Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, April 21, 2017

Dear Mr. Who ever are you...

From a reader:

Click Me!
Dear Mr. Who ever are you, reading you articles about Churches of God I believe that you not OK on you mind. 
 you are not unset criticizer of Mr Armstrong and other church leaders and than you should stop writing stupid articles
Because you showing you self how stupid you are. First of all you should know the people your self not making story about them. Mr
Armstrong was first person in about 2000 year that preached for first time gospel to the world if you know what gospel are. Why don't you 
Write something about Jehovah Witnesses or other groups who do not preach right gospel.
OK, I agree there was falls ministers in Worldwide Church of God otherwise church will not collapse after Mr Armstrong died.  And even to 
Day there are many wrong man among us, but God will be judge not you or me.


  1. As we've observed over many years, so many of the staunchest defenders of HWA and the WCG + ACOGs are the most illiterate people on rhe face of the earth! This letter would embarrass someone to tears if they realized how poorly it reflected upon not only themselves personally, but also on the entire Armstrongism community.

    Of course, if the person who wrote it is a third or fourth grade student, or someone whose primary language is not English, I apologize. I just can't work out how this individual even navigated the computer to post on a blog.


  2. I guess you would say, Gary, is English are as bad as is theology are and has are corrupt as are his Apostle! LOL Ian Boyne

    1. It made my day complete to receive such a letter. lol

  3. What the hell did I just read. It makes no sense.

  4. I am assuming, Gary, my being a man of faith, that you did not manufacture this letter. LOL Ian Boyne

  5. Ian

    No, I did not. As snarky as I can be I could never measure up to this.

  6. I believe that one has commented here before.

  7. Obviously written by someone who does not speak English as their primary language.

  8. Although my first impression was that this had been authored by one of Mr. Armstrong's mountain people from Appalacia, in re-reading, I believe it may have been written by someone whose primary language is Tagalog.


  9. Looks like my daily email bag that I no longer publish because its garbage from mentally incompetent people.

  10. BB It is a Caucasian couple. At least from the icon that came with the email.

    1. Wow! In that case, (LOL!) it looks like we're dealing with some Caukkers!


  11. Was the letter from Flurry after a six pack?

  12. James wrote:

    "Looks like my daily email bag that I no longer publish because its garbage from mentally incompetent people."

    I receive some hilarious stuff and some of it totally disgusting. One guy has a serious case of penis envy and is still in the closet. Poor thing!

  13. your kind of bashing people to this degree is distasteful. it is not necessary

  14. If I could write or read a foreign language half as well I would be pleased. I say good for them. They said their mind.

  15. "It is the true......"

    As I've heard it put.


    The most remarkable aspect of the letter is that the person actually uses "your" one time. I know departments that would deem this a falsification based on just that inconsistency, not the overall tone.

  16. Obviously someone who lacks a basic education or speaks another language. In any case this is typical of WCG brainwashing. We all know that it takes years before one acknowledges the truth concerning the organizations that pretend to be the ONLY body of Christ.

    How it escapes them that logic alone counters their claim, is beyond me. It can only be a denial of the truth of the matter.

    HWA using Hitler's tactics and speech techniques, had us believing that he was a man OF God, instead of the foolish shepherd mentioned in Zech.11:15-17,and 13:7-9.

    If all cog members would read those verses, perhaps, just perhaps, the truth will hit them squarely between their eyes, and they will open.

  17. He's posted here several times. What the pope is to Catholics, Herbie is to this guy and similar. It's the same mindset. He's impervious to reason, and to criticise 'his most holiness, the vicar of Christ,' is to criticise God.

  18. Their thought processs are very similar to what is expressed by most of the Armstrong defenders. It's just that this couple doesn't know how to spell, and also uses crappy grammar.


  19. Well of course, Anon 10:42! After all, it is a confirmed FACT of HISTORY that the men the original apostles taught proved so incompetent that a great false "Universal Church of God" who happened to be a grab bag of about every culture in contact with the Empire and even some long-gone ones suddenly appeared on the scene and grabbed up all the prospective members somehow and the TRUE Universal, I mean Worldwide Church of God didnt show up until a high school dropout appeared on the scene almost 2,000 years later magically imbued with the first century truth, much of which is so truthful you cant even find it in the Bible without said dropout pointing it out for you in the right combination! Complain against the dropout and well, you see what God did to the Israelites who had the nerve to question Moses! And now in this final gun lap of a world thats somehow kept existing since 1975 (hold up! We dont like to talk about that!!), you must now get THE TRUTH from old boozers, sex perverts, and wicked people who like to play church!

    Yes, that must be it.

  20. Dear Byker Bob 5:53: The correct spelling is Appalachia. And, believe it or not, those of us who have lived there do know how to spell. You might want to check your posts carefully to make sure that you too know how to spell.

    1. I end up typing most of my posts from my Smart Phone, K. Little keyboard, big fingers, lots of mistakes, apparently some that don't get caught and corrected before posting. Part of my childhood was spent in the Appalachian Mountains, and I do know how to spell the name.

      No slight intended to your home area. I realize that there are backwards, average, and advanced people from every geographic area of the planet.


  21. And speaking of good English, here are a few words from George:


    Pardon the occasional curse words.
