Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Church of God Zealot Releases Another Prophetic End Time Timeline

Courtesy of the screeching zealot James Malm and his side-kick Constance:

  • The pope could go to the Temple Mount triggering the occupation of Jerusalem and the beginning of the 42 month Great Tribulation, as early as December 2018 or within a year or two  (or three  or four, or five, or six, or seven, or eight, or ten, or fifteen, or twenty, or...) after that; depending on how long it takes to conclude a Middle East peace agreement.  
  • Once the New Federal Europe rises as a political union, the EU will remain in some form as a simple trade organization.   
  • Britain will be leaving the EU in March 2019 and will then be cut off from the coming European prosperity, economically allying with America instead of Europe. 
  • As for America, the Arabs will join with Europe and abandon the Petrodollar while hiring European countries to do the unimaginably massive rebuilding throughout the region. 
  • During the first winter Britain and America will lose economic traction as Europe takes the economic lead and conditions will begin to decline in the USA and her Anglo Saxon brethren,  
  • Then during the first spring/summer as the economy fails, a severe drought will gripe the nation,   
  • Suddenly there will be no money to finance America’s drug habits, its energy, food and medical needs, or anything else,  
  • During the second winter a population weakened by a lack of proper nutrition due to the drought and the inability to import provisions, will be susceptible to epidemic diseases greater than the Spanish Flu and other such disasters
  • The second summer will be worse than the first, and riots over food, race and other issues will set America ablaze. 
  • The third winter will be worse than the second with even greater malnutrition and many more dying.  
  • Then after the sixth seal of Revelation has been opened, the first 144,000 (Rev 7)will be called out; 12,000 from each tribe [the Judeo Anglo Saxon nations] of Israel, to witness that the Eternal is God and if they would only trust and obey him, he would save them.  
  • This 144,000 scattered throughout the nations of Israel will be witnessing as the New Europe goes to attack Asia and the Seven Trumpet Plagues are poured out according to the preaching of God’s Two Witnesses, sometime into the third year.   
  • Then after the third and final winter, God will allow his Two Servants (James Malm and his sidekick wannabe prophetess Constance 0r James Malm and Bob Thiel)  to be killed and then the seventh Trump will begin to sound and these two along with all the chosen, will rise to life eternal as spirit. 
  • This will be seen by all the earth and many Gentile rulers will be angry fearing the loss of their authority and power, but the nations of Israel will remember the preaching of God’s Two Servants (Ron Weinland and Dave Pack) and the preaching and witnessing of the first 144,000, and they will see the plagues and heavenly signs; and they will begin to repent and turn to the Eternal seeking his deliverance.   
  • A few days later after the Wedding Feast in heaven and the pouring out of the seven last bowls of plagues, Christ will come WITH his chosen and will deliver both Israel and all of humanity out of bondage to Satan and sin.  (James and Constance will come riding down on white horses along side their "christ" and start reeducating the world to be zealots) 
  • Then Judah and all Israel will welcome their Deliverer with great rejoicing 
  • This 42 months of famine, riots and economic collapse will be accompanied by other natural disasters, one of the chief being great earthquakes which will be so great as to change the surface topography of the earth.   

When all else fails for Malm, and it will, he can encourage his side-kick prophetess Constance to engage her Wiccan spells and ask her god and goddess to intervene so that Malm is not so embarrassed.

When will all of these Church of "god" fools tear down their prophetic shingles and just shut up?


  1. Not a hell of a lot of ingenuity or fresh ideas there. All these little piss ant prophets do is attempt to embellish the HWA prophecy mold, add their own little inflexions, and attempt to improve Herbie's basic math.

    What Malm has to say about the Arabs and petro dollars is completely absurd. Donald Trump may have put the brakes on the slide here domestically a bit, but the Arab countries all know that their oil is passe, as the more advanced nations trend towards green, sustainable and renewable energy technology. Some nations have already banned the internal combustion engine, starting 5-15 years from now, and geopolitical think tanks have projected that China and India will be the #1 and #2 world economies by mid century.

    The strength of Catholicism is centered in Italy and in the Latin nations, which is how Catholicism continues to grow here in the USA. Latino immigrants. It is doubtful that agnostic Europe will ever re-embrace religion, and religion is pretty much verboten in all of the Communist Nations.

    In spite of the banishment of Nazi Bannon, Naziism continues to be on the rise here in the USA, as does Communism.

    This is why the so-called Armstrong prophets have such difficulty in getting anyone to listen to their message. The scenarios they present are impossible on all levels. This is not the 1950s any more! Unless you are already steeped in Armstrongism and are continuing to try to find a reason to believe, it all appears impossible.


  2. Good god! Take a break from your doomsday porn, Malm. Can't we all just be thankful that the Queen Bitch of the universe didn't mount that globalist beast thingy!


  3. That God will call the "first" 144,000 during the tribulation is ridiculous. The reason being that it takes time to mature. Gardening is a type of this. Plants do not mature overnight. This first batch have basically lived and already died. That people make such silly statements proves to me that they have not personally grown.

  4. Comments made said:

    "...A few days later after the Wedding Feast in heaven and the pouring out of the seven last bowls of plagues, Christ will come WITH his chosen and will deliver both Israel and all of humanity out of bondage to Satan and sin. (James and Constance will come riding down on white horses along side their "christ" and start reeducating the world to be zealots)
    Then Judah and all Israel will welcome their Deliverer with great rejoicing ..."

    And they lived happily ever after..........

    Exactly when did the people get delivered out of the "bondage to Satan and sin"
    When did Satan go into the pit?
    Where does that 1,000 years fit in?

    James is preaching the usual Mickey Mouse Millenniun! It sounds like Satan is still not in the pit and the wedding takes place. It makes no sense whatsoever.

    Besides, in reality, those bowl plagues won't be poured until AFTER Satan is loosed from that so-called bottomless pit and the world is again deceived, and again learns war, etc.

    And time will tell...

