Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Gerald Flurry's New Family Gulfstream: Inside Pictures

Aircraft Features
FANS 1A Upgrade
RVSM /8.33 Spacing/FM Immunity
SecuraPlane External Camera System w/Three (3) External
Enhanced Soundproofing
Airshow 4000
Wireless LAN System
CD/DVD Player
LCD Monitor 20.0" in Fwd Bulkhead
LCD Monitor 17.0" Above Credenza Two LCD Monitors
7.0" at Individual Seats
Electric Window Shades
Fax Machine
Forward Crew Lavatory
30 Gallon Pressurized Water System
Passenger Emergency Oxygen System 115v outlets in cockpit
Swivel Air Outlets
Indirect Cabin Lighting
Reading and Table Lights
Mason Cursor Control Devices

Sixteen (16) passenger executive interior featuring 4 forward berthable single seats, mid cabin has a 4-place conference group with opposing credenza, the aft cabin has two 4-place divans opposite of each other. All seating is covered in light blue leather with the exception of the divans, which are complete in patterned fabric. The aft divan area is extremely private due to the privacy door. This area can be used as a private sleep area. A privacy door also separates the forward galley with cabin seating area. Cabin is complete with sound proofing, high gloss medium wood cabinetry with dark wood trim, light blue carpeting, fully equipped forward galley, aft lavatory and forward crew lavatory. High Temp Oven, Microwave, Coffee Maker, Espresso Maker 


  1. I admire the engineering and technical skills that went into the manufacture of this plane. But how does this fit into the churches goal of witnessing and warning about WW3?
    I'm inclined to give this church some breathing space before passing my personal judgment on this purchase, but so far, it doesn't look good.

    Economics, definition: 'the study of scarce resources which have alternate uses.'

  2. How can Flurry afford this? Unless he milks every penny he can out of the dwindling membership that follows him. In a way I feel sorry for them, but how brain dead do you have to be to follow this clown?

  3. Flurry is "raising the ruins" -- re-creating in PCG everything Herbert had or did in WCG.

    I hope this doesn't include recreating HWA's incest.

  4. 6:51

    Great how you stay on topic 6:51.

    I was wondering the other day. What if some society had the supposed deed as some kind of "initiation ritual" for youngsters. So that it was presented as some kind of honor. Would it then have the same psychological consequences as in "repressed" american society.

    The question popped up not because of personal perversions but of knowing about the scientific literature that was produced in the early seventies.

    Ah well. Let's just stick with teaching our kids that their and our mobile telephone does not include materials from child labor.

    It seems people in general are psychologically capable of closing or shutting their minds depending on what is taught in current society as morally deficient.

    The fact that the rumors are complete hearsay is confirmed by the fact that the taped conversations on 60 minutes reveal that HWA did not really have a clue as to what Stanley Rader might have against him. If he was guilty of what was rumored by the defactors he would damn well know what those in his vicinity would have against him. But he didn't.


    1. This crowd must be confusing to you, nck! Are you imagining that your theories and mythicism will be embraced and discussed with the same approach as is taken with Dennis's theories and mythicism?

      Your material may play better on some of the pro-COG Facebook sites where HWA is still revered as some sort of apostle or biblical figure. Just a friendly observation.


  5. Raising the ruins? The church was already in moral ruins when Herb was still alive. His mafia ministers was proof of this. Joe T and what he did, is the natural consequence. The building on a foundation of sand thingy.

  6. It's just sad to see such a beautiful aircraft wasted on the ugliness of the Armstrong movement.


  7. Perhaps Flurry can track down dead Herbie's underwear and buy that.

  8. As soon as I heard they were buying one of these, I wondered about all that goes into operating your own luxury aircraft, from the storage costs, to the maintenance, fuel, and piloting costs. And that's after having paid a fortune for the thing. If the definition of a boat is "a hole in the water that you throw money into," then an aircraft has to be much moreso. Because without a deep and abiding financial commitment, you'll simply wind up as a luxury crater in the landscape. And what is the real benefit of taking on all those financial obligations and risks which could not be had for pennies on the dollar by simply flying first class? Extreme vanity is all I can think of. Creflo Dollar got nuthing on the Flurrys.

  9. Didn't the Armstrong G3 have gold leaf on the ceiling? This is a poor imitation of the Armstrong extravagance.

  10. Herb had all of the faucets, door handles, and other metal trim gold plated, just like the faucets in his own house.

  11. Just another fake Televangelist making money off the gullible.

    Is there a special compartment on the plane for Herb's specially annointed Hermes bag with it's special contents?
    I think that ought to be gold plated and enjoy a special place at the PCG for all to see.

  12. This is Stevie's toy as much as it is for his Daddy.

  13. I'm not following why he needs this jet either. Well, no sensible reason.

  14. I guess this is the best rationale we're going to get...
    "Yesterday in a play-all-areas sermon entitled “Abraham’s Vision”, Gerald Flurry mentioned that he is now considering buying a private jet! The rationale behind this unbelievable decision stems from experiences Flurry had last year on his flight to and from a US feast site. Apparently his trip left him feeling so unwell that it took several weeks to fully recover his energy levels. During the message he commented that modern air travel is now very unpleasant and that breathing in recycled air was unhealthy for him. He also complained how in the US passengers needed to get to the airport in sufficient time to allow for security screening, sometimes requiring that they arrive up to 3 hours before an international flight. He concluded by saying that owning a private jet meant he would be able to travel and do more for the work, especially being able to travel quickly between the two campuses in Edmond, OK and Edstone, UK. "

  15. Replies
    1. Excellent observation 11:08! Depending on the presence or direction of the wind, and the quality of the animal's diet, air recycled through a donkey's digestive system may not necessarily provide the best travel experience.


  16. Why does gerry need to travel to edstone. just send a tape. nobody there to listen anyway, and never will be.

  17. recycled air isn't good to me either, can I use the jet to go to the holy days.

    1. I mean, really. Hes going to get "recycled air" no matter what mode of air travel he uses. Either I'm not understanding his meaning, or that's a flimsy excuse.

  18. the airport in edmond is small; you get through very quickly; its crap to suggest you need to wait 3 hours

  19. RSK

    I just don't understand why it is "unbelievable".
    I just saw an item on the news on American airlines. Non is rated within the top 25 in international travel and Flurry's description seems 100% accurate from the customer perspective. Profits are higher than international cariers though.


    1. That was the writer's word choice, not mine.

  20. Wow. That is some nice piece of machine. Definitely, he and his family and close circle will travel in luxury while most of the membership which 55% are like seniors on fixed income will struggle to get to each feast site as best they can, and struggle to pay as best they can for their meals, rooms, etc... since it is "commanded" and if you do not go you are breaking God's commanded word.

  21. "During the message he commented that modern air travel is now very unpleasant and that breathing in recycled air was unhealthy for him".

    Flurry's plane will have recycled air, just like any other plane of that type.

    Does he expect PCG members breath out more pleasant air?

  22. NO1HWA wrote: Herb had all of the faucets, door handles, and other metal trim gold plated, just like the faucets in his own house.

    Lenin wrote of the time when gold would be used for the purpose of building public lavatories in the streets.... In this case, private ones in mansions and jets.

  23. It is interesting that this plane can only carry 16 passengers. If things get too "hot" in the USA, (Flurry and some of his entourage will fly off somewhere else). He is paranoid & delusional, so this plane will suit his needs to "escape" with a few close loved ones, and leave the rest of the membership to fend for themselves.

    1. Well, they've got to get at least some of the slaves over there, EX-PCG, or who will take care of the Flurrys? I'm also wondering if anyone is building some sort of airstrip within walking distance of Petra.


  24. Gerald
    Steven and Amy and their two children
    Laura and Wayne and their two children

    These take up nine of the sixteen seats. Who will get the remaining seven?

  25. The game is "I can be more like Herbert than you can." View the plane as an Apostle-class credential advocated by the lay members as well as the leader. Their splinter group now exceeds all the others in Herbal achievements.

  26. I think all of you should be aware that many in PCG are disgusted by Flurry buying this jet for his personal use. Everyone knows that no world leader is lining up to meet with him. It is going to be for him and his family to fly back and forth to England. One person here in Edmond even speculated that Flurry is just crazy enough to take HWA's prayer rock and fly it to Edstone and proclaim it the coronation stone. He is still serious about digging up Hill Tara where he believes the Ark of the Covenant is buried.

  27. The religious equivalent of the Bat-plane.

  28. Anon 439 wrote These take up nine of the sixteen seats. Who will get the remaining seven

    I can't wait to see the video of someone being yanked out of his seat because of overbooking.

  29. Another question is who is to fly this jet? Is there a pilot in the congregation? And where does the $ come from to pay his salary? Not to mention a pretty flight attendant!


  30. Anonymous on May 7, 2017 at 3:41 AM said...“How can Flurry afford this? Unless he milks every penny he can out of the dwindling membership that follows him. In a way I feel sorry for them, but how brain dead do you have to be to follow this clown?”

    Not everyone in the PCG is suffering. The perverts and predators in the PCG are having a wonderful time. The local PCG tyrants get to misrule like petty dictators with a really thick perverse streak in them. The immoral PCG members have a captive audience.

    Only the relatively few decent and sincere little sheeple who got deceived and tricked into going to the PCG are suffering great anguish. Even the sincere people must suffer for their mistakes, and going along with the PCG is a pretty serious mistake.

  31. Anonymous 6:13 PM said..

    "I think all of you should be aware that many in PCG are disgusted by Flurry buying this jet for his personal use"......

    You sound like you know....

    Then let's go one step farther, to you and ANY PCG members that may read this..

    How many widows were turned down for 3rd Tithe assistance so Gerry doesn't have to fly with the masses, like all the rest of COG Members must!!??

    Hello There you Church Members, Your leader is Lying to you andStealing!

    What are you going to do about it?!?

  32. From what I remember there were at least a few pilots within the PCG but i m not sure about their qualifications, some of these men may have only had their private pilots licenses and such. Even still, if they were church employees wouldn't that prevent them from flying on the sabbath and holy days?

  33. Ex PCGer

    Cal Culpepper's son, Douglas Culpepper, had a pilot's license and loves flying planes. I imagine he is one of Flurry's pilots.

    Steven Flurry's family are four and Laura Flurry Turgeon's family are six total, with Grant now being married that adds another, making them seven. Counting the false prophet himself, they add up to thirteen, so there is room for three more to join them on an escape flight when the time comes. Maybe Douglas Culpepper's wife would be taken along if he is the pilot.

    I have family and once long time friends in PCG and keep praying that they wake up and come out of there.

  34. You can be just as comfortable at home on your sofa, so I'm not jealous. What a waste of money, all on a status symbol. The Prayer Rock was a better investment.

  35. Your material may play better on some of the pro-COG Facebook sites where HWA is still revered as some sort of apostle or biblical figure. Just a friendly observation.

    Your material may play better on some anti-American commie website. Just a friendly observation.

  36. If flurry does not want to fly with the public on recycled air he can take a bus or boat and work on his sermon or pray or receive "revelation" on the way. There is no need for him to fly from one place to another just to get there in a hurry. All he ever does is sit on his rear and dream up new "revelation" and write it up. He can do that while traveling slow. I guess his God is too stupid to reveal that to him.

  37. Yahshuawaha walked all over Palestine to preach the gospel.

  38. Can't you just charter a jet for the few times you need to make a long trip?

  39. I see where the Flurry's are all excited their daughter Vienna was accepted to the college as if there was any doubt she wouldn't be.

  40. Yahshuawaha walked all over Palestine to preach the gospel.

    So did Jesus.

  41. This is just unspeakable as to how Gerald Flurry is milking the "body of Christ." On the other hand, the sheeple are also to blame as they are to see the problem and question it. The games being played by Flurry claiming to be an apostle and putting Armstrong on a higher pedestal than the Messiah are obvious issues. So yes Flurry is wrong for doing this, but the sheeple are wrong for letting it happen. We can see all kinds of admonition to not follow false prophets in the Old Testament.

    I grew up as a double third-generation WCG member. Both grandparents were members of WCG. We are told to prove all things in Scripture. Shortly after Tkach Sr. took over, I stood on the Grumman Gulfstream and told Joe Tkach face-to-face that I knew where he was taking the church and told him that he would have to answer for it. Needless to say, I was told to leave the jet right away. The door was shut and the plane took off. Guess what, I was persona non grata after that in WCG.
