Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, October 16, 2017

Dave Pack Deletes His Sermons and Prophecy Timeline

A reader here just notified me that Dave Pack has deleted his 82+ sermon series he has been posting over the last few years.  Apparently, no one is able to understand what he kept posting.  It was confusing for his own members to keep up with and certainly was serving no purpose in drawing in wayward COG members who might stumble upon it.  Plus, he had to keep revising those directly inspired sermons, because his god kept changing its mind and kept giving Dave new understanding on previous revelations.

Dave also deleted his prophetic timeline he had previously posted.  Anyone who has ever been part of the Church of God, for even a few months, knew that his timeline was a load of nonsense.  Just like all of the previous timelines uttered by COG false prophets, his was an epic failure from the start.

COG leaders today never have learned from the failure of previous church leaders.  Instead of keeping their mouths shut, they run off and say incredibly stupid things and then have to backtrack within a few months. Almost ordained Bob Thiel and Chief Pharisee James Malm are two other of the fools out there doing this right now. There has to be a special place in Petra for these buffoons to gather together.


  1. Currently posted online or it didn't happen. Hey, Waybackmachine doesn't count!

    I'm sure COG ministers can't decide whether the internet is a blessing or a curse.

  2. We are coming perilously close to the point where Dave will have only one dodge left.

    "I'm David Christ, and we know from Scripture that the Father hasn't told me any more timing details than he has told any of you. But I'm David Christ, so obey me or burn in the Lake of Fire!"

  3. When will people wake up and run for their lives from that delusional false apostle?? May God give brethren the courage to leave the lies and mind control and get out before Dave Pack robs more of them blind to facilitate building his compound!!

  4. I'm sure COG ministers can't decide whether the internet is a blessing or a curse.

    I'm sure the COGs and their mother cult, Judaism, think the world would be better off without the Internet. Both cults hate it when they can't control information. That's why the Jewish establishment (which controls Facebook, Twitter, youtube, google, the new york times, hollywood, etc, etc, etc) has been doing everything in their power to de-list, defame, and ban Alt-Right sites and Alt-Right commentators who expose them. Whoever exposes you must be silenced at all costs. The fake news establishment suppressed the Weinstein (who is Jewish) thing for many years. Weird how Flurry and Herbert claimed to be moral leaders yet were such huge fans of Israel and its corrupt Jewish supporters/establishment, the same people who are the leaders of the porn industry, the intentionally morally destructive movies, fake news channels, etc. Why is that? Why did Herbie wear star-of-david cufflinks? Why such good friends with the Mayor of Jerusalem, Teddy Kollick? Why did he take so many trips to Israel where he had no church members, and never visit some places where he did have members? Why did he love those that intentionally destroy America?

    1. You're sure not racist, are you Anon 310? I can see why you are anonymous.

    2. If you don't like Jews, I guess you could learn to make your money grow from Armenians. Like Jews, Armenians are cool and intellectual. But, you probably won't ever get ahead imitating Aryans.


  5. All Dave's yes men belong in the lake of fire along with the false prophets they served all these years.

  6. Pack is a cold-as-ice psychopath.


  7. “A reader here just notified me that Dave Pack has deleted his 82+ sermon series he has been posting over the last few years. Apparently, no one is able to understand what he kept posting.”

    That was a truly serious case of people worse than wasting 82+ Sabbaths getting their minds totally polluted with perverse noise. They might now spend the rest of their lives wondering what happened, and whether their minds will ever heal and get better after suffering such a brutal assault and trauma.


  8. “A reader here just notified me that Dave Pack has deleted his 82+ sermon series he has been posting over the last few years.”

    Well, that is a small start. Now Dave Pack just needs to keep up this good work that he has begun and delete everything else that he has made up over the years.

  9. The Talmud says it's okay to have sex with a three-year-old girl. Is that why Herbert had sex with his daughter? Is the Talmud where the COGs get their "Jewish Tradition" when they are talking about history (selectively)?

    1. I won't argue with your statement about the Talmud, but keep in mind that Y'shuah raised the bar. .....considerably. And keep in mind that churches of god follow him and not the Talmud. Most don't even know what the Talmud is.

  10. Pack should just DELETE the entire Restored Church of God completely! LET MY PEOPLE GO!

  11. Having left RCG over 13 years ago, it is hard to believe that anyone is with this lying false prophet. He is a total fraud! I wish that I never got involved with him, but I learned some
    valuable lessons. Hopefully, others will do the same.

  12. Pack has just got wackier since he has isolated himself in his new residence on the Glorious Campus... What next? I might just have to make another pilgrimage to the Wadsworth Giant Eagle!

  13. Having sat through many of these sermons personally, I will give everyone the cliff notes. I am putting together a 10,000 word jigsaw puzzle. Repeat: I am putting together a 10,000 word jigsaw puzzle. Repeat again. God couldn't allow Mr. Armstrong to have this understanding. Repeat: God couldn't allow Mr. Armstrong to have this understanding. Repeat again. I haven't changed what Mr. Armstrong did one wit! Repeat: I haven't changed what Mr. Armstrong did one wit! Repeat again. As you know brethren, I have had to make a few little tweaks. Repeat: As you know brethren, I have had to make a few little tweaks. Repeat again. It took Mr. Armstrong decades to come to a full understanding of doctrine. Repeat: It took Mr. Armstrong decades to come to a full understanding of doctrine. Repeat again and again.
    That is The Greatest Story Never Told.

  14. Pack's delinquent deletions of delusions are totally predictable. The most surprising aspect to this is that he took so long to do it.

    One day, they'll learn that it isn't math that triggers the endtimes. If they're gonna happen, it will be because of deplorable conditions. You can't take math and then go out lifting and exaggerating conditions in an attempt to support your math. If math is involved, we won't know until after the fact. Someone will come up with something in retrospect.


  15. It's a labyrinth, but with some deft clicking you can get to RCG's 'Press Releases' - rcg.org/press/html - Now scroll down to Jan 16,2013:"..Television Program Expands Around the Globe" where you will read:

    ".. each telecast will now be available in more than 200 countries
    and territories. Complete station listings, days, times and periodic
    updates will be forwarded by email to those who sign up at www.worldtocome.tv"

    But alas, clicking this will get you nowhere, the URL is now disabled!!

  16. yes BB, Armenians are a very gifted people...and good at business....Delta faucets, Mounds/Almond Joy, Rice-a-roni, to name a few popular products created by Armenians....in many ways similar to the Jews, including the persecution they've endured.

    oh wait, they are very likely descended from the Northern Kingdom...

  17. I bet it would piss David Pack off if he ever found out that some of RCG members (such as myself) are also attending Gerald Flurry's PCG. As a matter a fact I also sometimes visit the LCG congregation here in Seattle.

  18. I believe you can't "send it in" and "pull big triggers" twice has caught up with Dave.


  19. “A reader here just notified me that Dave Pack has deleted his 82+ sermon series he has been posting over the last few years.”

    This demonstrates a serious problem with ALL the false prophets. They spout off lies and nonsense and wrong prophetic guesses year after year. In the end, it is all wasted time and money. The hearers of all this evil noise end up having to try to unlearn all of it.

  20. You're sure not racist, are you Anon 310? I can see why you are anonymous.

    You seem to have a low IQ. You seem to think that the 99% of people on here who don't use their real name must all be racists or scum of some kind. There can be no good reason for being anonymous, like having been slandered and persecuted enough already for having been in a cult.

    Anyway, anyone who exposes the Jewish racism and supremecism of "the chosen people" is always called a racist by the Jews and their mindless puppets. They can turn anything upside down with their mindless repetition. Anyone who exposes them is said to have "hate hate hate hate" and is "racist racist racist". It's dumb. Perhaps you would be better of remaining anonymous yourself so you don't look so dumb.

  21. ... Y'shuah ... keep in mind that churches of god follow him and not the Talmud. Most don't even know what the Talmud is.

    Most don't know the names of numerous influential scientists, inventors, world leaders, etc. Nevertheless, they are still influential. Most don't know what's in the Talmud, but it still matters. They are influenced by it whether they know it or not. How much did Herman Hoeh get from the lying virulently anti-Christian Talmud?

  22. Anonymous said...
    I bet it would piss David Pack off if he ever found out that some of RCG members (such as myself) are also attending Gerald Flurry's PCG. As a matter a fact I also sometimes visit the LCG congregation here in Seattle.
    October 17, 2017 at 5:08 AM

    I don't understand why you would ever attend with DCP or GRF. Have been with both of those corrupt leaders. Left PCG nearly 16 yrs ago & RCG over 13 years ago. Never looked back!
    LCG is the best option of the 3 (maybe, they teach some truth there).

  23. It is truly heartbreaking that there are still people sitting in RCG congregations believing this false apostle. Dave Pack's "hook" that drew us in was the fact that he was holding on to all the truths that he had learned from Mr. Armstrong, his "father in the gospel". Wow, this is what we wanted as we were ex-WCG members who had left when the apostasy took place.

    When this ever changing, never ending prophecy began, in November 2015 we had an uncomfortable feeling. Pack said in the sermon which began this prophecy series, that he had notes from 1982 that he had compiled. So, rather than new understanding from God, he was actually building a new prophecy. We feared these new teachings were from Pack's own mind, as the post says, " his god kept changing its mind and kept giving Dave new understanding on previous revelations." Over weeks and months it became evident that Pack's delusional thinking was spinning out of control. Yet, many with itching ears were loving the new teachings.

    One intellectual member began making a timeline with the information Pack was giving. A minister we knew also created a detailed timeline. We shook our heads thinking that these individuals would need to make continual revisions to stay in tune with the weekly changes coming.

    Several months into the series, Pack stated that "huge swaths" of information - possibly up to 75% had to be deleted. Why?? Did God get his new prophecy wrong? No, Dave's god (David C. Pack) got it wrong!! The funny thing is that a few times when he would correct a previous part of his prophecy, he would say, "We got it wrong." Very interesting that "We" got it wrong when he was the only one making this stuff up! Even RCG's website cannot keep up with Pack's continuous changes, so they had a promise that an updated timeline is "coming soon"....and that promise was been up there for quite a few months, with no updated timeline and then all the 82 transcripts (we hear that he is up to 90-91) and the promise of a new timeline were removed!

    Open up your eyes and your minds people!! The jig is up!!If what he was teaching almost 2 years ago was true, then what he is teaching you now is not. Is the God you believe in confused about His prophecies? Or is the god (David C. Pack) you are listening to confused as he continues to "pull wires of of walls" to figure this prophecy out. Oh, yes, Dave Pack does consider himself to be God. We heard a sermon where he did take on the title of "that prophet" which any Bible student knows refers to Christ.

    We are long gone from RCG, but not before he made merchandise of us as he has of many, many others. We have learned bitter lessons, but we still have our sanity and our faith in God, not a man.

    We pray for our brothers and sisters still in RCG and hope they will find there way out of the captivity of Pack.

  24. Packs next move will probably be to crash the church and run away with what remaining funds he has. He may even underhandedly sell the campus secretly and then take off.

    Whatever happens, it will not be good for the remaining flock.

  25. when RCG's headquarters is moved to the Bahamas you'll know for sure.....

  26. Ever since my husband has joined Pack's group, we have been at odds with each other, to the point of possibly divorcing now. He will justify anything that comes out of Pack's mouth or that's written. He refuses to read anything regarding HWA or Pack that is critical of their behaviour. He says he knows that this is "God's true church" because it was written that they will be persecuted and Pack has told them that this is the proof needed. I asked him why was it ok to follow someone who is claiming a title, "apostle" that they are not entitled to, he doesn't pass the test? Does someone go to a doctor that hasn't passed the State Boards? His reply to me is that God can use anyone he chooses and so it doesn't matter. When asked about why is Pack deleting things that he has said/written previously and told people that their salvation depends on it, he tells me that it is a sign of a Godly man to admit he was wrong. I just wonder if the rest of the members are the same way. Anything and everything can be justified, don't dare look at anything objectively and see it for what it is.

  27. Too funny, 10:37! Can we all imagine the writer of Revelation going, "Oops, never mind! I'm a man of God, so I'm admitting that I made a mistake and got it wrong, Delete what I've written, and instead, believe what I am writing now!"

    Speaking of that, there is great excitement over at Dr. James Tabor's blog, where he and his graduate students, through the miracles of textual criticism, have succeeded in stripping away all the Christian editing of Revelation which appears in the Greek version, and are presenting the original pre-Christian version. There is also a theory that the original version might have been written by John the Baptist, hence the preservation of the name John as the author, and the assumption that this was in fact the apostle John.


  28. To Anonymous 10:30am, to your points:
    "was written that they will be persecuted"
    Jehovah Witness told me years ago they're persecuted in 44 countries. Does that make them the True Church?
    "claiming a title, "apostle""
    Read II Cor 12:12 to see the signs of Real Apostle.
    Read I Cor 9:1 a real Apostle has seen the Lord.
    Consider an Apostle is a lot more than some man calling himself one. Your husband probably only reads Pack's literature and NOT the Bible
    "Pack deleting things that he has said/written previously"
    Ask your husband why Packs' August 2013 Church Unification Prophecy didn't happen
    read Duet 18:20-22 what God says about False Prophets

    Whether or not your husband can think for himself, YOU Need to!

    May you Find the True God! And God is NOT in David Pack's pocket!

  29. No more casting pearls to us swine- Dave has locked out public access to the Prophecy Tools section and you need a login to peek inside. Dave's empire is getting more and more secluded like N Korea- I bet he sends his goons out to do the Giant Eagle shopping for him.
