Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Dave Pack: 2017 "Might" Be The End Of The 6,000 Year Time Line

All of you Laodicean back-sliders out here had better party hearty this year because this might be your last gasp of freedom according to Dave Pack.  This may very well be the year the crapola hits the fan.

Dave writes:
But the generally accepted year of creation…You’ve heard me say this; the Church has believed it for scores of years…was 3981 B.C.…3981 B.C. I remember back in the’ 70s,’ 80s,’ 90s and then the 2000s…Wow, you know that if there’s no year “zero,” that means 6,000 years lands in 2020. And a few years ago I mentioned that a time or three, but what is interesting is that you’d have to back off of that general year, if it’s accurate, over three-and-a-half years and that would throw you sometime in 2017.
And it was years ago that I last thought about that, and I was just sitting last Sunday thinking, you know what? I ought to at least mention that since an awful lot of things are lining up. Is it possible…Since we’re into normalcy and we have a list of things that don’t have to happen that we thought did, is it possible that that kind of cycled back through my mind at the same time? Now I’ll throw one other related point. I don’t know exactly if 3981 is right. Neither does anybody else, because it always turns a little bit on the date of Solomon’s Temple. However, something I’ve thought about more than once and you ought to think about it…there’s some reason God told us how long the ancients lived prior to the Flood.
We don’t know exactly how long Christ lived. We know He was about 33 and a-half years. We don’t know a single apostle or a single prophet…when they were born or died. There are theories and ideas. But the Bible tells us those years, and I just wonder, why? Why are the ages of the lives of those early men more important to know than others, unless it was to assist in a kind of a linear time construct that, in part, led Mr. Armstrong to believe that God’s first 6,000 years—first six days—of a 7,000-year plan had a starting date that 3981 B.C.—no year “zero”—that takes you to 2020. And so I’ll just throw that out there. 
All of the bumbling buffoons in the various COG's that make endless predictions now have to contend with Dave Pack throwing his hat in the mix.  Almost-arrested Bob Thiel will now have to write an article stating that Dave is wrong and that he (Bob) knows better as to the real time frame.
Dave cannot be right because Ron Weinland claims otherwise, plus he and his dingy wife need to be the two witless witnesses first.  Gerald Flurry can't be right because he has not dug up the Ark of the Covenant yet.  John Rittenbaugh has proven to be wrong for making one failed prediction after another since the late 1980's despite the fact he had a rabid following of believers.  Every idiotic thing Gerald Waterhouse ever uttered has been a failure.

Just who can a Church of God member actually follow and believe in 2017?


  1. He starts with an error. 6,000 years. It is an extrabiblical theory or guess, deduced from the pattern set forth by the earthly week, which is the only time cycle not directly governed by the orbit, axis angle, and revolution of the the earth vis a vis the sun and moon.

    There are problems with 6,000 years for man, not the least of which involve the fossil record of mankind, cave writings, dna, the various ice records (unfortunately now melting) and other totally measurable evidence that man has existed on earth prior to 4 millenia BCE. This 6,000 year theory has been directly responsible for the failure of all of the Armstrong movement's guesses at prophecy. Well, that, and British Israelism-German Assyrianism.

    Dave is a master of the Armstrong Catty-9-tails. He pulls these things from the HWA bag of tricks at the times which he deems appropriate to scare and control the membership of his little cult. But, frankly, a car accident or slipping on a bar of soap in the shower are more likely to impact the lives of his accolytes. Like we've said before, these folks are getting desperate for a validation of their chosen path in life which only the tribulation would provide.


  2. David Pack suffers from the "William Miller" syndrome. According to adventist history, William Miller predicted the second advent a total of 3 times before finally giving up with his half-assed calculations.

  3. i have posted on this site before that suspect that sept 19, 2020 israeli time, which happens to be the Feast of Trumpets, may be the Date of the Return of Christ because it falls on the 7th day of the week, i.e., the Sabbath...i dont know of any other instance where Trumpets has fallen on the Sabbath, and the fact that it does so during this time in world history strikes me as significant...

    i also am a firm believer in the Word of God as found in the book of Malachi in which the Lord explicitly states two courses of action He would Choose from regarding the end of the world...

    i think it safe to say He has not Chosen to curse the world, given the fact that the signs of the times dont seem to match the pattern of apocalypse, and Amos 5:18-20 makes clear His disdain for that potential day of His Wrath, and cautions against the wishing for that Day...

    it appears The Tribulation, which is in my mind that curse Spoken of in the book of Malachi, has missed its window of time opportunity...

    now its just the little matter of eli jah the prophet...

  4. How are we going to be able to recognize the beings who were Armstrongites once we're all in the Kingdom? They'll be the ones still guessing the math for the tribulation to start and Jesus to return. And, they'll still think it's all a function of Armstrongism!


  5. Modern humans have been around for 200, 000 years. 6000 anything is willful ignorance in this day and age

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. dd, none us can accurately say how long humanity as we know it has been around; i know you science types like to taught your carbon dating method, but, like most science, its only as good as the limited intelligence and integrity of the scientist, and history has shown that scientists are flawed, limited in knowledge, intelligence and willing to lie just like all the rest of the kind of human being what are on the quest to have the preeminence...

  6. Methinks a little rewrite of history here from D Pack.

    I have been around probably as long as Packman, and this is the first time I have heard 3981BC suggested as the year of creation.

    It was always Bishop Ussher's 4004 that was suggested, bringing the return of Christ at the latest 1997!

    However, as we also knew time would be shortened, and knew the principle of the 19 year time cycles, we then all knew that actually we would flee in January 1972, and Christ would return on the Day of Trumpets 1975, 22 years before the latest possible deadline of 1997.

    Why would anyone believe 3981BC? That would add another 23 years, and Christ would then be 45 years early. Of course as 42 years has past since the expected 1975 return, no doubt D Pack feels it appropriate to bring in a fresh date, to fit in with the present era.

  7. Just who can a Church of God member actually follow and believe in 2017?

    Here's a wild idea... how about following JESUS CHRIST ?

  8. Anon2:13PM wrote:

    "i have posted on this site before that [I] suspect that..."

    Well, at least he admits that all of this is nothing more than totally baseless speculation...

    "...because it falls on the 7th day of the week, i.e., the Sabbath."

    A dash of gematria, a form of Jewish mysticism HWA was particularly fond of, for seasoning...

    "i dont know of any other instance where Trumpets has fallen on the Sabbath..."

    An appeal to ignorance/incredulity

    "...and the fact that it does so during this time in world history..."

    And which time in world history would this be exactly?

    "...strikes me as significant"

    Oh, it does, does it? That's nice. And who would you be?

    "i also am a firm believer..."

    Oh, of that I have no doubt.

    "i think it safe to say..."

    I think that there is no reason to think it's safe to say anything that you've said.

    "now its just the little matter of eli jah the prophet..."

    Take your pick. We've got a few to choose from even within the COGs.

    1. you think so highly of yourself that you take great pleasure in personally insulting someone that has said nothing against you personally, dont you: scoffing and mocking;

      what invisible force would compel you to behave in such a manner, and how do you benefit from such remarks???

      you go all out your way to disparage another human being, and for what purpose??? you take it upon yourself to make arrogant remarks and for what??? did i say anything against you?

      why is the m.o. of the unbeliever so often to mock and insult and make personal remarks against someone with whom you disagree with? your behavior is that of an animal what is only capable of barking or braying, offering no civil discord...

      indeed some invisible force sways you to behave in such a pointless and asinine manner...

  9. According to Jewish sources, creation was at 3761. Didn't Herbie teach that we look to the Jews as preservers of the oracles? What he be doin' messin' with Ussher?


  10. What's wrong with being almost arrested? Big friggin deal. So the cops almost made a mistake. Big friggin deal. Cops are human too.

  11. Many experts recognize that humans have not been around all that long. Before we had the trappings of civilization, like clothes, we were not really human. Africans have only been human for a few decades now, when the white man came along and ended cannibalism and gave them clothes and laptops. (Of course, they hate us anyway).

    1. Didnt know they had laptops at Great Zimbabwe...

  12. Anoymous 2.13 says:-
    "...i dont know of any other instance where Trumpets has fallen on the Sabbath, and the fact that it does so during this time in world history strikes me as significant..."

    You don't know any other instance where Trumpets has fallen on the Sabbath??? Try doing just a tiny bit of research.

    So far this century Trumpets has fallen on a Saturday in 2000, 2002, 2003, 2006 and 2009.

    It will indeed fall on a Saturday in 2020, and also in 2023, 2026, 2027 and 2030 - and plenty of other years after that.

    I don't know about you, but 10 occurrences in 31 years doesn't seem that significant to me?

  13. The real Second Coming will be when Trumpets falls on Atonement during the full moon of Tabernacles, which is rare.

    1. i think the Feast of Trumpets and the Sabbath are the two things that symbolize most the millenial Kingdom of God, which is why to me it is significant when Trumpets falls on the 7th day of the week...

  14. When you hear someone start setting dates for the second advent, you better turn and run away from the asshole that's setting dates 'cause that is a false christ!!! David Pack is so full of shit he stinks to high heaven!

  15. 3:51 wrote:

    >>What's wrong with being almost arrested? Big friggin deal. So the cops almost made a mistake. Big friggin deal. Cops are human too<<

    Obviously, you are a hit and run troll. Anyone who has been around here for a while knows why we mock Almost arrested Theil on here. He is the dimwit that made the claim. If he is dumb enough to claim it we will make sure he uses the title!

  16. "Just who can a Church of God member actually follow and believe in 2017?

    Here's a wild idea... how about following JESUS CHRIST ?"

    That is too obvious for the liars like Bob Thiel that set themselves up as know-it-alls. Jesus screws up all their prophecies and teachings. That is why they cannot know the guy.

  17. The contention is that Jesus Christ’s return will most likely occur in the 2030s, that is, if there is only one more revival of the Holy Roman Empire to come; an outside chance of the late 2020s.

    Ron Dart use to like using Isaiah 41:22 when discussing prophecy.

    So using “the former things” and some type-antitype prophecy a scenario is presented to provide a very broad outline of how things may play out.

    First we need a high in the Dow Jones after a significant rally, compare 1928 to 1929. This will lead to another great depression and the eventual break up of America.

    After a severe depression, compare the Hoover depression of 1929 to 1933, a work of proclaiming the true gospel and warning about the Beast/Antichrist may arise; instead of HWA being wrong about the nature of the Kingdom of God and the identity of the Beast, hopefully this new work will be on the money - not for the money.

    (1933 was a significant year for FDR, Hitler and HWA).

    Europe will re-organize under ten kings (Daniel 2 and Daniel 7). After this the Beast/Antichrist/little horn will arise and consolidate his power (Daniel 7).

    Sometime after this the Beast/Antichrist will enter an agreement to rebuild the Temple. Three and a half years later the covenant will be broken and the Antichrist will be assassinated and resurrected (Rev 13:3).

    This, like the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria (1914), will be the spark for WW3.

    Three and a half years later Christ returns to the earth for three and a half years to set up the kingdom and then to return to heaven, with the saints.

    (Temple building - church and literal temple - characterize first half of both prophetic weeks. The King of the Jews and the King of Assyria are assassinated halfway through their prophetic weeks. War characterizes the last half of both weeks. The Antichrist builds a literal temple in his first half week; Christ builds a literal temple in his second half week).

  18. The contention is that Jesus Christ’s return will most likely occur in the 2030s, that is, if there is only one more revival of the Holy Roman Empire to come; an outside chance of the late 2020s.

    Ron Dart use to like using Isaiah 41:22 when discussing prophecy.

    So using “the former things” and some type-antitype prophecy a scenario is presented to provide a very broad outline of how things may play out.

    First we need a high in the Dow Jones after a significant rally, compare 1928 to 1929. This will lead to another great depression and the eventual break up of America.

    After a severe depression, compare the Hoover depression of 1929 to 1933, a work of proclaiming the true gospel and warning about the Beast/Antichrist may arise; instead of HWA being wrong about the nature of the Kingdom of God and the identity of the Beast, hopefully this new work will be on the money - not for the money.

    (1933 was a significant year for FDR, Hitler and HWA).

    Europe will re-organize under ten kings (Daniel 2 and Daniel 7). After this the Beast/Antichrist/little horn will arise and consolidate his power (Daniel 7).

    Sometime after this the Beast/Antichrist will enter an agreement to rebuild the Temple. Three and a half years later the covenant will be broken and the Antichrist will be assassinated and resurrected (Rev 13:3).

    This, like the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria (1914), will be the spark for WW3.

    Three and a half years later Christ returns to the earth for three and a half years to set up the kingdom and then to return to heaven, with the saints.

    (Temple building - church and literal temple - characterize first half of both prophetic weeks. The King of the Jews and the King of Assyria are assassinated halfway through their prophetic weeks. War characterizes the last half of both weeks. The Antichrist builds a literal temple in his first half week; Christ builds a literal temple in his second half week).

  19. No one seems to wonder why the God of the whole Universe, whose information and program is so very important to get right, bothers with middlemen humans to vaguely deliver the unknowable future and mostly get it wrong with a few accidental hits depending? Why not just show up and spell it out in person? No doubts, no misunderstandings, no varied interpretations and no money exchanges hands.

    1. maybe the date of His Return needs to be unexpected so as to show the world the difference between who is and who aint a True Believer: the True Believer is Faithful and Obedient right to the very end...

      indeed "Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing." Matthew 24:46

      the scoffers and skepticts will be caught unawares and shall be ashamed, but those who endure till the end will receive the reward due to them for having stuck it out regardless of the pressures of popular sentiment...

    2. Faithful and obedient right to the very end........of your life after having not lived it to its' full potential and in a reduced financial position because Jebus, Mohamed, Yahweh, nor Santa ain't coming because they are not for real, they are mythical make believe things, made up by and whose continued reference to is by those who have wanted and still those who want to control the gullible simple minded. It's brainwashing from the time we were babies. For generations it has been a fraud. Now we have enough information and knowledge to know for sure that dead people don't come back to life, virgins don't have babies, people don't fly on horses with wings, donkies and serpents don't talk, Noah's ark did not have all animals on earth today on board, etc etc. quit it! Grow up. Billions are fooled by the religious salesmen. Look how those guys and guys live. Can't you see what a scam it is?! Deism.

  20. That animal you refer to is David C Pack. There is nothing Christian about Dave. Nothing.

    1. i do not disagree with you that pack has a demon; all i am saying is that true Christians must distinguish between the Righteousness of Christ, His Word, and those who fraudulently claim to represent Him...

      just because pack profanes the Way of God does not mean the way of God is profane...

  21. 8.03 PM
    Are you aware of Dave financially robbing blind his members via deception?
    Many members are going to lose their homes because they took out loans to give to Dave's church. Dave assured them that their loans would not have to be repaid since time is so short.
    Who is the animal?

    1. are you aware that i have said nothing in defense of pack?

  22. Omg He needs to get off it.


    It will be based on my amazing discovery that has been kept secret and hidden from all of mankind until NOW! I was anointed by Gaylon Bonjour for menstrual cramps, he then ACCIDENTALLY and without knowing it, ordained me as the ELIJAH!

    I then had a dream, perhaps inspired the eating of a chili burger and a few jalapeƱos.

    The dream revealed to me a special revelation for the end time church...

    There was indeed a YEAR ZERO!

    All of the other COGS are lying to you, and have deceived you for decades! By understanding that there is a YEAR ZERO , it allows you only then to properly analyze when prophetic events are to occur!

    Send your offerings and 11th Tithes to:

    Connie Schmidt
    New London, New Hampshire

  24. After reading this thread, all the people who BELIEVE they will ascertain some prophetic truth about the future from a book written in stone age times (well, why didn't the Israelites invent the light bulb or radio or television since they were privy to prophetic insights --heck, go for the cure to cancer and diabetes while you're at it, will they discover that in 2079 or 2225 )? These want-to-be prophets will cling to their hopes for decades (like Armstrong's followers between 1950 and 1975) and ultimately see the dates come...and go, with a big nothing coming to fruition. Then they shall learn the meaning of this one verse:

    "For in much wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow."
    Ecclesiastes 1:18

    But they've got to learn the hard way after wasting precious decades of their life. Put that precious commodity of all things, time, to better use and change the world, NOW, instead of sitting around waiting for the world to change for you in a future that has statistically proven to be the product of false prophets for profit.

  25. 4.53 AM
    If you are the author of 8.03 PM, complaining of 'disparaging another human being' etc, you have in fact defended David Packman.
    You did this with your rant against passing moral judgment, a common ploy of criminally minded people. In case you missed it, Christ often passed moral judgment with eg, His criticizing the Pharisees and others.
    Moral judgment is commanded with Christ's 'beware of wolves in sheeps clothing.'

  26. I agree that it has become a unhealthy fixation about the exact year of Christ's return. Peoples time and energy can be better spent.

  27. 9.40 AM
    As long as my prayers are being answered, I'm very happy with the 'scam' thank you very much.

    1. Your prayers are not being answered, you are imangining it. It is coincidence. Ask for a mountain to be moved and see what happens. You have been trained to ask for things that are within the power of humans and when it comes to be you say it is answered prayer. For example: help me get well from the common cold, or help my broken bone heal, or help me pay bills, or help this or that. Simple stuff. Then hallelujah! God answered my/our prayers! :/ But when it doesn't happen the excuse is that god has other plans, we don't know gods mind, god took them home. Can't lose that way. Or, blaming it on Satan and his magical powers. :/ Whatever helps you cope. Then you die and ???? You will say that you know what will happen next, but you are confusing knowledge with belief. So confused and delusional. So sorry you have not been able "think like a man" (adult) Be comforted knowing that you are like minded with billions of other religious people. Keep sending it in $. Don't let them talk you into the bomb vest.

  28. On your future Sabbath feast of trumpet years Questeruk you assume the calculated calendar will still be upheld by the Jews. You don't think the could be a jewish temple built before 2030.
    When the temple is rebuilt the calculated calendar will be abandoned by the Jews and they will change back to the sighted calendar.

  29. Prayers are reported as answered around the world, many walks of faith. Few to none would claim Armstrongism had a thing to do with it.

  30. Night Owl
    God answers peoples prayers around the world despite their religious leaders. Christianity is a personal rather than a group activity.

  31. 'On your future Sabbath feast of trumpet years Questeruk you assume the calculated calendar will still be upheld by the Jews. You don't think the could be a Jewish temple built before 2030.'

    I wouldn't argue either way on that anon - my point was that it's not particularity uncommon to have the feast of trumpets occur on the weekly Sabbath.

    From the year 2000 to the current year this has occurred 5 times in 18 years.

    There is no specific 'calendar rule' to prevent this, not in the 'orthodox' calendar, or any of the many calendar variations that I am aware of.
