Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, September 2, 2017

Dave Pack: My Sermons Are So Great Even Little Children Like Them

Dave says:
And one of the wonderful things that my condition brought about is…In these wonderful letters from people that are wishing me well and saying encouraging things and talking about their children and grandchildren, is also the fact that so many of them take occasion to tell me how this has opened up questions they could never see before; things that are just amazing to watch it all come together; they don’t want the series to end, and on and on. I’ve been hearing that all along but when you get a stack of cards…I mean, I sat last night, yet again, reading my latest stack of cards and some of them go two pages. And I’ve read every word.
I open them up, and here’s little butterflies that a little girl wrote me, who couldn’t spell her own name right. So cute. She had to be a little bitty thing. But there…but cute! “Get better Mr. Pack!” You know, and every letter in the word “Get better” is different size…You know how that is…and it trails off down the corner because they didn’t plan for spacing…It’s the cutest thing. And there’re drawings and flowers and pictures of me…not look-alikes, obviously…not photographs. But you know, I love it! It’s wonderful!
People love the things that they’re hearing and I’ve even had some children say they like the sermons which is…which is wonderful. “Now, say to Mr. Pack you like those sermons”…I can sort of hear that from the parents in the background. Maybe that’s the way that it gets in there. But I actually have had a few do that, so that’s wonderful, too.


  1. Judging from the suspension of intellect required to be his disciple, I can imagine that some of his adult followers write like that too....every letter a different size.

    "Now tell Mr. Pack you liked his sermon......or else! "

  2. "I love my narcissistic supply, and they love me!"

  3. From a John Cleese character: I hope it's nothing trivial.

    Disenchanted RCG member: If you are to die, may you die peacefully in your sleep. Soon.

    For myself, I'd rather that Dave have a near death experience, or a Damascus road encounter. Then, he uses his proverbial second chance to admit that he's a phony, it's mostly crock, and he will try to make amends the best he can.

  4. At least his church isn't a zombie church... yet.

    The ironically named "Living" Church of God offers 32 different booklets, but 24 of them were written by people who are now dead.

    LCG Booklets

    When Dave dies, it will be a 100% zombie operation.

  5. Well, not a surprise... little kids love Clowns, circuses, carnivals and zoos too! All wrapped up in a show every Saturday for the children!

  6. Because we "know" Dave Pack, and his penchant for hyperbole and exploitation, it's easy to just dismiss this illness thing he's recently divulged. But, it's also possible that it is something quite serious or life threatening, and not just something like a pre-cancerous skin tag that he's blowing up to his advantage. One thing is certain. This is a guy who can't shut up. Whatever is going through his mind comes out his mouth. I suspect we will hear much more on this topic in the near future. Like HWA, he might even claim to be raised from the dead.


  7. What Pack doesn't know is that he is about to die. All that stealing for nothing. Who will take over RCG? Will the people finally begin to see and leave? It all reminds me of the parable of the rich man who stated this and that about building this and that, and then dropped dead. Knock, knock. Who's there? I'm here to pick you up.

  8. Maybe this is where "David Pack" dies and is somehow replaced by "David Christ"?

  9. Malm reports:

    "David Pack is to have heart surgery in the coming days. All heart surgery is dangerous and even if successful Dave will be out of circulation for weeks in recovery mode."

  10. "Children" is Pack Code for. "Council Memebers."

  11. I wonder if Dave Pack doesn't at least occasionally wonder if he hasn't painted himself back into a corner. With the continued failure of his prophecies and dreams, I would imagine that he'd get caught up in thinking, "Man, I wish it was just over! I'm tired! Why do I have to keep doing all of this horrible crap!"


  12. Hoss wrote:

    For myself, I'd rather that Dave have a near death experience, or a Damascus road encounter. Then, he uses his proverbial second chance to admit that he's a phony, it's mostly crock, and he will try to make amends the best he can.

    "Brethren, I now see that HWA was a conman. I have wasted my life as a victim and a perpetrator of his con. I'm closing down the church, and going into retirement. No, you can't have your 'common' back. Goodbye!"

  13. Being the king of the Armstrong-fundamentalists, he must steadfastly eschew the "false god"of medical science with its "drugs, knives, and pills"(Meredith quote)

  14. Actually, I was the one who wrote 'get well Mr Pack.' I was drunk and high on drugs when I wrote it.

  15. Connie: James Malm is too stupid to know that the info about Dace's heart condition was from his sermon many weeks ago. Malm read it here and rewrote the story with the exact same info I posted. Malm also jumped to the conclusion that Dave is planning heart surgery very soon. Dave has never said that, so once again Malm is a bearer of half truths and outright lies. Once more Malm proves he is incapable of following all of Gods laws no matter how zealous he is.

    1. And of course, the bigger issue is, can you trust anything that a person who just flat makes things up says or teaches?


  16. I've yet to work out how one zealously obeys Gods laws, as Malm puts it.
    I mean, how do you zealously not steal, or zealously not lie.
    What's the difference between 'normal' not stealing, and zealous not stealing?

  17. Replacement of a heart valve is no big thing. They cut yours out and replace it with a pig heart valve. This makes Dave double unclean in Gods eyes.

  18. From the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks. Jesus Christ spoke abundantly of good things. David Pack speaks abundantly of himself. The first identifying sign of a bad tree.

  19. How would Pack know that children like his sermons? Are there even any children left in the RCG?

  20. Is that adorable illustration for this post a picture of Connie as a little girl?

  21. Practicing Salvation-by-Works is a lot of worry, tough on the heart.
