Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Are Church Members Losing Their Ability To Buy, Sell and Hold Jobs

Life is really tough for the Kitchen clan right now.  The world is conspiring against them to prohibit their ability to buy things, sell things and to even hold a job!  That is all pretty interesting considering they just relaunched their window cleaning business to include cleaning RV's and graveyard headstones.

Vile and evil systems are working behind the scenes to bring the Kitchen's down as well as their "spiritual organism" they claim as their church.  I am sure it is those evil Jesuits!  They have been working overtime to bring down the Church of God, or should I say, Worldwide Church of God, since they have stolen the name along with all of Herb's writings and claimed them as their own.  The Jesuits have combined with Satan to sift out the Laodicean chafe that makes up most of the church today.  The only true remnant are the Kitchens, all three of them.

As usual, the god of the Kitchen's is testing them and the rest of the church.  That seems to be all their god ever does.  Everyone is automatically set up for failure due to the law they claim to follow. Their god has instructed "Christ" to come and chop some heads off on the chopping block  "Christ" seems eternally pissed off too.

When will the Kitchen's and the rest of the church ever learn to rest?  Rest in the one they claim to follow but do not.

The Church is learning to give up everything for Christ and His Work. And we are loosing the ability to buy, sell and hold a job! The Work is about to be cut short in righteousness. When the United States of Europe rises up from working underground, they will seek to kill those of the Worldwide Church of God! God's Word reveals it.(Rev. 12:14-17) 
But since WW2, that system has been working underground. And since the late 1970's it has PERSECUTED THE TRUE CHURCH! And since the death of God's apostle, God's Church has been scattered due to that persecution. Satan has set up a great sifting machine, and Gods people who hold fast, will COME OUT OF IT FOR THE BETTER! But God says to COME OUT OF IT! Not to stay in Babylon.
We, each individually, are being TESTED by God, to see if we truly love Him and His Ways, His Laws and Truth, or do we love this world? Some of your brethren ARE LUKEWARM, and riding the fence, not making known your loyalties. Jesus Christ is going to kick you off the fence, and you will have GIVE UP your life at the chopping block! Something you should have been doing all along for Christ.


  1. A couple key words come to mind. One is perception, the unique and personalized vision that each of us possesses. The others are self-fulfilling prophecy. It's been my experience that things or conditions generally come into alignment with what we perceive or visualize. What we see happening around us and affecting us is all to often just a mirror of our own souls. Expecting the positive, rather than all of Armstrongism's embedded negatives has made some really profound differences in my life.


  2. JFC, when I was in worldwide church I couldn't keep a job because of those Jewish feast days!

    1. I suppose that there are some occupations in which an unbroken continuity of attendance is essential to the job, but as an employer I know how valuable loyal and competent employees are and suppose that there are some occupations in which an unbroken continuity of attendance is essential to the job, but as an employer I know how valuable loyal and competent employees are and I think most employers would be quite accommodating and lenient towards an employee that needs some days off here and there.

    2. So much for modern technology. ..but you know what I mean.

  3. Getting "dis-membered" by the Church,however, is a good thing. The kindest cut of all!


    Q: What do you call cheese that isn’t yours?
    A: Nacho cheese!

    Q: What did the baby corn say to its mom?
    A: Where’s my pop corn?

    Q: What do you call a fake noodle?
    A: An Impasta.

    Q: Why did the tomato blush?
    A: Because it saw the salad dressing!

    Q: Why don’t eggs tell jokes?
    A: They’d crack each other up!

  5. Giving up everything for the work? That's what Herb used to say, over and over "nothing else matters except the work." At the same time Herb lived in a mansion, sipped champagne in his private jet, stayed in five star hotels, and was treated like a god in his personal church. And not forgetting, he used golden and silver dinner ware.
    Boy, he really sacrificed every thing for the work, and practiced what he preached.

  6. Q: What do you call a Pasadena plant that tries to pollenate a daughter plant?
    A: A Herb.

  7. According to Herbies auto-biography he did put it all on the line for the work--in the early days. But we only have his word for it. So you can't "prove all things" with respect to anything in his autobiography. It belongs in the recycling bin.

    1. Given the time period in which he was doing it, with the newspapers shutting down left and right, it couldnt have been too tough a decision for him.
      Interestingly, when I've tried to look up some of the small papers he claimed to have worked for, I can't find any info about them online. Makes me wonder if thats just coincidence or if he changed the names on purpose in his recollections.

  8. Hey Gordon, if you keep Jewish holidays and aren't Jewish they think you are weird and you don't fit in and they don't want any kooks around the workplace.

    1. Maybe you lived in a really prejudiced area. I don't know. But I would think there would be somewhere that would accept you. Or maybe you have a very specialized occupation which has very few employers.

      I hope things have worked out since.

    2. Well, I did once have to interview a lady who suddenly demanded of me "Is this a good Christian company???" during the interview. When I joked that there was a difference between a Christian company and a company of Christians, she began telling us how she was there to "win souls" and giving us all directions to her church unsolicited.
      She didnt get the job, so yes, we don't like kooks. On the other hand, I should point out that the question didn't make our decision, it was the following demonstration that she'd probably be harassing the people she'd be working with. We had plenty of devout people on staff who didnt work Sundays, it wasn't a huge deal.
      So maybe its like they say on those silly fishing shows, "IT ALL IN TH' PRESENTATION MAAAAAAAN"

  9. At Embarrassing College, upon launching an occasional legitimate complaint, one used to hear, "Why Bob, you don't realize how good you have it? Don't you know that in the early years of the college, Mr. And Mrs. Herbert Armstrong had to eat beans, just to keep the work going?" My frustrated and smart assed response was: "My! How the work has grown! Now we all get to eat beans!"

    Also, having grown up as a religious minority, by the time I reached adulthood, I was accustomed to acting the part of the rebel outlaw. I never gave people the chance to put me down for the Jewish aspects of our belief system. I'd tell them right up front that I was Jewish! Some of my ACOG buddies were a bit taken aback when I did this in front of them, but I set them at ease by invoking the spiritual Jew thingie.

    Most of the people whom I knew that were fired allegedly for keeping the sabbath were mediocre employees who were difficult to get along with, and the sabbath and holydays were used as a pretense to get rid of them.


  10. Great response BB,

    That anti semite needs to be countered.

    I love your frustration about the bean thing and well the product thereof in your dorm.....:-)

    Your response is much alike one of those 1970"s jokes from readers digest about the communist system and everybody being poor.

    I know you didn't like the college experience for its contents, but still compared to "La Boheme" or my 2-3 square meter moldy shack it "sounds" a bit spoiled. In my church area some guys even went so far in their "jewishness" to serve in the Israeli Defense Forces as nurses.


    1. It is of no value, nck, to live in opulent circumstances if the overlying atmosphere is ugly and oppressive. Better to live in a shack where there is peace and human dignity.

      If nothing else, Armstrongism and the Adventist movement which spawned it has proven the uselessness, or inapplicability of prophecy in our times. The holy days were fulfilled by Jesus Christ, they did not take on a new meaning related to HWA's theories and time-table. 6,000 years for man was disproven by the non-events of 1975, and the continuing non-event status of their revisions. The millennium does not require a specific 6,000 years for man as its antecedent. It can be self-standing, and timed for when God sees fit.

      Christian values, if anyone ever gets around to actually practicing them, are the pervasive message of the New Testament, and the need for them is the lesson of the Old Testament. Armstrongism was a special type of blindness which kept people from understanding this, focussing instead on obsessive-compulsive practicing of rituals that never succeeded in elevating human nature.


  11. Everybody poor in communism? Where was that? Russia was never communist. China supposedly is but their GDP is about five times that of the USA. Africa is mostly capitalist and it's a basket case. The Phillipines were always capitalist and were always a lot worse than the USSR. Stop believing ignorant propaganda myths and use your head.

  12. That anti semite needs to be countered.

    The anti-gentile thing needs to be countered. The top seven financial doners to the Clinton campain were all fabulously rich Jews. Jews are 40% of the billionaries in the USA. We have the best politicians money can buy.

  13. Whatever you say!

    The World Tomorrow will be upon us very soon, at least for 1.5 billion people and the rest will follow.



  14. Why does every conversation have to get hijacked by NCK with politics, fair trade, and his other pets peeves? It is tiring and I stop reading any more responses.

    1. It would be refreshing to see this blog upgraded. Tendering unsubstantiated harangues and accusing the dead or the living without probable evidence should be disallowed. People write the lamest things on here as a result of this editorial deficiency. I get that a free market of information is important, but a lot of what's on here is not information.

  15. Totally agree about nck 12:18...the guy is a pompous ass

  16. 12:18

    Just ignore any message signed with nck. Just as I ignore all anonymous posters without an identifier.

    Its as easy as studying a HWA authored 19 page booklet. Try it, it will get you far.


  17. 2.18 PM
    You are the only one making that complaint (for the second time). I find Ncks comments interesting and thought provoking.
    I don't see a comment of your own on this post.
    Feel welcome to take your marbles and go home.

  18. Gordon
    I remind you that ministers keep dirt files on members. It's both written down and verbally passed along by elders and other ministers. Members are not given access to this information, which deprives them of the ability to protect their reputations.
    At the end of attending services many years ago, I discovered that my first minister had made a string of calculated lies about me. This caused difficulties with my last minister.

    Ministers as a group are in no moral position to complain about 'unsubstantiated harangues.'

    1. I am aware of the practice of church pastors recording impressions about members because at least 2 of them told me they did that, and one even told me what he had written in it about me. But what happens on this site is that deprecating comments are made about some people who never made such files on members. Some of the targets were in administration. And even if they were pastors and made comments, you don't know that the targets of the comments at this site made nasty comments about members. You are painting all of the ministry with a very wide brush. You are making each one accountable for what each of the others did. That is unjust. And in my opinion, Justice is better than Injustice, and mercy is better than both. Even if the guilty are the targets here, why not be better than them?

  19. Anyone can fake an identifier. Calling yourself NCK or BB or whatever does not tell anyone who you are so everyone here is anonymous except Gary and Denis ... maybe a few others. But we don't know who is using their real names anyway. So if you ignore anon. don't read this blog, 'cause everyone is pretty much anon.

    1. There may be more going on here than you are aware of, 6:34. Me, anonymous? More like limited anonymity to keep the practicing, unrehabillitated COGlodytes from hassling my parents and other family members.

      But, let's take inventory. I've got at least one former classmate from AC here, a former ministerial assistant from one of our local church areas, my counsellor from SEP. Gary knows my name, and I suspect that Dennis does as well, due to friends we had in common, although he entered AC the year after I left. I also know some of the anonymous ones, who have various reasons to maintain their privacy. Probably about ten trusted individuals here know my real name.

      My picture from the Envoy and some of the publications has been posted in past years, and the picture of the dude hiking in the mountains on every post is actually me. In other words, I've been as up front and honest with you guys as I can possibly be while pleading the Fifth (commandment).


  20. Regardless, I see no evidence that COGlodytes are in some sort of position as a group that cannot buy or sell. Sorry to cut into the Kitchens' freneticism, but their money spends aa well as anyone's.

  21. "Are Church Members Loosing Their Ability To Buy, Sell and Hold Jobs"

    "Loosing" = "Unleashing"

    "Losing" = "Giving Up, No Longer Having"

    Does Church membership unleash members' ability to buy, sell and hold jobs? I don't think so!

  22. BB: I like beans. Beans are our friends. Beans are good and good for you. Beans seem to have a bad reputation. Eating beans is associated with poverty and seems to be just one step away from eating dog food, but that sort of thinking makes no sense. If people ate more beans we wouldn't have so many cows burping and letting gas and contributing to climate change, although people might burp more and let gas and contribute to climate change. In any event, we would all be healthier. This Thanksgiving I am going to eat a heap of beans instead of turkey.

    1. I have nothing against beans, K. I just thought it a bit absurd when someone attempted to shame and manipulate me with the knowledge that Herbie had to eat them. What risk taker amongst us has not had to self-impose some austerities to get business ventures going?

      Nck was correct in mentioning the warping experiences in the AC dorms, though. That tends to stick with you. Well, that and some Axis II disorders caused by Armstrongism. As a matter of fact, my ex-wife from the '90s and I really got into stink bombs after discovering them at the 1989 L.A. County Fair. We stocked up on cases at a time. We carried them everwhere we went for about five years. We combined them with all of our other hobbies. I could tell you hilarious stories about restaurant and tour busses being evacuated, bikers being grossed out, and even various displeasures at a Chrismas party. The immediacy and intensity of peoples' reactions never failed to disappoint, and we were always so good at playing innocent that we never got caught, although the police did make an appearance at one restaurant, and the MPs once on an Air Force base. The auctioneers on stage at a high dollar car auction made faces, but didn't let the aroma interfere with their showmanship. Oddly, nobody paid much attention at casinos. They were too preoccupied with gambling to be bothered. Good clean fun, and nobody ever got hurt except for the pain she and I suffered from excessive laughter.


  23. Gordon
    It is whitewashing to label minister files on members 'impressions.' They are 'dirt files' plain and simple. They are there to be used as clubs against members in the 'information is ammunition' sense. These files contain the sins, mistakes,weakness's, comments made in church (thanks to church snitches), arguments with other members, comments made in spokesman club, false accusations made by other members, complaints by other ministers etc etc.
    This information is not there to help but to control members. New ministers treat this information as the gospel truth, with no ability by members to correct the information.

    The body of evidence by former and present members is that it's justified painting most ministers (not all) with the same brush. For instance, minister tyranny is the rule rather than the exception.

    There are anti defamation laws which have been discussed on this blog before. This blog does obey these laws. I've noticed the odd comment removed, so I assume this was to guard against defamation.

    While I'm here, I was the one who posted that Gerald Waterhouse was asked by his Filipino brethren why he taught Tkach changes that he didn't believe in. I read that in the official Filipino UGG web site. I didn't pull it out of thin air. Which raises questions about the wikipedia article on Waterhouse.
    Public figures like him are not legally entitled to the same privacy as ordinary people.
    There is no injustice as you imply.
    There is no such thing as the right to privacy when it comes to criminal or abusive behavior.

    1. Maybe I missed a joke, but there is no wikipedia article for Gerald Waterhouse?

  24. Gordon,
    Not forgetting, the ministers behavior was one of giving themselves the right to be above the law (they have all rights) while church members must be perfectly under the law eg calling the ministers by the title mister.
    One standard for me, another for thee.
    They gave themselves the right to a double standard, which you seem to defend.

  25. I remain anonymous because I love my parents who are still trapped in Living Church of God. As kind and wonderful as they are, I know how disgusting church members have treated them in the past because of my comments. They think they have real friends in the LCG, but they do not. Why would I rob them of what they hold precious at this time? They are slowly waking up on their own.

    I have seen people use "real" names here in the past, and they have ended up being liars and con-artists.

  26. That is just the most wonderful and amazing addition to "the lost art of dating".
    One should consider a career in poker with such skills.

    Another advice from my Croatian colleague in case a relationship might not end well.
    If the man is forced out of the house because of a new lover or something she offers the advice of sowing prawns in the lower part of the curtains of the house one is forced to leave.

    She says it has great long term effect and smiles lovely when offering any advice on such matters.


  27. RSK
    Try the wikipedia article 'evangelists of the world wide church of God.'
    It says that Gerald chances affiliations to 'to stay loyal to what he believed was right.'
    Many minister taught the Tkach changes to members, and only jumped ship to UCG when Tkachs church began to financial my sink.
    I cannot image Daniel, Paul and others teaching what the believed was untrue to others.

  28. Ah, I see. I wasnt sure if that was a joke or if there was some COG-based wiki out there I'd never come across before.
    Cant speak for Waterhouse's reasoning. He's dead and unavailable for questioning, and I'm not convinced he would be completely truthful anyway. Maybe his own "HQ NO MATTER WHAT" spiel got in his head and caused him to roll along with "the changes" for a while - thinking that if "bad fruit" appeared, it would be a sign that God was not behind it. Perhaps he just wanted to keep his palm greasy and UCG ended uo making him a better offer. Dont know, I never attended UCG or heard him speak after getting on with them.
    As for Daniel, Paul, et cetera, dont think I could put Gerald "Armstrong means Strong Arm so I am House of Piss" in a category with them, at least not one any narrower than "PEOPLE".

  29. 5.03 PM
    The reason that Waterhouse gave to his UCG Filipino members for teaching Tkach changes that he believed were wrong was that government is so important, that he didn't want members to lose confidence in government.
    That line of reasoning is wrong on many levels, including exalting government over human life itself. It's similar to the Pharisees putting the Sabbath before peoples lives.

    Knowingly teaching falsehood from the pulpit is a grievous sin. To do so in his old age both physically and spiritually is unnerving.
