Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Saturday, April 28, 2018

White Jesus?


  1. OMG! Now you have done it. This will surely stir up some stink! Love it!!!!!!

  2. I don't know why so many people in the church have to have Jesus be this lily white man. The people of the Mediterranean and Palestine region were not lily white people.

  3. It isn’t the appearance that counts. Thinking that it is is what has always contaminated the spiritual condition of Pharisees. A shape shifter could appear as whatever or whomever he thought could reach or edify specific individuals. Why limit Jesus in a way in which He is not bound or limited? In a way, this reminds me of an episode of “My Favorite Martian” in which Uncle Martin appeared to some Irish who thought he was Seamus O’hara, a leprechaun. When questioned about this later by “nephew” Tim, Uncle Martin asks “Why do you think this is so strange? After all, you believe that I am a Martian!” (Cue theme song).

    People in “the church” (sic) believe that Jesus was a white guy because they were programmed to believe that white people are the descendents of the Israelites. Nobody ever taught them that Ephraim and Manasseh’s mommy was Egyptian. Frankly, that could have meant Nubian. All I can tell you is that a black girlfriend I had several years back loved it when I called her my Nubian Princess.


  4. Although the WCG never used pictures of Jesus, there were still the Basil Wolverton drawings of other Biblical characters. HWA ranted about how Noah was white, and GTA played on David being "ruddy", suggesting Jesus may have been freckled.
    From other sources, I picked up that the Greeks re-purposed their idols and icons to represent Jesus, the Apostles and various saints. Later, during the expulsion of Jews and Arabs from Spain, there was apparently a trend to make Jesus look less Middle Eastern and more European; the new-look Jesus was said to be based on Cesare Borgia.

  5. The byzantine jesus of aia sophia is more middle eastern, like the roman life like grave portraits from alexandria (egypt)


  6. If one watches this program, then it certainly raises some questions. DNA Genesis - The Children Of Adam - National Geographic Documentary Films - Full HD Documentaries on U tube. DNA doesn't lie. Jesus couldn't have been lilly white, he had to be pointed out because he looked like his contemporaries.

  7. Although Jesus surely was not Aryan White as some might like, the Jesus in the video is a little too African as well. Jesus looked like most of the people of the middle east at the time, undistinguished and not unique looking. Judas had to betray him with a kiss, and not by saying, "just arrest the blond guy".

  8. Paganism is the true religion of Europeans, not Christianity. Christianity is a foreign import designed to make Europeans docile and inclusive, and therefore easily destroyed. This is why Europeans are being exterminated today by mass immigration, Marxists, and "progressive" liberals.

    1. Step away from the crack pipe, 10:18. Facts which would prove your wild leaps do not exist. Everything that you just stated is disinformation. It’s even worse than the HWAcaca.

      You deliberately make outrageous statements hoping that everyone will drop whatever is being discussed, to launch into a serious discussion of your garbage. Honestly, most people have a solid memory of the disruptive, attention seeking kid in their grade school classes, the one who could not compete or keep up, so dealt in shock value. I suspect that you were prone to uncontrollable outbursts, and one who forced belches and farts.

    2. Please. Marx was a theorist concerned with the exploitation of workers in the initial state of capitalism and industrialization. Terrible conditions in the factories, particularly for those in your pedigree.

      Thank god for robots and green energy.


  9. Just waiting for the "but the HAIR" deflection.

  10. You deliberately make outrageous statements ....

    It is not outrageous. It is a serious opinion, shared by many.

    ... disruptive, attention seeking kid in their grade school classes, the one who could not compete or keep up ...

    False assumption. I did quite well in school. But rather than refute my views, you resort to elementary school level insults.

    ... dealt in shock value.

    It only shocks people who have had their head stuck in their bibles all their lives and seldom look at what is going on around them.

    I suspect that you were prone to uncontrollable outbursts, and one who forced belches and farts.

    Wrong again.

  11. Christianity is weak. It is so tolerant and docile that despite tens of millions of murders, even of Christian unborn children, the typical Christian is too docile to even speak out against it for fear of what people say, but he is quick to condemn and jail anyone who so much as throws a rock through a window at an abortion clinic.

    1. Anon 4:55 PM, your comment made zero sense. I suggest you avoid the crack-pipe before you comment next time.

  12. Jesus was a Jew. He looked like a Jew. What do Jews look like?

  13. There was a guy on a message board I frequented years ago who, somehow, got this notion that "today's textbooks" call the Egyptian queen Nefertiti a "Nubian Princess" and would have a mini-meltdown about this regularly when it wasn't even the topic. For some reason this notion really upset his crazy ass.

  14. Judas had to betray him with a kiss, and not by saying, "just arrest the blond guy".

    a) I have never seen pictures of a blonde Jesus.

    b) Did Judas say "arrest the black guy"?

  15. Jesus certainly wasn't white. Certainly wasn't black. Might not have even been Jewish. Except, of course, insofar as fictional characters who never walked the earth can be Jewish.

    1. Anon 6:13 PM, your comment made zero sense. Next time you comment you should seriously stay away from the crack pipe.

  16. Interesting article on the subject...


  17. Whoever made that picture did not read the scripture that forbids long hair on men. So, why should I think their portrayal of Jesus is accurate?

  18. If Jesus had dreadlocks, was he a rastafarian?

  19. Well, everyone talks about Trump's hair, so why not Aaron Ra's?

  20. "Anon 9:12, Jesus had long hair. Do the research."

    Oh yeah? What scripture?

  21. "...your comment made zero sense ... stay away from the crack pipe."

    And your rebuttal contains zero information, just a false allegation.

    1. Too funny! The troll is now posting conversations amongst itself now!

    2. Police Officer In Summerside, Prince Edward IslandTuesday, May 1, 2018 at 9:32:00 AM PDT

      Anon 5:30, You have to much kool-aid damaging what few brain cells you still have.

  22. They are now saying that Joan of Arc was mixed race, and they are making Alexander Bell look black in his pictures. Of course, this is all a baseless attack on white heritage and white history.

  23. "Anon 5:30, You have to much kool-aid damaging what few brain cells you still have."

    He who runs out of arguments resorts to personal attacks.

    1. They are not arguing with you, they are simply stating the truth.
