Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders

Thursday, July 5, 2018

LCG Cavorting With The People That Will PersecuteThem

It is hard to understand the exact position the Living Church of God takes on things.  One minute they claim persecution for what they preach and the next minute they are cavorting with the so-called Christians they love to mock, whom they believe will eventually be persecuting them.

LCG recently attended the National Religious Broadcasters Convention where they pretended that they were Christians like the rest of the people in attendance, though deep down they knew that EVERYONE there was nothing but disgusting fake Christians that their god hates.

Like their mother church in the past, the LCG uses other Christians and their organizations to their advantage as long as it works to advance their cause.

Photo of Gerald Weston and Larry Elder from LCG site
In late February and early March, several ministers from the Living Church of God attended the National Religious Broadcasters Convention (NRB). This non-denominational convention—bringing together several thousand broadcasters from all over the world—represents an opportunity to remain current on technology, equipment and best practices in the areas of television, radio and Internet broadcasting. Political and cultural topics that impact religious broadcast efforts are also discussed, including sessions featuring panels of experts from multiple disciplines and media types.
In the past, God has used these conventions to open doors for the Church to many new opportunities, such as broadcasting Tomorrow’s World into new countries and in other languages, saving money on equipment and services, and providing contacts that further the Church’s efforts in ways we would not have previously imagined.
The 2018 convention was held in Nashville, Tennessee, and Presiding Evangelist Gerald Weston, Mr. Wyatt Ciesielka and Mr. Wallace Smith attended. The NRB was considered significant enough to draw the attention of the White House, which sent Vice President Mike Pence to address the attendees in one of the sessions. And of particular interest to the Work was this year’s focus on issues of censorship and the growing media bias against conservative and religious social values. One panel included popular media figures, such as commentator Larry Elder and popular radio host and author Dennis Prager. Mr. Prager, in particular, has been a victim of YouTube censorship for his intelligently made and culturally conservative videos, many of which the media platform has wrongly placed in the same restrictive category as violent and sexually explicit material.
Some of these sessions discussed the scope of the problem and presented strategies for overcoming biased and unfair restrictions. Since our own Tomorrow’s World telecast is increasingly experiencing the growing force of this culture of censorship of anything resembling godly truth and values, the session was appreciated and very helpful. As panelist Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council pointed out to all attending, the efforts to silence voices that do not agree with our culture’s current slide into moral degradation are growing in strength, and for those who seek to get out a message like ours, we are in a sprint, not a marathon! It was clear from what these speakers presented that this is no time to slow down or “take it easy.”
In addition to the panels and presentations on new media technologies and broadcasting opportunities, Messrs. Weston, Ciesielka and Smith spent time at the NRB with many of our television representatives and vendors, discussing strategies and prospects for expanding and magnifying the impact of the Work.
What a privilege to be able to do God’s Work in the world at such a time as ours! We are grateful for the opportunities presented at the NRB and look forward to applying the information gained there for the sake of the Gospel.

Advancing the Work at the National Religious Broadcasters Convention


  1. Wonder if they met any of the other ACOg splinter broadcast personalities there?

    Actually, considering the ecumenical and inclusive nature of this NRB organization, the sheer philosophical and denominational diversity of Christian broadcasters today, preachers of Armstrongism wouldn’t necessarily be quite so out of place. It’s what they’ve always said about “Christians falsely so-called”, and the ways in which particularly Rod Meredith used to mock some of the other broadcasters’ physical attributes, mannerisms, and sincerity which makes their attendance of this event heinous and hypocritical.

    If we assume as a premise that they feel a sense of commonality with the non-Armstrong broadcasters because of perceived persecutuon, how far are they willing to go if persecution worsens? Will they link arms with the others, join in their defense, and participate in protests? Gonna have their backs? Will they provide financial aid? I’ve often thought that if there were intense side by side persecution of both sabbatarians and Sunday-keeping Christians, some of the barriers which COglodyte preachers had artificially put in place for marketing purposes would begin to fall, and sensing a common plight, Armstrongites would begin to link arms with the mainstream for mutual survival’s sake. Even with (gasp!) Catholics! Uncle Roddy shocked everyone with his revision of the “great falling away” concept, when he included the mainstream Christians in that future falling away. And, in response to one of my past critiques, an anonymous poster had pointed out that Wyatt Ciesielka had actually attended Liberty University with the blessing of LCG. Not about to call and turn myself in to Jerry Weston over that revelation, but do give them some points over it if what was reported is true.

    I guess we will need to stay tuned to discover whether attending the convention is part of an awakening, indicative of outgoing concern for “other” Christians, or just some cheap self-serving hypocrisy. I’d love to be a fly on the wall in a room where Jerry, Wally, and Wyatt debriefed, and discussed their actual opinions of these broadcast folks after the conference.


  2. At the very least, I find a COG cloaking around at a Protestant Convention, stealthily sneaking around with those they have despised, desecrated, condemned as Satanic, spent decades denouncing and hating, ethically scandalous. They aren't making any headway on their own, so they "sneak" into a convention (yes, I know they paid to go), gain information even though they are against the NRB's Statement of Faith and Unity, and pretend to be unified with the convention's goals and mission (NRB is distinctly Trinitarian). To attend a conference with the very ones they have despised for so many decades, and then to use the techniques for their own rogue and theologically different mission is as absolutely unethical as you can get.

    It's just amazing that in order to try to make headway with their own "gospel", they have to get into an actual Mainstream Christian Convention to try and get "tips and tricks" to make their own attempts work. All this does is show how pathetic, weak, and down-trodden Armstrongism has become, when they have to resort to hanging out with the very ones they have condemned unmercifully for decades to try to figure out how to make their own ways work.

    NRB should have ALL ATTENDEES subscribe to their statement of Faith from now on to avoid the sneaky sneaks from Armstrongism from pulling unethical tactics like these for a distinctly Un-Christian agenda.

  3. BB

    Why are you writing that stuff about the sabattarians among the Mayflower crowd? I have here the 1640 church minutes of one dismissed from attending church "for his continuing insistence for the saturday being the Lords Day", annoying the other persecuted refugee christians in church.

    Oh, wait the topic is about tv production. I'm sorry.

    Interesting what you wrote and to see the current trend in the USA that had the Decleration of Independence banned from Facebook this week, for "hate speech." Most likely because of the mention of " savage Indians" that GeorgeIII employed to wreac havoc on the settlements.

    btw rader rallied most of the christian community behind the wcg v state.


  4. From a atheist's perspective, the LCG and the Protestant churches aren't that different. The sermons are similar. The "we are the true church" (and associated looking down at the others) is not unique to Herbs churches. It's common.
    I'm not surprised that they were permitted by the NRB.

    All attendees should "subscribe to their statement of faith?" Using coercion to lord to it over members faith is unbiblical, and is what these churches are fighting against from the government.

  5. Why wasn't the once and future king, Mr. Flurry in attendance? How will he run the world, when he didn't even know to take advantage of the technical knowledge and expertise offered at the NRB convention. Vice President Pence could have set up meeting with President Trump and King Flurry. Imagine both riding in the Gulfstream jet.

  6. Gerald should attend the seminar offered at the NRB on "Preaching the Gospel by Actually Knowing What the Gospel Is"

  7. Byker Bob,

    It is true that Wyatt Ciesielka went to Liberty University...not only with LCG's blessing but also they encouraged him to do so, so that he would have a (more) credible qualification in order to teach subjects at their laughable Living University. He was not the only one that was encouraged to do this.

  8. A phenomenon that is illustrated in a bunch of the recent threads is the marriage of Millerism with theatrics. This marriage seems to be a particularly Armstrongist pursuit.

    The belief that a stone has some divine bona fides is a little creepy - bordering on the occult. But it makes great theater to the followers of this carefully orchestrated yarn. It is not as good as "Ancient Aliens" on the History Channel but it is of the same genre. I assume both attract the same kind of audience. (I have wondered if you surveyed Armstrongists, one would find that most are watchers of Ancient Aliens.)

    Showing up at the National Religious Broadcasters Convention, again, is a form of theatrics. It plays well with the base. It is legitimizing. It keeps the tithes flowing. It makes the followers feel like they are a part of something really big.

    Theatrics has always been a part of Armstrongism - it is something that seems to have originated in the salesmanship of HWA (one must remember that he was not a theologian but a salesman chasing a dollar)and then augmented through the use of media. What are the Armstrongist leaders if not actors?

    Armstrongism could be defined as Millerism plus theatrics. I remember some of the stage productions at AC/BS. It was easy to be convinced that Andy Hardy and his girlfriend were hanging around somewhere in the Field House yelling "Let's put on a show!!" to solve every problem.

    David Koresh put on a really fascinating Millerite show - high drama. For the cultie, it had everything - the End of the Age, Christ Returning, Koresh being resurrected, special knowledge of the Seven Seals of Revelation, persecution, a place of safety and prophecy being fulfilled right now today and "we're an important part of it."

    The Koresh theater (like GTA, Koresh had a proclivity to play guitar and sing through he leaned towards Rock music instead of Country and Western) was glib and absorbing until it turned into a regrettable reality of gunshots and incendiaries. But other than the Branch Davidians and the Armstrongists, Millerism does not use theatrics much - at least I could not find much by researching the web.

    So the Armstrongist thespians will play on to the cheers of the audience hungry for self-importance and willing to pay - all the world is a stage.

  9. NEO

    Religion and the Arts are situated in the same part of the brain.
    As a matter of fact they might be the same although differing in expression.

    A catholic mass would not consist without the theatre. As a matter of fact. Most art is patroned by that church. Armstrongism turned from extremely fundamentalist protestantism (look at the song book in the thirties) to catholic idolizing flurryism, look at the stones and bones. Armstrongism might be among the most theatrical of protestantism therefore. Although the former Anglican Church is more theatrical/catholic in their mass, and the millions of BI adherents it ones had. NOTHING beats the "KING and I" and other musicals, Barber shop quartet, Tevje, Pirates of Penzance. Oklahoma etc etc etc MASS of WCG.


  10. Ciesielka is one of the most vain, egotistical, pseudo-intellects I have ever known. He thinks he's pretty great but he's not. Add to that his greediness for power and head-pats from his higher-ups in combination with his lack of Christian character and you end up with a pile of poo.

    He personifies your typical LCG minister. Out of touch, judgmental and power hungry.

  11. Ron Dart mentioned how he had considered joining a Christian broadcast group. Everything looked okay, including tolerance of the non-mainstream doctrines of his own organization. However, the one condition the group had that stopped Ron from joining was that members must be Trinitarian.

  12. We must also remember that Armstrongites are people with strong viewpoints which would normally prevent them from blending or fitting in with others. It’s no secret that individuals or small groups in our current era can often be powerless if running up against the various controlling collectives which exist. Often, for survival, they would need a larger collective to advocate for them. In such cases, strategy involves at least superficially aligning oneself or one’s group with a collective which is as close a match as possible, concentrating on common ground rather than obvious differences. Disingenuous or not, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.” encapsulates this strategy nicely.

    The alliances which these ACOg groups are choosing vary widely. Mark Armstrong, based on his weekly newsletters, seems to have aligned himself with the alt.right and white nationalists. Gerald Flurry seems to be attempting to align himself with the types of people once cultivated by HWA. Vic Kubik has been in league with international charities for years. And of course, the classic: GCI and the Evangelicals.

    If the wagons are ever circled in the future, as some of these groups expect, the friends these folks have made over the years will excuse and translate the weirdness for the general public, unless something along the lines of Waco or Guyana takes place. Even so, although their crosses pissed off LCg ministers and therefore the LCg members, the Christian community indulged in an outpour of support for LCg immediately following the tragic events in Wisconsin.

    We’ve all been programmed to see Armstrongites as being rigid I-O thinkers, oblivious to the concept of compromise. For the movement to get to the next level, and for it to shed its largely cultic practices, more openness and exposure are required. Perhaps this NRB convention is a start?


    1. WHAT?? Associating with, even working cooperatively with ham-eating, Sunday-keeping, cross-worshipping people? Willingly? HOW CAN THIS BE, BRETHREN? :)

    2. Heh! That reminded me of an old Jewish buddy of mine and his one dating rule for the ladies: “If your lips have touched swine, they won’t touch mine!”


  13. Hosts comment reminds me of Ron Dart sitting in a hotel foyer after Unleavened bread service and a guy dressed up in a bugs bunny suit carrying a Easter basket with eggs walked past. Ron Dart remarked and they think we are weird.

  14. Ciesielka is one of the most vain, egotistical, pseudo-intellects I have ever known. He thinks he's pretty great but he's not. Add to that his greediness for power and head-pats from his higher-ups in combination with his lack of Christian character and you end up with a pile of poo.

    LCG members and even employees have gone to the higher-ups to complain about Ciesielka's lack of Christian character. So far, in every case, it has been the complainers who have been disciplined, fired, or even run out of the church. What power does Ciesielka have over the top LCG leadership?

  15. According to 'The subtle power of spiritual abuse,' bible college students are taught how to 'act' as pastors (Page 131, 'Image is everything'). For instance, they are told to never cross their legs when sitting, or allow the soles of their shoes to show. They must appear to be right and know all the answers. So theatrics is the norm with Christianity, going back all the way to the Pharisees with their modified robes and fake public prayers.

    I don't believe this is completely wrong as school teachers are taught something similar, called role play by psychologists. It's the all image, and no substance, combined with abuse that's the problem.

    1. Anon 4:57 You raise a very good point but role playing at being a certain role can only take a person so far. At some point you have to be the real deal.
      What Christ brought and wants is authentic christians not role playing actors. The COG movement is suffering now because its filled with power hungry frauds

  16. "LCG members and even employees have gone to the higher-ups to complain about Ciesielka's lack of Christian character. So far, in every case, it has been the complainers who have been disciplined, fired, or even run out of the church. "

    It's not about "Christian Behavior". It's about Power, Control, Authority, and members "knowing their place" - which means "just tithe and shut up already."

  17. Hoss noted: " However, the one condition the group had that stopped Ron from joining was that members must be Trinitarian."

    Well he could have said "I am one tonight" No wait...that's a country western song of some kind..

  18. Wyatt is a little bitch for the higher ups. He will do and say whatever they want.

  19. In the past, God has used these conventions to open doors for the Church to many new opportunities, such as broadcasting Tomorrow’s World into new countries and in other languages, saving money on equipment and services, and providing contacts that further the Church’s efforts in ways we would not have previously imagined.

    To those in the Living Church of God, this statement is an indictment of itself, proving that it is a organization trapped on a treadmill going nowhere.

    Did any members ask themselves after reading this why HWA didn't have to rely on such a convention to open doors for himself? Did any members ask themselves after reading this why GOD has to rely on the Religious Broadcasting Network to open doors for HIS CHURCH?
    Did any members ask themselves after reading this why my church believes and participates in yoking themselves to Satan inspired worldly institutions for the furtherance of what is supposed to be a SPIRITUAL institution?

    If any one of you members would go to your individual minister and inform them that you plan to attend a Methodist Church convention because you believe that it would further your spiritual growth and open doors to new opportunities and give you contacts for future guidance what do you think your minister's response is going to be? I would bet first you would get an incredulous look followed by the quote of II Cor. 6:14 - Be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness.

    The main problem with the Living Church of God and most of the other COGs is that by their actions they deny Jesus Christ. First of all they put their trust in money followed by a trust in themselves and then a trust in worldly institutions and technology and a undeclared reliance upon a conservative Republican government. Where is the power of God expressed or witnessed to as to the means of the furtherance of the plan of God? When the Living Church of God continues to try and blend the "Ezekiel warning" with a gospel message and label it "The Work" and give it to the public, it will always be what it is now, a mangled mess of gloom and doom with a kingdom attached at the end. That is certainly not the gospel the apostles finally understood after Jesus Christ's resurrection and witnessed to in person and writings for us to read today.

    I guess it would too much to expect and a laughable wish to hope that the leaders of the COGs would take it upon themselves to live Mark 6:8: ...that they should take nothing for their journey, save a staff only; no scrip, no bread, no money in their wallet. And with this complete reliance on God speak of the true gospel of God.

  20. If any one of you members would go to your individual minister and inform them that you plan to attend a Methodist Church convention because you believe that it would further your spiritual growth and open doors to new opportunities and give you contacts for future guidance what do you think your minister's response is going to be?

    Living University asked LCG ministers to go to Jerry Falwell's Liberty University to obtain graduate degrees in theology. It would be hypocrisy for an LCG minister to correct a member for doing the same.

  21. Anon 5:37 wrote:

    Wyatt is a little bitch for the higher ups. He will do and say whatever they want.

    Wyatt is on LCG's Council of Elders and runs the entire "TV" (audiovisual) department. He IS one of the higher ups! His character and values are molding the character and values of employees and ministers in LCG.

  22. Dennis, you may be thinking about "Walking in Memphis" written and originally recorded by Marc Cohn and later recorded by Cher and Lonestar.

  23. Anon 12:16, I'm talking about the evangelist moron. I haven't done cult thing in awhile, but I think they still rank higher up????

  24. I'm talking about the evangelist moron

    Is 1:49PM talking about the moron Weston, the moron Winnail, the moron Ames, or the moron Wachowicz?

    It will be interesting to see which of LCG's Pastor-rank ministers are next elevated to Evangelist rank. Several of LCG's ministers are almost openly lusting after such a raise in rank, which they consider deserved and too-long played.

  25. I am so completely brainwashed by the people on this blog that my brain did't even register that Weston had a selfie taken with a person of color.

    I spend too much time here. My brain doesnt compute reality anymore.


    1. You don’t suppose they have drinks together occasionally, do you nck?

      Jerry Weston has come to resemble Dr. C. Paul Meredith in his old age.

