Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, November 26, 2017

It's hard being a prophet. I am weary of it all.

Ever since Ron Weinland was convicted of tax fraud and sent to prison for the biblical period of 3 1/2 years, his personality cult has never recovered.  Add to that the growing number of members who have abandoned him over the years since his 2008 prophecy failed in epic proportions.  Ever since then every single one of his prophecies that he boldly declared has failed.  Because of that and to gain face in the eyes of his deluded members, he turned all of these prophecies from "physical" actions that were to come about into "spiritual" fulfillment that are being currently fulfilled supernaturally.

In spite of that, he continues to loose hundreds and hundreds of members.  It has become so frequent that Weinland has become weary of having to write disfellowshipment letters week after week.  Pretty soon Weinland thinks he might have 100 members left.

With his membership dwindling and his probation soon to be up, Weinland may head off to Europe so he can claim to be in the center of things when he and his dingy wife turn into the two witless witnesses. Germany is the home of his daughter who many ex-members believe helped Ron launder his money and whom they believe has cooked the books for Ron's cult for years.

A significant number of revealing quotes in the latest sermon
> who get to a point where they’re not in awe any longer. I hurt for them, in one respect, but this is something that has gone on for so long. This process continues on.
> This process continues on. Since the Feast I am dumbfounded how much God continues to bring to the surface,
> This Church is being cleansed and the longer we go on, the more that takes place,
> We have a short time and yet God’s going to have His Church cleaned up. That ought to sober everyone to the core of their being. Will there be a hundred left before this is over? 200? 300? I don’t know.
> It’s just like different ones who continue to go by the wayside. Every year people go by the wayside.
> I’ll be candid with you; it’s just kind of wearing on me. It’s wearying. It’s wearing. It’s hard.
> It’s hard to continue to watch people go by the wayside. It’s hard to send people letters and telling them they’re suspended or disfellowshipped.
> This isn’t over with yet. People, some people aren’t taking this seriously yet.
> It’s wearying. It tears me up, and I hate it. I hate it. Almost every week it just keeps happening since the Feast of Tabernacles.
> Because I know it’s still happening. I know what’s still going on. God’s giving me a big dose of it today to see it clearly. Since the Feast, so many. From: Ron's commision recycled


  1. “I’ll be candid with you; it’s just kind of wearing on me. It’s wearying. It’s wearing. It’s hard.”--Con E. Weinland

    I'll be candid with you too, Ron Weinland; it's just kind of wearing on me. It's wearying. It's wearying. It's hard. Too hard. So I do not listen to you. It's just too hard to listen to all your ridiculous fibbing.

  2. Ron's church is soon to be so "cleaned up" that there will be NO ONE left!

    Come on faker, man up and admit that your prophecies failed and QUIT like you promised you would do way back in 2008!


  3. If a person is growing, they will eventually see that these 'leaders' are comprising and teaching contrary to many scriptures. So you get the surreal situation where those who reject false teachings and are hence disfellowshiped, are the ones who are qualifying for the kingdom.
    Those who remain in these churches 'no matter what' are the ones who are failing as Christians.

    Christ said 'follow Me' 23 times in the New Testament. He didn't say follow wackos.

  4. All rigid structures are the first to come apart. Pack, Flurry and Weinland have no flexibility in their views which they bring to the table. Their views are rigid and sure in their minds and are merely beliefs they hold which prove in time to be unbelievable. These men, as well as others like Bob Thiel want to appear intelligent but they are merely and in the most shallow of ways, clever. Clever, like rigidity, is also short lived. No intelligent man would see himself spoken of in scripture, remotely view himself as one of the Two Witnesses, an Apostle, prophet or any other ridiculous title they can imagine for themselves.

    Ron is getting dis-illusioned, (who wants illusions?) and it will also visit Pack and Flurry in time. They are not who they think they are. Their truth is merely speculation and opinion which is no more informed than that of those who drool for more of what they have to say. Their Dark Night of the Soul is waiting.

    No intelligent man, unqualified in the sciences he makes fun of and parroting others who are equally as unqualified, would give a 16 part series on why Evolution is false and his mythologies aren't. With his type of charisma, which is a trait of clever and substitute for intelligent, he miserably fails because he refuses to go where intelligence would actually take him. Misplaced faith always falls to the facts over time.

    All these men and those who long to do what they do are doomed to crack and explode when the heat of reality hits the cold of their clever yet weak intellects and silly self absorbed perspectives as to who they think they are yet aren't.

  5. Usually with age, passions fade. Things that one once considered relatively important are placed into a different perspective. Most likely, that's what we see happening not only to Ron, but also with the graying demographic known collectively as the ACOGs. People just get tired of all the things they used to make a federal out of. When you have a group composed of anal retentives or obsessive-compulsives, this fade can be a healthy trend towards normalcy. Some of these people will never be normal. It would be difficult to visualize Gerald Flurry or David Pack achieving normalcy. But eventually, they might become less difficult to be around.


  6. Ron cries aloud with saying: "...This Church is being cleansed and the longer we go on, the more that takes place..."

    Well, of course, because "this Church" has nothing to do with God's Church. Your man-made organization is disintegrating, but it is just another man-made organization to add to the existing confusion that exists all about us. Why not? There is an author of confusion!

    Again, Ron cries aloud with saying: "...We have a short time and yet God’s going to have His Church cleaned up. That ought to sober everyone to the core of their being. Will there be a hundred left before this is over? 200? 300? I don’t know..."

    Ron, there is a lot you don't know. If there is a God, and He has a Church, He surely would not need anything from you or your man-made organization.

    Besides, God's Church is composed of a fixed number, 144000, of individuals over about a 2,000 year time period. Thousands have come and gone/died. The building of that Church has not been completed. So, obviously, no one of us is going to know anything about any numbers "before this is over."

    For Ron: you demonstrate your faithlessness by saying all of the ridiculous things you do about God's Church, which you know virtually nothing about.

    God is not into confusion, but your god is!

    I Thess 5:24 - Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.

    How does God know who to call?

    Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the CALLED according to his purpose.
    29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.
    30 Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also CALLED: and whom he CALLED, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.
    31 What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?

    Ron, you don't have what it takes to believe them verses, and that is okay, but God surely does not need any help from you to cleanse His Church.

    Ron Weinland, please stop your whinning!

    Ron says: "...This isn’t over with yet. People, some people aren’t taking this seriously yet..."

    You consider yourself to be a prophet, yet you can't "see" what's happening in your life?

    Well, people have lots of good reasons for not taking you, your organization, your works and any of your fruits seriously, except to recognize the evil works/fruits and then depart from evil...flee evil!

    People are continuing to do just that and it will continue.

    Time will tell...



  7. The true Church of God should have the pure truth of God. It should not have false prophets who just lie and steal and destroy and kill all the time. It should not have shameful frauds who grew up thinking that it is normal and acceptable for them to continually lie and steal. A big part of their chronic lying and stealing routine is to constantly, falsely accuse those whom they are trying to rob of stealing from God.

    Gerald Flurry lies and steals and tries to elevate his short self by giving himself numerous names, titles, offices, and positions, such as “that prophet” of Deuteronomy 18. He edits and changes HWA's writings. He perverts the true gospel of the kingdom of God by replacing the “great commission” to preach it with what he calls a “new commission” to cause division among former WCG members, wreck their families and friendships, and promote sexual immorality.

    David Pack lies and steals and steals and steals. He baits by promising HWA's old teachings from 1986, but then switches to his new teachings that he is an apostle, Joshua the high priest, Elijah the prophet, and the prophet of Deuteronomy 18, and that you must send him everything you own (money, savings accounts, retirement accounts, houses, possessions, etc.)--“or no salvation if you don't.” This money gets worse than wasted spreading Pack's new “first dominion” prophetic nonsense that he makes up as he goes along, forgetting everything that HWA had taught.

    Ronald Weinland lies and steals so he can travel and shop and dine out. He writes very bad prophetic fiction. The 3-1/2 years that he spent in prison was not nearly enough time for him to contemplate the enormity of his crimes against the truth.

    Robert Thiel lies and steals but then gets re-lied to and re-stolen from by more experienced Nigerians. As a fake Seer, he did not see it coming.

  8. I agree with you Connie, and hope that people will also recognize that other cults like the UCG are destructive cults, too!

  9. In the old WCG, prior to 1975, and even after for a time, we were so used to continual growth that it was taken for granted and we were convinced it was evidence of god's approval. Those glory days are gone forever. The old formula won't work in these digital media times. There's much too much information available and cheap radio can no longer bring in masses of impressionable people looking for someone to do their thinking for them. All the splinters have been feeding off the remnants of the disillusioned vainly seeking for something to take the place of the old fanaticism and surety. You can be disappointed in your vain quest for just so long, and eventually, natural attrition through ageing and death takes its toll. All the splinters are doomed to steady decline and anything that remains will be diminutive in comparison with all things past. The demise of The Journal is just one more sure sign that it's all going bye bye. It's akin to the demise of the Shakers.

  10. What Ron is trying to say is that the $$$ are drying up.

  11. No2HWA said, "Ever since Ron Weinland was convicted of tax fraud and sent to prison for the biblical period of 3 1/2 years, his personality cult has never recovered."

    MY COMMENT - I still laugh at the Judge's sentencing because I can't help but think it appears the Judge did some research on the Armstrong movement before sentencing and found the significance of 3 1/2 years in the Church's predicted Great Tribulation period. I just have to wonder if the deluded clown felon Ron Weinland understood the irony of it, or if it just went completely over his little pea-brained head?


  12. Allen C. Dexter said, "You can be disappointed in your vain quest for just so long, and eventually, natural attrition through aging and death takes its toll. All the splinters are doomed to steady decline and anything that remains will be diminutive in comparison with all things past".

    MY COMMENT - And with those words Allen, here is where 80 years of Armstrongism along with the lives of all those adherents through the decades and the life of 1970s teen star David Cassidy all intersect when he uttered his last dying words, "So much wasted time".


  13. 9.49 AM
    David Pack is the most interesting. He's basically shed his wolfs clothing to all but his hypnotized members. He's cashing in on Herbs 'don't think' church culture, which was supposed to miraculously produce church unity, since everyone believed what they were told.
    He's also broken the unspoken church/bully exploiters rule of of not killing the goose that lays the golden eggs. He wants everything, and he wants it now, and damn the consequences.

    Dave and other cult leaders need to re read The Dummies guide to having a successful abusive cult.
    Rules such as, don't feed them too much bull, or you will loose numbers, and milk you members rather than destroying them financially by grabbing everything at once.

  14. Deceit, lies and stealing is the common denominator with all these men of Ephesians 4:14. When they are questioned by members, co-workers and youth of doubts that are contrary to scripture, then watch these ravenous wolves teeth of Matthew 7:15 come gnarling out at you.

    Let this be an eye opener, especially to all you youth and new comers and question them when they're the ones telling you to prove all things. Prove them wrong and back it up. Watch their reaction. Ask them what has happened with those who are no longer attending. They tell you not to be in contact those who have left or were asked to leave. Do call them and you'll discover what is actually going on internally.
