Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, September 29, 2017

Living Church of God: You Will Dress Properly At The Feast!

Church of God members have always been considered too stupid to know how to dress properly.  Year after year, the Churches of God have to reinforce and admonish their wayward members on what proper dress should be. Keep those money-makers under control! 
Appropriate Dress at the Feast 
Basic Principles of Dress and Decorum: As we prepare to be “lights to the world” at the Feast, it’s good to review some basic principles about our outward decorum and dress. When we look to the Scriptures we find definite instructions about dress for both men and women—instructions that our modern liberal societies and also some members of God’s Church seem to forget or ignore, unless they are reminded periodically. Jesus stated in a parable that some invited to the wedding supper will be turned away because they are not dressed appropriately (Matthew 22:8-14). Individuals who feel that God only looks on the heart, and therefore is not concerned about how we dress when we come before Him, are simply missing the point of Scripture. We have taught for decades that when we come to services, we are coming before the God of the universe and we should dress in the best we have, to show proper respect to God. 
In most modern cultures, coats, collared shirts, ties and nice slacks are considered appropriate attire for men on special occasions. Jeans, T-shirts, tennis shoes or other sportswear are simply not in good taste at special occasions or at Church services.  This may vary in tropical climates, yet, in all climates there is a distinction between what is appropriate and what is not. 1 Timothy 2:9-10 explains that ladies should dress “in modest apparel, with propriety and moderation.” This does not condone the trendy and immodest apparel that is commonplace for many women in our society today: short, tight, form-fitting dresses, necklines displaying cleavage, bare shoulders, backless dresses, belly-baring tops, etc.  These are simply not appropriate forms of attire for Church services and many other situations! We come to services to worship God, not to display our bodies. Just because something is comfortable or acceptable in our modern society does not make it appropriate at Church. When people dress in a manner that attracts attention to their bodies, they become a distraction to others from the real reasons for being at services. 
Our challenge as Christian men and women is to come out of this world (2 Corinthians 6:17) and recapture true values (Matthew 17:11) so we can be lights to a world that has lost its way (Matthew 5:14-16).  This is especially true as we gather to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles—picturing Christ’s glorious reign on earth!  (Source: “Example and Bringing Honor to God” by Dr. Douglas Winnail, Ministerial Bulletin, July-August, 2012)


  1. The secret message is that if you can afford the latest styles, you must not be being diligent in giving the disposable portion of your income to the church.

    What's so funny is that many of these people probably pray in the morning in their underwear, when they are really appearing before God, but stress out over wearing just the right combination of 1940s styles to services where they are on review by the super deacons and ministry. God is probably more offended by all the pagan sex symbols in their Masonic meeting halls.

    Some Pharisee should research out all of the clothing styles worn by the Levitical priests and the children of Israel to all of the Old Covenant rituals of Moses' day!


  2. What they are really saying is that if you cannot afford proper clothing then you are not tithing enough.

  3. Under the guise of modest dress, some are pushing on others 'old peoples clothes.'

    1. Not so. Surely we can consider the saying don't tempt the devil. People can dress modest and not look like an old person. I am a woman and to me a looser fit is a better fit.

  4. Great comment, BB. *IF* one has God's HS ..... has Christ 'living in him or her', then when are they NOT "before God"? When do they NOT worship God? Only when they come to the tabernacle or some special place designated by man? "When Moses is read, a veil remains .... etc".
    I think it was Sid Hegvold that first got me to thinking about it when he said that the COG"S have always had the KOG and millennium mixed up as being the same thing. The most important focus all year is the FOT and even next year's FOT, and that is pretty much where the planning goes and goal ends. Yet when I read the NT, I don't find any such emphasis, but rather Eternal life. (Also there is nothing in scripture that even hints that the FOT pictures that 1000 year period ..... just the declaration by HWA).

  5. If the blood clotting condition I have let me travel anywhere hundreds of miles to get to an fot site I'd be dressed wrong cuz of my fibromyalgia I can't wear a dress coat or tie, I wear western wear shirts (aka Wrangler, Levi...) bcuz they don't feel like sandpaper & walking shoes bcuz a pair of dress shoes are several hundred dollars bcuz I'm flat footed so the fashion police would toss me out if not for . My mom & stepdad

  6. God was ok with them being naked in the garden. Then the upgrade to fig leaves. Today however, if you don't have tie that chokes and the proper pants God won't acknowledge you.

  7. Aren't we always before the God of this universe in our everyday lives? The idea that we only come before God when we attend a religious service is absurd. This is the culture of organized religion. First we must attend a church,(insert a name), to be approved by God, then we must conform to the rules of that church to be considered by that group to be acceptable. The bottom line is that religious institutions are nothing but inventions of men along with all their rules and regulations.

  8. It's a lot easier focusing on externalities such as dress and appearance then it is to cleanse the heart. And I expect that this is why we are counseled, and I am sure it is not only women, to let our beauty be the inward beauty rather than the outward show.

  9. Ed
    I don't agree. On the Sabbath day, at Sabbath services, one should dress in a way that shows respect for God. I notice that some Televangelists are dressing casually (open shirt, no coat, and slacks) on the Sabbath when they give their sermon. To me it's cheap. The post modern thingy.

  10. Gerald Flurry's church does not condone "makeup". Yet pictured is Flurry fraternizing with other women who are wearing it! And at "the Sacred Armstrong Auditorium" no less. Cohorting with Jezebels and Harlots, and appearing to be enjoying it!

    PS- There is a lot of commentary about the "outerwear" but no mention about underwear in the posting. It raises many questions. Does this mean that you should only wear fancy, more pricey, Bordelle, Agent Provocateur or Victoria Secret bras and panties to church, or will Target or Walmart brands be ok? Is "commando" acceptable? INQUIRING MINDS NEED TO KNOW!

  11. "You vill dress properly at the feast" Sieg heil Dr. Win Nail!

  12. Flurry in that pic, though. I don't think he was thinking what God thought, but rather "..every girl's crazy 'bout a sharp dressed man"


  13. If you believe the Exodus story they left with the clothes on their back. When they are taught about the Sabbath, is there anything in scripture about a new set of clothes?

  14. At what point did Jesus ever tell someone to leave his presence because He didn't like what they were wearing? It isn't out of respect for God, it's out of respect for man. If no one was dressed up then no one would notice how nice they all looked.

  15. 9:51


    Thank you very much for your question regarding the undergarments.
    Depending on the affiliation there will be an answer provided by: the doctrinal committee (5 men above the age of 55 will be appointed), the apostle, the prophet, or the council (to be disbanded and fired according to the bylaws if the answer will not be satisfying to the council appointed by the apostle(s).

    WCG has always consorted with the finest of female specimens adorned with colors prohibited by their members. You should have seen the PCG lawyer beating the old fox Helge at his copyright game. An acomplished teamleader, extremely competent, skilful and beautiful. This last trait will probably be denied by herself in the morning, before she has put up her war paint.


  16. These clothing edicts could also be taken as classist elitism. I work with a broad cross-section of people in our industry. Presidents of companies who wear suits to work and drive Tesla S's, mid management staff who usually wear business casual, and the actual floor personnel, who wear whatever they have available and either drive older vehicles or take the bus.

    It's a lot more expensive and inconvenient to require everyone (out of their own pockets) to acquire the attire of the company president, than for all the members to dress as the man on the street. Why make a basic laborer feel pretentious and uncomfortable in his only suit that he bought specifically for sabbath services, when you could have everyone wearing comfortable clothes similar to what the company presidents actually wear at home?

    These edicts are a vestigial reflection of HWA, plain and simple. We all know who he liked to be seen with. If the current crop of ACOG leaders had never fallen under HWA's influence, they would most likely be empaths, and naturally gravitate towards more egalitarian attire. It's the best way to make poor people feel comfortable and part of the group. Pack doesn't even allow sport coats and penny loafers!


  17. clothing is cultural...I wouldn't expect someone in North Africa to dress like someone in the USA.

    as long as it's your best, and it's clean, what's the problem?

  18. I got rid of my suits and ties 20 plus years ago when I left WCG. I attended Global CG a few times and was so turned off by the self righteous attitudes that I never went back. It took a few months but I finally realized how brain washed I had been. I realized HWA was a fraud and con artist. My relationship with Jesus is based on New Covenant principles not on attending church in a suit and tie. I am more concerned with helping people suffering from the natural disasters in Texas, Florida and Puerto Rico plus the earth quake in Mexico. I have learned more from Dennis, Bikker Bob, No2HWA, Gary and some others than I ever did at AC or WCG.

  19. Pity the Mormons who are required to wear special underwear (both men and women) to remind them to be chaste.

  20. Would it be alright to attend their services in the modest swimwear prescribed by the preceding article?

  21. I thought that comparative to the size of Italy there were few members of wcg and explained it through their deep cultural family ties and catholicism.

    It finally dawns on me that a prohibition of speedo's might be a major stumbling block there.

    I do however remember that sweet swedish girl at SEP camp causing major shock and awe among the American crowd. O how love I thy law.......


  22. "that is, because of her swim attire and European type innocence"

