Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Welcome to the Feast of Tabernacles 2017

For decades the Church of God put out well edited and manicured video productions that were designed to inspire the members to give even more money to support the "work."  Those days quickly drew to an end with the death of Herbert Armstrong and the dismantling of the church.  

Never fear though, numerous self-appointed upstarts started producing their own videos.  Some of them were just as slick in their brainwashing methods as the early days of Feast films.  

And then there is this...


  1. Watching Thiel almost made me want to eat rat poison and end it all. I can not imagine what is going through his member's minds when they have to sit and listen to this shit!

  2. I just wasted 10 minutes of my life on this crap. This has to be the most pathetic thing I have ever watched.

  3. Good grief! Is that his bathroom shower curtain in the background? I understand that if you can't afford a reverb unit, a bathroom can enhance your voice.

    I hope no seniors who are on medical marijuana are tuned in, because the way Theil violently projects his arms and hands will totally freak them out, kind of like the predatory bird did back in the '70s in the Grateful Dead's TV commercial for their "Mars Hotel" album. (Last time I checked, you could still watch that commercial archived on youtube).

    Theil should experiment with different styles to enhance his message. Even some of the court-mandated traffic school classes present alternatives, like comedy versions of the sessions.

    Sheesh! What a waste!


  4. If I recall, the videos on the Work played at the FOT showed many aspects of the work. It seems as if this one, HWA is saying, "It's all about ME." He loved that Gulfstream jet, didn't he?

  5. For those of you who didn't like Bob's FOT opening address, perhaps you will also dislike Behing the Work 2017.

    Warning! Some scenes have better curtains.

  6. Since I am not in the habit of watching dr Thiel's videos with the sound turned on, I have to declare and state that he is actually doing an excellent job...........in songleading...., no...?


  7. What worse. Thiel's babbling or Herbie's two tree sermon?

  8. Amazing! Thiel's "Temporary Dwelling Place" has the same curtains as his own regular home! MY THEORY- He took the curtains with him to the FOT!

  9. Having rewatched some recently, I dont know that I could call WCGs old presentations well-edited. But they definitely look better compared next to those hacked together by the backyard prophets. :)

  10. Watched bits and pieces of the WCG video and must admit that it is the first time I heard HWA refer to the Creator instead of that strong hand from some place.

  11. I attended Worldwide church for 7 years and I never observed any of the Hebrew feast days!

  12. I still say, since they've already changed and ruined an awesome Jewish tradition, why not take it all the way? Declare it as a nautical festival, and rename it "Feast of Barnacles"


  13. WCG, PCG, RCG, LCG and UCG’s “Behind the Work” Feast videos are/were nothing more than slick propaganda films meant to inspire the sheep to give more and more money for some final push. With Bob Thiel’s videos they accomplish nothing more than making people want to slash their wrists.

  14. You gotta love the Almost Arrested Doubly Blessed Profit Bitter Bob Thiel's hand gestures in the video. No wonder Meredith rejected him as a Profit. He comes across feminine with all his hand motions no disrespect intended to our sistren. Doesn't Thiel remember women are not permitted to teach and preach in the Classic Coke Armstrong Churches of God?

    Can you imagine Bob Thiel as a wide receiver in a COG football game with all those hand gestures? "Throw the ball to me; Throw the ball to me - I'm wide open," says Wide Receiver Bob Thiel to Quarterback Rod Meredith with Thiel's hands flapping everywhere. OOops, dropped the ball - incomplete pass! True to form in the Splintered Worldwide Church of God and its harlot offshoots and its clown HWA wannabees.


  15. All the groups do weird things in their videos.

    LCG's Behind the Work this year looks on the surface like a big old love letter to dead Rod Meredith, but obviously there's a mole in LCG who wanted to embarrass the dead man by including photos like this, which a member captured from near the end of the video.

    Bird Crapping on RCM's Head

    Even Thiel doesn't sink this low.

  16. "Good grief! Is that his bathroom shower curtain in the background? "

    Nice. Nope, that's just his cheap-ass necktie.



    1. I wonder if my J. Garcia fish tie is worth anything. Thiel is terminally unhip and too uncool to own anything such as that.


  17. ...cheap-ass necktie., ...J. Garcia fish tie...

    He might look better with a bow tie, like Bill Nye. But bow ties are apparently used to give a more youthful appearance, and Bob would prefer to look older, as "old men will dream dreams".
    The design on one of his ties makes it appear much more phallic than the others...
