Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Gerald Flurry's Pathetic Attempt to Extort Money Out Of His Members For His Own Personal Jet

This is the letter that Gerald Flurry sent out to his members to guilt trip them into pledging millions o dollars to him so he can buy a jet for his personal use.   It is one amazing snow job in how he attempts to blackmail his members into supporting his quest to buy his his own private jet.  Since it was reported some time back here that one of the reasons is that as God's personal representative on earth he should not be sitting by the unwashed masses on regular planes...or fly coach.

One of the things that all Church of God leaders do is always claim "God has told me..." in order to gain special favor with their deluded members.  We see this today in Bob Thiel, Dave Pack, Rod Meredith, Gerald Weston, Ron Weinland, and many many others.  Everyone of these lying crooks claim that God has told them that the end is near, BUT they need to build expensive auditoriums, dance halls, buy jets.  Sadly, their deluded members will step up and give millions of dollars to finance these end time follies.

February 3, 2017
Dear members and co-workers with Christ,
For the past year, I have been seeking God's direction on a significant project for His Work. It has become increasingly clear that we have just a few prophetic moments left before the return of Christ. Nothing is more important now than staying close to God and fulfilling His commission.
I recently wrote to you regarding the times of Jeroboam. The Old Testament prophecy found in the book of Amos gives precise details about God's activities through His Work and Satan's counterattack using prominent leaders on the secular level.
Amos 3:3 asks, "Can two walk together, except they be agreed?" God is communicating His thoughts and warnings to this world through this Work. And that effort will ultimately lead to this nation expelling us because they cannot handle the words of God's prophecy.
With all that in mind, I want to discuss my thoughts regarding the potential purchase of a pre­ owned long-range aircraft to serve this Work. Such a decision weighs heavily on my mind because taking on a project like this has long-term financial implications.
In July 2015, we contracted with Mente Group based in Dallas, Texas, to conduct an aircraft feasibility study for us. This firm specializes in consulting large businesses about the purchase of aircraft. They have provided wonderful counsel all along the way. We have done due diligence in understanding all the details about purchasing, owning and operating a private jet.
For more than 17 months now, we have monitored what we believe to be positive signs that seem to confirm this is an open door from God. For example, we have two Church members who are capable flight program managers who can assist in managing the aircraft. Hanger facilities at our local airport have recently opened as well, at a very reasonable price. Many other "signs" have reinforced in my mind that God wants us to move in this direction. But this is a big purchase, and the ongoing operational costs must be carefully considered.
We are all familiar with the Church's commission in Revelation 10:11:"And he said unto me, THOU MUST PROPHESY AGAIN BEFORE MANY PEOPLES, AND NATI0NS, AND TONGUES, AND KlNGS." Herbert Armstrong was used by God to take the gospel to the world as a witness, fulfilling Matthew 24:14. He personally met with more world leaders than any other ambassador. God taught us so much through the work He raised through this prophesied end-time Elijah (Matthew 17:10- 11). Those restored truths continue as the foundation of this Church. Part of Mr. Armstrong's commission was to take the message to world leaders. Revelation 10:11 indicates that we could and probably will meet some world leaders. This much we know for certain: We are going to impact this world and its leaders!
We just passed the 31st anniversary of Mr. Armstrong's death. It is hard to believe so many years have passed. With the urgent times we live in now, much uncertainty surrounds geopolitical affairs. Most of the leaders Mr. Armstrong met with are out of office or have died. We are in a new age-the last hour-and prophecy is being fulfilled right before our eyes.
Amos 9:11states, "In that day will I raise the tabernacle of David that is fallen, and close up the breaches thereof; and I will raise up his ruins, and I will build it as in the days of old." We have lived through the fulfillment of this prophecy! God has raised the ruins of the Work He did through Mr. Armstrong–in specific detail! That is why the Philadelphia Church of God enjoys the benefits of two college campuses, a global ministry taking care of members in 54 nations, a thriving youth program, a world-class auditorium with superior acoustics for the preforming arts and our own worship services, a television broadcast, periodicals, books and booklets. We have the original, inspired writings of Herbert Armstrong that we constantly promote. The Bible correspondence course has been taken by over 100,000 enrollees. We have elementary and high schools for our children. But most importantly, we have God's revelation that builds on the truth restored to the Church by God's Elijah. All these are restored ruins from the Philadelphia era.
There is one memorable, highly important asset that God's Work had in Mr. Armstrong's time that we don't currently have. Honestly, I didn't think we would ever need a private aircraft of our own, but God has impressed on my mind that He is thinking differently. Brethren, God is the one who is raising the ruins. God is the one who is warning this world-and is currently taking His final measurement (Amos 7:8) before destruction tears this world apart in the Great Tribulation. God is the one who gives new revelation to this Church. And that revelation takes on an increasingly important role as we are commissioned to reach world leaders before we are saved in a place of safety.
Revelation 10:11tells us that we are to GO BEFORE KINGS. And as covered in my last co-worker letter, God prophesies a meeting with Jeroboam (Amos 7).These prophecies are being fulfilled and will continue at an accelerated pace. You would be hard-pressed to find a political commentator who doesn't expect earthquake-sized geopolitical events in 2017! An aggressive Donald Trump is now president of the United States. Elections in Europe will radically shape that continent as the prophesied 10 kings of Revelation 17:12 come in line. The Daniel 8 man could come to power at virtually any time. And that is all in response to an aggressive king of the south (Daniel 11) that is about to PUSH this world into great tribulation!
If you have been watching the Key of David this past month, you will recall the programs directed at the "prince of Russia," Vladimir Putin. I also taped a program about who the modern-day Jeroboam is. THESE ARE THE STRONGEST PROGRAM I HAVE EVER TAPED. The response to these programs was strong. We are entering the time of the "Jeroboam end." Soon the land will not be able to bear our words!
l believe God is directing me to find and purchase an aircraft to serve the needs of this Work. Now I want to make sure that WE ARE ALL BEHIND THIS PROJECT. The cost to the Work is much less than the construction costs of Armstrong Auditorium. When I think about how God's people rallied around that construction project, I am inspired and filled with hope about this project.
If you recall, at the start of construction on the auditorium, we asked all of you to consider making a non-binding financial pledge. Using those pledges, we formulated a budget and a plan to pay for the construction as quickly as possible. While I am averse to carrying debt, sometimes it is necessary to move through an open door that God presents to His Work.
Thanks to your sacrifice, fundraising and consistent monthly donations to the building fund, we paid off the construction loan years ahead of schedule. Since that time, God has given us our campus in Edstone, which is also completely paid for. In addition, we just completed construction on the Dwight Armstrong Performing Arts Conservatory here on our Edmond campus. We are u sing that new facility for both the academy and the college. That beautiful building has also been paid for.
Brethren and co-workers, you have been loyal throughout the history of this Work. I am grateful for your vision and dedication to support God's efforts.
We anticipate borrowing $9 to 11million for the purchase of a quality used aircraft. Careful consideration has been invested to make sure it will meet our anticipated needs moving forward. Not only must we cover the purchase price of the plane, but we must also budget for the annual operational costs which we believe to be roughly 52 million per year.
As you can see, those are some large commitments, but I am confident God is opening this door. I pray that we are all behind this new incentive. Once again, we are asking you to make a non-binding financial pledge to this project. God would never ask us to give beyond what we are able, and never to the financial detriment of our families' fiscal needs. If you are able to make a pledge toward the aircraft fund, it should NOT compete the cost of your holy day offerings (and of course it should not impact your first tithe). We have been very grateful for building fund donations over the years. And while OUR needs won't disappear with the required maintenance of our current facilities, we will obviously have to suspend other building projects until the aircraft has been paid for. We would still be quite happy for you to contribute to the building fund, but we anticipate most special offerings now will be earmarked for the aircraft fund.
l am confident we can come together to support this endeavor. We will make a few planned adjustments to the budget, namely discontinuing some construction projects, cutting back on less-responsive broadcast station contracts and a small reduction in the number of concerts we host through the Foundation. But all of those reductions had previously been on the table. I believe God has been preparing us for this move for a number of years now.
We are also working on a few estate donations that l hope will reduce the amount of money we have to borrow. Estate donations are unpredictable, but often provide a surge in income that enables us to take on large projects like this. So far this year, estate income has been above average. We can all pray that God provides more income through this avenue. And if you are planning your estate, you might consider the needs of God's Work. That is a decision you make with God.
In closing, please let me share with you some of the different ways God's Work will use this plane. I have already planned a Personal Appearance Campaign in Chicago for May 2017. I recognize the need to visit more congregations in person this coming year. Planned visits extend outside the U.S. to Britain, Europe, Jerusalem, Australia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Canada, the Caribbean and perhaps South America. It is not likely I can make all of those visits in 2017, but I need to and plan to travel as frequently as possible. My travel during the Feast of Tabernacles could also be more efficient and productive. I believe a private aircraft will help me be stronger physically for all this travel.
None of us can imagine Mr. Armstrong doing the Work without the aircraft God gave him. I don't believe that we will be able to fulfill our end-time commission without this plane.
Please pray about how you can commit to this exciting development in God's Work. All of us can contribute prayer and even fasting to make sure God is behind this effort. If you can help financially, please complete the enclosed pledge statement, or visit our website
http://pledge.pcog.org and complete a pledge statement there.
These pledges will help us set the budget for the coming year. They are non-binding, but we do hope that you make a realistic pledge which you can keep. Some might choose to make a one-time donation. Others might elect to support this project over time. Either way, I am grateful for your commitment to the Work of God. There is nothing to take more seriously than managing God's resources properly, so please keep me in your prayers to ensure we are walking in faith and conducting God's business responsibly.
Thank you for your continued support and faith in God's Work. This will be an exciting year ahead, please stay close to God and remember me and His Work in your daily prayers. I also continually remember you in my prayers.
With love, in Jesus's name,
Gerald Furry



  1. OMFG. What a deluded self-serving letter this is. As the article's title says: pathetic.

    I love this startling admission from Flurry:

    "This much we know for certain: We are going to impact this world and its leaders! ... Most of the leaders Mr. Armstrong met with are out of office or have died."

    Well, Gerry, by your own words, HWA was completely ineffective. There was no end-time "witnessing", he just got some photo-ops with some then-leaders who are now gone and irrelevant. All that traipsing around in style in a private jet produced jack-squat. (Except for providing HWA with a feeling of self-importance, which you know desire.)

    "We have the original, inspired writings of Herbert Armstrong that we constantly promote."

    LOL... the original, inspired writings of HWA. Funny on several levels, but seriously now, we have printing presses, so they don't have to even be originals, Unlike biblical manuscripts, the copies of copies of copies are still exactly what he wrote. It's called typesetting (or desktop publishing).

    "[re: private jet]... here is one memorable, highly important asset that God's Work had in Mr. Armstrong's time that we don't currently have. Honestly, I didn't think we would ever need a private aircraft of our own, but God has impressed on my mind that He is thinking differently."

    Translation: Since I want to emulate my hero HWA in every possible way, I also strongly desire my own private jet as he did. And I have now figured out a way to rationalize it as being "necessary", and I strongly feel that, coincidentally, God feels the same way! Praise the lord.

    "l believe God is directing me to find and purchase an aircraft to serve the needs of this Work. Now I want to make sure that WE ARE ALL BEHIND THIS PROJECT."

    You mean, you want to make sure the members will do their duty, which is to pay for it. Please admit that that's what you mean by being "BEHIND THIS PROJECT".
    You don't want their consent, you need the funds, Gerry.

    "Not only must we cover the purchase price of the plane, but we must also budget for the annual operational costs which we believe to be roughly 52 million per year."

    Holy sh*t, Gerry. 52 million a year?! Just so you can avoid having to stand in airport lines like the common folk? I hope your members aren't *that* gullible, but then again, we have HWA's example to precede you, so...

    "I recognize the need to visit more congregations in person this coming year. Planned visits extend outside the U.S. to ...[list of places]"

    Bullcrap. In this internet age you don't have the "need" to travel anywhere anyway. There are video conferences that can be just effective and don't cost $52 mil/year.
    You don't have to visit congregations you megalomaniac, they have pastors, remember?
    It is mind-blowing how your need to feel so important that you have to buy an 11-mil dollar private jet with funds provided by members, many of whom I'm sure have to carefully calculate their expenses paycheck to paycheck.

    "None of us can imagine Mr. Armstrong doing the Work without the aircraft God gave him."

    What, you can't imagine HWA actually boarding a commercial jet to get to have his useless photo-ops with leaders who in almost all cases only met with him because of huge dollar donations he provided to them.

    "Please pray about how you can commit to this exciting development in God's Work."

    But most of all, pledge money. Or if you can't pray, that's ok too. Just pledge and send the money.

    If I were a PCG member, this would have to be the final straw. Really.
    Bye bye Flurry, I'm not your bank that you can withdraw from whenever you get an idea for a self-aggrandizing project.

  2. "Many other 'signs' have reinforced in my mind that God wants us to move in this direction."

    He has to put 'signs' in quotes. Why? Because they ARE signs, but we're told not to look for signs, so he can't actually call them signs. That has been a PCG problem all along. They look for signs but deny it.

  3. Gerald tells us HWA took the gospel to more world leaders than any other, really, what gospel did he take. How can there be any gospel if Jesus Christ isn't even mentioned to these leaders, which HWA covieniently omitted, I guess he didn't want to offend them, what kind of gospel was told them when HWA couldn't even mention the word repentance to them, So now Gerald wants to do the same, fly around the world and talk about a strong hand from someplace, no Almighty God, No Jesus Christ, no mention of repent and believe, hey, no gospel, just more scamming money from the blind.

  4. Let's get this right, flurry says God Almighty is opening doors so brethren have an annual running cost for a private jet bill of 52 million per year.
    Above and beyond the costs of running the church. This is outrageous and ridiculous.
    If God was really opening doors God himself would create situations that would cost the brethren not one dime to do His work.
    Flurry is a scam artist.

  5. A ticket to Davos is about 50.000 dollars. There he can talk to world leaders, policy makers and press all he wants. Add another 15.000 dollars for business class return. And some steuben christal balls for forecasting "prophesied events". Just one estate will do. Volunteers? Please delete if you find this comment to much of assistance to the cults. Nck

  6. WOWHe's good at using trigger phrases...almost made me want to help even after he pushed my brother to hate everything religious when flury was using wcg & okc as a cloacked base for pcg. My bro didn't ever join pcg instead he fled from life into a bottle after flury told him he didn't need to go be with his family for the feast. Over 20 years & I still don't have the brother that taught me what a man was supposed to be :cry:

  7. He cannot bring more than 4 persons though. As an upgraded industry partner 5 persons would be 633000 dollars but is required to include a woman. Nck

  8. You buy that plane for 11 Million and 52 million a year to operate that plane, as in 1 million a week. Is that a typo or is he plain crazy?
    Forget it man,

  9. He said, "we have monitored what we believe to be positive signs." If you are looking for signs, you will find them. Seeing is believing; also, believing is seeing. How many invitations has he received to date to visit foreign leaders? Why not wait until he has those signs, before buying a plane?

  10. "Estate donations are unpredictable, but often provide a surge in income that enables us to take on large projects like this. So far this year, estate income has been above average. We can all pray that God provides more income through this avenue"

    I love this; of course they are "unpredictable" you never know when someone will die! But, I really love the last sentence. Let's pray you all die of sooner so we can get your money.

    Flurry must be upset with himself though. Because when Pack made himself "that Prophet", and Elijah, he was smart enough to restore "common" to the RCG. That way, he doesn't need to wait until the brethren die off. He get's the money now!

    Pack also wants a jet airplane. This ought to be interesting, it will be a sign of the "one true church", whoever gets a jet first to preach the Gospel.

  11. Flurry and Pack both know that the old ones are dying off fast now. And no new members are being "called". So when all the old WCGers are gone, their Church size will also diminish. However, they both know that if they get all the income now, they themselves, also only have a few more years to coast by. So they can be set for the rest of their lives with whatever they can get out of this last generation of brethren.

  12. How can Flurry's message make more sense? Is time really so short that we all need to be immediately ready to flee to "her place in the wilderness?" Or, is there so much time ahead that one needs to do things as if planning to hang around for another 100 years? Who is Flurry (name any xcog leader) really kidding?

    One needs to know the code secret to Flurry's (name an xcog) message b/c God nowhere says He is some God to bunches of man-made churches, groups and ASSociations of God. Who do they really worship? Is it 1 God? 2 Gods? 3 Gods?

    How many churches? 1 Church? 2 Churches? 100s of churches?

    What is the secret code to understand the messages of these leaders. It is a code that seemed to work pretty well with Joey Tkach Jr and his group.

    Everywhere the word God is shown (with exception of finding the word in some scripture), just substitute the word god or Satan and see how it reads!

    For example, using Flurry's message in this post:

    For the past year, I have been seeking god's direction on a significant project for His Work.

    For the past year, I have been seeking Satan's direction on a significant project for His Work.
    Nothing is more important now than staying close to god and fulfilling His commission.

    Nothing is more important now than staying close to Satan and fulfilling His commission.
    god is communicating His thoughts and warnings to this world through this Work.

    Satan is communicating His thoughts and warnings to this world through this Work.
    There is nothing to take more seriously than managing god's/Satan's resources properly, so please keep me in your prayers to ensure we are walking in faith and conducting god's/Satan's business responsibly. Thank you for your continued support and faith in god's/Satan's Work. This will be an exciting year ahead, please stay close to god/Satan and remember me and His Work in your daily prayers.
    Who used to say: "But they all can't be right?" Can they all be wrong?

    Such confusion! Who is the author of confusion? Could some God have a part in any of this sort of "satanic baloney?"

    I suppose we could play the game of What If? What if Flurry is right? The others are wrong! What if James Malm is right? Then Flurry is wrong. Well, no, James would probably think Flurry keeps God's law and is full of zeal, but the rest have to be wrong!

    Oh, this could get so silly:

    But time will tell...


  13. "So far this year, estate income has been above average. We can all pray that God provides more income through this avenue."


    Yes, that is really funny. Except for that he seems to wish death upon some of my kin.

    From a business perspective though. I worked as a marketing specialist for a national undertaker. So we did plan on mortality figures for huge investments on local cremating facilities. The business case for PCG has from the start been evident judging from my experience. I could even make a business case from the exhumed bodies as fertilizer and the metals for the runway.

    From my memory the original letter read 2,9 million in running costs. But I guess y'all calculated that 52 million was to high. I mean the entire pasadena campus without the college was about 9 million operating costs and including the college 25 million 1987 dollars.

    The GII was leased from Stanley Rader incorporated since a religious organisation would have a hard time securing 25 million dollars loan for a plane.


  14. Mr. Flurry is old. He does not have long time left to witness to the world. No world leader has any interest in him or ever will. If he is going to spend $1 million a week on the jet, he his planning a lot of preaching in Hawaii, the Florida Keys or maybe at a Swiss bank. He could charter a jet or join a fractional jet plan like Netjets for a lot less. Think of $400,000 a year total cost.

  15. Claiming that their 4 thousand members are the only remaining true Christians after HWAs death, is a obvious lie. This way they can justify the draconian suspension policy which chains members to its group. Christ allowed the splintering to foster competition and loosen the grip of tyrannical ministers. This policy is at war with Christs decision.

  16. But Herbie said the commission is over. The gospel went to all the world under his management. So Flurry, Thiel and the rest of the clowns are calling the Herbster a liar?

  17. His bags are packed,
    He's ready to go,
    He's standing right on your TV,
    At 3 AM while you're still asleep;
    But the dawn is breakin'
    It's early morn,
    His jet's awaitin'
    He's blowin' his horn,
    I'm so happy,
    I could die!

    So lie to me and smile on TV,
    Tell me that you're leaving me,
    Hold the mike like you'd never let it go!
    'Cause he's leavin' on a jet plane,
    Hope he'll never be back again,
    He's said this on his show!

    There's so many times he's let us down,
    So many times prophecies ran into ground,
    I tell you now, they don't mean a thing...
    Ev'ry place he's to go,
    we surely won't miss his show,
    Place of Safety's made him ding-a-ling....

    So kiss him goodbye to day,
    His kingdom's in deep decay,
    Soon it will no more be be--
    He'll be the victim of entropy.

    'Cause He's leaving on a jet plane,
    Don't know when he'll be back again...
    If he gets his jet he will want to fly,
    And now go ahead and wave goodbye!

    Well... it mostly works... if you cheat a phrase or two.

    And frankly, at this juncture, the only thing his followers could afford is a paper airplane... made from the paper of his book... he plagiarized and then paid for.

  18. Flurry is whacked, $52 mil. per year to operate a private jet? I found an article on Forbes which states private ownership of a jet will be around the $800,000 per year to operate. This article does not state if that includes maintenance costs. I did find another web site that stated with maintenance costs the annual bill can run $1 to $2 million. But $52 million? Does Flurry plan on buying a fleet of jets? I guess he's looking for extra spending cash for the fancy hotels he plans on staying at, and limos he plans on riding in, not to mention all of those gifts he plans on buying for kings and presidents, plus some pocket change for himself. I hope this project bankrupts the PCG.



  19. "we must also budget for the annual operational costs which we believe to be roughly 52 million per year."

    Is that right? Should that be "$2 million"?

  20. When you are amongst the first to embrace and exploit new technology, you make a statement, and you reap the benefits. Jet travel, let alone executive jets, were relatively new in the late 1960s and early '70s. As depicted at the end of American Grafitti, in 1962, the airlines were still mostly using propeller driven planes. By summer of '66 when I travelled to Ambassador College, I flew by jet.

    Rock bands on tour were still often leasing prop planes constructed in the 1940s as late as 1977 when the 1947 Convair CV 240 transporting the Lynyrd Skynyrd band crashed in a field outside of McComb, Mississippi.

    There was a time when jet travel bespoke of very special privilege, status, and wealth. Corporate jets have proliferated in our current era to the point where, while they are still very expensive to lease, own, charter, or
    maintain, they do not command the attention that they once did for HWA. They have even entered the realm of bling for ghetto rappers who rap about a G-6. It's doubtful that a head of state would be impressed by something that has become relatively common. Not one of the keys to an important meeting that they once were in HWA's time.

    Unless urgent invitations are streaming into PCG headquarters from important people around the globe, obtaining a jet is just another blatant attempt to imitate HWA. So far, the "if we build it, they will come" mantra has not worked terribly well within the Armstrong splinters. Also, these things do crash from time to time, and to my knowledge, no leaders of Armstrongism have yet died in a private jet crash. Such an event is certainly not outside of the science of probability.


  21. That $52 million a yr running costs has to be a mistake.Hopefully it is double.
    Seriously though,how long after this purchase before they go belly up in debt?

    Part of me says bring it on,the other half looks at how many are going to be hurt by all this.
    Total folly if the purchase of a jet goes ahead.

  22. A lot of members don't want to support this but no one is saying anything because they are scarred. This week Stephen Flurry gave a msg about Herbert Armstrongs Autobiography and said that the plane for his father isn't a luxury and that in a way he deserves it.

  23. I've seen this in my aging relatives. They grasp at something (eg dominating others, money, power, social status etc) to compensate for their declining physical and mental abilities.
    Growing as a person takes the sting out of becoming an old fart.

  24. I assume the 5 is supposed to be a $ sign. I doubt the upkeep is more than the initial purchase. They couldn't pay $52 million a year in fees if they take in less than that. I don't care how many estates they pray for.

  25. He sign's his letters in the name of Jesus. Jesus did not authorize him to do anything. He is taking Jesus's name in vain. He will go to hell. Hell can't be made hot enough for this piece of crap.

  26. 11:47

    So Buddy Holy was not a wcg leader?


  27. Future co-worker letters will sound like this...

    Hi, this is Gerald Flurry. I am typing this from aboard the PCG-Force-One in low earth orbit. I hope that makes you feel you are part of something important. I could have typed it in the john---it would have been cheaper than buying a jet---but that would not sound as impressive. I just visited the king of the Edmond ghetto and handed him a copy of our altered version of Mystery of the Ages, you know, the one that took out the part about there being no prophets in the church in this age. We call these alterations Herb's original works so you don't know we're lying to get your money. Anyway, just keep sending in the money. Well, I gotta go now, my daughter is on the plain with me waiting to get laid with my two million dollar golden dildo.

    In Jesus's Name. Gerald Flurry.


  28. “Estate donations are unpredictable, but often provide a surge in income that enables us to take on large projects like this. So far this year, estate income has been above average. We can all pray that God provides more income through this avenue.”--GRF

    That is so typical of false prophets and their imposter cults. They do not care about people at all. They are not content with people sending in tithes, offerings, building fund donations, and fundraiser money while they are alive. The false prophets want their own followers to die so the imposter cult can have everything.

  29. Maybe Flurry knows he will croak before Trump is out of office so he's fleecing the sheep while he can so his family can be well provided for after he dies and everyone in the PCG finally realizes he was a false prophet.

  30. In all fairness, it's only Flurrys Philadelphian church broadcasters and web site that's strongly warning of the coming tribulation. All the other slivers are asleep. UCG literature by contrast deliberately pulls its punches to make their message flat and weak. They are morally sick, and that's putting it mildly.

  31. It's 2 million for maintenance a year not 52

  32. That makes him the worst of the false prophets, 2:13. British Israelism has been debunked, and the world just keeps chugging along. There are church attitudes, or spirits, but no such thing as church eras. And he violates Paul's precepts regarding treatment of unbelievers by separating families and labeling individuals as "Laodicean". If he is keeping the HWA gospel alive, we must remember that at best, it's only half a gospel because it minimizes the saving power of Jesus Christ, and it presumes that the tribulation is inevitable and able to be calculated by ever-corrected math, unaffected by free-will repentence of those who are to be punished for allegedly forgetting an identity and culture they never had in the first place. Per all the reports in the Exit and Support Network, Flurry has the worst human rights violations of all the ACOGs.



  33. Anonymous on March 20, 2017 at 2:13 AM said... “In all fairness, it's only Flurrys Philadelphian church broadcasters and web site that's strongly warning of the coming tribulation. All the other slivers are asleep. UCG literature by contrast deliberately pulls its punches to make their message flat and weak. They are morally sick, and that's putting it mildly.”

    In all fairness, Flurry's Philanderers are not the only malicious, lying perverts who use fear of a coming tribulation to scam their followers and abuse them. The PCG members are asleep after That False Prophet forbade them to read the truth about what is really happening in his satanic imposter cult. They get told to abandon their own family members and hang out with filthy old PCG sex perverts instead. PCG members are morally sick, and that is putting it mildly.

  34. "Estate donations" - translation - homes and assets STOLEN from PCG members under threat of Eternal Death and emotional blackmail. Only 6 pack Jerry feeds like a blood sucking louse on his own Elderly followers - hoping to profit on thier deaths. All because Brother Jerry is so much better than everyone else to stoop to fly in Coach.

  35. "Originally Inspired" writings penned by Herby Armstrong ALTERED by Jerry Flurry and his team of Ghost Writers to suit thier changing doctrines. AND don't believe for a second that Flurry wrote that letter himself.

  36. 8.02 AM
    I made no reference to their internal state. The body of evidence of abuse of members is damning.

  37. BB
    Kelly Marshalls online review of 'Mystery of the ages' points out that there are only three small paragraphs in the book on Christ's sacrifice for our sins. In the book, Herbie runs down everyone (education, science, traditional Christianity etc) in order to exalt himself. He's a master of straw man arguments. This extended to minimising Christ. Come to think of it, Christ's name was not often mentioned in church services at all. HWAs name was mentioned more often than Christ's.

    That Tkach was the real traitor in the church is debatable. Tkach brought consistency into the church, which is a law of nature. The church lost much of its truth due to Herbs playing moral games. Tkach is the effect, the cause is Herbie.

  38. Anon 2:13 AM wrote: "In all fairness, it's only Flurrys Philadelphian church broadcasters and web site that's strongly warning of the coming tribulation. All the other slivers are asleep. UCG literature by contrast deliberately pulls its punches to make their message flat and weak. They are morally sick, and that's putting it mildly."

    Where is that "coming tribulation" Flurry's Philadelphian group warns us about? When is it coming? We've heard about "great tribulation" for decades: where is it?

    And the phrase "The Great Tribulation" can't be found anywhere in the Bible.

    Jesus Christ spoke of tribulation:

    John 16:33 "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have TRIBULATION: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."

    Well, that should to some degree cover the past approximately 1990 years. How does Flurry's "coming tribulation" fit into that?

    In a sense, ever since the days of Adam and Eve, especially after their minds were infected/infested by Satan's spirit, it appears all humanity has been under tribulation. It almost appears like the 4 horsemen of Revelation have been riding since those days too.

    So, to what avail is Flurry's "coming tribulation"? What means it? What are those strong warnings worth? This has been going on for decades!!!!!!!!!

    And United Ass. literature? What's that? Just more insipid warnings that seem to mean absolutely nothing.

    Both Philadelphia and United are man-made groups or organizations. So what? Yes, they both need that $mammon$ to sustain whatever they think they're doing.

    What means it all? For what is being achieved both Philadelphia and United might as well as be asleep. Neither one appears to be awake, alert or even aware of what is going on. Do we need more decades of the same old things from them?

    So far, nothing really worth getting excited over! Unless extorting that $mammon$ means so much...

    Time will tell......


  39. John
    Christ did refer to the coming 'the great tribulation.'
    Matthew 24:21 For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.

    The book of Revelation describes events unique in human history eg:

    Rev 9:15 And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third part of men.
    Rev 9:16 And the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand: and I heard the number of them.

    In nature nothing is lost. Dead leaves becomes fertilizer. God likewise uses Satan and his demons to His advantage. God used a evil Balaam. So it is not inconceivable for God to use these highly flawed splinters to give a warning to the world.

    As far as your 'For what is being achieved both Philadelphia and United might as well as be asleep' and similar, God is the only one who knows the answer to that accurately. Everyone else is guessing. It's God who will decide if and when humanity has been adequately warned. Not Banned bloggers.

  40. Just awful. How terrible it is to contemplate that all the many problems that have occurred within PCG have all led to this: Gerald Flurry whining for a personal airplane and expecting his followers to pay for it.

    He wants PCG to burrow $9-11 million to buy the plane and spend $2 million per year maintaining it. PCG's yearly income was about $19.5 million in 2012 according to Gerald Flurry in a reprint of his Colossians booklet. This is a massive expenditure that he expects PCG lay members to pay for. What a disgrace! What a disgusting spectacle!

  41. A lot of people are leaving the PCG because they don't agree with Flurry. I heard that a John Rambo, a teacher there is gone as well as Michael Dattolo.....Fred Dattolos son has left the church and his wife and kid. So aa other two families broken up over this....so sad.

  42. Anon 11:35 PM

    Anon 11:35 PM

    I earlier wrote: "...And the phrase "The Great Tribulation" can't be found anywhere in the Bible..."

    You quoted Matthew 24:21, which does NOT use that phrase. In your own mind it is you and so many others who like to add that word "The" in that verse about great tribulation and it's not there. The definite article "the" is not there. So, Christ did not refer to "The Great Tribulation" in Matthew 24.

    You also wrote: "...God likewise uses Satan and his demons to His advantage..."

    So what? God did create evil; didn't He?

    "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, AND CREATE EVIL: I the LORD do all these things." Isaiah 45:7

    In fact, unique Satan was MADE without fear:

    "Upon earth there is not his like, who is made without fear." Job 41:33

    But Satan was MADE to be destroyed before all is said and done:

    "But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and DESTROYED, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and SHALL UTTERLY PERISH in their own corruption;" 2 Peter 2:12 (and read the context!)

    So what? Satan will ultimately cease to exist:

    "All they that know thee among the people shall be astonished at thee: thou shalt be a terror, and NEVER SHALT THOU BE ANY MORE." Ezekiel 28:19 (and read the context)

    Is Flurry still preaching, as HWA did, that spirit beings can't die? Read the Book! HWA said basically: "Don't believe me. Believe the Book!" Here is one reason the Book gives for Jesus Christ coming (and that phrase "The Second Coming" isn't in the Bible either):

    "Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil;" Hebrews 2:14

    Oh, oh, there's Satan to be destroyed mentioned again! You know; slay the dragon...etc.!

    But you go on to say: "...So it is not inconceivable for God to use these highly flawed splinters to give a warning to the world..."

    What are these splinters? Your buddies? Is God so dumb and He would used all of them divisive splinters, calling them the "Churches of God," when He says He only has one Church? Okay, 7 congregations, 7 Churches...7 flavors of one Church.

    Are you turning a blind eye to the following verses?

    2 Corinthians 11:13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.
    14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
    15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

    Do you want to find those characters? Look into the splinters and you'll find them. And only God knows whether Philadelphia, United, xcog splinters, are awake or asleep? No, look at the fruit. It's all evil fruit, which did not come from a good tree. They have milk and tons of junk food and virtually no message...well, except for what you may consider to be some warning message.....and we see where that took us......nowhere! To nothing! Oh, boy, now I'm starting to think like an atheist! God forbid that!


    to be con't

  43. continuing to Anon 11:35 PM

    Your concluding comments were: "...It's God who will decide if and when humanity has been adequately warned. Not Banned bloggers..."

    Banned bloggers aren't deciding anything there. God just does it and one of the things we may conclude with, whether people lie about some warning or not, is this:

    "To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, NOT imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation." 2 Corinthians 5:19

    Preach that! Well, no, you can't.....you're too busy being focused on Fear Religion and scaring people with warning messages and those splinters (including Philadelphia and United and Cogwa and Living, etc., et al too) still are blind to the timing of events, and you know what the blind do to the blind they lead!

    Sure, there will be tribulations, as there has been for about 6,000 years now on humanity, but we've not seen the end of the matter yet......unless you understand 2 Corinthians 5:19, among other scriptures, and come to really believe it.

    Philadelphia, United, are like fish floundering all over the place, and for what? What is really being accomplished? They are like aircraft in a holding pattern, going around in circles, looking for a place to land before they run out of gas, but are unable to find the right path to follow through the fog. Blind pilots don't "cut it!"

    Banned bloggers do see through a lot of the fog!

    Time will tell...


  44. Anon. 11:35 PM advises John: "It's God who will decide if and when humanity has been adequately warned. Not Banned bloggers."

    Pish! You mean our vote is only advisory, with no legal force? Then to hell with it. I'm going out to putter in the garden, now that the ground has thawed enough for me to dig out some quack grass. If God permits it, that is.

  45. Ryan Malone recently told the PCG members to follow in faith and that they no longer need to prove th revelation. From Gerald flurry. In essence he's saying there is t any proof just to follow. They are sounding more and more like the Roman Catholic Church to me.

  46. John
    You kept harping on non essentials. It's true that the label 'The great tribulation' doesn't occur in the bible. But so what? Big deal. Polar bears, koala bears, kangaroos don't appear in the bible either. It doesn't mean that they don't exist. The great tribulation' is a useful label. You ignored Math 24.21 and Rev 9.15-16 that can only refer to WW 3. While it's true that these splinters feed their members milk and junk food, it is not true that the end time prophecies that they teach, are not reaching the public. To various degrees, the warning is going out.
    Many posters here have claimed that there is practically no warning. Only God knows what is sometimes discussed in private. So God is the only one who can properly judge this point. The 'fruits' criteria is hard to apply in this case.

  47. No the Roman Catholic Church is safeguarded for gross error on its own belief system through its sheer mass, size and instutions. To believe a splinter leader on faith alone bears inherent danger. It does not matter who is right or wrong. It bears resemblance to Hitlers clever application of the oath on his person instead of Germany. Not many saw the difference at the time. Nck

  48. Of course Banned bloggers don't decide when the world has been adequately warned. To state that we do would be a puerile assertion. However, not being cloistered, we do live and work in the world which surrounds us. And, we are certainly capable of detecting from our daily interactions whether any sort of warning from the ACOGs is audible.

    It isn't.



  49. Anonymous on March 20, 2017 at 2:13 AM said...“In all fairness, it's only Flurrys Philadelphian church broadcasters and web site that's strongly warning of the coming tribulation.”

    Nobody, anywhere, anytime, ever needs a false prophet like Gerald Flurry to warn them about anything.

    Some COG people do need someone to warn them about false prophets like Gerald Flurry.

  50. Nck
    Actually, the soldiers had already sworn allegiance to the German constitution prior to their oath to Hitler, so this oath thingy is complicated.

    most people move within a given social group. It's hard to discern what society as a whole is doing in detail. People only need to hear only once in a social get together about the churches horror prophecies. I worked in a large company, and most in my department had heard of the churches prophecies, and it was NOT from me. People gossip. From what I can discern, they got it from the news stand program.
    Many people believed that Hillary rather than Trump would win. Look what happened. This is a example of how hard it is to pick what people know and believe.

    1. It's more likely that they heard of these prophecies from Tim LaHay and Jerry Jenkins and their "Left Behind" series of novels and motion pictures. Several years ago, it was very difficult NOT to know about these, because they were immensely popular and there was incredible street buzz about them.

      What constitutes a warning? Is it overhearing some dispensationalist church talk around the water cooler at work, or is it being presented with a credible opportunity to repent? Does it only count if you hear end times prophecy from an ACOG, or will evangelicals, Mormons, Ba'hai, or Jehovah's Witnesses suffice?

      There are Christian ministries who carefully survey the globe to determine where the gospel has not been preached, and then launch a systematic effort to cover those areas, so that Jesus can return. Unfortunately, y'all ACOG folks label such ministries as "Christian falsely so-called" because they are Sunday-keeping Christians.

      Of course, I hate to bring up the ridiculous, but it seems I must, just to illustrate what mentality we're up against. Many times, at Friday evening Bible Study in the AC gym in Pasadena, HWA stated that God had given him the wisdom to preach the gospel to world leaders in such a way that they would not know that it had been preached. An imperceivable gospel! I think that if Jesus had heard that one sometime while dining with the disciples, a mouthful of holy water might have gotten sprayed across the table as He uncontrollably laughed! It's got to be one of the more ridiculous statements that I've ever heard!


  51. 8.14 PM
    People who listen to Gerald's programs and read his internet site don't give a damn if he is a false prophet or false anything. All they care about is whether what he says is true. Is America about to experience a economic siege that will ruin the nation, a curse from God? They don't care about his character, or if he is robbing his church members. That's the way the world works.

  52. 1:31

    No, it is not complicated at all.

    The Reichswehreid was a clever ploy to replace the former oath.
    The oath pledged personal loyalty to Adolf Hitler in place of loyalty to the constitution of the country. A person and the state he represents should not be interchangeable. There is alway the rule of law.

    That's exactly why I made my remark.
    I don't like placing "faith" or "loyalty" to persons very much since 1933. Some here have in my postings perceived a certain immunity to Armstrongism during my 23 year stint. I tended to see him as a fallible tool during my stint, but was never genetically and culturally suited to trust the Saxon Witan way of goverment or the Anglo loyalty to the clan chief.


  53. In light of the 11:43 comment I take the liberty to for the third time call them out on that statement and make the comparison clearer for any visitor.

    It must also compell writers like 11:43 to be accurate if they make statements like the 11:43 one. If true they signal a remarkable shift.

    regarding the oath
    The words: "Volk and Fatherland had been superseded by the person of Hitler himself"


  54. 1:31
    Today with facebook and google analysis we can make fairly accurate predictions as to where the next cold will strike and from where it originates. In the charts you see people searching for "cold symptoms", or "flu" like an expanding wine or oil stain.

    But yes it is complicated "Many people believed that Hillary rather than Trump would win. Look what happened. This is a example of how hard it is to pick what people know and believe."

    As a matter of fact Hillary got 2,8 million more votes than Mr Trump. The reason that the prediction of her becoming president was wrong was because the algorythms weren't prepared enough for the complicated election system and the fine maze of counties within the system. Wrong assessment of the majors and minors within the election system. Will be improved.



  55. Anon March 21, 2017 at 1:15 PM admonishes John, "You ignored Math 24.21 and Rev 9.15-16 that can only refer to WW 3."

    It might look that way on a superficial reading, Anon, but if you examine those verses with true spiritual discernment, you see that they actually refer to taking out ads in the *Readers Digest*.

  56. Nck
    The oath to Hitler was 'complicated' because the prior oath to the constitution was unconditional. Hence there was a moral contradiction between the two oaths taken.

    There were poles that did predict that Trump would win. I read them before the election. The difference wasn't because of 'algorithms' but because the pollsters asked questions that were impartial. The fifth column, dishonest MSM by contrast asked skewed questions.

  57. Anon 1:15 PM, you, after finally acknowledging that "the Great Tribulation" phrase was nowhere to be found in the Bible, wrote: "...While it's true that these splinters feed their members milk and junk food, it is not true that the end time prophecies that they teach, are not reaching the public. To various degrees, the warning is going out..."

    I suppose you noticed the image associated with this thread is making a reference to Gerald Flurry and Gerald is holding a copy of Malachi's Message, which most in the know realize did not originate with Gerald Flurry. What kind of a warning message does that send...and Gerald's group called Philadelphia is just another man-made splinter full of milk and junk food.

    Notice also the plaque around Gerald's neck says "The End Is Near!" What kind of a warning message is that from a splinter leader?

    You mention Matthew 24:21 and Revelation 9:15-16 and then speculate: "...that can only refer to WW 3." Where is your proof for that? What do you think? WW 3 magically happens, then Jesus Christ returns to set up that 1,000 years, that Mickey Mouse Millennium, to reign on earth with some everlasting peace?

    What do you do with Revelation 20, AFTER Satan is loosed from that pit?

    Rev 20:7 And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,
    :8 And shall go out to DECEIVE the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to BATTLE: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.

    Why did Jesus Christ allow that to happen? Is that WW 4? WW 5? WW 6? Do you expect to be sending out some warning message about that?

    Anyway, just how good are those warning messages you speak of? They don't give us the truth. Flurry and the other splinters pay no attention to Jesus Christ after He was murdered, put in the grave for 3 days and 3 nights, was resurrected and went to Heaven. According to the Bible, did Jesus Christ stay there? No! He had another coming to earth, but you ignore that, and so your so-called "second coming" is just another made-up thing. Will there be a 3rd, a 4th, a 5th coming of Jesus Christ?

    What is written regarding the Trumpet magazine?

    "...As presenter of the Key of David television program, which he began in 1993, Gerald Flurry proclaims the wonderful good news of the soon-coming return of Jesus Christ to Earth—to save mankind alive and usher in the peaceful, happy, wonderful World Tomorrow. This thrilling, transcendent hope permeates all of his messages. Through broadcast, print and personal appearance campaigns he also prophesies again in the tradition of Herbert W. Armstrong a sobering warning of the unprecedented world troubles just ahead, which will precede Christ’s Second Coming..."

    Flurry began a tv program (Doesn’t Mickey Mouse have an entire Network channel, or something like that?) in 1993! Soon-coming return of Jesus Christ to reign on earth? It's 2017! And then there is that made-up phrase of Christ's "Second Coming." Gerald can't even prophesy/count the # of Christ's comings!

    So much for Gerald's warning message. There was nothing timely about it, or have we overlooked something?

    Time will tell...


  58. I've even heard other tele evangelists say in their programs that the ten toes in Daniel is a coming ten nation United States of Europe. Another example that a warning has reached nations, including other Christian denominations.
    If you examine all the scriptures, including Daniel, the 200 million army in Revelation can only be reference to WW3. As far as I'm concerned Math 24.21 and Rev 9.15-16 are self evident. No speculation is needed.

    The label 'The great tribulation' will probably stick for all eternity.

  59. March 22, 2017 at 4:11 PM


    The second oath was "unconditional loyalty" to the person of the leader (not even the office of the leader but the person). The first was conditional in the sense that is was limited or conditioned by the objective "to serve the state and the people".

    Re: Polling

    Yes the manner of questioning and the questions themselves are very important variables.


  60. Anon 11:13 AM wastes our time writing this: "...I've even heard other tele evangelists say in their programs that the ten toes in Daniel is a coming ten nation United States of Europe. Another example that a warning has reached nations, including other Christian denominations..."

    The warning is useless for those 10 nations getting together anytime soon. In reality, it is a lie for any who think some coming 10 nation US of Europe will soon occur. The 10 nations won't exist until AFTER Satan exits that pit over a 1,000 years from now. You, Anon 11:13, won't be alive to see it unless you are one of them elect that is changed from physical to spirit form. This is Satan's present evil world and those tele evangelists just continue to spread his lies. Time will tell!

    You also wrote: "If you examine all the scriptures, including Daniel, the 200 million army in Revelation can only be reference to WW3."

    You have no proof of those verses having anything to do with WW 3. Revelation 9:13-21 is about events of the 6th Trumpet. How do you know if those 200 million are human beings or evil spirit beings? Are you guessing again?

    AFTER Satam is loosed from the pit we read the following:

    Revelation 20:7 And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,
    :8 And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea.

    That is for AFTER the 1,000 years, your Mickey Mouse Millennium. The number will be greater than 200 million for that battle, I suspect. Can you count the sand of the sea? I would guess that it is innumerable. What WW would you like to call that particular battle...that AFTER the 1,000 years? Where was/is Christ at that time? Do you know?

    Hence the warnings going out today come out as lies. You know that many people believe that the 7 Trumpet Plagues and the 7 Vials will all occur before the Mickey Mouse Millennium, the 1,000 years, begin and some Jesus Christ arrives to establish peace and a reign on earth. Something does not add up, wouldn't you agree? Forget them Tele-evangelists; they don't know what they're talking about. They all just want your $mammon$ for their thoughts, their books, their DVDs, etc. What a waste!

    Do you want to warn about something? Warn about the 7 Vials when the major destruction occurs, but you will be partaking in some dirt nap unless you are one of those elect, who is a part of the completed first resurrection.

    And time will tell...

