Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Dave Pack Explains How To Know When You Have Escaped

Now I said last week that there’s another great question we needed to answer, and before I go back into more about the Man of Sin, I’d like to take you to that question. How will we know we escaped? You’ve arrived at a destination…Blessed, or happy, is he that waits and comes to the 1,335. (Dan. 12:12). To come to it, you’d have to know you did. I use the analogy of driving to Los Angeles from New York. You can’t head out to L.A. without a map. Without any picture of Los Angeles, you have no idea where it is or what it is…what it looks like when you get there. So you just sort of takeoff. Somebody says, “You know what? Go west.” Well, you could wind up in Seattle, Portland, Eugene, San Francisco, San Diego, or you could wind up at any city in the West that’s short of Los Angeles. You know, Phoenix, Las Vegas, Denver or Salt Lake City. You just don’t get there. Because you don’t know what Los Angeles looks like, you won’t know if you’re there.
And you’re with other people in the car…“Does anybody know if we’re in Los Angeles?”—“No?”—“Well, no, somebody said this is Des Moines, Iowa.”—“Okay, well…I don’t know where that is either, but I guess…” How would you plan a trip to Los Angeles without knowing whether you arrived? You’d have to know what Los Angeles looked like, where it was, what it meant…how to know your journey was over, and that’d be no matter where you started from, you see? You could take the analogy as, no matter where you lived in the world, not just if you’re starting from Los Angeles, because God’s people are all over the world. How do we know we got to L.A., if L.A. is “escape” at the 1,335?
Let’s imagine we get to the 1,335, but we don’t know that we did…And maybe somebody has a hunch we did…and we’re all sitting in a circle. “Well, it said we’d be happy…Everybody feel happy? Everybody feel happy? Anybody not? Nobody’s not happy, are they? Oh, they’re all happy. Okay…Well, who feels like an escapee? Does anybody feel like an escapee? Who feels like we waited long enough? Anybody feel…Raise your hands, we waited long enough…” Does anybody think it could be like that? Where you wouldn’t absolutely know. You’re watching and praying always to escape, but you can’t really know if you did.


  1. Glad to see Doctor Who (David Tennant) on this! Love it. :D

  2. All this site does is bad mouth great men such as David Pack & Gerald Flurry. I AM DONE WITH BANNED HWA!!!

    1. Don't Let The Door Hit You In The Ass On Your Way Out !!!

  3. https://onsizzle.com/i/im-going-to-unlike-this-page-right-after-i-post-3282601


  4. Anonymous on May 24, 2017 at 12:14 PM said...“All this site does is bad mouth great men such as David Pack & Gerald Flurry. I AM DONE WITH BANNED HWA!!!”

    In case you have not been paying attention and do not know what is going on, Gerald Flurry and David Pack have turned out to be a couple of the worst false prophets ever to plague the so-called COGs. If you knew and understood anything about what Herbert W. Armstrong had taught, you would not be following either of these two demoniacs.

    Both Gerald Flurry and David Pack now claim to be “That Prophet” of Deuteronomy 18. Neither one of these two perverts will accept you calling the other one a “great man” without going into a satanic fit about it. So, which of these two satanic imposters will you mindlessly follow?

  5. All that Dave and Gerald to do is badmouth normal society and everyone else who is not in there cult groups. Have you actually met either? I met one of them, what a self centered control freak.

  6. ANON WROTE: All this site does is bad mouth great men such as David Pack & Gerald Flurry. I AM DONE WITH BANNED HWA!

    I dare ya to ask either Flurry or Pack to answer the question, WHO IS THE GREATEST MAN, Pack or Flurry? and see what happens!

  7. Meredith's body isn't even cold yet and we're all eagerly anticipating the next false prophet to meet his maker.

  8. Pack is smarter than Flurry, but Flurry has a plane, so which one you choose to be your master depends on your needs. The great thing about Captialism is the plethora of choice in the religion business or any other business. The bad thing is that all those choices are out to prey on your rotting corpse.


  9. Anonymous on May 24, 2017 at 12:14 PM said...“All this site does is bad mouth great men such as David Pack & Gerald Flurry. I AM DONE WITH BANNED HWA!!!”

    This comment appears to have been written by someone who has NOT yet gone with EITHER Gerald Flurry's PCG or with David Pack's RCG, but wants to praise BOTH of these two raging false prophets and their perverse imposter cults that he really knows nothing about and has not yet personally financially supported. The priceless information available at the Banned Blog could save that ignorant commentator from these two satanic traps if he/she would just pay attention.


  10. “Dave Pack Explains How To Know When You Have Escaped”

    Ignore Dave's explanation. Listen to mine instead.

    You have escaped when you are OUT OF the RCG. Simple as that.

    Unfortunately, your savings, retirement plan, house, possessions, etc. might not escape with you. Try to be wearing something when you escape from Dave's RCG so you can at least escape with the shirt on your back. Having everyone see your great misfortune of having fallen for psycho-Dave's Restored Cash Grab scam is bad enough without the embarrassment of them seeing your nakedness too.

  11. It just sickens us to see such a comment, "ANON WROTE: All this site does is bad mouth great men such as David Pack & Gerald Flurry. I AM DONE WITH BANNED HWA!" We speak from personal experience being former members and ministry in RCG. Anyone who feels Dave Pack is a "great man" would also believe Bernie Madoff is a great man! If Dave Pack scammed people "in the world" like he did the members and ministry in RCG he would be behind bars!
