Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, May 24, 2018

United Church of God Elder Stephen Allwine: Web Of Lies: The Murder of Amy Allwine Documentary

"This documentary follows how detectives, forensic specialists, and prosecutors untangled a web of lies surrounding the murder of Amy Allwine, and the secrets her husband had kept from everyone."

Fox 9 News


  1. People die everyday. I don’t know why everyone gets bent out of shape over this. Sin was obviously present in ther lives and they both are paying the price. God will resurrect her after the tribulation. Something she won’t have to go through.

  2. Spoken like a true Armstrongite. A lack of empathy. Just like Mr.Allwine.

  3. Actually, if Amy Allwine was sinning and hadn't repented when her husband killed her, she will come up in the third resurrection and go into the Lake of Fire. At least that's what her religion (and her husband's) teaches. Murdering an unrepentant Christian is in ACOG theology just about the very worst thing a person can do. And that's what UCG Elder Stephen Allwine chose to do.

  4. Anon 12:22 comments are from a ice cold heart. As cold as Nazis putting Jews to death in concentration camps in WW2. People die everyday, why are people getting bent out of shape ? because cold blooded murder is an evil act.

  5. 12.22 AM
    So life is not precious and she had it coming. If she didn't qualify for the kingdom, the husband robbed her of the remainder of her days.
    You are so heartless.

  6. My prayers for their young son, who must be terribly traumatized and disillusioned.

  7. spared from the (soon coming) tribulation...

    I remember hearing that ministerial epitaph over 40 years ago.
    It looks like we were all spared because it didn't happen, "on schedule".

  8. How odd that Fox 25 and Fox 9 have now aired reports involving cog's.
    That kinda beats the assumption that Fox is somehow alligned to their thinking.

    Gone are the times that WCG pulled some strings "higher up" and the LA Times decided to pull articles from publication. But hey HWA said so, my work is done...........

    In the past we would have called Murdoch himself and he would pull this type of reporting or loose the WTM from airing on his channels.

    Great how that kid walking into a crime scene immediately starts preparing questions for the correspondence department on D&R. That doesn't sound traumatized at all.

    I think it is a great thing that people in his church supported alwinn until the law proved him guilty without a doubt. I highly value qualities like loyalty and innocent until proven guilty.

    Crazy people should watch more tv series like CSI and realize that they cannot be smarter than a group of Hollywood producers. In other words they will be caught by modern technology. Great work by the FBI to have acted on the information from the Dark Web.


  9. Yes murders etc do happen every day.

    However, when you consider what percentage of the total population are Armstrongites, there is a disproportionately large percentage of ACOG members who kill themselves or others.

    It is not a religion of joy filled, happy people.

    I also contend that the rate of cancer amongst ACOGers is much higher than in the general population.

    It's the nature of belonging to a doomsday cult.

  10. I am so glad I left WCG many years ago. People in the various acog’s are still so judgmental and self righteous. Jesus’s attitude of loving one another, on judging etc never enters their thoughts. At least Amy won’t have to deal with is ACOG any more.

  11. I wonder how he is doing preaching the gospel in jail. I guess its common in jail for murderers to claim they are innocent. That self-deception thing is well practised in the WCGs, so I would think might account for high rates of various problems.

    Obviously he wasn't the IT genius he thought he was, even a smart teenager would probably not make all the mistakes he did, but then of course he claims he didn't do it. Another thing about COGs, they make people think they are smart, special etc., when really they are just average people who are lacking a lot of the experience that your regular non-cultreligious person has. If this Allwine had a normal background he would know that having an affair is a minor evil compared to murder. And he must have discussed stuff with his son, like planning remarriage, what an idiot.

  12. Nck
    Only a minority of crimes are solved by the police. Which is why criminals often get sloppy.

  13. Rick, local Fox affiliates don't tend to be rubber stamps of Fox News Channel. That's because most of them are not owned by Fox.

    KMSP admittedly is. But KOKH in Oklahoma City is owned by Sinclair (not sure who owned it when the PCG special report aired) - and from what I've seen, claims of right-wing bias by Sinclair stations seem to be exaggerated.

  14. They could make a whole franchise out of Web of Lies, documenting the rest of COG leaders and ministers.

    In order to invalidate an organization that claims they know the secret to lead people to the gods, and that having done so, those gods will supernaturally transform those people into supermensch, all you have to do is show that the members of that organization are not transformed. They don't have to be worse, just the same as, "the world" they already claim is wicked and depraved. All you need to damn them is mere faint praise, and voilĂ , by their own mouth, they're wicked and depraved.

    Not satisfied with faint praise, Stephen Allwine really knocks it out of the park, though, doesn't he?

    So, if they don't have any divine secrets (they don't), can't lead you to the gods (they can't), and aren't being transformed (they aren't), then then all that's left is just a social club. A really judgy social club.

    And btw, it doesn't matter if that organization is the catholic church or UCG.

    And we don't even have to discuss the supernatural, the existence of gods, their potential identities, whether or not they're worthy of worship, etc. to realize that armstrongism (also catholicism) are obvious scams that write checks neither they nor their gods can cash. So why waste your time there?

    I can think of better social clubs to belong to.


  15. The bad people in all the splinter groups are dishonest and pretend to be good. That is just how it is done.

    1. Unfortunately, we can’t hold the leaders of the sphincter groups accountable without acknowledging that if you lie with dogs, you’re gonna get fleas!

      At one time, I felt duty-bound to assist the exploited and abused in escaping a toxic, soul-crushing cult. Let’s face it, the information which could accomplish that has been available for years now, just a few short mouse clicks away. I believe that the people who insist on remaining in these oppressive groups deserve exactly what they are getting. Perhaps if their personal situations become even worse, that will do what logic and information have failed to do.

      Ironically, the dictators who run the worst of these cults collectively have caused a whole second tier of people to leave Armstrongism (the Tkaches caused the first tier to leave). In a way, it doesn’t matter how you leave, just the fact that you become free.

      Go to your nearest Walgreens and pick up a convenient spray can of ACOG-flea exterminator, today! Now, available in new Lilly Scent!


  16. 1.15 PM
    The church's control and command culture is anti-thinking, so his Chief Inspector Jacques Clouseau bubbling is unsurprising.

  17. The way they were describing Allwine fit my ex husband, who was raised in WWCG, to a T. There were quite a few men in the ACOGS that I would put in the same category. Kinda says something when the church seems to attract the same kind of people over and over and over.

  18. Anonymous said, "I guess its common in jail for murderers to claim they are innocent. That self-deception thing is well practised in the WCGs, so I would think might account for high rates of various problems."
    This might be a defense mechanism, a way of hiding from ourselves. He doesn't want to think of himself as a murderer, but as a man of God.
    The story said that he wants to preach to the other prisoners. Right! This is like a wife beater offering a course on "How to Have a Happy Marriage."

  19. How terribly sad that Amy Allwines son has ended up in foster care. What a terrible outcome.

  20. "Actually, if Amy Allwine was sinning and hadn't repented when her husband killed her, she will come up in the third resurrection and go into the Lake of Fire. At least that's what her religion (and her husband's) teaches."

    maybe UCG teaches that, but that's NOT what the bible says.

  21. Anon May 26, 2018 at 8:19 AM, and Anon May 25, 2018 at 4:52 AM who wrote: "Actually, if Amy Allwine was sinning and hadn't repented when her husband killed her, she will come up in the third resurrection and go into the Lake of Fire. At least that's what her religion (and her husband's) teaches. Murdering an unrepentant Christian is in ACOG theology just about the very worst thing a person can do. And that's what UCG Elder Stephen Allwine chose to do."

    Yes, the Bible, thankfully, does not teach what the United Ass. teaches regarding that third resurrection.

    The 3rd resurrection ranks up there with the Mickey Mouse Millennium, where United teaches Jesus Christ will "very soon" return to earth and reign on earth for a 1,000 years. The 3rd resurrection is a Mickey Mouse resurrection. It won't happen.

    Amy is dead, which is only a temporary cessation from life. Yes, sad, but true.

    Satan is a murderer (John 8:44), a liar, involved with sin (I John 3:8), and has the power of death (Heb 2:14).

    For example, "Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil;"

    Stephen will yet also die. The wages of sin is death. Who doesn't have sin in his/her life? Even Jesus Christ, sinless though He was, was murdered. His temporary cessation from life only lasted 3 days and 3 nights. Everyday we go to sleep and wake up we picture a resurrection to life again: not to death!

    It has only been appointed unto men (and women!) once to die (Heb 9:27), with no way of getting around that.

    What's the future for Amy and Stephen? Amy's wages (Romans 6:23) have been paid. Stephen will yet pay his wages, which is death. Lots of suffering involved, even continues for the son and his father!

    Still, Amy went through a "hell on earth," her son goes through his "hell on earth," and so will Stephen Allwine continue with his "hell on earth," but in a very confined location.

    How often do we each go through what Job experienced?

    "When I looked for good, then evil came unto me: and when I waited for light, there came darkness." Job 30:26

    All the world is deceived, but we keep looking for that good...that light!

    What's next? Everlasting life, which makes sense if the following reconciling by God turns out to be true:

    "To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, NOT imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation." 2 Corinthians 5:19

    Time will tell...

