Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Five Million Hits and Counting!

It is hard to believe that 7 years later I would have 5,000,000 hits on this blog.  That number infuriates so many people who believe we are the tool of Satan.

What started out as a place to showcase the many books in my collection written about the church and Armstrongism, it quickly morphed into the news of the Churches of God after Gavin took a break from Ambassador Watch.

The internet has been the biggest thorn in the side of the Church of God in its entire 80 some year lifespan.  Numerous books were written about the church, but church leaders demanded that members not read dissident or critical literature about the church and the members obeyed.  It was easy to control people with the constant fear of disfellowshipment and the threat of the Lake of Fire.  Before the Internet, church members rarely heard about the corruption and abuse that went on in the church.  It would take months for things to make it through the church.  Now it happens in mere seconds and the ENTIRE world has access.  As Gerald Waterhouse would have said, if he were alive, "the Internet was created for this very thing!"  I count it a privilege that Rod Meredith publicly denounced this blog in church, and in doing so, sent hundreds of LCG members to this site.  Charlotte HQ monitors this site constantly.  The second something is posted about LCG, the Charlotte ip-addresses light up.

None of this would be necessary if the church actually was taking care of its self, held itself accountable and actually was the version of "original Christianity"  it claims to be.  It is a fact that the original church NEVER, I repeat NEVER acted like ANY of the COG's do today in 2017. Adultery, wife swapping, pedophiles, money laundering, theft of tithe money, suicides, stalkers, murders, assassins, plagiarists, con-artists, and more, have been the public face of the Church of God.  That list does not even include the self-appointed prophets, apostles, and wannabe martyrs the church has created over the decades.  Nor does it include over 500 DIFFERENT splinter personality cults created by self-appointed lying false teachers who have ripped apart the spiritual well being of their members.

Hardly a day goes by without some idiot in the Church of God running off at the mouth and saying some absurd thing.  They think they can do it without impunity.  Those days are over.  More and more books are written about the abuses people have suffered in the church.  Films have been produced.  Bloggers and Facebook pages expose the utter corruption of the church. People are no longer afraid to speak up and tell how their lives have been permanently scarred by the lies and abuse in the church.

So hats off to all the Thiel's, Malm's, Weston's, Pack's, Flurry's, Kubik's and others that can't keep their mouths shut and who lie daily to their shrinking band of followers.  You keep us busy, entertained, and many times shocked at the utter stupidity coming out of your mouths.  Keep it up boys!  You are destroying the Church of God all by yourselves.


  1. Thanks for all the work you and all the regular intelligent and knowledgeable commentators do. If it helps even one person it is worth the effort. Please don't forget there are a lot of extremely good and converted people stuck in these organizations with no way out in there own minds. Continue with vigor to post the truths about all of the illegitimate leaders of the COGS, you might just save some from not only physical ruination but more importantly from spiritual ruination!

  2. I heartedly agree "What About The Truth". There are many if not most very fine, very sincere people in the COG's. There always have been as well as , those who I knew better than others, men stuck in ministry having the same conflicts of mind and heart as time went along.

    Leaving anything is very difficult for those prone to joining organizations wholeheartedly and in innocence, especially church and religions where matters of the heart, hopes and fears are addressed on a weekly basis with the promise that "it won't be long now."

    A few posts back was the "U" shaped process that plays out when leaving or loss occurs. I can confirm it is very accurate and the most dangerous time in the curve is just beginning upswing to recovery. Fear , thoughts of wasting life or personal worthlessness grow. Leaving is not instant freedom. The mind has to process all the propaganda placed in it over decades or even a lifetime. They don't call it a mid life crisis or Dark Night of the Soul for nothing. And you can't skip any parts. Only deny them and they will come back to be faced.

    I have lost 3 ministerial friends to suicide as they failed to realize that is a long term solution to a short term problem. It never seems so when one is going through it however.

    All fires are destined to go out. All windstorms subside. All floods seek their own level and end.

    I have spent 20 years now "leaving the church." Just being here proves it has not left me. You not remember and share anymore than you can't unring a bell.

    I agree that one can get stuck with "no way out in their minds." But it is only their minds that they are stuck. There is a way out. You can't care what others think. You can't adapt to what others want you to be. You can't fear threats of fire and rejection that is not real anyway.

    When I sought a counselor after WCG for the predictable depression and anxiety that strikes when left alone without community my counselor said what I pass on to all those who struggle.

    "Dennis...you outgrow your boxes quickly and you have outgrown this one. You got fired by "God". (He said..."just kidding!). You have only TWO choices. Stay in this church mess box and everyone will love you, support you and care about you. However you will be on anti depressants the rest of your life in your internal anger that you feel you cannot express either because you don't feel you have a right to or the price of doing so will be too high for you. OR you can leave the box....which you already have.................but you go ALONE.

    Truer words of prophecy were never spoken...

  3. I can still count my former WCG friends who stuck with me through ALL of it and who stay in touch on one hand.

  4. Thanks Dennis for your honesty and openness. Your comments at 7:11 are very true, and hopefully, will help others struggling with the same issues in their mind. I know very many people still in a COG organization that have issues in their minds about some of the things that are done and said, but just cannot seem to find the strength to leave, even though they know that it is the right thing to do.

    Hopefully, in time, they will gain the strength to "see the light", as they say.

  5. I suspect that departure has been easier for people whose relationship was directly with God rather than the church. In any case, the hearts of some people are blackboards on which writing occurs with chalk.....easy to erase and replace....while the hearts of others are blackboards bearing impressions made with paint.....indelible. Dennis, maybe paint was used on your blackboard.

    1. No..chalk. I erase as new information becomes available or I need more room. This just happened to occur more with biblical errancy, history, politic and origins issues.

      If you mean my heart is hardened, it actually has softened

    2. No, I meant that your experiences have left deep impressions on you emotionally.

  6. Lets call the Armstrong "Universe" as a 200,000 people empirical self.

    This means that BANNED has been viewed (on average) TWENTY FIVE times by each and every current and former WCG'r.

    A truer reality is that the current people with ANY interest in Armstrongism and interested in reading about it online, numbers likely less than 20,000. This would equate to TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY visits to this site over the years by each and every single potential person of interest in the COG world.

    Whether you agree with the conclusions brought here or not, BANNED is a form of "free press" and alternative information source. Sort of like "Radio Free Europe" was during the Cold War. Its existence acts as a brake and accountability to any and all "closed ended COG" news sources.

    Banned acts as a form of "YELP" consumer review, and thus serves a role in religious consumerism. A personal relationship with God is not a commodity. A church however, ultimately , is a consumer good, and should not be above review, criticism, and feedback.


  7. Do not let the five million number (of visits to your Blog) go to your head. Most of them were probably just me checking it out regularly.

    Go for 100 million visits.

  8. "So hats off to all the Thiel's, Malm's, Weston's, Pack's, Flurry's, Kubik's and others that can't keep their mouths shut and who lie daily to their shrinking band of followers. You keep us busy, entertained, and many times shocked at the utter stupidity coming out of your mouths. Keep it up boys! You are destroying the Church of God all by yourselves."

    Indeed. They can all point the finger at us, but we'd get nowhere without their daily assistance!

  9. Constants in one's life often come into play, last for a while, then disappear in deference to the next thing. The entire Southern California rock n roll culture of the sixties and seventies, special radio personalities who were part of that, and the styles and activities that also accompanied it came and went leaving us high and dry. Later, Oprah was a phenomenon for a space in time. There have been many publications, TV programs, performing artists, and influential talk shows to which many give great attention, and believe they will last forever, but these all occupy a space in time. They burst on the scene, all new and fresh, become a thing, peak, and give way to the next product of the Zeitgeist.

    We've got to enjoy and maximize these things while they last, so that we can cherish and profit by the experience, because they are indeed finite. Favorite radio stations change their call letters, switch genres, and hire new on-air personalities. Cars and other products constantly change.

    It is great having Banned by HWA as a constant in ones life. We've got a unique blog master, a unique niche and unique commentators with a wide variety of perspectives keeping this, our special place, fresh and relevant. Here's to many more years and clicks, much more good accomplished, and greater comaraderie throughout the future!


  10. Contrary to what Dennis implies, it's possible to leave a abusive physical church yet not leave God.

    1. Contrary to what you are emplying, my church experience gave me the reason, background and time to search out biblical topics and find them wanting. Ultimately my conclusions had little or nothing to do with the problems and personalities if that church

    2. Of course, 11:01, you just need to transition to a more reality-based concept of God, a secure one who operates on a much higher level. The old one of Herbert W. Armstrong on steroids must be replaced. If you try to take that one along with you on your subsequent spiritual adventures, it will ruin everything.


    3. Yes I think this is a growing number across the smorgasbord of the Church groups big and small.

    4. It was this website that helped me to walk away from Grace Communion International and thru the power of the Holy Spirit I was able to reinvent myself and find a solid-bassed Christian church to attend. Thank you.

  11. That Gary, as blog master, can not only facilitate an Armstrongite's positive marketing of his brand of Armstrongism and give it maximum prominence, while protecting him from white supremacist abuse, is a tribute to both his civility and security .And certainly to his deep respect for freedom of expression.Ian Boyne

  12. The ironic part about me being here and reading this blog is that I was doing research on "Rod McNair", that tool from Charlotte who has my sister and her family trapped in the hell that is the LCG....after searching his name, guess what popped up...??? Banned. All things happen for a reason and I am glad for this one.

    As a long time sufferer of the HWA syndrome, and after some time in AC at Big Sandy, I was finally able to break free and take most of my family with me, including parents. It was ONE encounter with David Pack that did it...after one short question he looked at me and said "Todd, this may not be the church for you"....probably the only true statement he ever made. Now I happily spend my time doing my own thing with True Bread, and swing by to read Banned every day.

    I am a huge supporter of the first amendment, and am glad to see you taking advantage of those rights...


  13. Congratulations Gary on attaining 5 Million plus hits on internet reach. You are the source that keeps us informed on all the news and observations of Armstrongism. Once a high wattage high profile religious movement, the Worldwide Church of God post-Herbert Armstrong has splintered into so many different competing groups that 83 years into the movement, it has become a low wattage movement with declining growth and of no real significance to the world today. Everyone that stayed in Armstrongism did that which was right in their own eyes. Thanks again for your hard work as we watch the movement die out from attrition.


  14. Psychology professor explains how "in-group" morality takes over a group. We can see how this relates to COGs who think they are right--measuring themselves by their own standards. Applies to groups in general. By and large they are not deceitful monsters. They think they are doing the right thing, but are misguided, and will bend the smaller truth to support the greater truth, which is why, for example, Flurry can edit Herbert's books and pass them off as Herbert's own words.


  15. Gary, with so many hits you should be able to commercialize with ads. Ask Pack if he wants to advertise on your site.

  16. Gordon: that is exactly why I don't! I don't need his ads popping up like they do for me on other websites.

  17. I was being tongue in cheek of course.

    If you want an interesting article, contact people that live in his area of Wadsworth and see what their feelings are about their neighborhood compound.

  18. Congratulations, No2HWA, on reaching this milestone. May your blog continue to help all those looking for answers after getting confused by Armstrongite misinformation.

  19. PCG just published an article by their Richard Palmer saying California is cursed.

    "God is behind these weather disasters, and it appears California is being singularly pummeled."

    What a disgusting, hateful thing to say especially when so many people have died and are suffering because of those dreadful fires.

  20. True Bread, what was that one short question?

  21. Not that it is really that important but, I am curious to know the number of people who still attend each of the UCG,LCG,PCG,GCI ect.. or the income numbers of each, if that is possible. It would make for an interesting post.

  22. Redfox....PCG just published an article by their Richard Palmer saying California is cursed.
    "God is behind these weather disasters, and it appears California is being singularly pummeled."

    Not to worry! God may be able to pummel the hills and mountains but won't be able to take the valleys of California. Too many cars and trucks.

    "The Lord was with the men of Judah. They took possession of the hill country, but they were unable to drive the people from the plains, because they had chariots fitted with iron." (Judges 1:19 NIV)

  23. Y'all have changed my life. This site & the other sites I've read bcuz y'all have quoted them opened my mind to how mind-controled I've been all my life. I'm a second gen wcg so I'm jacked up in my head & soul but I'm trying to find help. No luck yet but I will find someone that can help me find the real me

    Thanks y'all :)

  24. Stephen...The Power of Now and The New Earth by Tolle was very helpful for perspective. Also The Four Agreements by Ruiz

  25. Congratulations Gary!!

    You are providing a means of discovery, realization and escape, which is ultimately a path to freedom. There is nothing more important and needed.

    I am proud to know you!

  26. Glad to see the interest in this site. I visit at least once a day and sometimes two or three times. It's just interesting to keep up with the aberration that consumed so much of my life. And, there's always the hope that I'll help someone begin to reason and figure out that they feel for a lot of nonsense. That's traumatic in many respects, but oh so liberating.

    Allen C. Dexter

  27. I used to contribute primarily to Gavin's blog. I found it a hospitable place for discussions of theology - especially how Armstrongism is far afield. Gavin had that interest.

    This blog is focused,it seems to me, on Thiel and Pack and maybe a few others. If I wanted a fresh status on Thiel and Pack, I would come here. Some theology is naturally discussed when conveying the news about Thiel and Pack but overall it is kind of like what has happened with the major news outlets. They are focused on "What stupid thing Donald Trump said today" and they are never without material. But it seems that policy is neglected. In fact, Trump seems to not have policies on major issues - just sound bites. That is all Trump's base is capable of consuming. They want to feel informed without being informed.

    Thiel and Pack and the others seem to operate at the sound bite level as HWA did. Notice that Armstrongism never produced a systematic theology - only a collection of shallow little booklets and magazine articles. My guess is that they don't want to write too much down for fear of being carefully examined. But we all remember such sound bites as "Don't believe me, believe the Bible!" (Which HWA said was only for public consumption and not for the lay membership.)

    I find myself coming to this site infrequently because I am not interested in seeing a rapid and riverine flow of articles dealing with the antics of Thiel and Pack.

    -- Neotherm

  28. Neo...you are free to send me things to post if you have a favorite topic to discuss.

  29. How about instead of calling someone a fool, which we are cautioned against, engaging in a conversation about why they are wrong, what is the 'right' or better way to go. An antidote for strong-arm Armstrongism blog? A helpful, iron sharpening iron? Some posts here do run along that line, intentionally or otherwise, yet NEO has a very solid point.

    At times here, I feel like I'm seeing a version of guru Jamie Malm's blog when he gets to grinding the cogs under his boot or harping on the "don't make idols of men". It's just not helpful after awhile. Redundancy does not encourage growth or good feelings. Maybe it's me. I can't stand anything that is uselessly repetitious; a dog barking at a blade of grass, the line of a song repeated endlessly as if a record got stuck in a groove, the same 3 or 4 meal arrangements over and over and over and over and over........again. Ya know?

    NEO said it well, I just like to flap my gums so I did. I am thankful for this blog and those that contribute to it. You all have helped.

    Now, what's for supper? Another problem that Armstrongism created, can't eat this and can't eat that, this ain't healthy and that... oh, whatever! Maybe some ice cream.

  30. Thanks for all the entertainment- great job, Gary!

    "I visit at least once a day and sometimes two or three times."

    Me Too!!!

  31. It may seem repetitious, but those who are targeted probably do lurk here. So, it's a way of having a conversation with them that they would never otherwise allow. You can't tell me that they don't know what is discussed here. Ian Boyne said it best in his LGD message, when he stated that it is no longer possible to hide. Google the founders' names, and you learn all their secrets.

    Besides, considering the potential damage, and the possible ruined lives, it's best to keep the tunnel filled and the heat on. Never again!


  32. This will be my first and last time to comment here 'cause I will no longer visit this site. When I left Worldwide church because of the abuse they dished out, I had assumed that I would find people here who would be understanding but instead all I see on this blog is people talking shut about EVERYBODY else and also trying to bring political shit to this forum. I am done with it!!!


  33. Near Earth Object on October 16, 2017 at 2:02 PM said...

    “This blog is focused,it seems to me, on Thiel and Pack and maybe a few others. If I wanted a fresh status on Thiel and Pack, I would come here. Some theology is naturally discussed when conveying the news about Thiel and Pack but overall it is kind of like what has happened with the major news outlets. They are focused on 'What stupid thing Donald Trump said today' and they are never without material. But it seems that policy is neglected. In fact, Trump seems to not have policies on major issues - just sound bites. That is all Trump's base is capable of consuming. They want to feel informed without being informed.”

    Earth calling Near Earth Object: Move further away from the Earth, lest you infect it with your other-worldly ignorance.

    Raging false prophets like Gerald Flurry and David Pack are truly some of the worst disasters that have ever happened to the COG. They are Satan's very own false prophets leading satanic imposter cults that were set up to ensnare and destroy COG people in the cruellest ways. They do all their own evil in the name of God and HWA, and then rant and rave and yell and spit about how God will be mad at anyone who does not go along with everything that Satan inspires them to come up with. Somebody needs to tell the PLAIN TRUTH about what is happening. The next time you feel demon-influenced to try to discourage and stop this vitally important warning message from going out, move a little further away from the Earth.

    As for American President Donald J. Trump, he wrote a book called GREAT AGAIN: How to Fix Our Crippled America (copyright 2015, 193 pages, formerly published as Crippled America) to explain what he thinks some of the nation's problems are and what to do about them. Read it instead of talking ignorantly about him not having policies on major issues. You sound like some ignorant and immoral teleholic who sits around stupidly watching LGBTQ-supporting news anchors insult President Trump because they hate everything that is wholesome and good about America.


  34. D.M. on October 17, 2017 at 1:36 PM said...“This will be my first and last time to comment here 'cause I will no longer visit this site. When I left Worldwide church because of the abuse they dished out, I had assumed that I would find people here who would be understanding but instead all I see on this blog is people talking shut about EVERYBODY else and also trying to bring political shit to this forum. I am done with it!!!”

    When HWA banished RCM to Hawaii for a number of months, HWA wrote to RCM and told him straight out that the work was carrying on just fine WITHOUT him. HWA told RCM bluntly that the work could continue to go on just fine WITHOUT him.

    Likewise, this Blog can do just fine WITHOUT you. The main difference is that RCM had to wait for HWA to let him come back. You, on the other hand, will be able to quietly sneak back and peek at this Blog.

    1. "Bring political $h*t to this forum"

      Unfortunately, politics was an integral part of Armstrongism. Herbie brought his right wing views into his religion, so it is only right that that be part of the discussions.

      If you are talking about climate change, that's a legitimate topic of discussion as well, since some of the prophecies in Revelation seem to strongly resemble what has been documented as unfolding around us. Revelation could be interpreted as a warning to mankind about destroying the planet. Christians should be being good proactive stewards and reducing their carbon footprints.

