Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, February 26, 2018

Dennis Diehl: Mea culpa Doug Winnail

Dennis asked me to post this on his behalf since he is at work.  He would like to make a correction about a comment he made about Doug Winnail the other day.

Dennis previously said:
"From what I understand Doug's wife left him a few years back and married a Presbyterian minister. In time, and I honestly have never heard of such a turn around, she returned to Doug."
For the record:

Doug's wife NEVER married a Presbyterian minister, though Doug and his wife were separated for a while.

Apologies for any direct questions this may bring up for Doug.

Dennis can always be contacted directly here.


  1. If the erroneous case had been correct, LCG would need to make a ruling, as in such a situation, according to Deut 24:4, Doug and his wife would not be permitted to remarry.

  2. You still don't have it right...

    Doug and Sherry Winnail were divorced.

    Sherry re-married. However, the guy she married was not a minister.

    Sherry divorced him and returned to Doug some time later.

    They were then married a second time.

    RCM and the other LCG HQs men were all totally against Doug re-marrying Sherry because she is not into Armstrongism and she's pretty vocal about it.

    She endured WCG but was smart enough to walk away and never look back.

    Now the record is straight!

    1. Wow! An actual example of marital love being allowed to take priority over Armstrongism! I guess you can get away with this if the brass values and needs you. Uncle Roddie would probably have preferred to make Sherry the “new” Leona McNair!


  3. It was troublesome to many in LCG that Doug was permitted to marry a non-believer while their kids and friends were/are not.

    Of course, in LCG different rules apply to the lay-members and the ministry.

  4. At least DD can admit he is wrong when he is wrong.....I cannot say the same for GEW or any other ministers in LCG.


    The ministers can never be wrong and never disagree with one another. We just have different perspective. Blah Blah blah.

  5. They were only separated, and never divorced.

  6. Thanks Gary. A couple months ago I called someone I had not talked to in years. They said "I was told you committed suicide in a mental hospital!" So I understand these things😱😇

  7. 940. I have now an unquestionably good source not included that would indicate your version is also inaccurate

  8. I don't feel completely comfortable about discussing a ministers personal life, but then, how many times have members confided to their minister, only to discover to their horror, that their intimate details have been spread from one end of the church to the other.

  9. I agree 1247. I simple wish to clear up what came to my attention as inaccurate from those who would actually know the circumstances.

  10. Anon 12:47

    I agree about ministers sharing stories about members with wives and others. One of the complaints here by LCG members is how ministers share intimate information with their wives. Counseling sessions should go no further than the ears of the minister unless it requires more experienced help, medical or police intervention.

    I remember clearly the day I was in the Hall of Ad in the Security Office when it and the Pasadena Church Offices were located on the first floor. Standing in the hallway was Robin Webber and John Kennedy. They were talking and laughing about a person who had just finished counselling with Webber. The mockery of the person who had just finished counselling with Webber was appalling. All of us in the security area heard it all.

  11. I have to take yearly ethics classes for licensure on top of lots more stuff. . One called "Behind closed doors: the good, the bad and the ugly." There were no such classes or even the concept taught prior to going into ministry which in hindsight is appalling. Perhaps because they had no one with ethics to teach it.

  12. ANON SAID: Doug and Sherry Winnail were divorced.
    Sherry re-married. However, the guy she married was not a minister.
    Sherry divorced him and returned to Doug some time later.
    They were then married a second time.

    My Comment : More complicated than an episode of "LOST" !

  13. DD, knowing the situation quite well, I can assure you that Anon 9:40 is much closer to the truth than your "unquestionably good source." Wrong again.

  14. DD, knowing the situation quite well, I can assure you that Anon 9:40 is much closer to the truth than your "unquestionably good source." Wrong again.


  15. I'm glad to no longer be hung up on ridiculous doctrines about marriage that have tied WCG and the splinters in knots for decades. Marriage is simply a human decision based on human needs for sex, companionship and the nurturing of children, etc. HWA put a special aura around it all, and was ready to alter it anytime it impacted what he wanted to do. I personally have had three wives. I was divorced by the first worldwider when I bolted from the cult in the 70s. She's now dead and gone after making overtures toward getting back together some years back. I didn't bite. My second wife separated from me for several years before her smoking gave her lung cancer from which she died in 1995. I'm currently very happily married to a wonderful woman with whom I'm very compatible.

    Herb was right when he stated that marriage was a physical union, but his assertion that it has a divine aspect to it is bullshit. The Bible clearly shows that even in the largely fictional stories about the patriarchs and their propensity to have concubines, avail themselves of the services of prostitutes, etc. I no longer look to a made up "god" to tell me what I have to do where sex and marriage is concerned. I have strict moral standards to which I adhered during all my marriages, but that is my moral standard I largely inherited from the way I was brought up. I recognize no supernatural source that has a right to dictate to me my personal morality. My morality is based on reason and the solid principles of humanist ethics. As much as possible, I've adhered to the medical principle of doing no harm.

  16. If you search public records for Sherry Lynn Dunn you will see that she married another man in 1985. You can't marry another man unless you are divorced from the 1st man (Doug Winnail).

    She and Doug re-married at the Mecklenburg County Court House shortly after LCG HQs moved to NC from CA.

    They were divorced for somewhere around 20 years.

  17. My source was an email from Doug Winnail answering the inquiry. That's the best I can do unless someone conned me.

  18. I corrected what I was told was credibly inaccurate. What is actually true I know not and it doesn't matter

  19. Dear Dennis

    I have forwarded this to you so that you can correct your mistake, rather than calling you a liar as Gary would do to me if I made a mistake. Honest mistakes which are corrected according to new information are not lies, and I give even you folks that. I hope that you will post a retraction/correction.

    I work hard to be accurate and your associate calls me a liar just because he does not agree with me, that is so immature, when will he grow up?

    And FYI I do not and have never taught that Petra is a place of refuge, and here is what I say about the British monarchy and the line of David You will be surprised.


    From: James Malm
    Sent: February 26, 2018 3:12 AM
    To: Doug Winnail
    Subject: Re:

    Dear Doug

    Thank you very much.

    I try hard to be accurate and the best way is to go directly to the one involved.

    Best wishes


    From: Doug Winnail
    Sent: February 26, 2018 12:08 AM
    To: James Malm
    Subject: RE:

    Hello James,

    My wife and I were separated for a while…she did NOT marry a Presbyterian minister. Dennis apparently got his wrong information muddled.

    (Doug S Winnail)

    1. Why what a gas! Per James Malm, there are no lying false prophets in the Armstrong movement. As their prophecies failed, they all corrected their mistakes! Over and over, and over again.


  20. She did remarry. Just not a Presbyterian minister.

  21. Ill just go with something happened in the relationship common to the mental fatigue and eye opening caused by the Church of God implosions, politic and mind sucking drama inflicted on the sincere participants

  22. If Winnail was only separated (?) and not divorced (?) from his wife, HOW COULD HIS WIFE LEGALLY REMARRY? Is someone hiding the facts again and preventing the church from getting a proper judgment on things?

  23. So is Doug Winnail lying to you men by using "separation" instead of "divorce", in order to make himself look good? Like Allwine lying to UCG and the court by saying he's innocent?

  24. I believe the mystery woman who married a Presbyterian minister to be Gwen Register.
    Long ago... on a return visit to UCG in Worcester, MA, David introduced me to his second wife (I didn't ask), but I had heard rumors about their divorce and Gwen's marriage to a minister not affiliated with the CoG.
