Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Dave Pack: When We Escape We Will Be Given Hats So That The World Knows We Are Escaping

Now I would suggest there’s the possibility…Along with something else I’m going to show you…there may actually be different clothing we wear. One of two things that suggests we’re different people…“Keep your hands off of them.” Because if you escaped, you escaped. There has to be some knowledge to others you escaped. Cain was marked so that people wouldn’t kill him. I mean, we can say he deserved to die; shouldn’t have escaped. But God didn’t want him to die, so God marked him in a way that people would leave him alone. What might He do with us?
One possible thing, to just speculate and think about, since this is not the pure white garments of salvation and linen, it’s just a change. It’s saying that the way God views this man’s life and his record—the same with you—is it’s gone from him. Remember, if you’re deemed entirely deserving—all of you—then you escape at that point, not at the time of salvation. So that’s what the change of garments has to mean, and he puts on a mitre. He doesn’t put on a crown or a tiara. A mitre—a turban. It signifies something has changed. It’s sort of like an interim step between the way we are now, and the way we will be when we receive salvation—which is another interim step before resplendence.
“And set a fair mitre on his head…[“Clean” is what it means—just clean; clean and pure. It doesn’t say white, just clean and pure.]…So they set a fair mitre on his head…[Who’s “they?” It’s angels there.]…and clothed him with garments. And the angel of the LORD stood by. And [that angel] the angel of the LORD protested unto Joshua, saying…[Now, I’ve explained that this does not mean “protested.” It can mean that, but essentially, it’s most likely meaning, and there…You can go study the word; it’s fascinating…it’s more like an announcement, or a pronouncement; not protesting to him.]…The angel the LORD [announced] unto Joshua saying...


  1. This guy was soooooooooooooooo wrong about his stupid prophecies and yet he is still at it.

    Titilating the people with itching ears.

  2. Pack will indeed have a hat... ONE MADE OUT OF TIN FOIL!

  3. OMFG! David Pack Is Completely Off His Rocker...

  4. "Remember, if you’re deemed entirely deserving—all of you—then you escape at that point, not at the time of salvation. " no word just stomach twisting nausea.

  5. Maybe they could wear black pants, black Nike shoes and purple cloaks. Or has that been done already?

  6. A conical hat would make a lot of sense, actually. What's the Hebrew word for "Dunce"?

  7. Maybe a red baseball cap that reads, "Make Dave great(er) again!"

  8. I'm hearing Dakota Johnson's voice in my head doing an Aussie accent on the Tonight Show. "Dave, that is so wierd....that is so baaad."


  9. A conical hat would make a lot of sense, actually. What's the Hebrew word for "Dunce"?

    How about THIS ?

  10. I call dibs on making Dave's hat.

  11. It's comforting to know that the Pillsbury doughboy will be in the Celestial Kingdom along with the rest of the faithful Mormons...


  12. Dave Pack said: "...Cain was marked so that people wouldn’t kill him. I mean, we can say he deserved to die; shouldn’t have escaped. But God didn’t want him to die, so God marked him in a way that people would leave him alone. What might He do with us?..."

    For Dave Pack: Why the comparison to Cain? Did you murder/kill somebody too? Does sin in your life manifest itself in other ways, something other than killing somebody?

    And why such a harsh judging/blaming of Cain? After all, you did say: "we can say he deserved to die; shouldn’t have escaped."

    Who is we? Don't include me, because I disagree with your solely judging/blaming Cain.

    Yes, sin was at Cain's door, but so is sin at your door. How so? Consider 2 verses:

    "Do ye think that the scripture saith in vain, The spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy?" James 4:5

    Dave, even if you are not a Christian, like James was, that spirit still dwells within you...along with lust and envy...that will manifest themselves some way in your life.

    "He that committeth sin is of the devil..." I John 3:8

    How, Dave, do you get around those two verses?

    And you want to solely blame/judge Cain for the death of his brother? And you say that Cain deserved to die?????? How about you? Are you sinless? Even if you were sinless, what about you? Do you hate anyone? Well, we won't get into that, but here is some additional information, if you have the faith to believe it, that shows that Cain did not deserve to die:

    "Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother. And wherefore slew he him? Because his own works were evil, and his brother’s righteous." I John 3:12

    Why did Cain kill his brother? He was "of that wicked one!" Like Judas, Cain had an accomplice in what he did.

    And who is that?

    "Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil;" Hebrews 2:14

    Cain will live again and be happily reunited with his brother Abel, and eventually Satan will be taken and destroyed. Dave, we wrestle not with flesh and blood.

    And time will tell...


  13. John..since Cain, mom and dad were the only humans left in the story and on earth, with Seth yet to be born, who was God and Cain afraid would kill him out there?

  14. Dennis, you asked: "John..since Cain, mom and dad were the only humans left in the story and on earth, with Seth yet to be born, who was God and Cain afraid would kill him out there?"

    It is an assumption on your part that "Cain, mom and dad were the only humans left in the story and on earth."

    We are not given a lot of information about the timing and the human beings in existence at the time. I suspect there were many more humans in existence; otherwise, that marking of Cain would be senseless and stupid to mention.

    We do know the following:

    Genesis 5:3 And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, after his image; and called his name Seth:
    :4 And the days of Adam after he had begotten Seth were eight hundred years: and he begat sons and daughters:
    :5 And all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years: and he died.

    Lots of questions may come to one's mind besides the one you asked. For example:

    How many days, weeks, months, years did Adam and Eve live in that Garden before God allowed Satan to enter that Garden and infest/infect their minds?

    Were Cain and Abel both born while Adam and Eve lived in the Garden, or after they left the Garden?

    When exactly were Cain and Abel born? The above verses show that Adam and Eve had other sons and daughters.

    What was the age of Abel when Cain, who was of that wicked one (I John 3:12), slew Abel?

    If these individuals were alive today, we could ask them.

    A day is coming when they all will be resurrected and we can ask such questions and get some definite answers. I am confident they all will live again. So, I'll just be patient and wait until that day comes. It's going to be a great day when that happens.

    As far as I can tell, God won't lose one human being (e.g. parables of one lost sheep, one lost coin, one lost son (prodigal)) and Satan and his angels will be taken and destroyed later.

    So, for me, time will tell...

