Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

PCG: Father Herbert Armstrong

Gerald Flurry writes:
Near the end of his life, Mr. Armstrong said that “restoration of God’s government is the one great purpose uppermost in God’s mind.” The new stone and new throne really fit right into that. God has brought His royal government into His Church. And God has His own government ruling from the throne of David.
“Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David ...” (Isaiah 9:7). This is a vision we need to get locked into.
“And I will clothe him with thy robe, and strengthen him with thy girdle, and I will commit thy government into his hand ...” (Isaiah 22:21). The government is in the Church of God. Would God give the throne of David to people who won’t submit to His government? There is no way He would do that! That would defeat God’s own purpose.
“And the key of the house of David will I lay upon his shoulder; so he shall open, and none shall shut; and he shall shut, and none shall open” (verse 22). That key of the house of David comes with a lot of power! Eliakim has the key to the house of David, and nobody can shut that door. Imagine that! We have this open door, and men would love to shut it, but they can’t! Armies would love to shut it, but they can’t! We are oftentimes berated and kicked around, but they can’t shut the door! And it drives them crazy!
“And I will fasten him as a nail in a sure place; and he shall be for a glorious throne to his father’s house” (verse 23). The father in this verse is Mr. Armstrong. This says that my office is going to be a glorious throne to his house. Mr. Armstrong was like a father to me, and many others as well.
Eliakim is a father of the house of Judah. That throne will be returned to Judah. We are saying, “Behold your God!” to the cities of Judah and telling them the Messiah is coming! (Isaiah 40:9). He is going to come and sit on a throne. That throne is here!
“In that day, saith the Lord of hosts, shall the nail that is fastened in the sure place be removed, and be cut down, and fall; and the burden that was upon it shall be cut off: for the Lord hath spoken it” (Isaiah 22:25). I have always thought this refers to the place of safety, and we have the throne of David when we get there.
God has established a new throne that possesses a certain purity that will allow us to pass this throne on to the Savior. How special! The more I think about this, the more I realize that God would never allow it to be done any other way. He would not want the royal family of Britain today to pass that throne to Him, as long as they are behaving the way they are.
We are in a transition movement. We have the throne that will transition to God Himself! It looks like we will present the throne of God to Jesus Christ. We are in the transition stage of Christ ascending to that throne to rule the world!
Imagine the great Father giving us the new stone and the new throne! We are God’s royalty! We have David’s throne! How blessed is this Church.
This is mind-staggering revelation. We have been given a great gift and a clear vision of what God wants us to do. It is going to make God’s new civilization come alive for us! This is a preview of the World Tomorrow! Jesus Christ is about to return and marry His Bride. She will sit on David’s throne and assist Christ in ruling this Earth forever and ever. Our rulership will flow out into the universe, and there will be no end to the government and the peace that it will bring to this Earth and the universe.
How can people truly be this stupid? I can't imagine sitting in church and listening to this idiotic nonsense any more than I could sit and listen to Dave Pack and his nuttiness. 


  1. I could express in no uncertain terms my opinion on the vomit that is spewed out of king mcflurry.

    On the other hand. Perhaps it could be argued that within 80 years we have witnessed with our own eyes how in a nutshell it was possible that the "true jerusalem church" evolved into the roman catholic church.

    pcg refelects the roman catholic church in embryo. (saints, idolatry of bones and stones, the primacy of peter) If somehow they get a hold in the Trump administration (since there is a sda secretary of state), pcg might just establish "the kingdom of god on earth" like the catholic church did through "the holy roman empire of the german nation."

    Just opining........


  2. I understand that these ACOGs have to keep the troops motivated, but why can't they keep it sane?

  3. If Packs blue ribbon tithe slave can put up with Dave's fantasies, the Flurrys tithe slave will also.

    People can be real stupid at times in their lives. What it will take to awaken them remains unknown. Perhaps mass suicide in one group or another might awaken most of them?

  4. GF is exhibiting some of the same wacky behavior that Joseph Smith did in his last days. JS said God had made him "King of the World" in an attempt to get more support and financial backing. Shortly after, he was thrown in jail and then killed by a mob - not a happy ending...

  5. Those who survive both Flurry and Pack are going to have to deal with (PTSD) -- Perverse Theology Stress Disorder-- caused by all this foolishness.


  6. Many thousands of people got suckered into the PCG early on when the apostate Tkaches were destroying the WCG and the PCG was pretending to be faithfully holding on to everything that HWA had taught. Thousands of them also smartened up and left it shortly afterwards as Gerald “flooded” the PCG with all his “new revelation,” or got kicked out for not going along with evil.

    The old sex maniacs, sex perverts, and predators in the PCG were there for their own selfish reasons, and did not care what Gerald Flurry was rambling on about in the background. They let Gerald call himself whatever he wanted to, and went after what they wanted.

    After being totally cut off from all outside sources of sanity for so long, PCG members will not even accurately remember what HWA had actually taught. Those who grew up in the PCG will never have known it.

    Those currently in the PCG risk losing all contact with any family members and fake PCG “friends” if they try to leave the cult. They are trapped--like the filthy rats that so many of them have now become.

  7. And there are still people who sit there and listen to this crap.

    What am I talking about. We sat there and listened to 18 to 22 year old kids singing "Barbershop Quartet" sing-a-longs, an old man convince us the end was coming in just a few years, gave 30% of our income to a small church in California, stared at an empty lectern during "Taped Sermons From Headquarters", believed we were fleeing to Petra on 747s, and traveled 2 to 3 hours in some cases just to go to a church service, every week. Plus, we listened to Waterhouse's crazy nonsense with full attention.

    Maybe it seems crazy looking at it from the outside when we were just as insane while in the clutches of Armstrong's spell.

  8. There are people who thrive on horror movies, financial contrarians who make money from people who are losing theirs, and those who earn huge amounts of revenue repairing the results of disasters. It’s a mindset held by a relatively small percentage of the population, but there is no reason why someone could not apply this same contrarian approach to the field of theology and profit from it. The people attracted to Armstrong theology are a curious mixture of ascetics, masochists, and misery junkies. It is deviant, and goes against typical human patterns of seeking the positive. That is why it is so difficult for people who know and practice better ways to relate to it.


  9. HWA: Gerry ... no, I am your father! ... If you only knew the power of The Dark Side!

  10. Does anyone know whether Waterhouse just innocently wandered into a gay bar or was he a regular?

  11. From what I heard from gay college students, he frequented the bar whenever he was back in Pasadena between trips.

  12. I could imagine Waterhouse being gay "as in thousands of catholic priests".

    I could also imagine someone of that generation walk into a "gay" bar and be very surprised about the leather crowd in a place with such a "jolly" name where people sang something about "ymca". "I'll write you a ticket sir."


  13. People in the PCG's minds have been staggered since childhood. That's how they come to be in the cult.
    Flurry staggers from booze.

  14. Well, it seems that my old classmate and Ambassador Club associate Gerald F. has gone completely mad. I think his next move will be to announce that he has received a message from God to build an actual throne to place over the rock. It has to be of highest quality so he will need a big round of contributions and special offerings from his little flock to adorn it with gold, silver, jewels, etc. Gerald can then conduct bible studies and office meetings from the hallowed seat of authority. Maybe the PCG can put his ashes and bone fragments in a special compartment in there after he dies.

  15. A former AC classmate who was well connected to the gay community in the Atlanta area said that Waterhouse was very well known in that group.

  16. The key is not what Gerald thinks it is. The key to the house of David gets you into and out of the house of David. That is supposed to be either England or the throne in England. That would give Gerry entrance into Buckingham palace or control over immigration policy. He has neither.

  17. "There are people who thrive on horror movies, financial contrarians who make money from people who are losing theirs, and those who earn huge amounts of revenue repairing the results of disasters. It’s a mindset held by a relatively small percentage of the population, but there is no reason why someone could not apply this same contrarian approach to the field of theology and profit from it. The people attracted to Armstrong theology are a curious mixture of ascetics, masochists, and misery junkies. It is deviant, and goes against typical human patterns of seeking the positive. That is why it is so difficult for people who know and practice better ways to relate to it."

    BB, This is one of the best comments I've seen and sums up my childhood at the hands of 'people attracted to Armstrong theology.' Not at all to diminish from your comment: I would add to the seekers: some with severe narcissistic personality disorder.

    What about people who are attracted to Armstrong theology due to narcissistic personality disorder? or leaders with same?

    1. Oh! Agreed, totally on the narcissistic personality disorder! Armstrongism both attracted those with that disorder, and caused it in members who had not had it prior to their exposure to Armstrongism.

      Actually, it goes even deeper. High demand “save your own ass through legalism” Christianity causes a plethora of other personality disorders in the second generation of its members just as would parents who were totally into their own social scene to the exclusion of nurtuting and meeting the emotional needs of their children. In other words, even if Armstrongism were allowed a pass on the narcissism label because it’s a religion, it behaves in the same way and produces the same symptoms as parents who are heavily into their status at the country club, and only see their children as projections of themselves instead of young, developing humans who need to be made to feel wanted and secured and valuable.

      There was actually an article from a psychology magazine or paper published and discussed here and at the Painful Truth site exposing this side effect as it related to Armstrongism. It’s actually not completely a chicken (those attracted) and egg (learned behavior) thing, as people sympathetic to Armstrongism might like to believe. Armstrongism didn’t only attract people with disorders, it directly caused a number of borderline personality disorders in its members and their children, and many of us have had to work very hard to overcome them, because they became part of our deeply embedded, life-long patterns.

      As an example, you can through logic appear not to have detachment disorder. But you cannot recapture the natural human feelings which Armstrongism killed that would normally produce deep relationships with those to whom we are “supposed” to be close, or empathy for other fellow humans. Learning how to shun, how to cut off non-members who are family, and to ignore or not feel the pain of punishing or being punished kills natural feelings. Imagine the budding criminal or mass murderer beginning his warped journey by first mistreating animals. In Armstrongism, that step was skipped. We abandoned normal and natural loving treatment of any fellow humans just because they were not members of the group. A limited application statement like “Let the dead bury the dead” was lifted from context and applied as a paradigm in ways that in no way resemble Jesus’ behavior or character. This realization was especially enlightening as I began to delve into Armstrongism more deeply, and to ask the hardball questions which were forbidden to members.


  18. If Waterhouse was a "genetic", it would add so much more spice to the characters involved. (for those with a fetish playing the wcg play over and over)

    Personally I find "Uncle Tom" accusations distasteful even if used within a particular subgroup to describe the accomodative among their own. However I am interested in the particulars of the human pscyche that made it so that the jews paid for their own tickets into destruction, organizing their own deportation and operating according to the guidelines and timelines as set by their oppressors.

