Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, February 2, 2017

Jesus personally named the church "Worldwide Church of God"

As Jesus was naming all of the dinosaurs,
he realized that they all lived worldwide and thought,
"Hey, this would be a good name to call my church.
And thus he did, he named it "Worldwide" Church of God."

Jesus was one busy dude, though I guess he has had time over the last 80 some years to name Herbert Armstrong's church The Worldwide Church of God.  After all, having his second coming delayed because of church members "just not getting it," he has had some time to do some extracurricular activities.

The Kitchen clan writes on Facebook:
"Under God's apostle, the true Church of God was named "Worldwide Church of God". 
The bona-fide unincorporated spiritual organism not the California Corporation.
The Worldwide Church of God had nothing to do with the atrocities of those who no longer were members of God's true Church! i.e from people like Joe Tkach and those who went on to create "Grace Communion International" and other organizations and corporations.
But what Satan has done, is he has stapled those atrocities on the name "Worldwide", in order to cause people to reject that name, and to make it easier to accept "another name". It's a true slander coming from the father of lies. 
In Revelation 3:8, we read that God's true Church does not deny the name that belongs to Christ! The name "Worldwide Church of God" did not and does not belong to ex-members or ex-ministers, or false ministers or false brethren. It was given, through inspiration of the Holy Spirit, from Jesus Christ. It is the name Jesus Christ gave to His Church, the spiritual body of Christ, through His apostle!
The Worldwide Church of God had nothing to do with the atrocities of those who no longer were members of God's true Church! i.e from people like Joe Tkach and those who went on to create "Grace Communion International" and other organizations and corporations.
But what Satan has done, is he has stapled those atrocities on the name "Worldwide", in order to cause people to reject that name, and to make it easier to accept "another name". It's a true slander coming from the father of lies.
In Revelation 3:8, we read that God's true Church does not deny the name that belongs to Christ! The name "Worldwide Church of God" did not and does not belong to ex-members or ex-ministers, or false ministers or false brethren. It was given, through inspiration of the Holy Spirit, from Jesus Christ. It is the name Jesus Christ gave to His Church, the spiritual body of Christ, through His apostle!
Jesus Christ commends His People for not denying it! So what does that mean? It means a great deal of people have denied it!(apart of the 2 Thes. 2 Great Falling Away) 
It is amazing to watch the mental gymnastics legalists and cultists go through in justifying everything Herb did.   Jesus no more told HWA to call the church "worldwide" than he told him to call the church "Radio."



  1. In hindsight it was the Wildworld Church of God

  2. Hmm....doesn't the word 'catholic' mean 'worldwide'? Oh, wait a minute.....

  3. Yes, 9:02, that's exactly what it means. I realised that way back there when the name was changed from Radio Church of God, but at the time, I accepted it as being the true universal, or worldwide, church. Over the years, I realised that it was more than the basically same name. It was really an identical type of organisation with Herb as the Pope and various authoritarian ranks that really paralleled the organisation of the Catholic Church.

    Allen C. Dexter

  4. Rose colored glasses. Everything about HWA was sweetness and light. This is what they think their millennium is going to be. Their good news is not so much that Jesus will return. They look forward to him bringing HWA.


  5. This entire Kitchen family has some serious mental health issues.

  6. It's true!

    The Catholic (Worldwide) calls itself the "Church of God".

    Because of their Roman origins they designate themselves as the "Roman" Worldwide "Church of God". That chapter is quite succesfull!!

    Just like the many split off local websites who designate themselves "idaho" church of god, or "allentown" church of god. Oh if only the Byzantines had access to the internet.

    Also, I believe, after the 1980 lawsuit the California Corporation changed itself into a "Colorado" Corporation. But I am not sure if that was part of the effort to hamper GTA in every state to acquire the name that Jesus gave to the Christian Church.

    Very interesting to see the move from Grace Community to the East Coast now that the West Coast seems to cessede from the United States and return the property to Zorro.

    In US and Britain in prophecy HWA specifically targets the East Coast cities with a nuclear attack, none of the West Coast is mentioned in the "bestseller". Does North Korea have a copy of said book, they might just wanna consider a reinvestment of their rocket program.


  7. "We got the right name!" That was always one of the "Proofs" (oh, that word!) that we were the right people and in the right church. The one and only.

    They made it a DOCTRINE, for crying out loud, and it was a highly revered one, but based on nothing more than a phrase that happens to be used a few times in the NT. Maybe, having found SIX "Proofs" they were the True Church, this was what they managed to think of since they absolutely had to have seven.

    The thing is sooooo inconsequential, yet so important if you still believe Herbert was the somebody we all once believed in. Stopped that myself . . . forget how long ago.

    Hey, guys! That name -- you can have it! We're done with it.

  8. BB
    I'm convinced that many secretly crave that at Christ's return, there will be a repetition of the people asking Samuel for a king. In this case the king being Herb, with God the Father and Christ being relegated to figureheads.
    To them, it will be like the good old days, except it will be forever and ever.

  9. I AM worldwide! You have the proof, now follow me!

  10. Kitchen figured this out because he is on the same level as Satan, for they share the same mind.

  11. That's why we've got to be there, 4:14! Someone has got to be there to protest, and to say "We don't want this man! He was a piece of shit that ruined about 1/4 million people's lives!"


  12. Radio Church of God.


    If you think about it, that's really stupid -- people should have been able to figure out from the git-go it was a cult.

    Radio Church of God.

    And here we are.

    The Worldwide Church of God.



    But it no longer exists. Not really. It fragmented into any number of sects -- faster and in more pieces than any religion in history!

    Anyway... Worldwide Church of God is not expansive enough -- it needs to be bigger. You stupid people! You aren't thinking outside the box. Now, it's true: The Universal Church of God is already taken, technically, by the Roman Catholic Church, but that isn't a big enough meme! Not at all!

    From now on, seeing as God created the Universe and all, that we need to think in Intergalactic dimensions. So now I give you the true name of the true church:

    The Multiverse Church of God.

    Now, what Herbert Armstrong founded?

    That remains the CoHAM: The Cult of Herbert Armstrong Mafia.

    It's really the right name -- after all, it has the word 'HAM' in it, and if there's one thing Herbert Armstrong was, he was a ham.

  13. Worldwide "devolved" into the "WeirdWorld Church of God" !

  14. I'm wondering, have the sliver ministers condemned Donald Trumps longer hair. I still remember Herbie complaining that Jimmy Carters long fringe was eunuch like. These ministers are notorious for such Pharisaic nit picking.

    A church member would be suspended for having a hairstyle like Trumps.

  15. "Everything about HWA was sweetness and light. This is what they think their millennium is going to be. Their good news is not so much that Jesus will return. They look forward to him bringing HWA."

    It's more about them believing that "Kick-Ass Jesus" will return and start slaying all those who believed in the wrong stuff.
    BTW, the "Wrong Stuff" is everything different than what your church believes in.

    What better deity than one who will have a sword in his mouth and kill a zillion people who disagree with you, causing deep rivers of blood to flow?

    Cue the Andrew Gold song, 'THANK YOU FOR BEING A FRIEND'!

  16. Why are you giving this Kitchen family ANY attention or press time? They have ZERO credibility with anyone in any COG group or even a living room COG. The only people that follow them and give them any credit for anything relating to HWA or WWCG are the...Kitchens. I'm an active member of one of the largest COGs today and know many people in many other COGs. No one cares for them. And they are only embolden when anyone, especially you heretics on this blog (wink), give them any attention.

  17. Coming out against "The Worldwide Church of God" shows a lot of things going on.
    All we are saying is that the Church that was raised up by Jesus Christ through Herbert W. Armstrong is alive and well. The membership is not dead. Although I feel some of you wish that they were.
    The Church membership was NEVER those listed in the corporation. Check it yourself.
    Only those listed on the incorporation papers, were those listed as the parties responsible for any monies or assets handled in the corporation. That was only a handful of men. Yet, the membership of the Worldwide Church of God was several thousands!
    They donated tithes and offerings to the corporation! They are separate!
    SO that membership is still alive. The name of that unincorporated spiritual organism, is the "Worldwide Church of God", which identifies them as the Church raised up through Herbert W. Armstrong.
    That Church was founded originally by Jesus Christ in 31 A.D.
    The very reason why these COG groups have been created, is to lure the membership of the Worldwide Church of God into their new Church. But their church is bound by contract to the Federal Government, and is merely a religious corporation.
    And when one VOLUNTEERS monies, properties, to be donated and given to these corporate entities, they are placing themselves voluntarily under a corporate entity, and therefore must abide to any "policy" that corporation creates.
    So the real threat is against the true membership of the Worldwide Church of God.
    And these COG groups don't care for my family because we explain these things, and people are listening.
    These COG groups are not the Worldwide Church of God. They are different Churches altogether. That is why they are each claiming to be continuing the work that was being done through Herbert W. Armstrong. Why? To lure in the membership of the Worldwide Church of God. And that is the whole purpose.
    People get angry and upset because we explain these things, but it doesn't change the truth and the facts.
    Those who are still holding fast to what was taught, ALL OF IT, not 99% of it, is apart of the true Church of God, the Worldwide Church of God.
    If you look at what people are saying, like on this website, and even coming from these COG groups, they all want to turn people away from "the Worldwide Church of God". They want people to be turned off from that name. What's the threat?
    The threat is, that Satan and his demons, and all of the flunkies they lead around, are angry because they thought the Church died with the California corporation and with the death of Herbert Armstrong. nope. Jesus Christ's promise in Matthew 16 is coming true and will always be true.

  18. Speaking for myself, 12:10, I fail to see any essential differences that would make a single one of the ACOG groups a standout, or would identify it as the "true" one. Groups and individuals get held accountable by us proportionately with their visibility and the outrageousness of their remarks, and not based on their size or so-called stature in the movement. And, all of them seem equally ridiculous, with an abundance of bad fruit to go around. When we're discussing fundamental beliefs, there isn't a heck of a lot of difference between the Kitchens and the COGaWA, or Ron Weinland and Bob Thiel. They are all pretty much forced to stick with the basic package of HWA doctrines to qualify with the members for their share of the tithe pie.


  19. But Bob if one does the research, one will find that "COGaWA or Ron Weinland and Bob Thiel" as well as all the other Cog's teaches differently on many subjects and points Herbert W Armstrong made.
    Our point is, MANY say they teach exactly what Mr. Armstrong taught, but in reality they do not! Then how can Herbert W Armstrong and ourselves be lumped in with these perpetrators and impostors, when they have different doctrines and points from the Worldwide Church of God under Herbert W Armstrong?
    And as we can see they add to the doctrines of the Worldwide Church of God a spiritual organism, some WEIRD and Far out ideas, that is so ridiculous Herbert W Armstrong would preach against it! And his writings and sermons do preach against it. So we must make the correct distinction between these groups and churches from the Worldwide Church of God and Herbert W Armstrong. Not to get confused with the WCG,INC the california Corporation, and GCI and its congregations that replaced those who were either kicked out or left.
    These groups want to appear as one and the same as Herbert W Armstrong and the Worldwide Church of God. This is where the confusion comes in, they get you to attack Herbert W Armstrong and the Worldwide Church of God, to take the blunt of it, as they go along and continue in their evil deeds(which I agree are evil). And one may say it was Mr. Armstrong's fault because they were employed by him and they were doing these things back then. Maybe they were doing those things, but it proved out that they were not of us, for if they were of us, they would no doubt have stayed and continued with us to paraphrase the scripture. Their true colors were shown. They moved on and started their own churches, with different doctrines, different teachings and points than what Herbert W Armstrong taught, although they retained some teachings and doctrines, they are not the same Church with the same doctrines. This includes GCI. Look at the other churches and their split offs, they are no longer that other church, although they retained some teachings from their former association. Are they of the same association then? No. Same thing applies here. I believe many of you are confused on this. And that is the fault of these COG's.

  20. You know, it never ceases to amaze me,through one avenue or another (whether you were sincere when you came into the WWCG, or not, whether you were sent in to do damage, whether you saw certain things and did not take them to God for your understanding, and let Satan pervert your mind (as He is an expert on)or, you were kicked out for your wrong spiritual attitude under Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong. The fact is that you fell for Satan's traps! That is unfortunate indeed. And you have done as every person has the Satan has rotted the mind of "concerning God and He Work (and His Servant HWA)" you have allowed yourself to be filled with hate, and,instead of just leaving the Church and going on with your own business and leaving us alone, you always have to make it your life's mission to try to destroy God's Work(WWCG under the dynamic leadership of Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong), His Servant (HWA) and His people (us). Why is that? I can tell you why. It is because you have drunken from the spiritual cup of poison that Satan gave you, listened to His whispers in your ear, and letthat poison stay there until it has rotten your brain! you became Satan's tools and Satan's army, that is why the anger, resentment, and bitterness that is welled up within you! You have become just like the Demons that Satan turned from God, and, now the demons dwell with and in you. It is sad for your sake, but, for the Work and people of God "The gates of hell will never prevail against Christ's Church" just as scripture declares! So, you are found "Fighting God" and will not prevail!
    I will pray that God will forgive your evil and your rebellion towards Christ as He gave you a chance to be called as first fruits, and,instead of humbling yourselves and obeying God (which would give you the Holy Spirit so you could discern between the Holy and the Profane, Discern the spirits, tell right from wrong (By God's Law, not your own puny and twisted minds and gauge)), you listened to Satan whisper in your ear (probably through like minded Stooges that were already recruited by Satan), like deceived or false ministers and brethren) , and, you rebelled against your creator! That is to your detriment and to your open shame! I will pray for your to repent (if it is not too late for you?).
    P.S> "byker bob, Anonymous, Black Ops Mickey, Opinionated" let me say that You are full of the foul spirits that I just explained, so, it will do you no good for me to explain it as you know your fate. But, let me suggest that if you want people to even start taking you seriously, hiding your identity behind a fake name is not the way to get people find you creditable. To do that, you must be open and honest, and truthful (all the time, not, just when it suits your evil agenda). Hiding yourself behind a fake name while you trash other's reputation, so you can protect you own is the coward's way! Continue it that way, and stay the coward, or "Change" and don't be afraid!

  21. Tim, although we are coming from different points of motivation, I actually agree with much of what you are saying about these other groups.

    However, it is also not possible to capture and maintain a full 100% of the exact teachings of Herbert W. Armstrong, because now that he is no longer alive, all that one can do is take a snapshot of a specific time, somewhat like what the Wayback Machine does of key websites, or perhaps we coukd take an average, over time, and go with that. The teachings of HWA were never static. They were dynamic, and changed, perhaps not radically, but nonetheless, they did evolve, with regard to such things as the day on which Pentecost is kept, divorce and remarriage, and the amount of permitted usage of modern medical science. The Flurry group, on the medical issue, takes their "snapshot" of the teachings from the early '70s, not from the final teachings of 1986. Someone in Flurry's group was not allowed to take Passover recently, as an example, because in counselling it came out that he had used a little Neosporin (which speeds healing due to the presence of an antibiotic) on a cut. Prohibited in 1972, permissable in 1986. However, the ACOG splinters have departed to a much greater extent than could be explained by snapshots in time.

    Just as it is impossible to completely duplicate the guitar playing of Jimi Hendrix, it is impossible to duplicate the teachings of HWA. You can come up with a reasonable facsimile, but there are little subtilties and inflexions that are unique to what we will call the artist. These are often related to time and experience, which of course stops and becomes frozen for the person who dies, but time, circumstances, and experience (whether communal or individual) continue for all who live on. It is possible to know what Herbert W. Armstrong would have to say about gay marriage, but there are other subjects and events (influences and modifiers) about which it would be impossible to know how he would react. Whether or not one believes in evolutionary processes as they relate to creation, evolution is a part of the continued dynamic of human existence. Otherwise, we would all be riding horses, and speaking King James English.

    I see what your family is attempting to do. You are trying to preserve something which you value, so that it can remain as a standard. But, I don't believe that you can succeed in doing that at a 100% level any more than any of the splinters can do or have done. Obviously they have taken more liberties, and we frequently discuss the ridiculousness of their actions here. The process changed from dynamic to static on the day that HWA (the authority) died. So it's all about preservation and nostalgia today, rather than being a living, breathing, growing thing. And, that's the best it will ever get so long as we're all human.


  22. If Jesus named the WCG wouldn't it be called, The Worldwide Church of Jesus ?

  23. Note: My 9:38 response was an attempt to ratchet things down, for a reasonable and measured discussion with Tim Jr. And then, Tim Sr. came on the scene behaving as the worst stereotype of Armstrongite minister that most of us have burned into our memory banks. And probably, Bob Thiel, Dave Pack, and Gerald Flurry are chuckling as they press Tim Sr's "like" button. I think we can discern the spirit of this thing. Followers of someone who bears bad fruit are going to bear the same bad fruit. In fact, in this case, the bad fruit Is even rotting. That's not something you'd want to preserve.


  24. Byker Bob, you're 100% right.

    The Kitchens are doing their laudable best to preserve a "1986 snapshot" of the previously-fluid HWA teachings. More than one group has started out with the stated aim of doing this. But then when they must actually live their Christian lives, they quickly discover not only that some of HWA's printed statements are not compatible with the Church still waiting for Christ's return in 2017, but also that new developments in society and science require fresh interpretation, which HWA isn't present to provide.

    Since the Kitchens are basically a family church, they will likely make their modifications in ways that feel to like-minded family members as though they are keeping to the spirit of the HWA 100% while other HWA followers have dropped to 98% and below. However, other family churches and individuals will make different modifications, and before you know it they will be at war with other groups who assume that THEY are keeping the 100% and that the Kitchens are the 98%-keepers.

    To grow in grace and knowledge you need a credible living authority guiding your church. If your authority isn't a living human being, you have a problem, because it will NEVERTHELESS be living human beings who make the various changes, all doing so on the presumed authority of a dead man, thus making themselves the de facto living human authority after all.

    This is why the Armstrong movement is doomed to extinction unless it finds a charismatic reinterpreted, just as practically no one would know or care about G. G. Rupert's movement had it not been reinterpreted and carried forward by Herbert Armstrong.

  25. Point is, if you only knew 10% of what was taught, and you read where God says in His Word to HOLD fast to what you have, and when you do, and you see there is 90% you didn't know that was there, you grab to that, and grow, pretty soon you'll understand and grown to 15%, 20%, up and up. Our goal is to be 100% back on track, not everyone is there yet. We all have place to grow. We are to Hold fast to what we have and Grow spiritually, that is it. These churches have stopped growing and added their own ideas in place of what was taught. I have an example that was taught to the people in 1982 from "Do You Have an Idol?" June/July 1982 Good News, under the subsection titled
    "Keep yourselves from idols" http://good-news.wwcg-archives.com/1980-1986/Good%20News%201982%20%28Prelim%20No%2006%29%20Jun-Jul.pdf#page=19

    People believe we are just stuck in time with the Trunk of the Tree. We do not see the tree, and say well we only need the trunk and cut off all the limbs, guess what, what happens when one does that? The above quote explains that. But most of these groups have rooted up the tree, sliced the tree down the middle, and expect the limbs they duct taped on to stay standing. It's ludicrous to think it will stand! It is not like with what you say about us sticking with a certain "snapshot", it is taking the snapshot and having it as the foundation, the TRUNK OF THE TREE, and grow out from that. Like putting a jigsaw puzzle together. You do not have the whole picture yet. But as you keep the pieces that fit together and you find more that adds to the picture, you are understanding more of the whole picture. The Cog's are taking two pictures and puzzles and creating another puzzle altogether, with a different picture. They printed off some pieces and drew in what they think it ought to be. Instead of sticking with the original box of pieces with the original instructions. Our intent is to stick with what we were given and grow from that, and we have and will do so.

  26. Herbert Armstrong was so wrong about nearly everything. He was wrong about his "Proof of the Bible", he was totally wrong about prophecy, he was wrong about the eras of the church. He is accepted as an 'authority' because he proclaimed himself to be one, after being rejected by the Church of God Seventh Day.

    He plagiarized doctrines directly word-for-word from G. G. Rupert (and he was wrong as well, what with his science fiction novel and all), accepted the lies written by Ellen G. White and copied by Dugger and Dodd and just made up stuff. As if this weren't enough, he corrupted the New Testament by supplanting it (incompletely) with the Old Testament.

    Farmers have proved him wrong: They kept the land Sabbath and failed. People who accepted his doctrines on healing died. He wrote "How to Have a Happy Marriage" and failed at his (and we paid $5 million for it).

    He permitted his son, Garner Ted Armstrong to be second in command in spite of the fact that he knew GTA to be an adulterer, boozing alcoholic, gambler -- kept him in a position of authority until it became to public to ignore.

    Herbert Armstrong didn't even finish high school and claimed he was more important and smarter than those in the Seventh Day Church of God leaders against whom he rebelled who had college degrees. His booklet, "Seven Laws of Success" left out the most important factor: Planning. There's an old saying, if you fail to plan, you will plan to fail. And so it was on his death, someone took over who changed everything and destroyed what he built. Bad planning. He didn't see that coming. This sort of thing should be expected from someone who lacks the inherited aptitude of foresight and does everything by-the-seat-of-his pants.

    And mostly, if he had had any real knowledge and favor of God, he would have been allowed to leave a lasting legacy, but, it's all gone now: The Worldwide Church of God, Ambassador College, The Plain Truth. It's all gone. The campus was mostly demolished for newer construction. The Auditorium may still stand (in Pasadena) but what, pray do tell, is it used for and who owns it?

    No, some imbecile who comes along and claims that the Worldwide Church of God still exists in some ethereal non-substantial way in spirit is an utter fool and wasting their time with delusions and distorted perceptions.

    It does raise the question though, why? Why do they do it? One significantly possible answer is that they want to be someone important that people will notice. Had a taste of riches and prosperity? Let it turn them to wanting to be the center of attention?

    We've all seen how that turns out....

  27. It is interesting to see the Kitchen's allowed to comment here without being censored, like they do on their Facebook pages. Tim Jr. does seem to think more deeply about things that the rest of the clan does. Tim Sr. reeks of arrogance and is eager to put down anyone that disagrees with him.

  28. Regardless as to what anyone may think of the Kitchens, they do use their actual names (I use a screen name, pleading the fifth (commandment) because I am a PK).

    I also believe them to be sincere and to have deep convictions. However, my own questions and studies have led me to the conclusion that there are more accurate truths, and deeper answers, a much better picture than what was presented by Armstrong eisegesis. In your mind, you can deify a man whom you believe has imparted some truths, but reality is that if you follow him, you are still following a man. What are we really saying when we state that our goal is to hold on to the faith once delivered by Mr. Armstrong?


  29. Timothy Kitchen Jr
    If you are reading the bible and growing in understanding, you are not a Armstrongite. You will come to realize that Herb was wrong on many issues. Talking of 'Do you have an idol,' one such idol that Herb demanded members worship was government. He often stated it with his 'government is everything.' Members were treated as the property of the church, having no rights, including the right to intellectual independent. It's interesting how this false God has gained traction in the secular world the past generation. So genuine bible study and growth was not permitted. Ask members who disagreed with their minister for proof. They were slapped down, bashed, and/or verbally torn down. That was Herbs church culture. You would have been viewed as a dangerous, free thinking, church radical. I hope you are sincere and not just putting lipstick on a pig.

  30. Well, I don't want to be with them in the cool room, the fool room, because as Van Morrisson once sang, "I can almost smell their TB sheets".


  31. TJ Kitchen
    All this 'Satan has rotted your brains,' 'perverted you mind' and 'we are Satans stooges' is the sort of emotional abuse members frequently experienced when they disagreed with Herbies ministers. I can't help notice how this parallels left wing non-stop name calling. Where's the civil, patience correction. If you have truth and reality on your side, why not appeal to reason rather than revert to name calling?
    People here have to hide their true identity in order to protect themselves. Didn't Christ on several occasions hide Himself? Anonymity is a right. Self-serving rule-rigging is hardly a Christian trait.

  32. BB
    I agree. The bibles 'prove all things' is a ongoing process, so when young people came into Herbies church, they were forced initially to rely on Herbies map of reality i.e., the way the world works. But as you grow in knowledge and understanding, you come to realise that Herbies map is highly flawed. I don't believe he was ignorant of these flaws since he used guile. A person who is honestly mistaken doesn't do that. He copied many of these lies and ploys from the protestants. If you read protestant books and articles, this becomes obvious.
    A Christian is one who follows Christ. It is not one who follows Herbie.

  33. I can completely follow the line of reasoning of Black Ops.
    I've grown particularly fond of BB's comments. (Except for the occassional emotional rants founded on his personal and valid experiences.) BB manages to adress issues in a completely edible manner.

    I do have respect for COG people doing their utmost to find truth and live by it.

    My personal position is somewhere in the middle and concerns the legacy of WCG.

    Today as the ENTIRE WORLD is watching the 9th Circuit Court decision. The most liberal and most overturned court (by the Supreme Court). I am reminded of the visits of the judges of the 9th circuit court to the AC campus and their remarks about the example it said on the insistence of quality. The opening ceremony of the Court that was entirely hosted and organized by the WCG. The sponsoring of court activities by the Church.

    Today is the day that the Court will have to live up to its promise. Today is one of those days that again the ENTIRE WORLD will profit from what we as a spiritual body achieved in putting a small stamp on the advancement of humanity. Regardless of the talk about the Corp/ The INC, etc It was the people of WCG who made this possible. Only two things will rule this day. The Nation will be focussed on the Super Bowl. The entire world will be focussed on the ruling coming from a court that is part of our common heritage.



  34. An on the BBC's Tracey Ullman show series 2 episode 1.
    We have Angela Merkel singing a song while sitting on a swing attached to the Cedar of Lebanon in front of the Bricket Wood campus building

    This episode is not available on the internet yet. But for those who cannot wait to see it I have Angela Merkel visiting the Bricket Wood campus on the 2:33 mark.
    But the swing episode is far better.



  35. nck said- BB manages to adress issues in a completely edible manner.

    And nck manages to expose himself as the ignorant speller he is.

  36. And Opinionated, Byker Bob's comments are absolutely delicious.

    Food for thought.


    I can do it too....
