Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, April 21, 2017

Long lost COG members discovered in Indonesia

An amazing discovery was uncovered in 2003 when long lost relatives of Bob Thiel and Dave Pack were discovered in Indonesia.  These were the original COG members who set in motion the amazing fact that after several millennia, 3,000 - 4,000 specially chosen humans out of billions would exist in the 21st century as the only chosen of God.  These future kings, priests and world rulers are the end product of all human evolution.  It is hard to imagine that the ultimate purpose of creation was so Thiel and Pack could be the Chosen Ones.  After all, dreams have proven it all, or so we are told.

These ancient dwarfs are the precursor to the theological dwarfs of Pack and Thiel.

ANCIENT “hobbits” recently discovered in Indonesia were not an early form of modern human but an entirely different species, scientists have found.

Experts initially believed the Homo Floresiensis – or Flores man – were just a shrunken variety of early humans.
But a study by The Australian National University (ANU) found the race were most likely a different species altogether.
Researchers think they were related to a sister species of Homo habilis – one of the earliest known ancestors of modern mankind which lived in Africa 1.75 million years ago. 

Read about this fascinating discovery here:  SHIRE GENIUS Flores Man ‘hobbits’ found in Indonesia 


  1. So... does this suggest that evolution might have some validity?

    Of course, the idiot Armstrongists would be so much more impressed if living members of the tribe were found....

  2. It pains me to see these remarkable and uniquely evolved hominids compared to the evolutionary dead end of the Restored Church of God and The Continuing, but not for long, Church of God. These amazing hominids, first thought to be a diminutive Homo Erectus, deserve more than that!

    The Hobbits, unlike the Churches of God, evolved by being flexible and adaptive to the changes in their environment. They worked with each other, not against and to date, no one Hobbit has been found to have started their own Hobbit University or built a House for Hobbit God , when they knew that their god did not live in a temple or house made by hands.

    I know, I know, If I came you came from one of the splinters, why are there splinters still around? The answer is that the splinters are your cousins, not your brothers and sisters and you both shared a common ancestor in the WCG back in the day. :)

    Any way, Hobbits rule! Dave and Bob, not so much or ever actually.

  3. I'm glad I'm not related to that ugly thing in the picture.

  4. Atheists should grow up and stop believing in Piltdown Man and all their other hoaxes. It is more rational to believe in God than Piltdown Man and the tooth fairy. Grow up you fools. You probably believe in Santa Claus, the Flat Earth, the moon is made of Swiss cheese whiz and Allah too. And stop using strawman arguments, it makes you look dumb.

    1. Piltdown Man was discredited over fifty years ago. Come on now, should I be lecturing theists about the Cardiff Giant?

  5. Anonymous said...
    Atheists should grow up and stop believing in Piltdown Man and all their other hoaxes. It is more rational to believe in God than Piltdown Man and the tooth fairy....


    That's funny. An atheist believing in that type of shit. Where the hell did you get that idea?

    Second question, why would an atheist believe that? Atheist, look up the term idiot!

  6. Atheists don't believe in the Piltdown Man.

    Anonymous at 5:07 P.M. looks like another one of those Armstrongist idiots.

    He should stop using strawman arguments because it makes him look really stupid.

    Yes, Anonymous at 5:20 P.M. you should be lecturing theists about the Cardiff Giant, but not Armstrongists, since they are scientific idiots.

  7. Atheists say that the Loch Ness monster is real. They say that Bigfoot is real too. They still worship Piltdown man, which they invented, but have now deluded themselves into thinking is real. They are the ones who believe in the Flat Earth, though they often accuse others who don't believe it of believing it. They accuse God-believers of believing in Santa and the Tooth Fairy even though only they believe those things. These are the lies and strawman arguments they use that make them look stupid. They accuse others of following Herbert the sex pervert although they themselves still worship him. If you disagree with them on some point they call you a Flat Earther, a follower of Herbert or Santa or the Tooth Fairy. They just make that shit up. All lies.

    1. The moment of making a straw man argument while denouncing a straw man argument. Grand.

  8. Hey atheist, stop believing in giants, people will call you stupid if you do. And they will be right.

    1. Someone clearly doesn't know what the Cardiff Giant is or how it was held to "confirm the truth of the bible", yet makes a post anyway. Only one that looks stupid now is you, homie.

  9. Seems like at least one person needs to read up on Piltdown Man, and by that, I mean they need to seek out sources other than Armstrongite publications. Some of Dawson's contemporaries doubted the veracity of the skull from the very beginning. They realized immediately that Piltdown was a complete anomaly as compared to what had already been established and accepted.

    An agenda-driven hoaxer doubling as a scientist engineered Piltdown Man, and the scientific community itself ultimately debunked and exposed his fraud through improved tests and additional research. Meanwhile, we're still waiting for the Armstrong community to debunk and expose British Israelism, the hoax for which it is primarily known.


  10. If the atheist would look up Tooth Fairy in a dictionary he might be enlightened on the matter and stop equating the Tooth Fairy with God. But the atheist does not know the difference because he can't read a dictionary, and because he thinks the Tooth Fairy is a real God.

  11. If you believe in hobbits you probably believe in giants and fairys too. 'Nuff said.

  12. Comments on actual origins, no matter the origin of what, bring out some of the most inane comments imaginable. The insecurity expressed when that which some take as literally true from scripture is challenged is palpable. Glittering generalities substitute for any hint of actually searching out the matter by reading a book or going to a lecture on such things.

  13. "The moment of making a straw man argument while denouncing a straw man argument. Grand."

    And he did that because .... think now, I know you can figure it it. Or, maybe not.

  14. "Someone clearly doesn't know what the Cardiff Giant is or how it was held to "confirm the truth of the bible", yet makes a post anyway. Only one that looks stupid now is you, homie."

    And he did that because ....

    Because ...

  15. "Seems like at least one person needs to read up on Piltdown Man..."

    Tell us more about Piltdown man.
