Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, September 1, 2017

Dave Pack: Paul Had It Wrong, I Am The Only One On Earth To Understand And Explain The Antichrist!

Dave Pack has declared he is the only one who knows what the book of Habakkuk is about and that he is the ONLY one in the entire world who understands the book or what who the Antichrist is.  This is going to cause Almost arrested and jailed Bob Thiel major butt hurt since he claims he is the only one who knows what Habakkuk is about and that he actually is the modern day Habakkuk.  Can these two get any sillier?
And I’m going to say what Paul did—because I know what Paul believed was right, in the wrong time setting. I look out and see wars, rumors, commotions of all kinds and I know time is close! And it is my job to proclaim it, because nobody understands Habakkuk or all of the verses. Have you heard anyone else on Earth explain the Antichrist? This horrific monster—no one understands him. One man read plain on the tables—that’s the reading part—and I rushed, I literally preached it at the conference over a year ago, the day I discovered it. And of course, I discovered much, much more and presented it to the Church the day before Pentecost a year ago.
I proclaimed it! And I’ve been doing it and you’re going to find hundreds and hundreds of thousands and millions of people are going to watch this. At some point, it’s going to go viral. We had more good financial news this month, without getting into it, besides the Pentecost offering. That’s not the only good thing that’s happened and we’re only on the 10th of the month. And a lot of it happened before anybody even heard last week’s sermon, never mind this week.


  1. Soon, the New Revised David Pack Edition of the Bible:

    Matthew 5:10. "Blessed are those who are persecuted for knowing the correct explanation of Habakkuk, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

    Matthew 5:43-44. "You have heard that it was said, "Love your neighbor and hate your enemy." But I tell you, love your enemies and understand Habakkuk's prophecies correctly."

    Matthew 12:50. "For whoever correctly explicates Habakkuk in the end-times is My brother and sister and mother."

    Matthew 19:14. "Jesus said, "Let the little children come to Mr. Pack, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as know the correct prophetic interpretation of Habakkuk."

  2. Dave asks: "...Have you heard anyone else on Earth explain the Antichrist?..."

    For one thing, the Bible John told us about "many antichrists."

    1 John 2:18 Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.

    So, which antichrist does Dave Pack have in mind?

    For another thing, does Dave Pack's version of Jesus Christ look like "another Jesus?" Does Dave Pack believe that Jesus Christ came 100% in the flesh, or is Dave's Jesus a "combo:" a combination of God and man?

    If the latter, then John addressed that too and it has to do with preaching the spirit of antichrist:

    1 John 4:3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

    If David Pack believes that Jesus was something other than "in the flesh," and that's all, then he is preaching the spirit of antichrist:

    2 John 1:7 For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.

    And if David Pack teaches that his Jesus did not come solely in the flesh, then not only would Dave Pack be a deceiver, but Dave Pack would be an antichrist: one of many antichrists!

    And time will tell...


  3. HMMM... Lets see, Dave Pack claims to be a Christ like figure. Would that make him the Anti Christ, and that is how he knows it?

  4. Poor Dave and his pathetic puny campus next to Giant Eagle... The JW's with their brand new HQ in Warwick NY make all these ACOG's look like lemonade stands!


  5. Well, there was clearly something in the water in Pasadena in the 1950s and '60s. Not just at Green and Orange Grove, either. There were the bizarre undertones behind JPL and early rocket science. A lot of weirdness, and some of our latter day leaders bought into it completely. Me, I just wanted to rock n roll and get into the So. Cal hotrod scene. Can we all imagine Dave Pack having such a mindset as that?

    It's also difficult to imagine what would have happened if somehow I'd been accepted at Bricket Wood. What a mismatch from hell that would have been! I suspect that if you rotated some of the very prominent people around to different of the three campuses, the results in the directions of their lives would be dramatically different. At Pasadena, I literally had some people critiquing me who later were convicted of committing crimes for which they were imprisoned. And, I'm talking about upper classmen and ministers who were looked up to and respected by nearly everybody at that time. Really strange.


  6. According to their dissident sites, the JW had to downside their HQ in order to settle child molestation suites.

  7. Isn't it funny? The antichrist's initials are A.C?

  8. Dave Packrat clearly suffers mental problems. He is delusional if he believes the bull shit he is force feeding his cult.

  9. I know what Paul believed was right, in the wrong time setting.

    That would make Paul a false prophet, because his time setting was FALSE!

  10. Byker Bob,

    I'm not sure if you saw my second post under the earlier "personal calling" illegitimate theme, but I want to be sure you know I appreciate your response. I realize that most Christians are trying to do the right thing, and that Christianity is generally a force for good. I am not anti-Christian, and I understand the beliefs offer comfort in times of need. It feels good to think we have the "answers".

    I noted in your recent post that you were a student at AC in Pasadena. I was a student there from 1962-1966, and employed from graduation until I was fired in 1973 for disagreeing with my boss. The times were stressful as the divisions were beginning, and he wanted to give a short sermon before work everyday.

    I am just wondering if there is a chance you and I ever met.

    Thanks to this website, I was able to meet Dennis Diehl this summer in Portland. We were on the Pasadena campus at the same time for a few years, but probably never met. It was an honor to meet and visit with Dennis. He is a man of integrity and strength, and he expresses himself well on this site, as do you.

    I am not requesting a meeting, but wondering if we ever met in Pasadena. I assume Byker Bob is an alias, and not your legal name. Small joke.

    1. Gerald, we most assuredly met, but I wanted to hold back on reconnecting for a while to make sure of where you were coming from, and it has become abundantly clear that you are a good and trustworthy individual. A lot of what I post publically might make people in the ACOGs hassle my parents, if I used my real name, and a lot of people from the different splinters do read here. So, in being secretive about my identity, you might say I'm pleading the 5th (commandment, that is).

      But, I was in your dorm at Orr, later I was best buds with your brother Paul, (was with him and your dad the day he bought the old '51 Plymouth from Mrs. Cocorico, put a clutch in it, and rebuilt the carb for him), and I was at your parents' house all the time back in the '70s. Your family had worked with my family on the site at the Dells. In a way, when I met your brothers and parents, I felt as if I already knew them.

      Anyhoo, it just occurred to me that most of us from the old days are all connected with one another in some way, and this might be something good and encouraging to play out in the presence of the greater audience of Banned. Liked you back in the day as my dorm counsellor, like you now, we're good! Sorry for all the shaving cream fights. One of my snoops who worked at Imperial read your evaluation of me for that summer, and you were kind to me in your essay.


  11. It is another manifestation of fear based religion that someone is afraid to admit that he doesn't know the answer or even to not have any answer. Why do we have to know the answer to everything? God doesn't always tell us where he's leading us. Would follow him out of trust.

  12. Gordon,
    God typically does tell us where he is leading us. God explained to Abraham His plans for him from the very beginning. The church's Abraham 'just blindly obeyed' is not correct. God explained to Moses most of what He was going to do in leading Israel to the red sea, and explained His plans when he called Saul.
    This 'God doesn't explain' are minister code words. It's they who expect to be blindly obeyed. No explanations offered. No questions asked!

    1. I think you have cited exceptions to the general principle.

  13. BB
    You said you thought it strange that some students and ministers were locked up for committing crimes. Not really. As I have pointed out on occasion, Herbs church has a taboo on rights. Church culture rather is collectivist. For instance, Dave's 'common' is only stretching the informal view of ownership in the church.
    Respect for borders and boundaries is not taught, believed, and persons like myself are thought strange for just pointing this out.

    1. 11:44~ I understood when I learned that a former minister in one case, and two grads in a totally different case were convicted for being involved in some scams, because scamming was the very basis of the WCG. But, it really blew me away to learn that a friend I had worked with every day for several years had later gone on to murder his wife.

      So far as the collectivist thing goes, we recognized that back in the '70s, often comparing the WCG to the commies or nazis. Some of us indulged in a letter-writing campaign in an effort to persuade the feds not to give the old Vista del Arroyo Hotel to Ambassador College. John Trechak came out with perhaps the best letter, pointing out that free speech and some of the other freedoms outlined in the founding documents of our country were highly restricted or nonexistent at AC. We didn't have the internet back then, but would get together over beer and chips for bull sessions on a lot of the issues of the day. Some great activism was spawned by those sessions.

      We were taught extreme borders and boundaries in the church and at the college. Unfortunately, those all related to our behavior towards the church and ministers. And there were a lot of rules. It's just that those rules didn't protect or respect the rights and privacy of individuals.

