resurrected with untwisted minds (something they would have acquired in their evil environment), into a healthy environment, maximizing their chance of qualifying for eternal life.
    Theirs deaths are the result of their generations sins. God was forced to play 'Doctor.' why blame the surgeon for the amputations?

    Also a reminder that Christ cried when He overlooked Jerusalem, realizing it's coming destruction by Rome. God cried. But He knew that He was hemmed in by basic reality, and allowing great suffering is the only way of qualifying as many people as possible for eternal life. Your 'baby killer' God cries for mankinds suffering. Think about that Prof.

  27. "Gods purpose of punishment is to help people qualify for eternal life. This is the ultimate expression of love."

    LOL. Self-flaggelation, Sadists, BDSM too? I guess the true church of god is a dominatrix!

    "...will be resurrected with untwisted minds..."

    Didn't He already start it that way in genesis? Sheeesh, what a viscous loop!


  28. Thanks, Dec. 9, at 4:12 AM, for informing me that your god was not responsible for the deaths of Jews and Russians in WWII. Also for explaining that Jesus cried overlooking Jerusalem because "He was hemmed in by basic reality." I keep losing track of all the limitations on the power of Almighty God. Good thing he has minions like you to preserve his power to evade responsibility.
