Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Friday, November 24, 2017

King Gerry, World Renown Advertising Guru, Soon To Start Advertising Campaign For Eilat Mazar

While King Gerry was in England recently, he took a jaunt to Israel in his new private family jet.  There he met up with Eilat Mazar, the leader of the archaeological dig that Herbert Armstrong College participates in.  King Gerry wants to write a biography of the woman because she is unknown to the world.  By doing so it will highlight the many biblical related discoveries she has overseen and it will give the new King of the Church of God more credibility.
On the flight to Tel Aviv aboard the Philadelphia Church of God’s corporate jet, Mr. Flurry emphasized to Mr. Macdonald the importance of having a much larger work in Jerusalem. His goal, he said, is to get the Church’s message to everyday Jews, who will be much more receptive than the elites. He also discussed writing a biography about Dr. Mazar to bring more attention to her many archaeological discoveries that prove the biblical history accurate. He also discussed building a small team (based at the pcg regional office in Edstone, England), similar to the one Steve Jobs supervised at the animation company Pixar, for the purpose of delivering a powerful warning message to modern Judah through the Internet, radio, publications and advertising.
In the King's ongoing attempt to imitate Herbert Armstrong, King Gerry is now claiming to be a highly skilled participant in the advertising field.  King Flurry wants to bypass the Jewish elite and direct his message about Mazar to the educated lower masses of Judaism and the rest of the world.  By doing this King Gerry will them be able to gain far more credibility, at least in his Kingly eyes, with the world at large.  Before he does this though, he needs to set into place a small dedicated team to get the message out.

With his outstanding and Kingly knowledge in advertising, learned at the feet of Herbert Armstrong, King Gerry is going write some of the greatest archaeological ads the world has ever seen.
At the meeting, Mr. Flurry quoted to Dr. Mazar something she had said in the past: “You need to have vision to do a dig in Jerusalem. You need to see the big picture of how things fit into the biblical picture. … Today’s archaeologists lack this vision, although many of the everyday people still hold it firmly in mind.”
Mr. Flurry then told Dr. Mazar that most of these “everyday people” still haven’t heard about her “sensational discoveries.” A biography mostly about her discoveries, coupled with an advertising campaign about those discoveries, would help change that, he said. Citing his past experience in the advertising field, he said, “I know from what experience I’ve had, that I could write some of the greatest archaeological ads you’ve ever seen.” Dr. Mazar enthusiastically approved his biography pitch.
Mazar is not as unknown as King Gerry likes to pretend.  See: The Ophel Treasure


  1. The fake king and fake prophet bases his prophetic delusions on bad interpretations of scripture and fake news and fake history of the fake news media and fake academic findings. They are all propaganda liars, as many media busters on both the left and right have pointed out. Easy to prove prove prove. Very very easy if you actually try and try again. But laziness and complacency abound. Gerald you twit, there is no excuse for ignorance with the facts at your keyboard fingertips.

  2. All of Gerald's plans come to nothing. Zero.

  3. I wonder if they will ask members to all buy copies like they did with Raising the ruins and then when it does not become a bestseller it will be given freely to the masses.

  4. Gerald Flurry, like his demon possessed counterpart David Pack, are leading their churches down the dark road into total oblivion. If you are a member of PCG & RCG, get out while you still can!

  5. Hey Gerry, are you going to bring your prayer rock on your next trip out to Israel and show Eilat Mazar how you worship idols?

  6. Or one could subscribe to Biblical Archaeology which has more up to date archaeological insights and realities than King Slurry could ever come up with.

    He, Pack and Weinland will end up in the "Jerusalem Syndrome" ward of the Jerusalem Hospital and then deported if they are't careful

  7. "Hey Gerry, are you going to bring your prayer rock on your next trip out to Israel and show Eilat Mazar how you worship idols?"

    Actually, the first Israeli archeologists discovered many stones on the High Places from Israels first and original (Edomite) religion before temple worship was centralized in Jerusalem by the priests.

    All the officers were/are still sworn in on the high place of Massada. But that high place was sanctified with human blood for secular purpose.

    Mazar is actually an expert in Phoenician culture. Therefore her interest in the original Solomonic temple area which of course was built and sponsored by the Phoenician Trader Kings.

    I wonder why the king did that? Perhaps it's good someone has your back, being a seabound nation.


    1. Why yes, nck. Seems like we need to reacquaint readers with the Temple of Melqart. Those who have bought into Uncle Al Hislop's bad habit of trashing modern Christianity because "the pagans did such and such" will probably experience terminal cognitive dissonance over Melqart!

      One ol' guy years ago, suggested that since Satan had seen the real temple up in heaven, he counterfeited it in advance for the worship of pagan Gods in Phoenicia, years before the real deal could be designed by David and built by Solomon in Jerusalem.


  8. I haver never heard of Dr. Mazar, and I don't want to know.

  9. There is much to be learned from TV archaeology, as well. Over the Thanksgiving Weekend, partially to decompress from a rather intense business period, I've dipped back into the moldy oldie vault, and have been binge-watching what has been said to be President Obama's favorite TV show, "The Wire". It centers on Baltimore, MD, and documents some of the realities of inner city living of which I had been totally unaware.

    For any ACOG members out there, this is some viewing that your Hitlerian pastors would probably forbid. However, if you think you are "qualifying" to rule cities "with a rod of iron", you may want to take a look.


  10. BB

    Excellent BB.

    I have examined most temples in the Middle East from Lebanon, Syria, Egypt and the "lost one" on the temple mount.

    It seems Baal, Horus and Jwh, had a preference for one and the same type of architecture.

    (I didn't look behind Prz Lincoln, Godly statue in his temple in DC, but I don't recall a shroud or an inner sanctum though as one of the Gods in the Masonic universe facing the obelisk, according to the star of Solomon street pattern, although sacred texts dedicated to freedom are enshrined there) Of course the auditorium mirrored some temple like features, with the stage being off limits to children or Pavarotti's catholic props from Tosca, featuring polished wood inside, exactly like the ancient temples in Syria . The inner sanctum was thus hidden that Bing Crosby nearly broke his back falling into the pit.

    It's a costly thing such edifice. One needs a sponsor.

    Of course "a stone" once tried and tested by a civilisation as "a driver for success" can serve as a powerful sublimination of everything that subculture holds sacred or connects one another too each other, until something better or more powerful replaces it.


    1. Theres nothing behind Lincoln. I'm overly acquainted with the site.

  11. Thx,

    Hm, no holy of holies. It's impressive though.
    But moreso the principles it stands for or embodies.


  12. hello everyone, anyone who is selling a Darth Vader costume?
