Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Apostle Pack Interviews for Ordination in RCG

And too...I need you to understand our Corporate Structure


  1. Love the flowchart, Dennis--that is perfect!

  2. At least in the packocentric, or herbocentric world it wasn't gynocentric. It had some advantages. The world outside is sick too.

    1. You mean, "Here's the new boss, same as the old boss"? (Outrageous Pete Townshend guitar sequence and Keith Moon drums, as Horatio Caine puts on his sunglasses, timed with a witty observation).

      We were taught that Armstrongism was God's leadership on earth, vastly superior to anything found in "the world". In fact, it falls amongst the worst the world has to offer. These are not ambassadors from a superior kingdom. They are grifters who exploit and feed upon this one!


  3. Watch this and think about church instead o company and you get why they don't want independent minded people around, either in a company or a church. All they want is spineless ditto-heads. Pack will train his 'men' to be 'leaders' but they are really ditto-heads all the way up and down the ladder.


  4. What grieves me, is that if only people would learn to apply the major effort of their life to the areas which are responding most positively, and to back away from the areas that are providing negativity, Armstrongism would immediately become the white elephant in the room, the most compelling thing from which to back away.

    But, welcome to Herbie World! A paradox created to grift ascetics, and a mental state in which internal confirmation bias is perceived as answered prayer!


  5. The COGs don't know the distinction between leader and manager. A manager is not necessarily a leader. Their 'leadership' training is really manager training. A leader is willing to be unique, strike out on his own as necessary, and is not a ditto-head. Many managers are ditto-heads, slaves to the institutional culture or societal culture, or are puppets to their controllers. Leaders don't do that. A leader is the nail that sticks out and in the COG gets hammered back down. Same as in many companies.

  6. Well, 3:37, as Douglas would remind us, these boozehound bozos don't follow the leader anyhow. More like follow the litre!

  7. A short video on being your own man, not a ditto-head.


  8. 11.05 AM
    While the church wasn't gynocentric (concerned exclusively with women and their viewpoint) it was partial to women. Ministers typically treated them as more equal than men. I lost a lot of respect for women in general after being in that church. Women are oppressed worldwide, but my experience in the WCG proved that they will also oppress (via the ministry) if given the chance.
