Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Anyone Who Leaves My Church Is "Spewed Out" By Christ

One of the fear tactics that the church has always used to scare people into "obedience," was the false claim that if you left the church that Jesus Christ spits you out of the body.  It is never you leaving the organization because it is corrupt to the core, but that  Jesus Christ got sick and tired of your bellyaching and whining and "spewed" you out.

Superfantabulous Dave Pack says:

“I know your works, that [you’re] neither cold nor hot…[I wish] you were [one or the other] cold or hot. [But]…because you are [barely warm. That’s what it means.] neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth” (Rev. 3:15-16). That happened decades ago, and anybody who grows lukewarm, today, and you see them leave, they’re spewed out of their mouth. Christ just turns their head a quarter-turn, and out they go. They think they rejected us, but they’re really the rejectees, not the rejectors, by a loving Christ Who says, “I can’t work with you here. You’re not getting it. You’re going to have to go through some real tough times.” And so out they go, thinking they decided to leave, but in many cases, Christ had to expel them, because we’re not going to go around and put them out. We can’t read their hearts anyway.
I’ve seen it happen many times; but for the most part, it happened twenty-some years ago. Tens of thousands of people were just spewed out of Christ’s Body, that’s what it means—out of His mouth. When they were spewed out of Christ’s mouth, it means out of His Body. What else would it mean? They’re His people and He loves them—but they’re not in the Body of Christ. They’re part of the Temple—they’re part of the flock—they’re part of the called-out ones, the Church—but they’re not in the Body of Christ, because out of His Body they went. And when you vomit people, they’re only going to come out one place—so out of the Body. They were in wretched condition, so He said to them…


  1. Dave is careful to define a successful Christian as one who attends his church. So pay up, shut up, tolerate being walked all ever, or out of his church you go, into the failure category. The 'one true churches(s)' of the world, all do this.

  2. Dave's spin. If Armstrongism had been God's church, Dave is one of the spewees!


  3. Um.... I hate to break it to you but, um, it seems *you* were the one who left the Body of Christ, no?
    I mean, whatever you want to say about Tkach, the uncomfortable fact remains, he was appointed by your idol HWA, in charge of the "body of Christ".

    Which you (and your members) left.
    Spewed out, if you will...:)

  4. Dave who can't imagine why anyone would leave him noted:

    "They think they rejected us, but they’re really the rejectees, not the rejectors, by a loving Christ Who says, “I can’t work with you here. You’re not getting it. You’re going to have to go through some real tough times.”

    Aside from the apparent weakness of Jesus in getting results from humans resulting in giving up an spewing them out of his mouth like a bad soup he tried to make, we have the contrast of:

    Gospel Jesus: "Suffer the little children to come unto me for of such is the Kingdom of God"


    Revelation Jesus: "I will make the little children suffer until they come unto, love, obey and worship me."

    Revelation, the favorite last resort of the Churches of God, is the "LOW" Love,Obey and Worship me or else Jesus. The equivalent of "Love Daddy or I'll kill you." It is Book of Last Resort for failed ministries, like Pack's, called upon to justify, explain and excuse their inability to inspire,encourage and love others who don't see or agree with them or send enough money and support. Dave is obviously experiencing the phenomenon of voting with one's feet in RCG when he was expecting the pitter patter of new feet begging to be admitted to his righteous presence.

    Rather than give any consideration to the fact that he is badly mistaken in his theology, a bully and an ego centric one man show heading for a breakdown as well as selling off Fantasy Island someday to a clown school, it is CHRIST who spews them out of his mouth.

    In reality it is the end result of going off his own deep end and doing what he warned others he would do.

    "I want to make a statement about...me...now, if I became deceived, I will never tell you what I'm going to tell you now...I am telling you if I go off into strange ideas, misconduct, rebellion, you name it, don't follow me. I want to tell you that now, because if I start doing that I'm gonna try to get you to follow me! I'm gonna come to you and tell you it doesn't apply, it doesn't mean me, no, no, no, no, no, no, it's OK to follow me because ABCD and XY and Z. Do you understand what I'm saying? Listen to me now, when I tell you don't follow me if I go off into weird ideas, or if I get off into other things that are total absolutely unscriptural conduct, because if I do I'm gonna paint it with a different face and try to get you to follow me. Do you understand what I'm saying brethren? Please remember that, because I promise you that if I become deceived, I'll forget it, and I'll want you to forget it...And I hope you'll remember it well enough to quote it right back to me...But I'll tell you what, I'm not going anywhere."

  5. Dave notes:

    "I want to tell you that now, because if I start doing that I'm gonna try to get you to follow me! I'm gonna come to you and tell you it doesn't apply, it doesn't mean me, no, no, no, no, no, no, it's OK to follow me because ABCD and XY and Z.

    Do you understand what I'm saying?"

    Yes we do. ABCD and XY and Z is your way of offering 125 reasons for this and that religious delusion, 72 fanciful and made up overly wordy and confusing BS sermons about how God and Jesus, along with yourself will usher in the insanity f your Kingdom of Dave and all the other over numbered reasons you give for all things theologically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually absurd.

    Do you understand what I am saying? Well not to worry, and we'll tell you what, we aren't going anywhere. Did we remember it well enough to quote it right back to you?


  6. Where, when did Christ say:

    by a loving Christ Who says, “I can’t work with you here. You’re not getting it. You’re going to have to go through some real tough times.”

    He never said that, Dave said that, again he infers that his words are the same as Christ. Dave is the anti-Christ, he is the false prophet, he is mentally ill suffering from delusion, megalomania, and more. He is nearly psychotic because he is loosing touch with reality. Dave is isolated from the world behind the gates of his compound. Yet people still believe him, fewer and fewer, but he still has cash coming in from many.

    1. Well, yeah! Besides, who even cares what someone who doesn't like the Grateful Dead thinks? Dave couldn't be cool even if he tried!


  7. Translation: More people have recently left him, and he wants to scare all the others into staying put.

    Nemesis of Pack

  8. 1.36 AM
    The 'body of Christ' are those that follow Christ. They are not necessarily those who are somehow related to Herb or Tkach. After all, anyone can warm a seat at a certain church.

  9. "You quit? You can't quit because you're fired!"

    It's always about the power dynamic with this clown. Textbook narcissism.

  10. Totally agree! Pack has been teaching this "out of body" experience for a long time.
    He has it totally wrong! The unrepentant Laodiceans will be spit out of Christ's mouth &
    into the tribulation. This hasn't happened yet....

    Whether anyone wants to believe it or not; any current church member is part of the Laodicean era. These are God's people. We are to strive to have the brotherly love, & attitude of the Philadelphian era. That era is long past. The love of many has waxed cold, and oppressive and/or lukewarm organizations like PCG, RCG, LCG, UCG, COGWA, & so on dominate much of the era.

    All of us need to get our wedding garments ready...the Bridegroom is coming soon!

  11. I may be "vomit" as far as Davey is concerned, but that does not change that fact that Pack is a TURD!

  12. BB 1:04 AM wrote: "...Dave's spin. If Armstrongism had been God's church, Dave is one of the spewees!..."

    And if Dave was one of them spewees, it must have hurt a lot: ouch!

    Dave did say: "...Christ just turns their head a quarter-turn, and out they go...I’ve seen it happen many times; but for the most part, it happened twenty-some years ago..."

    What did these spewed out people do? Walk into a wall or a window? That is what I picture in my mind with that "quarter-turn!" That is only 90-degrees!

    Maybe Dave really meant a 180-degree turn, a half-turn, because usually the door is somewhere at the rear of a building, but then again, who knows what sort of buildings Dave's followers meet in. In any event, it's still OUCH!


  13. This is Dave
    I remind everyone to be perfect or Christ will spew you out of His mouth.

    Mega-hypocrite David Pack

    1. Relax! Spewing from the mouth for lack of perfection is Armstrongese for real love. It's what they believe in instead of grace. Or at least, that's how they spin and sell it.


  14. Since I left RCG pros:

    1. We enjoy our weekends guilt free, spending time out with our family and friends.
    2. We have enough money to eat, pay our mortgage, car note, and MUCH NEEDED new furniture.

    I'm so happy my eyes we opened before my family was utterly destroyed.

    Life is good PERIOD.

  15. Living Church of God is exactly the same.
