Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Monday, May 14, 2018

Dave Pack: As Direct Result of the Immaculate Conception, He is a Descendant of David, Herod the Great, Kings, Queen Elizabeth, and Adam and Eve

When a person runs the most superfantabulous church in the entire world, one must have an impeccable lineage to PROVE to the unwashed masses as to how special their leader is. Everything about Dave has to be presented in extraordinary ways in order to impress his gullible members.

Dave writes:

Herbert W. Armstrong was excited to learn at a point that he was a direct descendant of the ancient King David of the Bible. David, who died in approximately 962 BC in Jerusalem, was the renowned king of the 12 tribes of Israel. Mr. Armstrong shared this knowledge with the membership of The Worldwide Church of God, who found it fascinating.
Mr. Pack learned that he was also a direct descendant of King David, and that this could be traced through two separate branches of the Davidic line, one through Mary, Jesus’ mother. This was made plain through the well-known genealogy of Queen Elizabeth II, coupled with other historical sources.

This link was made clear when genealogical research revealed that Mr. Pack is a direct descendant of the royal line of Wessex kings. Wessex was an Anglo-Saxon kingdom in England from the sixth century to the 10th century. For instance, Cerdric King of Wessex, who founded Wessex and died in AD 534, is Mr. Pack’s 47th great-grandfather. Other examples include Cynric King of Wessex—Ceawlin King of Wessex—Ceowald Prince of Wessex, and a great many more.
After this information was found, Mr. Pack’s cousin also learned that they are related to certain kings of Scotland. For instance, Eochaid IV King of Scotland (lived AD 747-819) is Mr. Pack’s 37th Great-Grandfather. He is also related to Kenneth I MacAlpin, the Conqueror of Scotland (reigned AD 843-858) and King Kenneth II of Scotland (reigned AD 971-995).
This royal line also included some of the kings of England, such as Henry II, Mr. Pack’s 24th Great-Grandfather. Henry II became king in 1154 and occupied the throne until his death in 1189.
Early historian and politician, Sir Winston Churchill (1620-1688), ancestor of the famous 20th-century British Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill, wrote that Henry II was “…the very greatest king that England ever knew…” (Divi Britannici, 1675). Historians record that he had tremendous energy, an incredible memory, a love of history and is seen by many as one of the most effective English monarchs. He is also credited for founding English Common Law due to his care for and attention to justice, which was virtually unknown during his predecessor’s reign. Mr. Pack can also trace his roots to William I (1028 to 1087) and Henry I King of England (reigned 1069-1135).
Tying into Elizabeth II’s genealogy by itself means one can trace his or her roots directly to Adam and Eve. The reader may enjoy perusing Elizabeth II’s royal genealogy, posted on the Internet on various websites.
Tracing the line much further back, it also came to light that Herod the Great, king of Judea (lived 73-4 BC) is Mr. Pack’s 63rd great-grandfather (and Henry II’s 37th great-grandfather). Considered the wealthiest man in the world in his day, Herod married into the lines of the Caesars. Within the Roman Empire, Emperor Marcus Aurelius (lived AD 121-180) is Mr. Pack’s 56th great-grandfather. Commodus, Marcus Aurelius’ son, becomes his 55th great-grandfather. Many other Roman emperors after Commodus are in a direct line to Mr. Pack’s family as well. The same is true of Mr. Pack’s 38th great-grandfather, Charles Martel (AD 688-741), a Frankish military and political leader who “reunited and ruled the entire Frankish realm and stemmed the Muslim invasion at Poitiers in 732” (Encyclopaedia Britannica).


  1. And, of course, this is information that would be chiefly of interest to the hoity toity!

    Does Dave know no boundaries whatsoever in his quest for self-aggrandizement? With this constant barrage, I'm thinking he must have a deep, deep inferiority complex, and that what we are reading is what he concocts in his mind to justify his own existence. Way, way overboard. Totally manic.

    Huge red flag, RCG members!


  2. Wow fantastic!
    The only person missing in this illustrious line of his genealogy is the inventor of Pacman!
    As a matter of fact he is the inventor of Packman!


  3. Wow, what a mind boggling lineage this church leader has. I'm so impressed that I'm gonna join this RCG church and give Dave all my earthly wealth as taught by his common doctrine. My person and money will be with you shortly Dave.

  4. I have a chart proving that Pack is a direct descendant of ATILLA THE HUN !

  5. How long will it be before Wadsworth becomes another Waco, as Daffy Dave, unable to pay his bills and facing the loss of his compound, declares that he is in fact David Christ and that true Christians must, as Daniel did, pass through the fire to enter the Place of Safety?

  6. With such an illustrious ancestry, Dave brings to mind a fictitious book, Dr Beverly Hofstadter's The Disappointing Child.


  7. That genealogy stuff can be interesting. Personally, I myself am descended from Adam and Eve, through Noah.

    Even more interesting, though, is the fact that David Pack will try to con and threaten you out of virtually everything you own, teach you crazy new prophetic nonsense that he makes up as he goes along, expect you to change your major doctrinal beliefs as often as he tells you to, and leave you ruined and destitute in the end.

    As Jesus said, “Beware of false prophets.” Now that was a very interesting warning.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I'm surprised Dave didn't take the time to reveal, at this time, that he is the direct descendant of Jesus of Nazareth and the main star in his own upcoming movie, The Daveinchi Code to be released on Friday the 13th of Elul 2018. Not one single member of the board disagrees that this is the time and the absolute truth of "Just Who Do You Mean Mr Pack?"

  10. And Adolph Hitler could have been a descendant of Moses. So what does that prove? Its how a person lives their life not who they came from

  11. My family shoveled the Kings horse shit. My family knows shit Dave. I'm smelling a lot of it here.

  12. Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do. - 1 Tim 1:4 KJV

  13. I'm a descendant of King Richard 3 (the lion heart), but you don't see me making a big deal out of it.

  14. By the time you go back 60 generations or so, you are in the eighth, ninth or tenth centuries AD, when the number of your ancestors is greater than the number of people on planet Earth.

    Nearly everyone living today who has some European ancestry has Charlemagne as an ancestor. Hundreds of millions alive today can claim Charles Martel and Marcus Aurelius.

    What I would REALLY like to find out is the percentage of Neanderthal genes in Desperate Davie's DNA... and how he explains those away.

  15. Byker Bob asks and states,
    "Does Dave know no boundaries whatsoever in his quest for self-aggrandizement? With this constant barrage, I'm thinking he must have a deep, deep inferiority complex, and that what we are reading is what he concocts in his mind to justify his own existence. Way, way overboard. Totally manic."

    Reminds me of a POTUS who also is following a quest for self-aggrandizement while not caring who or how many die while he's on that quest.

  16. Pack never preaches these scriptures:

    Titus 3:9 - But avoid foolish controversies, genealogies, dissensions, and quarrels about the law, for they are unprofitable and worthless.

    I Timothy 1:4 - Nor to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies, which promote speculations rather than the stewardship from God that is by faith.

    Hey pack, I can do you one better, I trace my genealogy right back to the "dust of the earth"! Bam! Woop, woop!!! I am universe dust.

    Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature. - Genesis 2:7

    There are two separate genealogies of Jesus recorded for very specific reasons, one recorded to jews for legal lineage purposes, one to gentiles for biological reasons, both pointing back to God. Christ did not have his genealogy recorded to prove his righteousness or credibility, later in scripture we are urged to live thru faith. PACK is only interested in elevating his own importance. NO BUENO

  17. This is a most ridiculous load of trollop.

    In the first place, this "well-known" genealogy of QEII is bollocks because it's based upon myths and legends, so it wasn't reliable to begin with, and now Y-Haplotype genetic research has conclusively disproven it.

    The legend goes that all the royal houses of Europe are "royal" because they're descended from king Priam of Troy through his relatives that got out before the city was destroyed, and that for some reason this Trojan blood was recognized by everyone far and wide as having some sort of divine right to rule. So the story goes, Brutus went to the British Isles, which are named after him.

    Not so, however, since Britain gets it's name from the celtic Pretani tribe, attested by Pytheas whose work survives only in quotes from Roman authors. In the same way, Paris gets it's name from the Parisii tribe, and Belgium from the Belgae confederation.

    Herbert Armstrong and Dave Pack "learned" they are direct descendants of king David? And they "learned" this how?

    They're just as much descended from king David as king Arthur.

    Nobody's descended from Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses or David, as these are most likely mythical figures. Even if David were an historical figure, there's no way anyone could demonstrate direct lineage back that far anyway.

    But beyond this, Dave claims patriarchs who are near contemporaries, but are unrelated to one another. Herod was Arabic, Marcus Aurelius' family were from Spain, probably celts. And it goes downhill from there.

    Even if any one of these things were actually true, there's not one of them that he could possibly know, and any one of them being true would rule out most of the rest of them as even possibilities.

    Why anyone follows this nutjob at all is beyond me. You've got to be almost as crazy as Pack himself to follow him at this point.

  18. People often concentrate too much on the greatness of their ancestry, and don’t pay enough attention to developing their own innate talents and abilities. If the talents Dave derived from his ancestry were equal to HWA’s, he’d have either the biggest splinter, or be the only successor. He’s had twenty years to ramp up to this, but all we’ve got is hot air. Somehow reality never reaches expectation. Speaking of Brits, they have a term for this: “wanker”.


  19. The geneologies of Jesus are just as contrived and moot if his literal father is God, which is also contrived
    for political and theological reasons and not remotely or literally true.

    1. Dennis, Jesus DID NOT preexist and his father was Joseph. Like most who were brainwashed by Armstrong, you fail to understand pivotal points of new testament theology from a Jewish perspective. End of story!

    2. Axially, in the ancient records, the Jews had another name for Jesus. They called him “Jesus ben Pantera”, there being a theory that a Roman soldier of the day by the name of Pantera had raped Mary.

      Think for a minute, though. What if there were an example of a real virgin birth today? I mean like asexual reproduction by spore or something? What percentage of the gen pop would accept that as reality? It runs counter to the laws of the universe as we know them. Everybody and their mother and their dog would have a pet theory. Like back in Pasadena in the ‘70s, if it had happened in the WCG, the more suspicious of the brethren might indulge in a whisper campaign, calling the baby “Garner Ted”. This Pantera must have had a similar reputation back in the day.

  20. 1050. You need to announce this to millions of fundamentalist and evangelical Baptists, Catholics and just about the rest of Christendom.

    P.S.. I already agree with you. You missed my point. Nothing I say in the last 20 years has one shot to do with WCG or HWA beliefs. I don't know how many times I have to repeat that here.

    Actually, I doubt any Joseph was Jesus father but if he existed he was the bastard son if someone. Even the NT reflects this. Long study

  21. And your "end of story" is just the beginning

  22. I was in attendance when Dave Pack announced this but he left me thoroughly confused. He stated that when he arrived at AC he was told that the name Pack meant passover in Hebrew. He then went onto say that all of the Pack's that he knew were of German origin. He then stated that he traced his families' ancestry back to King David. I was left wondering how he got through all the Germans on the way to Britain and then to King David.

    He followed this up later by stating that God must have a sense of humor for choosing the last man to usher in the Kingdom with the name David (Passover) Pack.

  23. "What if there were an example of a real virgin birth today? I mean like asexual reproduction by spore or something?'

    Two weeks ago I reported on this blog that "Nature magazine" announced that we are very close, as living cells were created from dead mice.


  24. I was just reminded that for the invitation for Prince Harry and Miss Markle this weekend there is besides the usual dress code and no mobile device request, also a "No Swords" strict guidance.

    With Pack's illustrious genealogy I was wondering if for RCG Feast registration there would also be a "No Swords" guidance for attendance?


  25. I think in the end David Pack will be Passed Over for all the nonsense and lies he has told.


  26. That genealogy stuff can be interesting. Personally, I myself am descended from
    Adam and Eve, through Noah.

    Even more interesting, though, is the fact that David Pack will try to con and threaten you out of virtually everything you own, teach you crazy new prophetic nonsense that he makes up as he goes along, expect you to change your major doctrinal beliefs as often as he tells you to, and leave you ruined and destitute in the end.

    As Jesus said, “Beware of false prophets.” Now that was a very interesting warning.

  27. Yep, we were by Jesus Himself, many will come that are false prophets, and someone said something about a potus having himself a self centered time of it too.
    Remembering that we shall know them by their works. If they don't come to you with this "Jesus died to defeat sin, and death, believe on Him and you shall have everlasting life". (I paraphrased it a little)He never mentioned that his genealogy was was what He was here for. Forget earthly rewards-they do not last, this whole thing is a big joke. Wanna really be famous? Forsake all others and follow Christ. You'll be famous with the Father and The Son, and thats all that matters.
    If you haven't confessed your sins and given your life to Christ maybe it's time to sit down and understand that time is short, and it really is.
    If you don't you may miss out on a excellent eternity
