Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Philadelphia Church of God: Update on Cal Culpepper/Scott Flory Scandal

The Happy Couple? 
What happens if this new wife runs afoul of Culpepper?

In August of 2016 I posted a letter that was up on Exit and Support about how Cal Culpepper destroyed a marriage in the Philadelphia Church of God.

How Sick Can Cal Culpepper and Gerald Flurry Get?

Recently, I was surprised to receive a call from a good friend from my PCG days whose name is Cassie Flory. Cassie, who was baptized, was married to Scott Flory.1 I was very fond of Scott and Cassie and when I first came into the PCG I would fellowship with them often. We would have meals after services, and I even stayed at their house from time to time. Scott, as I recall, was a very devoted husband and father. I never saw him mistreat his wife and kids in any way. He worked hard to provide for his family and his wife and his kids never lacked anything. In all actuality, I envied them because at that time I was single and living alone. Cassie told me that her marriage to Scott was, for all practical purposes, dissolved by the Regional Director of the North East PCG--Cal Culpepper. She said they both were cast out ("suspended") from the PCG a few years ago under the direct orders from Cal Culpepper for certain offenses that Culpepper found unacceptable. 
Scott apparently pined away faithfully during all the time of their suspension and was waiting for that special phone call from Culpepper that would allow them to return to the "church." Well, some time ago, he got the green light from Culpepper to return. However Scott was faced with a dilemma. The condition of his return to the PCG was that he had to turn out his wife Cassie and no longer allow her to live with him. When Scott told Cassie that he was allowed back in PCG, she said, "What about me?" He told her to leave his house ASAP. Cassie told me that she had nowhere to go!! She packed some of her belongings and lived for a while with various friends. She finally found her own place and is trying to rebuild her life, but is now living without the man she loved and was married to for over 10 years. All of this on the direct orders from the demonized Cal Culpeper.
This couple has two children, a boy and a girl. They are both grown young people and, from what I understand, do not attend the PCG any longer. So it seems that my once good friend Scott who I always remembered as a loving husband has--at the behest of Culpepper and for the sake of saving his skin from the Tribulation--lost his wife and children. As a consequence of this new policy from Flurry, he will (in his own mind) never see his family again unless they repent under torture from the Beast power and be "martyred for the faith." Then they will all be happily united in HWA's "World Tomorrow." My question is this: What kind of poisonous spiritual Kool Aid is Gerald Flurry forcing his followers to drink that would turn a loving husband and father into something like this?
Now there is more to the story.  Thanks to Twitter we now know what Cal Culpepper had up his sleeve.

From a PCG source:
UPDATE on the Scott Flory PCG Scandal:
Scott Flory has been given a new wife by Cal Culpepper as a reward for obeying Gerald Flurry's new disfellowshipment polices.  Culpeppepr had ordered Flory to kick his first and legitimate wife out of the home as a condition for admittance back into the cult. 
Culpepper has been extremely nasty in his treatment of PCG members who have spouses who are no longer part of the PCG cult.  Either kick them out, divorce them or loose your eternal salvation.



  1. Somehow, it is difficult to even ponder this situation without having the word "anus" pop into one's mind. Culpepper is round and brown!


  2. I wouldn't mind more information. What was the wifes supposed sin? Has the husband inquired with God on this matter?
    The churches policy amounts to a iron curtain for its members. They need that iron curtain to stop members escaping from the Irish dancing. Not that, anything but that, AAAYYYEEEEE.

  3. This is nothing new. Go read James Orlin Grabbe's Letter to mother at the Painful Truth (up to part seven so far.

    Fortunately, he refused to cooperate with the cult and not only stayed with his wife, but after leaving Ambassador, Grabbe enrolled at the University of California, Berkeley, to pursue his interests in research and science, with an emphasis in mathematics. In 1976, he received a Bachelor of Arts degree in economics. He continued his education at Harvard University where he was awarded a Ph.D. in economics in 1981. Grabbe specialized in the study of financial derivative instruments and published important pricing models for futures, forward contracts and options, especially in the foreign exchange (FX) markets. In 1985, Grabbe transformed his informal interactions and founded FX Systems Inc. Until his death, Grabbe worked as a part-time consultant with FNX Limited. Under the umbrella of FNX, Grabbe created pricing models for complex derivatives, which were used by major banks around the world.

    In 2005, Grabbe published a number of papers on quantum physics in arXiv.

    He was brilliant, but treated like raw sewage at Ambassador College in Pasadena. He turned out to be one of the most outstanding people of our times, particularly in Economics and even appeared on 60 minutes.

    His 'letter to mother' looks innocent, but when you look at it in depth, you can realize the damage he does to A.C., the WCG and Herbert Armstrong -- back when no one figured out 10% of the things he knew and only now some of the smarter people have come to realize.

    It just goes to show you what you could achieve if you weren't burdened by the mental crazy chaotic irrational Armstrongists.

  4. My question is: why did SHE leave the house with nowhere to go? The house is just as much hers as his. She should have told him she's not going anywhere and if he wants to separate HE should be the one to leave.

  5. What a bunch of weak and cuckold men the PCG must have!

  6. Who cares about the wife's "supposed sin"? The main point is what is happening on that cult with lawfully married couples. Don't these PCG zombies read the Bible verse that says God "hates putting away" (divorce)?

  7. The policy of treating former members like lepers if they 'fall away' can only work on a small minority. This one size fits all policy can't be from God. I used to wonder why from it's beginning, this church claimed that they were the sole spiritual survivors of Herbs church. They must have known that this isn't true. This policy that terrorizes family members into staying, explains everything.

  8. Henry Hems
    I prefer to have sufficient information to draw my own conclusion, rather than be given some or selective information with the expectation of agreeing with the author. That's what ministers typical do.
    Divorce isn't just physical. People turning their back on their marriage vows is also divorce.

  9. Black Ops Mickey
    But did Grabbe qualify for eternal life?

  10. This is par for the course in religious purity culture.

    And may I say, what a weak, milquetoast bitch Scott Flory is, letting Cal Culpepper keep his balls in his briefcase like this. I feel sorry for his legitimate wife and children, that their dad didn't have the balls to stand up for them. I also feel sorry for his new wife.

    And besides that, Scott isn't very bright, either. No protestant church has any claim to any authority like this. It's only thoughtless and ignorant people who assume that church lies to that effect have any chance of being true.

    As a guy, if someone kicked me out of one of the churches like this, I would have figured the church had disqualified itself from being any place I ought rightly to be. No church mucky-muck has the authority to dictate my private life to me. This isn't a christian theocracy that practices strict christian sharia law. Yet. Until then, I don't see why anyone in this country ought to behave as though anyone is remotely is endowed with such powers by any source. I would tell 'em that they can all go to hell. Blood is thicker than bullshit.

    "With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil — that takes religion." —Stephen Weinberg

  11. I'm confused.
    Is his name culpepper or culpable?

  12. "With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil — that takes religion." —Stephen Weinberg

    What Weinberg failed to mention is that without religion 99 percent of the people will be bad people.

    By the way, Weinberg is a bad person--a liar--based on the false evidence he gave to congress. He even admits it in one of his books--brags about how he fooled congress. He really should be in jail for perjury. He's not someone an ethical atheist would want to quote.


  13. The PCG is all about doing the exact opposite of everything that the real book of Malachi in the Bible said to do. From turning the hearts of the fathers against their children and the hearts of the children against their fathers (in contrast with Malachi 4:5-6), to making it a commanded religious duty to get a divorce for no good reason (in contrast with Malachi 2:13-16), the PCG does the exact opposite of what the book of Malachi in the Bible said to do, and what the WCG under HWA had taught.

    Gerald Flurry came up with his plagiarized and revised Malachi's Mess. of a “little book” to get people's minds off the real book of Malachi in the Bible. The real book of Malachi in the Bible is only about 3 or 4 pages long, while Flurry's Malachi's Mess. is about 150 pages long. The shorter book is definitely the better of the two. The book of Malachi in the Bible was inspired by God. Malachi's Mess. was made by Satan.

  14. "What Weinberg failed to mention is that without religion 99 percent of the people will be bad people."

    And you know this how? Citation please. I'd like to read this peer-reviewed study in the literature.

  15. But did Grabbe qualify for eternal life?

    Has anyone?


  16. As shocking as this sounds this is not only confined to PCG. I've experienced something along these lines in UCG over 10 years ago. People in power get taken with crazy ideas that they, and they alone, can pair people together even when one is already married to another. PCG with their domineering ministry can pull this off but do not be fooled this is widespread throughout many COG splinters big and small. I arrived at Sabbath serves one day with my husband to find we were bizarrely seperated in church. I was practically pinned up against the wall with a woman who wouldn't stop talking and talking at me meanwhile the power people were introducing my hubby to a hair twirling single girl, all over the top. What did my hubby do in this bizarre completely out if the blue situation ??
    Well he pointed over at me and said 'my wife's over there' which brought the bizarre event to an abrupt end. But later the same Sabbath a power person actually had the nerve to approach me afterwards and say 'oh how long have you been married' like it was perfectly ok what they were doing. I never forgot this event and never will. BIG wake up call.

    1. I've maintained for years that the basic Armstrong doctrinal package causes amazingly similar examples of abuse throughout all of the splinters. They differ only in extent, with some being more extreme, and others being less extreme. It isn't the sabbath and holy days alone that produce these bad fruits, it is all the special extras that Armstrongism added to the equation, like extreme authoritarianism, paranoia regarding end times that never get around to happening, infalibility of the ministry, and separatism from the rest of society. These are things that make a group cultic, although there is resentment towards that term any time it is applied. "We're not a cult, brethren, we're God's true church, the only ones with this precious knowledge, the only ones qualifying for the kingdom!" Fomenting elitism helps them in getting away with all of the abuses. They are toxic, yet somehow manage to turn it around and make it appear as if they are the only special ones.


  17. To "Anonymous" - Your lurid fascination with the ex-wife's "Sin" I find disturbing. What do you want - Full color pictures and explicit details? I am sure the Blog Owner filters content to avoid certain liabilities and also to protect the innocent. The whole point of this post was abuse by Religious zealots. Focus on the important matters.

  18. To "Anonymous" - Your lurid fascination with the ex-wife's "Sin" I find disturbing. What do you want - Full color pictures and explicit details? I am sure the Blog Owner filters content to avoid certain liabilities and also to protect the innocent. The whole point of this post was abuse by Religious zealots. Focus on the important matters.

  19. 11.16 PM
    I had a similar experience in the WCG. My minister was demanding that I (a single person) marry a bottom of the barrel woman. For looks, character and personality, I give her a one out of ten. By contrast, I had top women expressing interest in me. I will never forgive this woman for using a mafia minister to try to force me to marry her. I replied to the minister 'why don't you marry her yourself.'


  20. Don’t know the facts of the case, but if PCG claim to follow the Bible, it’s pretty clear they are completely out of order.

    Even if they have decided, in their great wisdom, that Cassie Flory was no longer ‘in their church’, then there is a pretty clear guideline:-

    1Co 7:12 If any brother hath a wife that believeth not, and she be pleased to dwell with him, let him not put her away.

    In other words, if she wants to stay, then she stays – the husband has no choice. The reverse situation is just the same, and just as clear.

    1Co 7:13 And the woman which hath an husband that believeth not, and if he be pleased to dwell with her, let her not leave him.

    In other words Scott Flory has the clear Biblical requirement to not break up with his wife, all the time she is ‘pleased to dwell with him’.

    But then of course, when does PCG or Cal Culpeper ever follow the Bible?

  21. " I arrived at Sabbath serves one day with my husband to find we were bizarrely separated in church. I was practically pinned up against the wall with a woman who wouldn't stop talking and talking at me meanwhile the power people were introducing my hubby to a hair twirling single girl, all over the top."

    Perverse, weird, sickening, controlling , cult, mind control, ignorant, mental illness, and that's what Bronze and Iron Age Religion can do for you, comes to mind.


  22. After the WCG went wild and crazy in 1995, some people tried the PCG. Thousands of them found the PCG under a false prophet to be even crazier than the WCG under the apostates, and left the PCG too. When Gerald Flurry gave himself the title of That Prophet, it was a clear signal to get out of the PCG, and many people did. Another clear signal to get out of the PCG was when Gerald Flurry came up with his “no contact” rule to break up families. There have been many strong hints over the years that something is seriously wrong with the PCG. Some people did not take the hints, but got kicked out when they simply neglected to go along with the old sex perverts in the PCG, thus enraging the old sex perverts and the local tyrants that they complained to.

    False prophets like Gerald Flurry lie to people and deceive them. That is what false prophets do. People need to beware of false prophets, like Jesus said to. False prophets cannot do any good, but they can do evil. People who support false prophets are themselves doing something wrong, even if they are sincerely deceived. Supporting evil is evil. Some people mindlessly go along with evil, and support evil, but then feel sorry for themselves and think it is so horrible when some of the evil that they went along with and supported falls back on themselves.

  23. Man in the wilderness
    My training is in engineering, so experience tells me over and over that sufficient information is required to solve any technical problem. Having this information in this case isn't "lurid fascination with his ex wife sin" or similar. Accusing me of voyeurism says something about your own character.

  24. "But did Grabbe qualify for eternal life?"

    I hope I don't wind up qualifying, yaknow, just by accident.

    Unless the "eternal life" of which you speak is granted by some deity who is a LOT more moral and a NOT barbaric like the Abrahamic ones, "heaven" sounds on a par with "hell." Or if we're talking about the Armstrongist "lake of fire," version of "hell," then "hell" sounds a lot more preferable. I can't imagine having to be under the thumb of and do the hateful bidding of a genocidal tyrant for all eternity. I wouldn't wish that on my enemies.

    Good thing that "heaven" and "hell" claptrap is all childish make-believe. Totally over being afraid of these heavenly supervillians who declare themselves "righteous" by fiat, meanwhile engaging in what would be horrific crimes if anyone else perpetrated them.

  25. 12.03 PM
    I can't help wondering whether all this talk of 'god is a hateful genocidal tyrant' etc, is rationalizing away, and alleviating the anxiety of having fallen away.

    I had two baby ducks that I grew emotionally attached to. I couldn't keep them because of the household cat, so I ask God to find them a home. God responded. Someone at work took them in, looked after them and released them into the wild at adulthood.
    God is so loving that He intervened on behalf of baby ducklings, yet you call Him a monster.
    Shame on you.

  26. I agree with man in wild. We should not desire a salacious blow by blow detailed expose on the iniquities of the Flory household. It does not matter if you are an engineer or a coconut farmer. The blog owner has to protect his sources and also have compassion on the chief victim here Cassie. If we want to dwell on a certain persons sin then Cal Culpepper is the one with most to offer.

  27. Both in law and in Scripture, marriage is sacrosanct and neither of them gives any leeway for others interfering in the union between two people.

    [If you must... "Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled" for those of you who believe in such things....]

  28. Now that God is dead we have rapidly moved to the post-truth post-integrity society where people openly advertise their posturing with statements like "perception is reality" which we all know really means "lie all you can if you can get away with it."

    It is not a co-incidence that people are unashamed of their lies and openly advocate it, and brag about it, in the post-God society. Deceitfulness is the foundation of mistrust, and mistrust is the foundation of war, and a global nuclear war cannot be stopped.

    So, yes, it is clear that people need to believe in God, or they turn into fearless scum like the liar Weinberg.

    So "reality" is manufactured. Fake news is manufactured by the MSM. It has gone into overdrive now that nobody believes in a God that punishes scum like them. As Nietzsche said, now that God is dead it will change everything, and throw everything out of course in due course, and it has, and is, and the worst is yet to come.

  29. Nice fag-leaf stance on Cull-pecker.

  30. The 99 percent figure comes from observation--direct experience--the best kind of experiment, and therefore the truest science, because it does not rely on gutless self-seeking careerist politicized establishment liars for verification. Just look at the sea of idiots all around. Only a fool, or a member of the 99 percent, which basically amounts to the same thing, and who trusts in some lying self-exonerating establishment, would need an official source for such an obvious truth.

  31. Henry Bemis
    No one asked for a 'salacious blow by blow detailed expose..' You and the man in wild are using a straw man argument. The husband is being condemned on this site without his side of the story being told. Coconut farmers also know that both are wrong.

    When Christ healed ten lepers, but only one returned to thank Him. He didn't even condemn the nine. Rather He asked WHY the others haven't returned to thank Him as well. Being mindful of kangaroo courts, He asked for more information. He wanted to know their side of the story.
    Out of respect for due process, God even on judgment day, asked a person why they lacked the wedding garment (ie character), even though God already knew the answer.

    Both sides of the story need to be told, or a wrong picture can be painted.

  32. 5.26 PM
    You messed up with your 'perception is reality.' No, it doesn't mean anything goes. Technically it's epistemology that's being discussed. The lawless left believe that reality is a social product, determined by the groups beliefs. Hence the evidence of the God designed five senses is replaced with it's true 'cause we say so.' it's your Immanuel Kantian mocking of 'perception is reality' that results in lawlessness.

    Hence, you are the typical church stooge that blindly believes what ever the minister says. Since you missed it (the ministers deliberately left it out), Christ on many occasions pointed to the world around Him. For example 'do can read the weather, but you don't read the times.'
    Get yourself a brain 5.26 PM because the ministers have stolen your.

  33. "I can't help wondering whether all this talk of 'god is a hateful genocidal tyrant' etc, is rationalizing away, and alleviating the anxiety of having fallen away."

    Wonder away. Fact is, I have no more anxiety of one god than I do of any another.

    I can't help but wonder if you're suffering from the anxiety that comes from not honoring Zeus, Allah, and Ganesha?

    "Fallen away." LOL who says that? I didn't "fall away." I just simply don't believe it. It seems like such childish foolishness to me, like believing in Santa.

    "I had two baby ducks that I grew emotionally attached to. I couldn't keep them because of the household cat, so I ask God to find them a home. God responded."

    Ah. I see. Which god responded? What makes you so sure one god responded rather than another? What makes you so sure it wasn't Quetzalcoatl that responded? How do you know it wasn't just someone at work, a human being, that responded, and nothing more than that? How do you know that any god had anything to do with it, your private mumblings to yourself notwithstanding?

    "Someone at work took them in, looked after them and released them into the wild at adulthood."

    This is the first reasonable-sounding thing you've said.

    "God is so loving that He intervened on behalf of baby ducklings..."

    And you know this how? Bald assertion. What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

    "...yet you call Him a monster. Shame on you."

    Shame on me? Have you read your bible lately? If that were the autobiography of a deity (which it isn't, but if it were...) then that would be this deity who is doing the claiming of monsterous status for himself, not me, and your baseless attributions of the warm-fuzzies in contradiction notwithstanding.

  34. "The 99 percent figure comes from observation--direct experience--the best kind of experiment, and therefore the truest science, because it does not rely on gutless self-seeking careerist politicized establishment liars for verification. Just look at the sea of idiots all around. Only a fool, or a member of the 99 percent, which basically amounts to the same thing, and who trusts in some lying self-exonerating establishment, would need an official source for such an obvious truth."

    So you've got nothing then? Fail.

  35. Henry. I think the main point that our superior IQ, better than thou Engineer friend is forgetting over and over is that (as we have repeatedly said) not ALL of the private sensitive information on people's deeds or misdeeds can be exposed on a personal blog site. This is not a Court of Law or a Official convening by a legal arbitrator but a....Blog. Hello?
    Our genius engineer seems to think that he has a moral right to know EVERYTHING that went on in the Flory home and then in his secure position of anonymity pronounce who is at fault. Again the main point is obscured - which is the abuse and destruction of families at the hands of a spiritual psychopath.

  36. Man in the wilderness.
    The man is being trialled in the court of public opinion. People on this blog have condemned him without knowing his side of the story. This is wrong.
    People in his church will read this blog. It will impact his life. So it's not 'just a blog.'

    1. The last memorable time I heard someone make that statement, it was the subject of the article trying to sockpuppet for himself (not on this blog).

      Which means either you are trying to be objective, which is completely laudable, or you are messing around on the internet in an area PCG doesnt like you to go.

  37. 8.57PM
    If you believed this is just childhood foolishness, you would not be making so many strong comments. Hmm, you didn't deny having being baptised, which means you have, like Dennis, fallen away.
    Have I read my bible? Certainly. I read the part where Christ wept over the coming Roman destruction of Jerusalem. But unlike yourself, He is willing to tolerate such suffering in order to qualify people for eternal life.
    You would rather people not suffer, than qualify for eternal life. Who is the monster?

  38. Where'd you get this tid of a bit? Dennis Diehl

    " I arrived at Sabbath serves one day with my husband to find we were bizarrely separated in church. I was practically pinned up against the wall with a woman who wouldn't stop talking and talking at me meanwhile the power people were introducing my hubby to a hair twirling single girl, all over the top."

  39. Anon7:04 that was my witness statement if what actually happened. Is the a problem ?

  40. It is amazing to me how many of these men attempt to play God. Attempt to read hearts and minds. Break up marriages, destroy relationships and set children off on a collision course with dysfunction. It makes me absolutely sick. I have been involved with WWCG and it's splinter groups since the 70's, and it seems almost everyone of these ministers do the same thing. There is no biblical support for this whatsoever, that is unless you twist and distort the matter out of context. Can you imagine what has to be answered for by these men when Christ returns? The last small "splinter group" I was apart of, I knew a married couple that went through this same horrific dilemma. The minister could not leave it well enough alone, and in the process, screwed up a young boys life. I know that God will correct this one day, but for now, it just makes me sick.

  41. To Anonymous 11:16am

    "I arrived at Sabbath serves one day with my husband to find we were bizarrely separated in church. I was practically pinned up against the wall with a woman who wouldn't stop talking and talking at me meanwhile the power people were introducing my hubby to a hair twirling single girl, all over the top..."

    Who ever those "Power People" were, they had better go back to their Bibles!!...they WILL have a lot to answer for!

    Since when does God approve of promoting Adultery ? ? ?
