Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Dave Pack: Man of Sin to Arise From A COG Splinter Group Along With 2 Helpers

The craziness continues to flow out of Wadsworth through the lips of one of Armstrongism's most narcissistic false prophets ever.  Even false teacher Bob Thiel pales in comparison.

Pack believes that the Man of Sin will arise out of a Church of God, along with two assistants who will deceive the whole world.  This man might even be miraculously healed of a major sickness, but will not be a man resurrected from the grave.

Tens of thousands of COG members will wisely refuse to follow this deceitful little man and will immediately recognize that Dave Pack is the true shining light on the hill. They will flow into the Restored Church of God binging their money with them.

II Thessalonians 3verse 6: “Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you withdraw yourselves from every brother that walks disorderly, and not after the tradition which he received of us.”
Those in the splinters…There are thousands of them, brethren, who are in the splinters, who have the Holy Spirit. They’re not going to follow this man, and they’re the ones that are going to come back to God’s Church. I’ll have a lot more to say about them, in a way that will simply stun you—stunyou. They’re going to escape, but not until they go through fire.
I don’t know how long this man will last, but we ought to, at least, pause and say…The next thing we’re looking for is not Christ revealed from heaven. It’s this evil blasphemer…revealed out of the splinters—that is coming first, and God is going to vacuum away all the tares and those who lost His Spirit and who will not come—and they’re not going to come later—they’re out. You know Luke 14. There are those who are invited and they don’t come. God said they were not going to come…They will in no wise enter this supper……
Let’s be clear…(II Thessalonians 2verse 12, those who follow him are damned. They are condemned. I didn’t say that. God does. Why? Because they “believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” You cannot be saved if you follow a Satan-possessed, blaspheming, false Christ. Who knows? Maybe he says he’s God the Father. There’s a guy in Rome that calls himself the Holy Father. It’s not shocking that a human being might say that.
Salvation is lost to the people who follow this man…It just was never clear how far they would go, and how God would vacuum them out of the Church. God said in Haggai—I called for the desolation. I raise up the Foolish Shepherd. It’s something He’s doing. He hardened pharaoh. He used Judas. He can do that. He can use man for a righteous purpose like Cyrus, and others.


  1. Officer Dave says: "I’ll have a lot more to say about them, in a way that will simply stun you—stun you."

    "Don't taze me bro!!!! bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt.....

    Ugh.....I am stunned. I can't think.. You destroyed my BS detector! I'll be back to church next week Officer Dave."

  2. Could be me Says:

    "You cannot be saved if you follow a Satan-possessed, blaspheming, false Christ. Who knows? Maybe he says he’s God the Father. There’s a guy in Rome that calls himself the Holy Father. It’s not shocking that a human being might say that.

    Salvation is lost to the people who follow this man…It just was never clear how far they would go, and how God would vacuum them out of the Church. God said in Haggai—I called for the desolation. I raise up the Foolish Shepherd. It’s something He’s doing. He hardened pharaoh. He used Judas. He can do that. He can use man for a righteous purpose like Cyrus, and others."

    As Aron Ra reminded Dave a few times..."You're projecting again..."

  3. Aron Ra reminded Dave a few times about projecting, one thing for sure Aron Ra definately knows what that means alright.

  4. Could Dave Pack himself be the man of sin? Why nooooooo. After sell, he's warning of this apostate, so it can't possibly be him. Right?

  5. Always thought Dr Robert Thiel-ThD could be the next Franz Josef Strauss.

  6. Just who do you think these two assistants of David Pack will be?

  7. How much does Pack's "Man of Sin" job pay? Is it an "equal opportunity employer" aka , can a woman apply? What is the address that I can send a resume' to?

  8. Dave lacks pragmatism. He saw how the previous "prophecy" worked out, yet he keeps dishing this stuff up. One mistake he and others constantly make is that of an attempt to simultaneously apply both logic and superstition to support the teachings of Herbert W. Armstrong.

    I can understand his penchant for thinking of himself as the chosen one. He was not the only one who had such thoughts implanted in them as children and young people brought up in Armstrongism. You all should have heard the domitory ice breaker chats at Ambassador College. Many of the students attached supernatural occurrences to the lead up to their acceptance at AC, and these were accepted as offered and intended, without other students questioning them.


  9. Whilst I agree that the are men of sin (and women) within the COG groups, I very much doubt if the very man of sin is going to come forth out of a COG group.

  10. Wasn't the "man of sin" gag already applied to Armstrongism? Isn't that the label they hung on Joe Tkach? And, didn't it cause splintering as opposed to unification?

    Dave Pack seems to be locked into the mindset that sooner or later, everyone is going to beat a path to his door.


  11. No, no, no, just wait till you get to transcript #60....that's when the very real, I mean, extremely real, no "blowing your mind" real man of sin will be revealed!! It is totally unacceptable to me to have someone, anyone, handle the Word of God in the manner that DP has done and is doing.

    James 1:17 ....the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

  12. On the other hand, David Pack doesn't need any assistants to help him be the man of sin, since he's already achieved it.
