Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Dave Pack: We have people here that are no more converted than carpet...and they smoke pot too.

I can't imagine sitting there week after week listening to these moronic statements from deluded Dave.

So…now, “Now when they shall fall, they shall be helped with a little help…[Now we start to move into the modern time.]…but many shall cleave to them with flatteries.” (vs. 34). Hmm, now that’s interesting. Now that’s always been the truth of the Church. We have people who come among us and they’re no more converted than carpet, not because they’re tares, that haven’t arrived yet…The wheat and tares is the time of the Kingdom…but they’re just flatterers.
They say the right things, and behind the scenes they’re smoking pot, and then they don’t want to be here 12 weeks later, you see? They’re just gone. Or they shack up or they do all kinds of things…the way maybe many of you did, but when you came you were serious and you changed. So don’t throw stones…


  1. Accusing others of being unconverted creates the illusion that surely Dave must be converted. A ploy often used by Herb.

  2. When I attended the Tupelo congregation of Worldwide church a deacon used to sell me a bag of weed every sabbath. Good times, high times.

  3. Is DCP using an open-door policy? How else would he get that many people to come? Not many people in his organization could be converted. If they were they wouldn't be with him.

  4. Dave is trying to equate himself with carpet. Hopefully he has an indoor dog.

  5. QUESTION IS--- What the heck is Pack smoking, and it certainly is a lot more powerful than Pot!

  6. This guy is a fraud please watch and spread these videos so no one else will be taken by him. Thanks

  7. It sounds as if Dave Pack is worn out and disgusted in several areas. The quality of the raw (human) materials that are attracted to his church, and their relative ambivalence and recidivism seem to frustrate him. If this were a direct mail marketing campaign, we would say that his response rate is way down, and the overall quality of the leads is poor. While he has a definite PR problem related to his personality, the biggest factors are zeitgeist-related, and have to do with generational trends. He wants members who will act and react like the classic WWII and Baby Boomer generations of the WCG golden era, which is why his prophecy messages have been based on growth by poaching, accumulating all of the old WCG members. To really grow, however, he needs to attract Generation X and Millennials, the people whom he disdains because he does not understand and cannot reach.

    Also, one must consider his own personal window of viability. He expects the endtime events to be plotted against his own personal timeline, so that he can have his "rightful" part in it. Well, so did HWA, and all of the now dead men whom HWA really did personally train. Dave has got at best a 3-5 year window of viability at this point in time. Of course he is going to attempt to synchronize his pronouncements and prophecies with that window. If they don't play out in that time frame, his rocket will have fizzled, and as he most likely sees it, his life and ministry will have been worthless. He will not have been "used by God" on the scale which he imagines. No legacy. At best a minor footnote if indeed he is lucky.

    In his seclusion, he's got to be reflecting upon these things every time he looks in the mirror, and most definitely as he attempts to fall to sleep each night. The sheer volume of the man's hyperbole belies tremendous angst, and outright panic. His wildest words fail to orchestrate his dreams, and he is left to incessantly ponder why. He is to a great extent, the author of his own punishment.


  8. I hope you are right BB. Great analysis, I think that Pack truly believes what he is preaching. Even the new stuff that he is making up now. But sadly, even when none of this happens, and he eventually dies. Some will continue with RCG under new leadership, and the leaders will proclaim that the end is still 3-5 years away! Just like after HWA, the work must still go on!
