Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, May 14, 2018

A Bit of Perspective on the Church of God Experience

NASA's Curiosity captures Earth about 80 minutes after Sundown on Mars.

"They argue about gods and theology there"


  1. We knew that in 1977, when the first voyager pictures were beamed to the auditorium straight from space and then onto jet propulsion lab.


    1. Why, doesn’t that make Ambassador College “special”!

      Oh well, I’ve got to remember that they were still recovering from the Great Disappointment of 1975. No longer gatekeepers for the Germans and Jesus, at least they got to be gatekeepers for the Voyager feed.


    2. What was special was when our local AC grad who worked for IBM got our pastor to show "powers of ten" as part of a split sermon.

      Oh those cool 1977 "special effects" and the state of the art movie projector at the feast that broke the film every 10 minutes. Light on ligbt off.

      Ah well. Mu mobile phone contains a 1000 times more technology that sent our first astrononauts to luna.


  2. Thank you Dennis! You are now "My Favorite Martian" ! ;-)

  3. The universe is large but the boundaries of human thinking can be very small and narrow. For the dedicated, Armstrongism can be the universe. For them, such photos as this only have relevance in regard to how they fit into Armstrongism.

  4. Yahweh is a god over only a small fraction of that teeny-tiny speck of dust.

    Look on his works, ye mighty, and despair. Round that tiny speck of dust the empty vacuum of space, boundless and bare, stretches far away.

  5. Some atheists claim it is impossible for life to exist out on other planets. As one atheist said recently "for life to exist that lifeform would require water". I'm glad some atheist has the monopoly on truth about other alien worlds.

  6. 9:57. Your comment makes no sense to me. Where did you get that idea about "atheists"?

    1. I think we heard this from this same poster some time ago. I don't remember if they ever clarified.

  7. Anon 9:57, your comment made virtually no sense and was pointless.

  8. Yahshuahito rules it all!

  9. Dennis can think what he wants, but seven billion other people think earth is the most important planet in the cosmos.

    Nihilism never got anybody anywhere.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Ozzy Mandias said...
    Yahweh is a god over only a small fraction of that teeny-tiny speck of dust.

    Smaller than most imagine. Actually YHVH was given ONLY the portion of Jacob and was given it By EL, the real MOST HIGH of the times. So here we have two Gods. A greater one El and the lesser YHVH. Later we see that Chemosh, another god , was given to the people and territory of Moab. Chemosh won victories over YHVH/Israel when YHVH strayed into the territory of Chemosh. So there is three gods. Add Baal and other assorted lesser gods and divine beings and it's quite a fascinating story of polytheism on the Pale Blue Dot.

    Deut 32:8-9 Theologians marvel that this verse was even left in the scriptures as it posits many gods with YHVH not only being just one of them, but a lesser one to boot. .

    "When the Most High (’elyôn) gave to the nations their inheritance, when he separated humanity, he fixed the boundaries of the peoples according to the number of divine beings. For Yahweh’s portion is his people, Jacob his allotted heritage."

    1. Dennis at 5:03, we as Christians know about other gods and the bible doesn't hide that fact, even the holy trinity is three Gods in one. If you had stayed in Grace Communion you would have realized we embrace this truth.

  12. 2001 (its now 2018, btw) a space fantasy; delusion, fed by the influence of invisible forces what have been influencing us carbon based units to find many different ways to deny the God of Abraham in the last several thousand years...

    we will die today, but those forces transcend generations of corpses...

    c f ben yochanan

  13. Those "forces" C F are imaginary and mythological. Human beings are going to have to accept responsibility for their own delusions and illusions. If there was an Abraham, and there is doubt, the "God of Abraham" originated as a Canaanite deity coopted by the Hebrews, cleaned up and repackaged as YHVH for Old Testament and Hebrew consumption.

    1. ur right, clearly the God of Abraham was among the canaanites before He Called Abraham, as was proven by Melchizedeck...

      now, regarding invisible forces, it is clear, especially among the mentally ill, that there are invisible forces what control flesh...for example: what brain defect can be demonstrated to be anything other than physiological, yet many with such illnesses or injuries are prone to do self harm or harming others...

      and what in neurology accounts for sentiments like love, reasoning, empathy, insolence, scoffery, humor or hate???

      invisible forces...

      c f ben yochanan

  14. The human brain is biochemically more complex than an entire galaxy.


    Mars is nothing. Something can't come from nothing.

    Since the time of Copernicus, the Western world has felt small when looking up into the sky. But from within most of the Milky Way galaxy - the sky appears to be a continuous, brilliant sheet of white light. Radiation levels are beyond what life as we know it can tolerate. But not from earth.

    We marvel at the galaxy. But if the galaxy could think or be conscious - it would marvel at us.

    An accident of chance? Only a fool concludes there is no God.

    1. indeed; i read somewhere that there are more cells in the human body than there are stars in the universe; and any one of those cells are too complex for the mind of man to replicate from scratch given our limited knowledge and intelligence...

      and the notion that our universe came from nothing literally defies physics as we know it...there is not a single entity in the universe that didnt come about through a physical reaction to a previous physical action...

      c f ben yochanan

  15. How many times do I have to say it... Wadsworth, Ohio is on that little blue dot!

    Cut the crap, and quit marginalizing, Dennis.

  16. "... cleaned up and repackaged as YHVH for Old Testament and Hebrew consumption...

    The same god was further repackaged in the Talmud and he now approves of all sorts of perverted behavior that would shock people if they knew. Just stating what is in the Talmud gets you slammed and censored as a Jew hater. People can't believe it's really in there, so of course they think you must be "making it all up."

  17. Anonymous said...
    Dennis at 5:03, we as Christians know about other gods and the bible doesn't hide that fact, even the holy trinity is three Gods in one. If you had stayed in Grace Communion you would have realized we embrace this truth.

    I grew up with the "truth" of the Trinity and the Tkaches simply reinvented the wheel for me. While an entirely different topic, it is not difficult to trace the evolution of the Trinity in Church history. It is what you get when you have one god beget another god which has to be explained as not two gods. The "Fully God, Fully Man" , then throw in the Holy Spirit god is simply church apologetic for the mess they got themselves into making Jesus god which he never made himself of course. The process of evolution is alive and well in doctrine and church history as well.

  18. Sometimes even the culties get it right. LCG has posted an article that acknowledges the Peter Principle, which states that in a hierarchical organization people are promoted to their level of incompetence.

    LCG commentary on the Peter Principle

    What does this tell us about the current infighting within LCG, when one of its field pastors can get away with accusing the hierarchy of incompetence?

  19. Every atom in your body is billions of years old!

    Every atom you have ws created in explosions of stars and in the beginning of the universe.

    So our bodies are EXACTLY as old as the universe.

    These atoms were created in a supernova. The supernovas was caused into existence by massive stars that died.

    On the other hand your body replaces it's atoms approx.. every 18 months.
    So you are not older than 18 months, while at the same time made up of elements being billions of years old.

    Remember: In the beginning.....

    So we share the same elements as of a Star that is light years away.
    The gold that is within us was formed in the nucleus of those stars.

    Every living cell in our body has been alive for over 3 billion years through cell division of older cells.

    I was present at the Big Bang......but not yet assembled!

    We are a way for the universe to know itself!

    This must be sufficient explanation to Dennis as to why his patient's back's hurt!

    (oh yes there was something about three races also and fighting amongst ourselves)

