Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Sunday, July 8, 2018

And here we go again....God Is Spanking The West With Heat and Fires

And here we go again. High temperatures have hit the western states and have contributed to fires. Que the Armstrongite self-appointed false prophets screeching that it is God's punishment.  Their god is in a perpetual state of pissiness at everyone around them.  Of course, their god is always mad because people around the COG false prophets never measure up to the legalistic rules and regulations that they worship more than God himself.  They need an angry god on their side who hates the people who criticise them and ignore their idiotic rants.  They imagine themselves to be like the prophets of the Old Testament who had God strike their accusers down.

Our favorite self-appointed narcissistic false prophet of that angry god is back regaling us with his tales of woe.

The Bible shows that God uses weather to get people’s attention. Sometimes to punish, sometimes to lead to repentance, and other times to consider that God, not humankind, is in control.
Heat will one day be much worse:
8 Then the fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and power was given to him to scorch men with fire. 9 And men were scorched with great heat, and they blasphemed the name of God who has power over these plagues; and they did not repent and give Him glory. (Revelation 16:8-9) 
Notice also the following about heat:
23 ‘The whole land is brimstone, salt, and burning; it is not sown, nor does it bear, nor does any grass grow there, like the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah, Admah, and Zeboiim, which the Lord overthrew in His anger and His wrath.’ 24 All nations would say, ‘Why has the Lord done so to this land? What does the heat of this great anger mean?’ 25 Then people would say: ‘Because they have forsaken the covenant of the Lord God of their fathers…(Deuteronomy 29:23-25)
Fires have hit many places; Significant wildfires have hit California. Shortly after the start of the Thomas Fire, California Governor Jerry Brown warned that the US President did not have “the fear of the wrath of God.” Does God use fire to encourage people to change? What are some of the scriptures associated with fire in the Bible? What is sin? What are some of the scriptures associated with the wrath of God in the New Testament? Is Governor Brown being hypocritical here? What happened to Sodom and Gomorrah? Is this relevant now? What did Jesus teach about the time of Sodom and the coming time of troubles? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more.


  1. Interesting how guvnah Brown packages his warning for climate change into apocalyptic wordings. Interesting how in California progressive liberal modernist culture went hand in hand with notions of the apocalypse since the early fifties.


  2. Does God use fire to encourage people to change? What are some of the scriptures associated with fire in the Bible? What is sin? What are some of the scriptures associated with the wrath of God in the New Testament? Is Governor Brown being hypocritical here? What happened to Sodom and Gomorrah? Is this relevant now? What did Jesus teach about the time of Sodom and the coming time of troubles? What if confirmation bias is leading us to unwarranted conclusions? What if destructive fires have nothing to do with God or the Bible but are simply the result of climate change and human settlement patterns? Which COG leader should we follow to escape punishment by fire? What if we escape punishment by fire in this life only to find out we were not good enough and are thrown into the lake of fire? Would we be incinerated in this life only to have our ashes reassembled and incinerated again? Is that double jeopardy?

  3. Droughts, floods, fires... recurrent natural disasters in California, and Bob's favorite ex post facto prophecies. Whatever goes wrong in California is blamed on LGBTQ.
    Some time ago Bob toyed with the fact that climate change had something to do with some of the world's natural disasters, but then the Pope got involved, and so Bob went into denial. In doing so, he now sides with other COG climatology gurus such as Gerald Flurry and Mark Armstrong.
    Why is always California? Aren't other states and nations ever punished for LGBTQ? Bob is caught behind the Magic Eightball when it comes to such questions...

  4. Bob Thiel, regarding God's wrath, wrote: "..Fires have hit many places; Significant wildfires have hit California. Shortly after the start of the Thomas Fire, California Governor Jerry Brown warned that the US President did not have “the fear of the wrath of God.”.."

    So, what about it? What should we believe from Bob Thiel or Jerry Brown about God's wrath? Or, fear? Satan, god of this present evil world, does not fear God or God's wrath, but that vile evil thing was made that way:

    "Upon earth there is not his like, who is made without fear." Job 41:33

    But, false prophet Bob Thiel, twists the words of a true prophet, when he takes Revelation 16:8-9 (which won't occur until AFTER the 1,000 year Mickey Mouse Millennium of Christ supposedly reigning on earth) and strives to tie those words in with Deut 29:23-25 (which occurred thousands of years ago) and then imply/hint that God is "spanking" America's California area with heat from fires.

    Was Satan in that picture someplace too? In the details? It does not sound like Bob's god is anything like the God who sent His Son, not to condemn this world, but to save it. There is a place for those events specified in Rev 16 and Deut 29, but that was not the "end of the matter" as time will tell.

    Oh, but then Bob tells us he will address an issue like: "..What is sin?.."

    Really? Will Bob address how he like the apostle Paul regarding the following?
    Romans 7:17 "Now then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me."
    :20 "Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me."

    Or, does Dr. Thiel have a special way around those verses, and what about addressing the following verse on sin?

    "He that committeth sin is of the devil..." I John 3:8

    I seriously doubt that Dr. Thiel will address those verses on the matter of sin, and how they apply to himSELF, but time will tell...


  5. Weather or not Bob understands weather, I refuse any further comment on the views of this High Pressure, Bronze Age meteorologist. It Clouds reality, is all a Front to me and drives me to drink at Milli's Bar.

  6. Which improperly named Church of god has its headquarters in the middle of the region affected by the heat and fires? Surely it is THAT organization that God is punishing and calling to repentance.

  7. For the Armstrongist ministry, any disaster in the news is marketing leverage. They can capitalize on the misfortune of others to spin up their base - which is directly correlated with the flow of tithes and offerings.

    And this gives the Armstrongist base the feeling that "this is really happening!!" and "we are important because we know all about it!!" But there are very real, unlike the very unreal prophetic utterances, penalties associated with this. NPR just had an interview with an author who wrote a book about the Kellogg brothers (corn flakes, etc. and also Seventh Day Adventists). He was asked by the interviewer about SDA beliefs and the author mentioned how the SDAs at that time detrimentally de-emphasized the education of their children because of the imminent end of the age. We know all the effects on family.

    Another profoundly negative outcome is the cultivation of a desire for the destruction of other people - in the spirit of the Westboro Baptist Church. Armstrongist lay member soon desire to see the "blood up to the horses bridles." And when Gerald Waterhouse showed up to give a four hour sermon detailing how "Israelites" were going to be treated sadistically by the Germans during the Tribulation, it was virtually a festive occasion.

    I scanned some of the earlier posts and once again encountered the idea from one contributor that he had never heard anyone in the WCG advocate violence. The gap in understanding here is the failure to recognize the covert spirit of murder rather than the overt act of murder. The cherishing of the idea that people are being thrown into concentration camps during the Tribulation while "we are at the Place of Safety experiencing three and a half years of the Feast of Tabernacles" is the blatant spirit of murder. No Armstrongist has to say within your hearing "Let's go kill some people." It is all in the subtext - but some people don't read the subtext.

  8. Logic Progression...

    God is all powerful.

    God is sovereign.

    God does not need to be sly or coy, and can be very direct.

    If that be true Mr. Thiel, then why doesn't God just send an angel with a swat paddle, and have him giv e direct and personal unambiguous spanking to the dear Governor!

    On another quesition, should Linda Rondstadt receive a spanking too for having been once seriously involved with Governor Brown?

    1. Unfortunately, Linda Ronstadt has received one of life’s spankings, healthwise. My ex-wife and I took my mother-in-law to Linda’s “Canciones de mi Padre” concert, which were songs all sung in Spanish. I may have been the only Anglo guy there, but I have to say that the appeal and charisma which Linda Ronstadt had as a singer and as a person crossed cultural and socio-economic boundaries. Even my ACOg parents enjoyed her music. They were quite pleasantly surprised by her performance in the Pirates of Penzance.

      So far as Cali’s fires go? For a spanking to be effective, someone credible has to clearly and audibly explain why the spanking is taking place. Bob Thiel is for all purposes invisible, and even if he were right there being interviewed on the evening news at the site of the fire, all the hand flailing and his other nuances would give the impression that he was a kook. If you had a top ten reasons list, in California most will blame the fires on climate change, and those who don’t will chalk it up to man’s carelessness during persistant dry weather conditions. Most reasonable people would not blame fires on same-sex people in the neighborhood licking each others genitals. You could cite that as being responsible for the spread of STDs, but fires?


  9. Oh man BB. Now everytime I hear the fire department passing by I will have this graphic imagery accompanying the sirens.

    Ok the article. I see. God is trying to get attention.

    As a professional attention seeker myself, in constant posession of esoteric advance knowledge, I hereby proclaim and prophecy that in the near future more female bodily hair will be shown on regular air time. Time is short.

    I know this revelation must come as quite the shocker for some. Perhaps interpreted as a sign of the times, continuing decline in standards and worthy of a curse.

    But remember. In time, you will know.....that a prophet has been among you!
    Or maybe I'll stick around anyway.


  10. You could cite that as being responsible for the spread of STDs, but fires?

    Correlation doesn't prove causation, but some years a YEC (with a diploma mill PhD) "proved" the rise of immorality in the 1960s correlated with the teaching of evolution in schools.

    So can California's adoption of the "LGBTQ Agenda" be statistically shown to have been a trigger for increased frequency, intensity, or seasonal variation in natural disasters? Would a conservative government in California, reversing the "Agenda", cause natural disasters to cease, lessen in intensity, or become more seasonal?
    Or does Bob need to find 10 righteous men?

  11. God must have punished all the wicked Californians in 1889. This was the largest recorded wildfire in California. Southern California is a semi desert climate with millions of residents. Wildfires happened 200 years ago, now, and will in the future. Now if the fires only burnt down the houses of homos, Hollywood perverts, and members of Grace Communion, Mr. Thiel might have a case. Recent fires occurred in Alpine, California and the Santa Barbara area of California. Maybe God is trying to trap Mr. Thiel in the middle?


    Santiago Canyon Fire of 1889

    The Santiago Canyon Fire of 1889 (previously called the Great Fire of 1889) was a wildfire in California which burned large parts of Orange County and San Diego County during the last week of September, 1889...

  12. Hoss said: "Or does Bob need to find 10 righteous men?"

    10 righteous men leadership positions in the COG? ROTFLMAO! We can't even start with Thiel himself. There is nothing righteous about the man.

  13. NEO wrote: "No armstrongist has to say within your hearing, 'Let's go kill some people." While I was in RCG, Dave Pack actually made the statement that if god told him to take up arms and kill, he would. Aside from the whole idea of Pack hearing God's voice in his head, there is the certainty that Pack would then order his followers to do the same. And considering how close they are to drinking the koolaid, most of them probably would.

  14. James Malm is righteous! Self-righteous!

  15. I don't think God is punishing California, Haiti or Syria. When Amos condemned the nations surrounding Israel he didn't condemn them for not obeying the Law of Moses. Being non-Israelites, they weren't obligated to do so. Paul told the Corinthian church to expel the immoral brother, then said that he doesn't judge the world. Paul didn't expect non-Christians to live like Christians. There are easy explanations as to why California is experiencing fires without having to bring in punishment by God. But, we all see what we want to see to reinforce our beliefs.

  16. The problem with 'Dr.' Thiel addressing these issues, is the fact that he's a wannabee cult guru,
