Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Living Church of God: "...we are not to be wishy-washy, but rather we are to be firm—but always gentle and loving."

Living Church of God has an article up attempting to PROVE they are the correct Church of God for people to belong to. Get a load of the mixed message they send out in the very first sentence. They claim they are not trying to convince any one, but won't be to those who ignore the "CONCRETE  attributes and scriptural PROOF" they use.  But remember, they are not trying to convince you.  Concrete evidence, be damned, we are not trying to convince you though...but you need to realize we ARE the true church
The purpose of this article is not to convince anyone to believe these concrete attributes, though we will provide scriptural support to show why the Living Church of God believes and teaches these truths. The purpose is to provide four of the weightier objective, distinguishing qualities of the Living Church of God, which are provable from the word of God. If a person has proven these things from the Bible, and believes them, it becomes clear where he or she needs to be.
LCG tries to use the scriptures about the seven churches in the first century as PROOF that LCG is better than all the other splinter groups.
Revelation chapters 2 and 3 exhibit letters to seven Churches extant during the first century—each of them led by Jesus Christ (Revelation 1:9–20). While they were all God’s Churches, they were not all the same. They each had distinct characteristics, and if we have “an ear, [to] hear what the Spirit says to the churches”—something we see repeated several times in Revelation 2 and 3—we realize it does matter where we are, and what we are a part of! 

LCG has set itself self up as the judge of all the other splinter groups, just like Almost-arrested and jailed Bob Thiel,  Dave Pack and Gerald Flurry have, though LCG is even better than those two.

In the November-December 2010 Living Church News, Dr. Roderick C. Meredith wrote an article entitled, “We are Different!” In it, he explained:
"Leaders in several groups seem eager to “dance” around these fundamental issues—to avoid clear answers, or even to deny the answers long taught by God’s Church and His word. The result of such spiritual neglect, and of their clever avoidance of these issues, is that their groups and the members become unsure about the nature of God, and about many other key issues that certainly are of importance to Almighty God! "
It all boils down to "church government" and its proper use.  Dave Pack claims he has proper church government, as does Gerald Flurry and Almost-arrested and jailed Bob Thiel.   Which one is right?  The fact is that NONE of them are right, but that has never stopped any of them from blatantly lying to their members.
So, in an effort to accommodate personal tastes, sidestep confrontations, and thereby avoid losing congregants who disagree, some reject or avoid various truths found in God’s word that were opened to the Church’s understanding through Mr. Armstrong. A few of these easily provable truths that some dismiss are proper church government, the identity of Israel’s descendants, who and what God is, and the Church eras of Revelation 2 and 3. God’s Church should be teaching all of the truth of the Bible. It should not evade certain truths because of personal taste, or to avoid conflict.
LCG still wants LCG member to believe that the various splinter groups are God's people, mainly because so many LCG members have family members and friends in the hundreds and hundreds of splinter group.

The next thing that LCG claims to be doing right is preaching the kingdom of God and the craziness they claim is the "Ezekiel message."
The second concrete, scriptural commission that the Living Church of God proclaims and seeks to fulfill, is the obligation of the Church to preach the Gospel of God’s coming Kingdom, as well as the Ezekiel Warning message. Claims that this Work has been “finished” and no longer needs to be done or that we only need to preach it to the members of the Church to “prepare the bride” are simply not compatible with Scripture. They deny the very mission of the Body of Jesus Christ!
LCG considers itself The Watchman, as does Almost-arrested and jailed Bob Thiel, Dave Pack, and Gerald Flurry.  I also can't leave out COGWA since it believes itself as the ONLY true bearer of the message.
God’s people would be neglectful if they knew the “sword was coming” but didn’t say anything! “If the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet, and the people are not warned, and the sword comes and takes any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at the watchman’s hand” (Ezekiel 33:6). As God’s people, if we know what’s coming and do not say anything, the world’s blood will be on our hands (Ezekiel 33:1–11)! The Living Church of God believes and teaches it is our job to preach the Gospel to the world and warn of the coming troubles, before God sets up His Kingdom!
LCG has never gone out o all the world, nor has any other COG in existence today.  Even Gerald Flurry with his Throne of David transport plane cannot and will not go to world leaders.   Just because a few World Tomorrow or Plain Truth readers are in some countries does not mean any message has been proclaimed.  99.999999999999% of the world have no idea who any of the Church of God's are.

LCG is so confident in their message that they claim eternal salvation for all those who support them.
Christ says that “this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14)! However, not all of God’s people will be doing this in the end time (Revelation 3:14–22). Yet those who do participate in God’s Work to bring the Gospel to this dying world can reflect on the promise made through Daniel, that “those who turn many to righteousness” shall shine “like the stars forever and ever” at the resurrection to everlasting life (Daniel 12:3).
Since LCG is the epitome of all things RIGHT in the COG, they claim that they are able to do this because they are the Church of Love! Thousands of present day LCG members and ex-members disagree.

They claim that the ministry of the LCG are servant leaders filled with LOVE!  However, they will only love you so far and then buyer beware!

In explaining to His disciples how to execute God’s form of government mentioned above, Jesus said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and those who are great exercise authority over them. Yet it shall not be so among you; but whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant. And whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave—just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many” (Matthew 20:25–28). Peter also explained how the ministry is to serve the brethren: “Shepherd the flock of God which is among you, serving as overseers… not for dishonest gain but eagerly; nor as being lords over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock…” (1 Peter 5:2–3).
Love includes keeping God’s Church clean of sinful practices (breaking of God’s Law, 1 Corinthians 5:1–8). At the same time, it does not include the invention of extreme and ungodly rules and regulations, such as the Pharisees added, that, if broken, will lead to disfellowshiping. We are not to be dictatorial or harsh in our approach. “And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient, in humility correcting those who are in opposition…” (2 Timothy 2:24–25).
Any LCG member needs to look no further than the despicable treatment of the Scarboroughs over the last few years.  LCG is all about control, not love.

Note that LCG claims that the members of the church need to grow in love.  It always boils down to the fact COG leaders has always blamed the members for everything.  Never once do any of the abusive and lying ministers ever get blamed.

Notice what LCG claims its ministers do NOT do.  Try not to laugh too hard:
We are not to instill fear of men in God’s people, but we are to strengthen, encourage, build and edify (Ephesians 4:11–16). It is our job to build families, not tear them apart (1 Corinthians 7:10–16; 1 Peter 3:1–5)! Some unconverted family members may be troubled when God first calls us and may even become hostile toward us (Matthew 10:34–39). We should, in no way, be the ones instigating division by shunning our family members if they do not attend the Living Church of God with us (Matthew 15:6; Romans 12:18). God’s ministers should not point the members toward discord, separation and division, but toward peace and unity in the family (Malachi 4:6).
The Living Church of God believes and teaches as part of its mission statement, “Learn and practice Servant Leadership in all our dealings with others.” Dr. Meredith guided us toward a culture of love and servant leadership and wanted us to continue growing in it! We are to exhibit Christ-like leadership in faithfulness, steadfastness, humility, and love. If some want to dispute the truth, we are not to be wishy-washy, but rather we are to be firm—but always gentle and loving. 
LCG continues to use one of the biggest lies the church has taught. When it constantly get called a cult and that members live in fear of the ministry, they claim NO ONE is ever coerced into anything.  Members make their own choices.
God allows each of us to make our own choices, and He does not “make” us do anything. When it comes down to it, each of us must prove what God’s word teaches (1 Thessalonians 5:21), step out in faith, and do what it says. There are many organizations claiming to represent God today, each with its own twist. There are those that keep the Sabbath and the Holy Days, and many of them have at least some of the Truth, but they are not all the same. As Mr. Richard Ames asked in his sermon, “Churches Under Judgment,” we, too, must ask as we consider the churches of Revelation 2 and 3: Which church do we want to be a part of? The dead one? The corrupt one? Which attitude and spirit should we try to emulate?
We will not do it perfectly in this life, but we should strive to reflect the character of the one found in Revelation 3:7–13 and have an ear to “hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” If we claim that we are Philadelphian, what room for improvement is left? We would be wise to heed the warning in Revelation 3:17–18! We must continually examine ourselves, identify the wrong, and cast it out! Dr. Meredith frequently told us, “We are the Church of God in the Laodicean era, trying to do a Philadelphian Work.” It does matterwhere we choose to attend, and with whom. While there are other points that could be addressed, these four points are concrete and easily provable from Scripture. And the Living Church of God fully believes, teaches, and strives to live up to them. 
So does the Living Church of God really reflect the character of embarrassed usual?  Despite ignoring Jesus at every opportunity they can, they claim to be Laodiceans doing a Philadelphia work.


  1. The greatest among you will be your servant. (Matt 23:11)
    I remember when Ron Dart said that was the only instruction given for church government.

  2. " The Living Church of God believes and teaches it is our job to preach the Gospel to the world and warn of the coming troubles, before God sets up His Kingdom"

    Preach the Gospel to the world? Nobody outside of a few places in the US has ever even heard of LCG, much less its "message". Savior complex.

  3. That "Only True Church" thing has been the bane of the Churches of God as has "Government from the top down." The New Testament is a Testament to two true churches of God. The Jewish Christian one under Peter, James and John and the Gentile Pauline Church. The Jewish Christian interpretation is what we find in the COG except they try to make Paul one of them too which he isn't and fought hard against. The Gentile Pauline version is just about everything else in all their forms. Galatians 1-2 is a Pauline rant against the Jerusalem Apostles and an authentic letter of Paul. The Book of James is a Jewish Christian rant against Paul's concept of grace with no works found in Paul's also authentic Book of Romans.

    The letters to the Seven Churches in Revelation were NEVER conceived as being types of authentic Churches of God 2000 years into the future. "Behold I come quickly" and "To show things which must shortly come to pass" for them back then indicate the failure of Revelation as a prophecy. It's a Jewish Book written to encourage Jewish Christians caught in the fall of Jerusalem . It failed to deliver and the Romans won. No Jesus returned to save them and it was not meant to extend one hour past the fall of the city and destruction of the Temple. Fundamentalist churches have spent the last 200 years making Revelation mean what it never meant and does not mean.

    Without the Book of Revelation the Churches of God would have no message and certainly no motivator like it to join them. Fear sells and it's all made up. Nothing in the Book of Revelation will come to pass as speculated. It was a second Daniel which was written to encourage the Jews to hang in there in the 160's BCE and they lost in the same way.to the Romans.

    I know the pull and power of the Book of Revelation as well as anyone . It barely made the cut into the New Testament Canon. But clearly its time passed and those who read it so dearly in the details will dismiss the opening and closing verses which clearly indicate something had gone terribly wrong with it being inspired or how it all will be. LIke the Apostle Paul, who after years of "soon" had to face the final curtain and wish everyone good luck on their own journey, the Book of Revelation was the swan song of the dying Jewish Church.

    On top of that, no human beings know the future . It is not all planned out and all one has to do is read Art Mokarrow's. "God's Puzzle Solved" for the solution to this puzzle. There is no puzzle that needs solving . That makes Bible God a Trickster who is more interested in playing games than informing humans of whatever one thinks their incredible human potential is.

    It doesn't matter where you go to church or even if you do. There is a seat for every butt and a style for every personality. That's why we have so many denominations and while I realize no one ever says they know they attend the false church, the fight over who is the true church is equally as ludicrous and ill informed.

    1. Dennis, I confess that I have from time to time wondered about the Book of Revelation, but I don't think we can judge that book until it's all over.

      On the subject of the Jewish versus the Gentile churches, I doubt that you are correct. Paul's difficult essay of Romans 9 through 11 is a treatment of the issue. According to him, a gentile has no part in God's promises until he becomes part of Israel through adoption.

  4. These poor people obviously don't actually know God if they're mistaking these charlatans for God's intermediators.

  5. "That's why we have so many denominations.."
    And they are all in Houston & Dallas, buckle of the Bible Belt!

    Dennis, why do you think HWA banned the 1978 S.T.P.? I scanned thru its 375 pages and it seems a fairly faithful suck-up to Armstrong Theology?

  6. It is my understanding that when HWA would say that the Gospel would be preached throughout the world, that it might not refer to the WCG preaching it but might refer to Rev 14:6 where it says, "Then I saw another angel flying in midair, and he had the eternal gospel to proclaim to those who live on the earth-to every nation, tribe, language and people." This would be done, as I understand it, after the church is raptured.
    As for the LCG or any other organization being the "true church" I think they make the mistake of thinking that the church is an organization, rather than the "body of Christ" an organism made up of all believers regardless of where they may fellowship. The expression in Rev 1:1, "must shortly come to pass", as I understand it, means that once the day of fulfillment comes, there will be no delay in its execution. Are you old enough to recall the fear that satanic messages were found in music when it is played backwards? You would only hear words that vaguely sound like "Satan", etc. if your brain was primed to hear it. Much like if someone suggested to you that there is a ghost image down the hallway. If you are looking for it, you will see it. HWA did this in his teaching. He would convince you that the churches are all wrong, then show you with a few passages taken out of context and other ignored altogether to say, "See, I told you so." I try to be careful not to read into passages my preconceived ideas (though I am not always successful in doing this). HWA had his views and then twisted the Scripture to make them fit his beliefs. Some who have been burnt by the teaching of HWA, like myself, spend years trying to unlearn his errors. Others will reject Christianity altogether. This is like someone who had a bad marriage and will never get married again. But HWA didn't represent true Christianity. There is a world of difference between what passes as Christianity and what is true Christianity.

  7. LCG claims to be preserving HWA's form of church government?

    Then why is LCG not a corporation sole, like HWA established for WCG?

    Then why can a 90 percent vote of LCG's Council of Elders remove the man leading the church?

    That article is a lie, and I am shocked that LCG would print it, when it is so obviously false. The truth is that LCG has made significant changes to HWA's form of government. If it is so important to keep HWA's form of government, both PCG and CCOG hold to HWA's form in a way that LCG does not. Why do LCG member put up with being lied to like this?

  8. Love includes keeping God’s Church clean of sinful practices (breaking of God’s Law, 1 Corinthians 5:1–8). At the same time, it does not include the invention of extreme and ungodly rules and regulations, such as the Pharisees added, that, if broken, will lead to disfellowshiping.

    Rules like, "don't go to a toga party unless you are a favored minister"?

    Rules like, "don't read the Book of Enoch, or else you'll need to make a big cash donation to stay in the church"?

    Rules like, "let the minister's kid assault you, or else your family will lose its third tithe assistance"?

    Are you sure this wasn't some kind of parody article? It seems to convict LCG of its problems by the way it ignorantly denies the obvious.

  9. "Dennis, why do you think HWA banned the 1978 S.T.P.? I scanned thru its 375 pages and it seems a fairly faithful suck-up to Armstrong Theology?"


    To write up even the exact words of HWA and systematically arrange them would delegate or at least divert power toward others than the "messianic leader" as the fountain of all wisdom.

    The STP was a first step in systematically arranging the theology of wcg exposing inconsistencies and fallacies.

    All this is a direct affront to the messianic leader with the direct connection with God.
    So of course the STP is harmless, even a building stone for those playing church. But it severs the founder from its source of power and potentially exposes his flaws in reasoning.


  10. Me thinks that any church, of any denomination, (including Protestants) cannot live up to the general statements such as LCG is attempting.

    In the end, it really comes down to the leadership and love of a local pastor, and the nature of the people in a local congregation.

  11. "Dennis, why do you think HWA banned the 1978 S.T.P.? I scanned thru its 375 pages and it seems a fairly faithful suck-up to Armstrong Theology?"

    Good question. I was 28 at the time and pastoring in Findlay, Ohio. I thought the STP was a real step in taking the church out of the early years of overzealous scriptural application in our times. I was very happy to see Divorce and Remarriage addressed and corrected big time. I had read "Divorce and Remarriage" by Guy Duty previously which nailed it nicely as not the boogey man WCG made it and it pretty much reflected that view which was a relief.

    Other much more balance was added to "Healing" issues.

    Then....BANG! HWA demands all copies be returned. I wish I had kept it but they probably were checking off a list of those who had failed to do so. I should have copied it at least. Then we went back to the dark ages under HWA's recent "resurrection from the dead."

    I think he didn't like Ted having anything to do with it with all his previous problems and perhaps. Most personalities like HWA, Flurry, Pack, Thiel and others simply don't like to admit they have been mistaken about anything. Actually they prove in time to be mistaken about most things it seems. Dave Pack is probably the most mistaken current example of mistakeness on the scene today. He has a hard lesson ahead of him as do his brain dead followers.

    I recall the meetings at that "Refresher" when we received the STP was exhausting and like a three week marathon. I saw and heard a lot of rancorous discussion and recall one close friend minister just yelling at the speaker "I know what you're up to ..." implying it was satan. This boy grew up fast that week.

    In hindsite the whole WCG experience was a drain and a waste for me personally. I forever regret youthful choices and my naive hope I could part of the next generation to bring balance to the zeal of HWA . I had NO clue about all the other shit going on behind the scenes for many years. I was also in deep denial at times because I still believed the basic Biblical view of WCG for a long time, until I simply educated myself on the things that now drive this group nuts when I express and write about them.

    I am completely at peace and inspired over the evolution of all life over the past 3.87 billion years. I can sit quietly with my prize 9 lbs Campo Del Cielo meteorite that was found about 500 years ago and lay around 6000 years waiting. I cut and polished the iron to almost mirror quality and it being the core of a long blown up star that spewed its guts into space to become our solar system and new sun informs me more than the Bible or WCG ever could.

    I should post a pic of it with its history, but it would just drive creationists among us nuts. lol

  12. This is God's true church? The church with Philadelphia love? Not one word about compassion, love, hope for those impacted by hurricane Harvey. Not one word about volunteering to help rescue stranded people. Not one word about taking up a collection for those who are now homeless. I have not read of any ACOG sending anything for the aid of those impacted by Harvey. The only people I have seen helping those in real need are those dirty ole sinners in the world.

  13. Herbs training was in marketing, not science. In science one tries to get as close to the laws of nature as possible to success, eg, airplane design and gardening. With marketing by contrast, the attitude is 'perceptions are everything, reality doesn't count.' It's marketing that permeated Herbs writings. According to him, AC taught students 'how to live,' his church is the 'Philadelphian church of love,' members aren't lorded over since it's 'administrating Gods government' etc, etc.

    All the ACOGs continue in this tradition.
    Members are expected to look away from reality, and believe all the nice marketing words instead. This is in sharp contrast to Christ's 'you shall know them (true 'truth') by their fruits (evidence, not marketing).

  14. STP was referred to as 'slide towards Protestantism' from the pulpit.
    I believe that summarizes Herbs take on STP.

  15. Dave has pointed out that the word Laodicean means 'the people rule' if one pulls the word about. However it is not a endorsement of top down government as he claims. Rather it means that man rather than Christ is ruling these churches. The teaching of the 'commandments of men' (eg tyranny) rather than the commands of God, thingy.

  16. Rules like, "don't read the Book of Enoch, or else you'll need to make a big cash donation to stay in the church"?

    One shocking detail that Rod McNair seems not to like to mention is that it was a Living University instructor who first recommended the Book of Enoch to a student. The instructor hasn't been disfellowshipped. In LCG, it's all about favoritism.

  17. We are firm and loving, but if only we lived a long time ago, church government would have been a lot easier.


  18. Then....BANG! HWA demands all copies be returned.

    I had heard the STP(now online) made soteriological strides - thus invoking the wrath of HWA - but was surprised to see no tangible reform in that respect (but maybe the framework for reform.) I think its preamble would have provoked HWA as it set a democratic tone, inviting papers to be submitted from ministers/members!

  19. A person who taught that God Himself revealed lost truths to him could never admit to being wrong on a doctrinal issue. He would lose all credibility. He had to remain infallible as the Pope on issues of faith and doctrine. To do otherwise would bring into questions a multitude of teachings.

  20. The basic problem is, regardless as to how they choose to paint it, or to make it seem reasonable, it is all still fanaticism. These are people who have all somehow become way out of balance. These are people who are "qualifying" to rule cities??? Believe I'll pass on moving into those neighborhoods!


  21. Connie said: "In the end, it really comes down to the leadership and love of a local pastor, and the nature of the people in a local congregation."
    Connie is right, but LCG has taken most of the men who could serve as pastors and moved them to Charlotte where their talents are wasted. How many elders now live in Charlotte that ought to be serving in the field? But, nobody cares if the local congregations languish. As Mario Hernandez says, "the most important work on the face of the earth" is taking place in Charlotte.

  22. Thanks to the non-christian attitude of LCG, my wife & I have found happiness in the Advent Christian Church.

  23. Anonymous September 4 at 8:13 AM says, "STP was referred to as 'slide towards Protestantism' from the pulpit.
    I believe that summarizes Herbs take on STP."

    If a slide towards Protestantism had begun, then STP would definitely have speeded up the process. It's extremely slippery.

  24. Dennis, I will give you my copy of the STP if you want it, still in the original notebook. Just let me know.

  25. Sleepless In Dixie said...

    Thanks to the non-christian attitude of LCG, my wife & I have found happiness in the Advent Christian Church.

    They conveniently have several local congregations in Charlotte!

    Advent Christian Church Congregation Locator

  26. Retired prof,
    The speedy slide towards Protestantism certainly did take place once Tkach took charge. I'm not saying Mr T's changes were right or wrong, but he should have been honest and upfront about what he was doing. Members had a right to know the churches theology, and hence leave if they disagreed.
    Instead, as is the church tradition, Tkach Sr lied through his teeth to the members.

  27. Floyd 1944,

    There are brethren in a couple of COGs in Dallas and Houston that have donated time and money to help, but I don't think the organizations themselves have done much.

    1. The ACOG method of disaster relief is to donate church literature to the shelters.

  28. We are not wishy-washy!

    But don't quote me on that.


  29. "[Love] does not include the invention of extreme and ungodly rules and regulations, such as the Pharisees added, that, if broken, will lead to disfellowshiping. We are not to be dictatorial or harsh in our approach. “And a servant of the Lord must not quarrel but be gentle to all, able to teach, patient, in humility correcting those who are in opposition…” (2 Timothy 2:24–25)."

    "We are not to instill fear of men in God’s people, but we are to strengthen, encourage, build and edify (Ephesians 4:11–16). It is our job to build families, not tear them apart"

    Does anyone in LCG actually believe that LCG practices this??? You would have to have head in the sand or be on drugs to think it's true!!! They OFTEN act like Pharisees, inventing reasons to disfellowship/ punish. They are impulsive and impetuous - the opposite of patient and humble.

    And that bit about LCG ministers not "installing fear" in the brethren!? I almost fell out of my seat. Fear is their milieu! Strengthen, build-up, not tear apart? I have never read a bigger pack of lies in my life. LCG leadership believe the ends justify the means. If they want you gone they won't hesitate to make up something. If they hear a rumor about you and they don't like you, they will quickly believe it without even pretending to investigate its legitimacy. Conversely, if you are one of their pets or a family member, you get of scott-free time and time again. Their justice scales are utterly corrupted.

    I question if the author of this piece of propaganda actually believes what he wrote or is it 100% propaganda for the blind LCG minions.

    It would be difficult to believe that anyone in Charlotte didn't have the exact same reaction I did which was complete shock and disbelief!

  30. This article was written by Mike Disimone, Bob League's replacement. He went from a regular kiss-ass member to the co-pastor of the Charlotte congregations in about 5 minutes.

    Mike once told me that if "Mr. Meredith says it, it's the same as if it were written in the Holy Bible" (blasphemy in my opinion). His idolatry of Rod Meredith was astonishing (which explains exactly why he rose to the top so quickly).

    He co-pastors the Charlotte congregation with one of the most evil men I have ever encountered, Rod McNair. McNair quickly changed Mike from a slightly dull, kindly goofy man to Pharisetical bully. They change was palpable. It made it difficult to remain his friend because the power dynamic was off putting.

    Mike is now McNair's lap dog and just another boot-licker which is sad to see.

    That being said, I'm not sure if he believes what he wrote or if he was paid to produce this illusion in an effort to change the harsh, fear-mongering image that LCG minister have earned among the articles readers.

    Either way... poor Mike. Lies are lies regardless.

  31. The Church of God is a body of people. Sure some of those people might be in LCG but others stay home or go to other churches.

    LCG has to peddle this lie that they are the "one and only true COG" in an effort to maintain MONEY and POWER.

    The COG is NOT a cooperation.

    Membership has nothing to do where your butt sits for Sabbath services and everything to do with your character IN ACTION.

  32. If LCG is in charge of "warning the world", the world is totally screwed.

  33. @ Anon 8:11 AM

    That being said, I'm not sure if he believes what he wrote or if he was paid to produce this illusion in an effort to change the harsh, fear-mongering image that LCG minister have earned among the articles readers.

    I think Mike is trying to convince himself that he hasn't made a terrible mistake in letting McNair turn him into a Stepford Elder.

    Any LCG member knows that some of Mike's comments in the article are blatantly false. LCG does not follow HWA's government, but has changed it to allow the Council of Elders to vote out the Presiding Evangelist in case of heresy or medical incapacity. That's voting, which Mike says never goes on in God's Church. LCG's form of government isn't in the Bible, either. They made it up to avoid another Tkach situation or another Global Church of God situation.

    Also, Mike condemns Pharasaical rules leading to disfellowshipment, as if he doesn't know what has gone on in Charlotte right under his nose.

    It also doesn't seem to bother Mike that LCG is cutting back on preaching the gospel compared to what it did 10 years ago. Ten years ago, Dr. Meredith insisted that the first commission must be the church's first priority. Now, Mike has watered that down and says "putting only minimal available resources toward it is not enough." Yet that's exactly what LCG has done, refusing to cut back on Jim Meredith's travel or on ministerial salaries, and instead spending only what is "available" on the first commission instead of cutting other unnecessary expenditures to fund the media.

    Mike can't be this stupid. This leads me to believe that he is afraid, and is doing all he can to convince himself that he didn't throw away a good career just to become a kapo for Rod McNair.

  34. LCG members must be spiritually blind. Consider Gerald Weston's comment from that same magazine issue:

    Dr. Meredith prayed that God would scatter his enemies, and that is exactly what He did!

    That's very Old Testament. But what does Jesus say?

    Matthew 5:44 "But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you."

    Was Meredith's approach to his enemies "firm, gentle, and loving"? Was it even Christian?
