Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, September 29, 2017

LCG: "These are truly momentous times." Momentous News Out Of Canada

I can see Canada from here!

Living Church of God never fails to find all that is wrong in the world.  Beauty and wonder are never part of their equation.  Nothing is more satisfying than a good disaster to keep the sheep in line. Hurricanes, earthquakes and Rocket Man Kim pale in comparison with the amazing news out of Canada.  It is truly momentous! God is powerful!

Greetings from Charlotte,
The Fall (Spring in the Southern hemisphere) Festival season is here. Many members and ministers will be traveling in the coming days to various Festival sites. Slow news days seem to be a thing of the past. As I write, another massive category 5 hurricane is taking aim at Puerto Rico after battering the Islands of Dominica and Guadeloupe. Some islands that will be affected are still trying to recover from Hurricane Irma. A 7.1 magnitude earthquake rocked Mexico City and it is still too early to know how much damage has occurred or lives have been lost. President Donald Trump warned world leaders at the United Nations that “Rocket Man [Kim Jong Un] is on a suicide mission for himself and for his regime,” and threatened to totally destroy North Korea if it continues on its current course. Here in Charlotte, we reviewed a telecast by Mr. Ames. A number of productive meetings were held regarding future manpower and how to streamline parts of the Work. Mr. Stuart Wachowicz gave a Tomorrow’s World Presentation in Yorkton, Saskatchewan Canada with 13 guests in attendance.  These are truly momentous times.  Please remember those in harm’s way from hurricanes and earthquakes and that God will protect each of our Festival sites.—Gerald Weston


  1. Yorktown is a tiny town in the absolute middle of nowhere , north of North Dakota by over 100 miles, with a population of just 16,000.

    So coming up with 13 new faces is either 1) pretty good or 2) The sleepy town needs a whole lot more entertainment venues!

  2. To me the poor turnout is academic. The point is that this town and others were witnessed to. They were were given an opportunity, an opportunity which they squandered.

  3. I Cor 5:12 Paul tells the church to expel the immoral brother, then he says that it is NOT his job to judge the world, only those in the church. Is if your understanding that Paul didn't expect non Christians to live like Christians anymore than a Jewish neighbor would expect you to keep Kosher? If so, should we be hearing preachers on TV condemn the world for gay marriages, etc. Shouldn't the churches focus their criticisms on church members and limit the criticisms of the world to what would be expected of them by the Law of Noah and not the Law of Moses as the Churches of God usually do? What is your understanding of what we should expect from the world versus the church?

  4. Steve
    Interesting point. The OT does say to to cry aloud and tell secular society its sins. Otherwise their blood will be on the watchmen's head. The other thing is that moral laws predates humans. Satan and his demons are the consequence of these broken laws.
